The Evening Blues - 12-7-23


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Elmore James

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features Chicago blues guitarist and singer Elmore James. Enjoy!

Elmore James And The Broom Dusters - Sunnyland

"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid."

-- Benjamin Franklin

News and Opinion

US Official Won't Call Forced Abandonment of Gaza Newborns a War Crime

U.S. State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller demurred Wednesday when asked if footage of decomposing newborn babies who died in a Gaza hospital—where staff were forced to flee an imminent Israeli invasion—showed a war crime.

"I would say that is a tragedy," Miller said during his daily press conference in response to a question from Al-Quds reporter Said Arikat about the infants' remains found last week in the evacuated neonatal intensive care unit at al-Nassr Children's Hospital in northern Gaza.

"It's a tragedy for those babies. It's a tragedy for their family members. It's a tragedy for the Palestinian people and it is a tragedy for the world," Miller continued. "And this is why we have made clear that far too many Palestinians have been killed in this conflict, and that, of course, includes far too many Palestinian children and of course, Palestinian babies."

"And it is why we have taken every measure we could to speak loudly and clearly to the government of Israel that it needs to do everything it can to minimize civilian harm," he added.

However, critics condemn the Biden administration for refusing to press Israel for a permanent cease-fire, and for seeking another $14.3 billion in U.S. military aid for Israel, which already gets nearly $4 billion in annual armed assistance from Washington.

Workers at al-Nassr Children's Hospital toldThe Washington Post that, with Israeli tanks surrounding the facility, oxygen supplies cut off by airstrikes, and warnings to flee for their lives, they were forced to leave behind four prematurely born babies—children of some of the 1.8 million Palestinians forcibly displaced in Gaza.

"I felt like I was leaving my own children behind," said one nurse. "If we had the ability to take them, we would have."

Two weeks later, local journalist Mohammed Balousha went to al-Nassr during the weeklong pause in the bombing. He witnessed the "terrible and horrific scene" of the mold-covered, worm-eaten bodies of the four babies, who he said had also been mauled by stray dogs.

Around the same time that al-Nassr staff were forced to abandon the infants, at least five premature babies died at al-Shifa Hospital after Israeli bombardment knocked out electricity needed to power its incubators. Earlier, Israeli forces also bombed the cancer ward of the al-Rantisi Pediatric Hospital.

According to Gaza officials, at least 7,112 children are among the more than 16,200 Palestinians killed in Gaza since Israel began what many critics around the world have called a "genocidal" assault on the besieged strip after Hamas-led attacks left 1,200 Israelis and others dead in southern Israel on October 7.

"Each day we see more dead children and new depths of suffering for the innocent people enduring this hell," Norwegian Refugee Council secretary-general Jan Egeland said Wednesday, demanding an immediate cease-fire. "The situation in Gaza is a total failure of our shared humanity. The killing must stop."

Video Of Israel’s Military Failure On Oct. 7 MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARS!

The Official Story Of October Seventh

The official story is that on October 7, 2023, thousands of evil Hamas terrorists broke out of their walled-in enclave and killed approximately 1,200 Israelis for no reason other than because they were evil and wanted to kill Jews. Nothing was done by the Israeli government to provoke this attack, and nothing of any relevance happened prior to this date.

The attack was as undefended as could possibly be; Israeli defense forces did not respond for nine hours despite having received ample warning that an attack was coming for months, from both their own intelligence services and from Egyptian intelligence. No attempt was made to warn the Nova music festival of an impending attack despite Israeli security forces being aware the day before that an attack was coming, resulting in hundreds of deaths and captured hostages. The attack was met with so little resistance that Hamas themselves were reportedly surprised by how many Israelis they were able to capture and kill, their surprise perhaps due to the fact that they’d spent two years training right out in the open less than a mile from the border for an air, sea and land attack using motorized paragliders, drones and motorboats. This is all perfectly normal and not suspicious at all.

