The Evening Blues - 12-26-23


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: James P. Johnson

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features stride pianist James P. Johnson. Enjoy!

James P. Johnson - Charleston

"Television brought the brutality of war into the comfort of the living room. Vietnam was lost in the living rooms of America - not on the battlefields of Vietnam."

-- Marshall McLuhan

News and Opinion

Dozens of Elderly Gazans 'Executed' by Israeli Troops

More than 1,000 Palestinian elders have been killed by Israeli bombs and bullets during the 10-week Gaza onslaught, with dozens of men and women over age 60 "executed" by Israel Defense Forces troops, a prominent human rights group said Friday.

"Israel has turned all people in the [Gaza] Strip into targets since the October 7 start of its ongoing genocide against Palestinians there," Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, a Geneva-based nonprofit, asserted in a statement.

Euro-Med Monitor said that 1,049 elderly men and women have been killed by Israeli forces since they began bombing the densely populated enclave in retaliation for the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel that left more than 1,100 people dead.

The group said the majority of elderly Gazan victims were crushed to death under the debris of their homes or the shelter where they sought safety amid Israel's near-relentless bombardment. Others were killed while venturing out in search of basic necessities.

"Alarmingly, however, dozens were targeted in killings and field executions," the NGO alleged. "These incidents included soldiers shooting elderly people immediately after ordering them to evacuate their homes, and in some cases, executing them just moments after their release from hours or days of arbitrary detention."

Euro-Med Monitor noted:

The elderly Dr. Akram Abu Hasira and his wife were shot and left to bleed to death by Israeli forces on... December 21, after being forcibly evacuated from their home on Yarmouk Street in Gaza City. The soldiers then set fire to their home. Their son, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Hasira, reported that after the Israeli forces withdrew from the area, their family managed to bury the couple's bodies....

[Euro-Med Monitor] also highlighted the execution of Dr. Muhammad Eid Shabir, 77, former president of the Islamic University in
Gaza, along with his wife, Rihab Muhammad Shabir, 74, on November 11... His daughter confirmed to Euro-Med Monitor that Israeli planes bombed
her aunt's house on Abu Hasira Street in Gaza, killing five civilians,
while 15 people survived the attack. The majority of victims were women
and children...

"They came out alive, fleeing into the street, where my mother sent a distress message, and I heard my father's voice calling for one of his grandchildren," the daughter told Euro-Med Monitor... "After the start of the truce on November 25, my parents were found dead in the street on the opposite road to Shifa after they had been shot by an army sniper."

Other Gaza elders reportedly killed by Israeli forces but not highlighted in Euro-Med Monitor's statement include Nahida Khalil Anton, a 70-year-old Palestinian Christian woman who, along with her 50-year-old daughter Samar Kamal Anton, left the sanctuary of the Holy Family Parish in Gaza City to use a bathroom in another building. Both women were shot by an Israeli sniper or snipers; one while trying to carry the other to safety.

Israel denies killing the women. Pope Francis reacted angrily to the killings, accusing Israel of "terrorism."

Elderly Gazans also face a higher risk of starvation and disease, as Israel has cut off the flow of food, medicine, and hygiene staples.

"Tens of thousands of elderly people are at serious risk of death," warned Euro-Med Monitor, given that nearly 70% of them "suffer from chronic diseases, and the majority of them have not received any medical care, as most of the hospitals are out of service."

The group also noted that "distinct suffering experienced by elderly people residing in displacement camps, where there are no services or care options available to them that are appropriate for their age, health issues, inability to withstand cold weather, or frequent need to use the restroom. Notably, 700–1,000 people must use a single bathroom in these camps."

"Israel is waging a campaign of widespread punishment and killing, and oppressing Palestinian society's most vulnerable groups in a way that is seldom seen in the modern history of wars or armed conflicts," the statement concludes. "Israel's genocide of Palestinians in Gaza fully unveils its blatant disregard for international humanitarian law and is a serious transgression of the principles of war."