Also not at all suspicious is the fact that 100 percent of the 1,200 Israeli deaths on October 7 are being attributed to Hamas despite Israeli media and eyewitness testimony reporting that the IDF was firing indiscriminately into areas full of Israelis. The burned bodies you see in photos of the October 7 devastation were with absolute certainty burned by Hamas, despite the Israeli government’s acknowledgement that it had previously misidentified hundreds of dead Hamas fighters as Israeli because they’d been so badly burned by IDF fire that their corpses were unrecognizable.

(The official story of October 7 also previously included narratives about beheaded babies, babies cooked in ovens, and babies ripped from the wombs of pregnant mothers, and you were an evil Jew-hating Holocaust denier if you doubted them, but those narratives have since been walked back and are no longer part of the official story, so belief in them is now optional.)

The murder of 1,200 Israelis was so evil and egregious that it has warranted the killing of more than 16,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including more than 7,000 children. It will likely warrant the killing of far more, because Israeli lives are worth much, much more than Palestinian lives. Only a racist Nazi would believe that Palestinian lives matter.

Israel is not to blame for any of the killings in Gaza anyway, because Hamas is using civilians as human shields. It is anti-semitic to ask how Israel has managed to kill so many human shields while killing astonishingly few Hamas fighters and dealing no meaningful damage to Hamas leadership in the process.

Now that 1.7 million Gazans have been displaced and they are being shoved toward the Egyptian border, it is perfectly fine and normal to be seeing official agendas being pushed by Israeli officials and thought leaders to “thin out” Gaza’s population and relocate them to other countries. Only an evil terrorist supporter would call this ethnic cleansing; one ought to think of it more as a permanent vacation.

If you question any part of this official story, you’re an evil Jew-hating monster who loves terrorism and wishes Hitler had won. You should be censored, fired from your job, kicked off campus and disappeared from polite society, because you support genocide and you want good people to die.

Does this make you feel like you’re going crazy? Good. That means it’s working. That means the official story is taking root in your mind. Let it blossom and bloom inside of you. Stop struggling. Relax. The more you struggle, the more it will hurt. Just let your mind go blank and obey. This will be over before you know it.

Israeli Paper DEBUNKS Israel’s Lies About Oct. 7 Attacks!

US Not Considering Leveraging Aid to Israel to Limit Civilian Casualties

Despite the soaring civilian deaths in Gaza, the Biden administration is not considering using any of the leverage it has over Israel to get the Israeli military to change its tactics, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

US officials say they’re expressing concern privately and claim Israel is listening, but the current campaign in south Gaza, where there are millions of displaced civilians, is no less brutal than Israeli operations in the north.

The US has pointed to Israel allowing more aid trucks to enter Gaza as proof that Israel is listening. But the UN’s top relief official, Martin Griffiths, has said the situation in south Gaza is “apocalyptic” and ending any possibility of meaningful humanitarian operations.

"Terrorized": Gaza Poet Mosab Abu Toha on Being Stripped, Jailed & Beaten by Israeli Forces

Senate Republicans block funding bill that included aid for Ukraine and Israel

The Senate has blocked a supplemental funding bill that included financial aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan as well as provisions aimed at bolstering border security. The vote, which fell mostly along party lines, increases the likelihood that Congress will fail to approve more funding for Ukraine before the end of the year, as the White House has warned that Kyiv is desperately in need of more aid.

The vote was 49 to 51, as every Senate Republican opposed advancing the legislation. Sixty votes were needed to take up the bill. Republicans in both chambers of Congress had demanded stricter border regulations in exchange for their support, and they said the bill failed to meet their requirements.

The vote came one day after Senate Democrats formally unveiled the $111bn supplemental security bill, reflecting the funding request that Joe Biden issued in October to provide assistance to the US’s allies abroad.

Ahead of the vote, Biden delivered an address to urge Congress to pass the bill, warning that a failure to act would only benefit Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, in the war against Ukraine.“Who is prepared to walk away from holding Putin accountable for this behavior? Who among us is really prepared to do that?” Biden said. “I’m not prepared to walk away, and I don’t think the American people are either.” ...

After it became clear that the bill would fail to advance on Wednesday, Sanders joined Republicans in opposing the procedural motion. Schumer initially voted to advance the bill, but he then switched his vote to “no”, a procedural maneuver that will allow him to take up the legislation again at a later date.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Ukraine defeat, Gaza slaughter: Where is the outrage?

Israel and Hamas fight house-to-house battles across Gaza

Israeli forces and Hamas are fighting house-to-house battles along the length of the Gaza Strip, with devastating consequences for the civilian population amid a complete collapse in humanitarian relief. As the war intensified on Wednesday, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, invoked a rarely used clause in the UN charter to raise the issue on his own initiative before the security council, to warn that the conflict “may aggravate existing threats to international peace and security”.

“We are facing a severe risk of collapse of the humanitarian system,” Guterres wrote in a letter to the council. “The situation is fast deteriorating into a catastrophe with potentially irreversible implications for Palestinians as a whole and for peace and security in the region.” He added: “Amid constant bombardment by the Israel Defense Forces, and without shelter or the essentials to survive, I expect public order to completely break down soon due to the desperate conditions, rendering even limited humanitarian assistance impossible.

“An even worse situation could unfold, including epidemic diseases and increased pressure for mass displacement into neighboring countries.”

As the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been fighting their way through badly bomb-damaged urban areas in northern and southern Gaza, Hamas has increasingly relied on improvised bombs to inflict casualties and slow down the assault.

Gaza’s hospitals have reported a flood of civilian dead and injured, many of them women and children, as medical supplies dwindle, while the spread of ground combat to the south has stopped any delivery of humanitarian aid much farther than the Rafah crossing point with Egypt. The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry said 1,207 Palestinians had been killed since the collapse of a temporary ceasefire at the beginning of the month, and that 70% of the dead were women and children.

The White House is changing its tune on Israel – but does it matter in practice?

A soaring civilian death toll and a deepening humanitarian crisis in Gaza has jolted the Biden administration into a stark change of rhetoric towards the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu. Out has gone cavalier White House disavowals against “drawing red lines” for Israel in Gaza; in have come blunt invocations of international law and the need to limit civilian casualties to a minimum. ...

The altered tone, however, has not been accompanied by a substantive policy shift – raising doubts among critics about the credibility of official US pronouncements on the unfolding carnage. ...

“They have changed their rhetoric but not their policy,” said [Joe] Cirincione [a Washington national security analyst], who initially praised Biden’s handling of the crisis. “They’re emphasising that Israel must reduce civilian casualties, but when Israel doesn’t reduce civilian casualties they don’t do anything about it. It’s not real – it’s messaging. They are just providing cover for Netanyahu. They aren’t changing his policy. I have great admiration for [Antony] Blinken [the US secretary of state], but he looks pathetic at this point.”

The only way to render its influence credible with Netanyahu, Cirincione argued, is to make continued US aid conditional – a “worthwhile thought”, Biden said late last month before administration officials shut down the idea days later. “You could stop supplying Israel with 1,000- and 2,000-pound bombs and stop sending them artillery shells,” Cirincione said. “If you want Israel to stop mass slaughter of civilians, don’t send them the weapons they are using to commit mass slaughter.”

Israel FLOODS Tunnels As CRAZY Combat Footage Emerges

Human Rights Monitor Says 90% Killed by Israel in Gaza Were Civilians

Israel's public admission that it has killed two civilians in the Gaza Strip for every Hamas militant—a roughly 66% noncombatant death rate—is a major understatement, according to an analysis released Tuesday by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor.

Based on preliminary statistics, the Geneva-based nonprofit estimated that at least 90% of the people killed in Israel's assault on Gaza thus far have been civilians, a rate that exceeds those of the U.S. wars on Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan, as well as Russia's war on Ukraine.

Euro-Med Monitor found that when including those believed to be missing under the rubble of Gaza's decimated infrastructure, Israeli forces have killed 21,022 people in the besieged Palestinian territory since October 7, an estimated 19,660 of whom were civilians. The nonprofit said that 60% of the civilians killed were women and children.

The group said its figures "clearly refute" Israel's claim of a two-to-one ratio of civilians to militants killed, which an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson hailed as "tremendously positive" in a CNN interview earlier this week. Israeli forces believe they have killed around 5,000 Hamas fighters since October 7.