Euro-Med Monitor's analysis came as the Palestinian death toll from 78 days of near-relentless Israeli attacks topped 20,000, with around 70% of those killed women and children. More than 50,000 others have been injured. Around 1.9 million of Gaza's 2.3 million people have also been forcibly displaced; most of the strip's homes have been damaged or destroyed.

"The need for a permanent cease-fire has become urgent, and... in order to stop the ongoing genocide war, an immediate international investigation must be launched into Israel's horrific crimes," the group said. "Any countries that remain silent are actively encouraging Israeli genocide."

Israeli airstrikes kill more than 100 as assault on Gaza widens

The Gaza Strip is facing some of the deadliest fighting to date in the present war as Israel expands its offensive just days after the UN security council passed a resolution calling for more aid and urgent steps for a sustainable ceasefire.

More than 100 people were killed in Israeli airstrikes late on Sunday in the centre of the besieged Palestinian territory, including at least 70 in bombings that hit a residential block in the Maghazi refugee camp near Deir al-Balah, health officials in Gaza said.

Deir al-Balah was also hit overnight despite previously being identified by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as an “evacuation zone” for Palestinians fleeing the fighting.

The Palestinian Red Crescent published footage from al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital, in Deir al-Balah, showing dazed and bloodied children covered in rubble dust. There were also dozens of white body bags.

At the scene of the attack on Maghazi, people screamed and shouted in the dark as they tried to dig for survivors from the collapsed buildings.

Palestinian Christian Pastor Slams Western Silence on Genocide in Gaza

Archbishop of Canterbury and pope focus on Gaza in Christmas messages

The archbishop of Canterbury and the pope have used their Christmas addresses to show solidarity with Bethlehem and those caught up in the Israel-Gaza war. Referring to Jesus Christ’s birthplace, which is now in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Justin Welby said “the skies of Bethlehem are full of fear rather than angels and glory”. He also drew comparisons to the turbulent conditions of Jesus’s birth and the current plight of children in the troubled region.

“Today a crying child is in a manger somewhere in the world, nobody willing or able to help his parents who desperately need shelter,” he said at the service at Canterbury Cathedral. “Or perhaps in an incubator, in a hospital low on electricity, like the Anglican al-Ahli [hospital] in Gaza, surrounded by suffering and death.

“Or maybe the newborn lies in a house that still bears the marks of the horrors of October 7, with family members killed ​​and a mother who counted her life as lost.”

In his Christmas Eve homily, the pope also spoke of the Israel-Gaza war, saying Jesus’s message of peace was being drowned out by conflict in the land where he was born. “Tonight our hearts are in Bethlehem, where the Prince of Peace is once more rejected by the futile logic of war, by the clash of arms that even today prevents him from finding room in the world,” Pope Francis said during the service at St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.

Norm Finkelstein UNLEASHED: Bibi, RFK Jr, Bill Maher

Hostages’ families heckle Netanyahu as he warns Israel ‘expanding’ Gaza fight

Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has said the offensive in Gaza “isn’t close to finished”, as he faces heavy domestic pressure to reach a deal to bring home the more than 100 Israeli hostages thought to remain in captivity in Gaza.

“We are expanding the fight in the coming days and this will be a long battle,” Netanyahu said after visiting Gaza on Monday, according to a statement from his Likud party.

As he vowed to continue the war during a speech in parliament, relatives of the hostages interrupted him and called for their immediate return. “Now! Now!” they shouted. ...

The rising death toll of Israeli soldiers from the ground operation has also threatened to undermine public support for the war. The Israeli military announced the deaths of two more soldiers on Monday, bringing the total killed in the war to 156.

The U.S. News thinks that "the war" is depriving Gaza's children of food. Incredible.

Gaza Children Dizzy From Hunger as War Impedes Food Deliveries

The children displaced to south Gaza were craving chicken, but all their mother had left to feed the family for the day was a tin of peas donated by a man who took pity on her when he saw her crying.

Left homeless by Israel's military offensive against Hamas, like most of Gaza's 2.3 million population, Tahany Nasr was in a tent camp in Rafah focused on one thing only: how to find enough food and water to get everyone through another day.

She said her children had lost weight and were getting dizzy spells because they were not eating enough.