Israeli Defense Minister Threatens Military Action to Push Hezbollah Back from Lebanon Border

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Wednesday that Hezbollah must be pushed back from the Israeli border, and if it’s not achieved through diplomatic means, Israel will take military action.

The comments suggest Israel is considering opening a second front in Lebanon beyond the cross-border strikes Israel and Hezbollah have been exchanging since October 7.

According to a recent report from Axios, some US officials are concerned that Israel might provoke Hezbollah to justify a wider war in Lebanon. The report said that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had “expressed concern” in a phone call with Gallant in November about the risk of escalation on Israel’s northern border.

UN Article 99

Pro-Russia Ukrainian MP Illia Kyva shot dead in Moscow suburb

A former Ukrainian MP regarded by Kyiv as a traitor has been shot dead in a park in suburban Moscow, in an attack attributed to Ukraine’s SBU security service.

Illia Kyva was a pro-Russian member of Ukraine’s parliament before Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, but fled to Russia a month before the start of the war and frequently criticised Ukrainian authorities online and on Russian state TV talkshows.

Russian investigators said in a statement on Wednesday that Kyva had been shot, adding that his body was discovered in a park in the elite Moscow suburb of Odintsovo.

“An unknown person fired shots at the victim from an unidentified weapon. The man died on the spot from his injuries,” Russia’s investigative committee said in a statement.

A Ukrainian source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters that the Ukrainian SBU security service was responsible for the killing. Several Ukrainian media outlets also cited their sources as saying the SBU had assassinated the 46-year-old former politician.

Worth a full read:

Federal agencies pushed extreme view of Cop City protesters, records show

The Department of Homeland Security monitored web posts critical of a proposed police training center in Atlanta known as Cop City and shared its findings with state and local law enforcement ahead of a crackdown that left one protester dead and more than 40 others charged with domestic terrorism.

The federal reports, shared with the Atlanta police and the Georgia bureau of investigation, concluded that property damage in the name of stopping Cop City, a planned $90m police training center in Atlanta’s South River Forest, was consistent with “anarchist violent extremist” and “environmental violent extremist” ideologies. A separate report from the multiagency National Counterterrorism Center reached a similar conclusion.

The records, seen by Drilled and the Guardian through a public records request, provide new details about how federal agencies founded in the wake of 9/11 laid the groundwork for Georgia to charge organizers camping in the woods as terrorists, and reflect a wider US and global crackdown on environmental protest.

“DHS’s communications undoubtedly contributed to Georgia authorities’ harsh crackdown on the Stop Cop City movement,” said Charlie Hogle, a staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union’s National Security Project, over email. “The documents reinforce our concerns about DHS’s overbroad and stigmatizing use of ‘domestic violent extremism’ and related labels, which has long resulted in unwarranted surveillance, investigation, and even prosecution of environmental and racial and social justice activists.”

A representative for DHS told Drilled and the Guardian that the agency “does not classify or designate any groups as domestic violent extremists”. However, a bulletin the agency released in May indicates its officers did consider some Cop City opponents to be extremists. The National Terrorism Advisory System bulletin referred to Cop City opponents as “alleged DVEs”. Additional records, first published by Unicorn Riot, showed that the FBI was labeling Cop City opponents as “anarchist” and “environmental violent extremists” in August 2022.

the horse race

WHERE'S BIDEN?! POTUS Blows Off Dem Primary Debate

the evening greens

After Cop28, know this: Sunak and his rightwing allies around the world have no interest in saving our planet

Not only did Rishi Sunak spend more time travelling to Cop28 on his private jet than attending the conference itself, he also delivered a speech at the Dubai summit doubling down on the decision to abandon crucial climate policies on heat pumps and energy efficiency, as revealed in his September announcement. All this while using the diminishing strength of the UK’s green credentials as a shield. These actions lay bare the troubling path the Conservatives have chosen ahead of the next general election. But across western states, abandoning long-held climate commitments is becoming the norm for rightwing parties.

In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders’ Freedom party has secured the most votes in the country’s recent general election and wants to undo the green transition. In New Zealand, the National party has formed a coalition with the populist NZ First party and ACT, a rightwing party that wants to repeal the Zero Carbon Act. In Germany, the AfD, the far-right party that is second in national opinion polls, has previously called for an end to all climate action efforts. In Canada, polls show that the Conservatives, who voted not to recognise the climate crisis as real two years ago, would win the upcoming 2025 election if it were held today.

Previously in the UK, the climate crisis has not been a partisan issue. Despite differences in approaches, the broad political consensus of the last 20 years has been that we need climate action regardless of which party is in power. Yet progress is slipping, and the Climate Change Committee, an independent body that advises the government on emissions, isn’t confident that the UK will meet its 2030 carbon budget delivery plan target.

Conservatives have failed to deliver on climate policy before. Though David Cameron’s government once declared itself the greenest ever, he later decided to “cut the green crap”. Theresa May approved a third Heathrow runway and infamously got rid of the Department of Energy and Climate Change. Boris Johnson’s plans for a green industrial revolution were criticised for being “nowhere near enough to manage the British government commitment to net zero emissions by 2050”. In her brief stint in No 10, Liz Truss wanted to ban solar power from most of England’s farmland. ...

So what is behind this shift and why is it happening now? Ahead of an upcoming and long-awaited general election, where the Tories are bracing for a major loss, climate policies have become a tangible point of difference against the Labour party, which has promised a £28bn green fund. The last year has proven that increasingly, the climate crisis is being used as a political football. Local transport policies such as Ulez, low-traffic neighbourhoods and clean air zones, aimed at improving public health and reducing harmful emissions, have been criticised by some Conservative politicians, while 15-minute cities, designed to reduce dependency on cars, have been painted as “sinister” by the transport secretary, Mark Harper. Claire Coutinho, the secretary of state for energy security and net zero, made a false claim that Labour wants to tax meat to reduce consumption, while Sunak has announced that his government will scrap “plans for households to have seven recycling bins” and abandon the 2028 deadline for landlords to have energy-efficient properties. These anti-green narratives and policy reversals are calculated; Sunak is vying for the votes of motorists, landlords and homeowners next year.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Not a Penny Nor a Bullet Off the Table

UN Chief Invokes Article 99 to Spur Security Council Action on Gaza

The health crisis in Gaza grows dire as hostilities escalate against the population

Scandal-stained Israeli ‘rescue’ group fuels October 7 fabrications

Huge Craters, Dead Children, Collapsed Homes: In Southern Gaza, There’s Nowhere to Flee

Tens of thousands of Palestinians escape to Rafah city, fleeing Israel's death and destruction

Bruises found on bodies of Palestinians who died in Israeli detention

Bombing Gaza

U.S. Is Withholding Aid To Push Ukraine Towards Negotiations With Russia

Matt Taibbi: Sue the Bastards: Federalist, Daily Wire Take the State Department to Court

Long thought to be extinct in Kenya, giant pangolins are now being helped back from the brink

Massie SMEARED As Anti-Semite Over Meme

MSNBC Host AGAIN Accuses Trump Of Crimes Biden Is CURRENTLY Committing!

The Duran: Let's talk about some news

A Little Night Music

Elmore James – Madison Blues

Elmore James And The Broom Dusters - Standing At The Crossroads

Elmore James – I Gotta Go Now

Elmore James - One Way Out

Elmore James – Something Inside Of Me

Elmore James And The Broom Dusters - Happy Home

Elmore James – Dust My Broom

Elmore James - Blues Before Sunrise

Elmore James – Rolling & Tumbling

Roy Buchanan ~ Tribute To Elmore James

13 users have voted.


have to admire the Houthi's hutzpah.

12 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


heh... i guess that there's not that much in the way of tourist attractions in the desert. it's good that the houthis have been able to put the israeli-owned ship to a good use.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Miller: "We have taken every precaution to reduce civilian casualties."

Well except to stop sending weapons to Israel including those 2,000 lbs bombs.

Miller after being asked about the babies IDF troops made doctors leave to die: "Hamas needs to stop hiding behind civilians."

If Hamas was hiding in the nursery then it’d be common sense to remove them from danger.