"I've been begging to feed my children and don't find anything. I go to Social Affairs, they say go to the mosque. I go to the mosque, they say go to the Affairs," she said, referring to Gaza's welfare ministry which normally organises distributions of basic goods like flour to people in hardship. ...

"We have started to see people coming in emaciated," said Samia Abu Salah, a primary care doctor in Rafah. She said weight loss and anaemia were common and people were so weak and dehydrated they were more susceptible to chest infections and skin conditions. Babies and children were particularly at risk, and their growth would be affected.

Israeli airstrike in Damascus kills high-ranking Iranian general, says Iran

An Israeli airstrike in a Damascus neighbourhood on Monday killed a high-ranking Iranian general, Iranian state media has said.

Iranian officials and allied militant groups in the region vowed revenge for the killing but did not immediately launch any retaliatory strike.

The killing of Sayyed Razi Mousavi, a longtime adviser of the Iranian paramilitary Revolutionary Guards in Syria, comes amid ongoing fears of the Israel-Hamas war sparking a regional spillover. Iran-backed groups in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq have launched attacks on Israel and its allies in support of Hamas.

Clashes along Lebanon-Israel border between Hezbollah and Israel have continued to intensify, with daily exchanges of missiles, airstrikes and shelling across the frontier.

Twitter/X censors Susan Sarandon’s support for protest demanding a ceasefire in Gaza

Academy Award-winning actress Susan Sarandon, who has steadfastly spoken out against the Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, was censored by X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday. A post by the actress in the morning contained a graphic promoting a protest in New York City later that day that stated, “Stop the Bombs! Workers Demand Peace and Justice for Palestine! Ceasefire Now!” The rally at Bryant Park in Manhattan was also endorsed by more than two dozen labor and left-wing organizations.

Subsequently X flagged the post with limited visibility and a warning that stated, “This post may violate X’s rules against Violent Speech.” To view the post, X users must click on the warning label. The restrictions on the post also prevent commenting or sharing it, and attempts to do so include a message that states, “We try to keep X a place for healthy conversation, so we’ve disabled most of the ways to engage with this Post.” ...

According to X’s rules page, the prohibition against violent speech means, “You may not threaten, incite, glorify, or express desire for violence or harm.” Furthermore, among the items X lists as violent speech are violent threats, wish of harm, incitement of violence and glorification of violence. The post by Sarandon does not contain a violation of any of the X platform rules. What it does do, however, is puncture a hole in the pro-Zionist propaganda barrage by the US government, the corporate news media and the Hollywood elite. By tagging Sarandon as a supporter of “violence,” X is justifying the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza that has now officially killed more than 20,000 people, the majority of whom are women and children.

Meanwhile, there has been an outpouring of public support for the stance taken by Sarandon on X, with many users thanking her for “standing up for humanity against genocide.” Others denounced the platform’s moderators for flagging the post, demanding an explanation of how the demand for a ceasefire and an end to the murder of innocent Palestinians constitutes “violent speech.”

Acting on behalf of the ruling political parties and the military in the US and Israel, Elon Musk’s Twitter/X is attempting to contain the spread of mass opposition to the crime of ethnic cleansing being carried out in Gaza and using social media tools of censorship to do so. The attempt to silence outspoken celebrities such as Susan Sarandon is being mounted out of fear and desperation.

“The U.S. Has To Attack Iran To Keep Trade Flowing”

But there's plenty of money for bombs and tanks.

As billionaire wealth surges, US faces record homelessness

This holiday season, America’s financial oligarchy is celebrating as the Dow Jones Industrial Average breaks record after record. But this winter, more homeless Americans than ever will spend the holidays on the streets, in homeless shelters, in parked cars and RVs, in abandoned buildings and under highway overpasses.

The number of homeless people in the United States has hit a record 653,000, a 12 percent increase over the prior year and an all-time record. This year, the number of homeless people in America was greater than the entire population of Vermont or Wyoming. These figures come from the annual “point-in-time survey” of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), released earlier this month.

But even these figures are likely an underestimation. A 2017 report from the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty noted that a previous study using “administrative data collected from homeless services” estimated that the annual number of homeless people in the US is “2.5 to 10.2 times greater than can be obtained using a point in time count.”

The simultaneous growth of extreme wealth and extreme poverty is the result of deliberate policies carried out by the ruling class for the benefit of the financial oligarchy—that is, for the benefit of Wall Street, major corporations, financial institutions, billionaires and the politicians who represent their interests. Despite posturing as friends of the working class, President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have continued many of the same billionaire-friendly social and tax policies that were promoted under the Trump administration.

the horse race

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Against State's GOP-Rigged Legislative Maps

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Friday ruled that the state's Republican-gerrymandered state legislative maps are unconstitutional and must be redrawn before the 2024 elections.

Justice Jill J. Karofsky wrote for the court's 4-3 majority that the current maps violate a constitutional provision "that Wisconsin's state legislative districts must be composed of physically adjoining territory."

The ruling only applies to Wisconsin's state Assembly and Senate maps, not its congressional map.

"Given the language in the Constitution, the question before us is straightforward," Karofsky wrote. "When legislative districts are composed of separate, detached parts, do they consist of 'contiguous territory'? We conclude that they do not."

Justice Janet Protasiewicz—whose election earlier this year gave the court a liberal majority—voted with the majority. This was expected, as Protasiewicz made gerrymandering a key campaign issue and slammed the GOP-drawn maps as "rigged" and "unfair."

Brought by Campaign Legal Center (CLC), Law Forward, the Election Law Clinic at Harvard Law School, Stafford Rosenbaum LLP, and Arnold & Porter, the lawsuit argued that "Wisconsin's current legislative districts are unconstitutional in multiple ways" that deliberately split Democratic voters in mid-sized cities and towns, giving Republicans an illegal electoral edge.

Friday's ruling states:

At least 50 of 99 Assembly districts and at least 20 of 33 Senate districts include separate, detached territory. A particularly stark example is the Madison-area 47th Assembly District... This district contains more than a dozen separate, detached parts that are home to thousands of people who must cross one or more other districts before reaching another part of the 47th.

Indigenous people are among those intentionally divided by Wisconsin's maps.

"Although my people have been on this land for thousands of years, we continue to fight for fair and equal access to the ballot," Anne Egan-Waukau, an enrolled member of the Menominee Nation, wrote for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "We have faced significant barriers to voter access, from misinformation to restrictive voter identification laws, and most recently, gerrymandering."

"Our current legislative maps are among the most skewed in the country, and have specifically divided tribal communities across districts, depriving our people of fair representation," she added.

Dan Lenz, a lawyer for the petitioners in the case, toldThe New York Times that the ruling is "a victory for a representative democracy in the state of Wisconsin."

"For too long, right-wing interests have rigged the rules without any consequences," he said. "Gerrymandered maps have distorted the political landscape, stifling the voice of the voters."


the evening greens

Do electric cars really produce fewer carbon emissions than petrol or diesel vehicles?

There is a spectre haunting electric cars: the question of greenwashing. What if, for all the green hopes attached to zero-emissions cars, the truth is that they fail to achieve their main goal of cutting world-heating carbon emissions? ... Any assessment of carbon emissions associated with a product needs to look at its whole life cycle, from manufacture to scrapping (and, hopefully, recycling). Many claims about electric cars’ supposedly worse environmental toll focus on manufacturing and ignore the actual use of the cars.

The grain of truth in the criticism is that EVs do indeed take significantly more energy to manufacture. Battery production requires large amounts of electricity to heat ovens to bake electrode materials, and to charge and discharge the battery to prepare it for use. While electricity can be produced with zero emissions, most countries still burn carbon-heavy fossil fuels to turn generators. Analysis by the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, cited by the US Environmental Protection Agency, suggests that manufacturing battery cars produces about 60% more carbon emissions than their fossil fuel cousins.

That means that electric cars start with a big carbon disadvantage, sometimes described as a “carbon debt”. However, Eoin Devane, a senior analyst for surface transport at the Climate Change Committee, the UK government’s climate science adviser, said: “If you look at the data, that ‘carbon debt’ is paid off within about two years of driving the vehicle.”