And no safe zones for Palestinians, but deconfliction sites that fly the UN flag which as Said points out have been bombed by Israel. With whose bombs? What a fcking wanker.

DK is censoring bigly. It’s changed the diary headlines 5 times in favor of Israel. One diary was ‘retracted' because it asked if Hamas was provoked into attacking Israel. Boy did the feathers fly in it. They haven’t seen the news yet about how it was actually Israel’s military that killed lots of Israeli civilians. Also discussion on Bowman being challenged by someone who is being funded by AIPAC because he voted for a ceasefire and not one person said it’s election interference. You know like they did over Russia posting a few thousands in ads. AIPAC is going to spend a hundred million dollars on anyone who is critical of Israel. Seems like that should be considered election interference. More feathers flying.

12 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


that miller guy is a piece of work. i can't wait until genocide joe's administration is gone and miller can go back to selling used cars.

i admire your intestinal fortitude to be able to pay attention to dk.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

an undertaker. Seriously he looks like he is kept in a basement and never sees the sun. But both his and Miller's demeanor are very off putting. Dead soulless eyes.

Glutton for punishment, but I like seeing what people are saying. I even read conservative sites just to get a feel of their thinking. The funniest comments are from people who think that this time Trump will finish the job he never started. Remember lock her up?
And draining the swamp and then putting Pompeo and Barr in his administration.

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

ggersh's picture

only for the Zionists/Neocons/AIPAC

13 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

joe shikspack's picture


i thought that was an excellent cartoon, one of mr fish's best recent ones.

the definition of anti-semitism seems to be getting stretched so broadly these days as to render the term a virtually meaningless catch-all for ideologues to bandy about.

10 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

@joe shikspack definitions under the Joementia regime have all lost
their original meanings....

Joementia "we need a humanitarian pause"
As War Dept sends 2,000 pound bunker busters
plus all sorts of ammunition to kill Hamas

10 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


How did it get the power to threaten our government? Are they being blackmailed by the information that their asset Epstein got on them or is it that Israel has threatened to use its nukes against countries that won’t support them? I’ve heard about that threat for years. But lots of congress members have dual citizenship and they might have given their power away willingly. And yes calling for ceasefire is anti Semitic. It’s why AIPAC is going after Bowman. I’m betting that Israel called for Talib's censorship.

This is Biden’s quandry: continue to support Israel’s genocide and see his poll numbers continue to plummet. The dilemma he must answer is: what would damage him more, sticking with Israel through its murderous campaign or risk the Israel Lobby’s consummate skill at destroying American politicians?

Cynthia McKinney didn’t support Israel enough and she was booted from congress quite easily. She said that no one can get elected at any level unless Israel backs their campaign. I read from others that have said the same thing. Yesterday our governor met with an Israeli official and pledged support to Israel and condemned Hamas. Nothing reported if he mentioned the Palestinian people and especially the thousands of children who have been slaughtered. Utah puts family and kids above most things…Look at how many states have made it so their people can’t support BDS. DeSantos went to Israel to sign Florida on to the bill.

Joe the video with Sachs is excellent. At the beginning he talks about the Vietnam war. Did you know that Biden tried to stop the withdrawal? Yep he has always been an arrogant, lying SOB. Just look at what he has done to the working class and the people who he said he whored himself out to be. But I wonder what drug cocktail they had him on yesterday when he sounded so coherent? I haven’t seen him like that in awhile. I’m surprised that they are still working.

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg clowngress, inviting Bibi when empty suit was prez
showed who owned who

Epstein certainly helped in Israel getting ownership also

Now how this guys isn't in the Hague, is able to sleep
at night, has a soul is beyond my paygrade.....I have no
fucking clue how they live with themselves

I'm sure every Palestinian thanks their lucky stars for
exceptional amerikkka's help

12 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

joe shikspack's picture


biden refused to vote to fund rescuing the vietnamese people who had thrown their lot in and worked with the us and would be at risk after the collapse of south vietnam. what a charming and empathetic man genocide joe was then and now.

9 users have voted.

Nuremberg Tribunal would be appropriate.