The vast majority of fossil fuel cars’ carbon footprint comes in use, when exhaust pipes constantly spew carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Transport & Environment (T&E), a campaign group, calculates that a new petrol car will produce about 27 tonnes if driven for 100,000 kilometres (62,000 miles), and 49 tonnes over 200,000km. Electric cars, by contrast, use less energy and can charge from zero-carbon sources. Just how much greener electric cars can be in operation depends on how much renewable electricity is used in local grids. Transport & Environment has a handy online calculator that allows you to play with the grid, choosing between different countries’ energy mixes and whether the battery was made in carbon-heavy China or greener Sweden. Where the lines cross indicates how many miles are needed for a battery car to win on carbon emissions.

Lucien Mathieu, T&E’s cars director, said that even if you choose a worst-case scenario – vehicles made and driven with electricity largely from coal – the electric car will win out after about 70,000km (about six years of driving). “The more you drive an electric car, the better it gets,” he said.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Chris Hedges: The Cost of Bearing Witness

At This Point We Have To Always Assume Israel Is Lying Until Proven Otherwise

Evidence Missing in ‘Mass Rape’ Charge Against Hamas

‘Sorrow and silence’ in Bethlehem as Christmas festivities are cancelled

"Christ in the Rubble": Palestinian Pastor Delivers Powerful Christmas Sermon from Bethlehem

Joe Biden Accuser Tara Reade SUING FBI For Harassment!

Failed attempt at Serbia color revolution

A Little Night Music

Bessie Smith & James P. Johnson - Back Water Blues

James P. Johnson - Ain't Misbehavin'

James P. Johnson - Jingles

James P. Johnson - Snowy Morning Blues

Ethel Waters & James P Johnson - My Handy Man

James P. Johnson - Over The Bars

Clarence Williams and His Washboard Band - Christmas Night In Harlem

James P. Johnson - You've Got to Be Modernistic

James P. Johnson - Keep Off the Grass

10 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Nutty Yahoo! Voting is not yet fully tabulated due to technical issues.
He was in close competition with exlensky, until the Gaza massacre.

Sponsered by neocon think tanks, the annual award works out to
about a billion US $ in weapons and cash prizes.
Biden had to take a back seat this year for lack of coherency.

thanks for the blues!

11 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

joe shikspack's picture


well, there are a few days left in the year and it's still possible for the other major contenders to do something awful, though i would agree that netanyahu is leading the pack.

have a good one!

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


It has since been modified and not so glaring. And I had to search for it under Biden headlines instead of it being on the front page. But the inside of the article wasn’t toned down. But still I wonder who gave permission for it to be published because it’s a doozy.

Gaza Is Set To Torpedo Joe Biden's Claim To A Human Rights Legacy

The president promised he would champion values like universal rights and the dignity of every person. Then the Israel-Hamas war began.

Visiting the State Department 10 days after his inauguration, President Joe Biden said his foreign policy would prioritize an approach to diplomacy defined by: “defending freedom, championing opportunity, upholding universal rights, respecting the rule of law, and treating every person with dignity.”

Nearly three years later, Biden’s handling of the biggest international crisis of his presidency — a shock Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7 and a devastating U.S.-backed Israeli campaign of retaliation since — has shattered any credibility he had in claiming those guiding lights.

Biden’s narrative of championing human rights globally crumbled in striking ways throughout his presidency. But foreign affairs watchers say his actions over the last three months have dealt a knockout blow to that image — and to Biden’s pledge to represent America in the world in a meaningfully more humane way than his predecessor and likely 2024 presidential election rival Donald Trump.

“Biden and his administration told us in their own words … how all this stuff is important, so this is the standard that they created for themselves,” said Yousef Munayyer, a senior fellow at the Arab Center think tank. “The scale of destruction of Palestinian life, the mass killing, the cruelty that we’re seeing the United States support and stand by is unlike anything we have ever seen, and not like anything we saw during the Trump administration.”

“Biden and his administration told us in their own words … how all this stuff is important, so this is the standard that they created for themselves,” said Yousef Munayyer, a senior fellow at the Arab Center think tank. “The scale of destruction of Palestinian life, the mass killing, the cruelty that we’re seeing the United States support and stand by is unlike anything we have ever seen, and not like anything we saw during the Trump administration.”

Early Hope, Rapid Disappointment

In his first months in office, rights advocates celebrated as Biden took steps to address a policy that began with President Barack Obama and expanded under Trump, ultimately creating the world’s worst humanitarian crisis: U.S. support for one side in the civil war in Yemen.

Yet it soon became clear the old-school president would not truly break with the old U.S. foreign policy habit of treating human rights as a secondary concern. In April 2021, HuffPost broke the news that Biden greenlit the biggest arms deal of the Trump era, a $23 billion package for the UAE that many lawmakers and national security experts saw as destabilizing, given the Emirates’ pattern of fueling conflicts across the Middle East.


In the interim, Biden sparked worldwide horror by fulfilling his promise to withdraw from Afghanistan through a chaotic August 2021 pull-out that abandoned thousands of Afghans who worked with the U.S. and ushered in mass rights violations, particularly against women and religious minorities, by Taliban militants.

The trauma remains deep years later, current and former officials told HuffPost this spring, as well as the impression that Biden botched it: “There were challenges that were inherited, but I do not believe they couldn’t have been overcome,” noted civilian protection expert Marla Keenan.

One thing that was left out of the story is how Biden is still persecuting Julian Assange. I’d think that they should have included him. But still it looks like the parasite class is upping the war between different factions.

Heh…guess Biden has another reason to bitch at how the media portrays him.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


the treatment of him and the western hero Alexei Navalny.

Navalny said he was moved Saturday night to a prison near the village of Kharp above the Arctic Circle on the Yamal Peninsula, a tundra in Russia’s Siberia region that is known as the “end of the world.”

Navalny, who is serving a 19-year prison sentence on extremism charges, disappeared for about three weeks before his spokesperson confirmed over the weekend he was moved to the penal colony on Yamal.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation, founded by Navalny, said Russian President Vladimir Putin likely wanted to isolate his chief critic ahead of the presidential elections this spring.

I don't remember hearing anything directly from Assange or even whether he access to X while he awaiting the deportation to the US for doing journalism.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


They are livid about his being imprisoned, but they think it’s just because he was running against Putin who loves to throw his opposition in prison…without knowing why he was or that he was being propped up by the CIA. Plus he was so brave to return to Russia even knowing that he would be arrested. I don’t understand why he did because he knew that he had broken his terms for probation.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


i don't think that biden cares about his legacy. he's not going to be lucid enough for it to matter to him much longer. he seems only dimly aware that people don't like him and thinks that his pr people are at fault now.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


How many Israeli government officials need to say that they are trying to ethnically exterminate the Palestinians from Palestine before the western governments acknowledge it? Biden and Ursula have been trying to bribe Egypt and Jordan with billions if they take the Palestinians into their country. And the longer the Houthis shut down passage of ships Egypt will lose money from the Suez Canal…a win for Israel and Biden.

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


hollywood actress and violent extremist. quite a resume that musk is building for susan sarandon.

what a joke.

5 users have voted.

impact of U.S.-led Operation Prosperity Guardian.

What a difference a few days make Dec 24.

Commercial ships can safely pass through the Red Sea again: ‘Most welcome news’

Commercial vessels are now able to safely pass through the Red Sea with the help of a new security initiative, the world’s largest shipping firm has announced.

Maersk said in a press release Sunday that it has received confirmation that U.S.-led Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG) has been set up and deployed, allowing commerce to safely pass through the Red Sea using the Suez Canal as a gateway between Asia and Europe.

“This is most welcome news for the entire industry and indeed the functionality of global trade,” Maersk said in the release.


The Swiss-based company said its container ship MSC United VIII was attacked around 12:25 UTC while en route from King Abdullah Port, Saudi Arabia to Karachi, Pakistan.

Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi militia also on Tuesday claimed to have fired missiles at the vessel, without saying it was struck.

"Currently, all crew are safe with no reported injuries and a thorough assessment of the vessel is being introduced," MSC said in a statement. "Our first priority remains protecting the lives and safety of our seafarers, and until their safety can be ensured MSC will continue to reroute vessels booked for Suez transit via the Cape of Good Hope."

The United States said Tuesday that it had shot down 12 attack drones and five missiles launched by the Iran-backed Houthis, as the Israeli military said a fighter jet successfully shot down a “hostile aerial target” — believed to be a drone launched at Israel from Yemen — over the Red Sea.

In a statement, US CENTCOM said the USS Laboon, a guided-missile destroyer, and F-18 fighter jets from the Eisenhower carrier strike group were involved in the effort to down 12 one-way attack drones, three anti-ship ballistic missiles, and two land attack cruise missiles in the southern Red Sea that were fired by the Houthis over a 10-hour period.

4 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


yep, it looks like france has departed the coalition and the coalition may not perform up to the needs of global shippers. way to go, genocide joe! but this could all be stopped with a phone call.

3 users have voted.

@humphrey I gotta believe either carrot or stick applied to Maersk like US will pay for losses or threatened them bigly with sanctions/pictures of the execs if they did return to the Red Sea. All it will take is one or two hits by the Houthis to stop all traffic again.

3 users have voted.

Genocide "R" Us!

7 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


but think of the jobz!!! /s

3 users have voted.

Mr. Johnson played pretty well. s/
Ok, he was magnificent. For real.
I think 3rd grade, I was in some school play, asked to do The Charleston. Mom made the costume. Not sure what record I danced to, but that was the song, forever a favorite, bringing back many childhood memories.
My childhood memories are 150% better than the ones since Oct. 7, 2023.
2024 has got to be better or we should just decide to duck and cover, or the stick it to the man alternative.
Thanks for the ebs. I am gonna watch that long Finkelstein vid now that Dear One and I ate homemade pizza. Never thought I would see the day when RFK, Jr. and Bill Maher would be lumped together for genocidal tendencies with Bibi.
Great stuff, joe! Thanks so much!

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

joe shikspack's picture

@on the cusp

yep, my childhood memories have been improving in light of current situations in the world. i feel sorry for kids growing up today, i think that there's a lot of value that has been stolen from them.

heh, if 2024 doesn't turn the corner towards a better world, i think that we should all invest in excavation equipment so that we can form a true underground community of mole people. the good thing is that below surface temperatures are much more pleasant year round that above surface temperatures in much of the world.

i haven't managed to get through the whole finkelstein interview, the part i watched was pretty good - i always enjoy hearing bill maher get skewered. i hope to get through the whole thing this weekend.

have a good one!

6 users have voted.

Tulkarm or Tulkarem is a Palestinian city in the West Bank, the capital of the Tulkarm Governorate of the State of Palestine. The Israeli city of Netanya is to the west, and the Palestinian cities of Nablus and Jenin to the east. Wikipedia

Reports Israeli forces blocked ambulances after deadly West Bank drone strike
Alan Fisher Reporting from occupied East Jerusalem

Undoubtedly the biggest event of the night was in Tulkarem, where an Israeli drone strike killed six Palestinians and injured a number more.

We are told by locals, and there is video on social media that tends to support this, that Israeli military vehicles stopped the Palestinian Red Cross/Red Crescent from getting anywhere near the injured.

And, of course, in situations like that, it becomes a matter of life and death.

Eventually, the ambulances were allowed through and a number of people were taken to the nearby hospital, at least two of them in critical condition.

Also in Tulkarem, there were raids on a number of houses… and snipers were placed on the roof to make sure they had complete cover.

5 users have voted.

Patient falls and infections spiked at hospitals that were taken over by private equity firms according to a new study.

The study, published Tuesday in the Journal of American Medicine, used data from 100 percent Medicare Part A claims and found that three years after hospitals experienced private equity acquisition, there was a 25.4 percent rise in “hospital-acquired conditions, which was driven by falls and central line–associated bloodstream infections.”

Profits come before providing healthcare!

6 users have voted.