"The Nuremberg trials established that all of humanity would be guarded by an international legal shield and that even a Head of State would be held criminally responsible and punished for aggression and Crimes Against Humanity."

"The Nuremburg Tribunal sentence only 11 Nazis to death for such a massive genocide because the Allies did not want to be harsh on the defeated Germany as they had been after World International Military Tribunal War."

I could think of many that would be deserving of that fate including Blinken, Netanyahu, and Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Feel free to add others to the Wish List.

10 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


western powers (particularly the u.s.) dominate the international institutions (un, icc, etc.) and the powers they have are only allowed to be used on the smaller fish.

i would imagine that the icc will go after hamas but won't be allowed to go after israel.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

of the people in the Donbas, but went after Putin for getting kids out of harm’s way. I just can’t imagine what the people of Palestine are thinking while they know that the world is watching their slaughter live and not doing anything about it. They know now that they are not going to get any help from the rest of the world that watching them die. I want every Israel supporter who is okay with this to think about it being their city being destroyed like this and knowing that no help is coming for them either. Americans have been okay with what their government has been doing to countless countries that have never threatened them. Not all, but too damn many.

Yesterday someone wrote about the Houthis that they had never heard of before. I asked them what planet they were from since we have been slaughtering them since 2015. Just because the media doesn’t cover it is no excuse since many alternative media sites have been. We are some of the most propagandized and ignorant people. I’m going to start posting links to this site so people can get more informed about what’s happening elsewhere.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hey Joe!

Hope it's all good over yonder...

Thanks for the great sounds. Elmore James was great. A hero player. There was so much originality and creativity. Those 'downslide' moves are much harder to do well (maintain even sound) than it appears. Yeah geebus for pickups. Too bad he never got to find out what a major influence he was. Great voice too, I love his singing. Gotta tip my hat for Jeremy Spencer for how well he mastered 'Elmo'. Jeremy was to Elmo what Keith R. was to Chuck Berry licks. Smile Roy B. did a good tip of the hat to Elmore as well, for no slide being involved. Have that album here.

So yeah, COP28, means 28 times they have carried out this charade of appearing to give a shit, or to do something useful, whichever you will believe is fine, they don't care about that either. I guess it might slow them from sh!itfugery a few days? Or does more get done which makes it a net loss?

Thanks for the great blues, sorry 'bout the news!

Have good ones all!

8 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

joe shikspack's picture


i think that the progression of cops just shows the way that any institution set up to do good in the world gets infiltrated by the usual suspects and eventually becomes a big ol' corporate get together.

5 users have voted.
soryang's picture

Camp David solidified trilateral ties that won’t be undone, says US ambassador to Japan

...Emanuel insisted that trilateral cooperation between the US, South Korea and Japan is sustainable, regardless of factors like a possible political comeback by Donald Trump, shifts in Korean and Japanese politics, and disagreements between Tokyo and Seoul on historical issues.

Emanuel mentioned that US national security adviser Jake Sullivan will visit Seoul to meet with his Korean and Japanese counterparts on Friday and Saturday. In the three months since the Camp David summit in August, the ambassador said, there have been not only conversations between heads of state, but strides made in terms of trilateral cooperation on military and economic matters.

“The Camp David Principles are embedded into the DNA of all three countries’ respective security and economic apparatuses and governments,” Emanuel told reporters. “Once it starts to take hold, once all three countries start to spend money, it’s very hard to rip that out of the system.”

The ambassador attributed the “gravitational pull” of the trilateral format to such a format suiting the interests of all three nations.

What does Rahm really know about northeast Asian politics? In this article he claims the Camp David summit locks in the trilateral partnership including the US, Japan, and South Korea. This is a permutation of the US phrase used during the US dispute with the Moon administration over the 9.19 agreement with North Korea, Moon's rejection of any further THAAD deployments, and his three no's policy to mend relations with China: No additional THAAD deployments; no integration into a US controlled anti-China ABM network, no integration into a trilateral alliance aimed at China. Yoon has turned all that around on his own as if he were working for the US and Japan rather than South Korean interests.

If a progressive democrat such as Lee Jae-myung were to be elected in the next South Korean presidential election, (a few years off) the so called trilateral partnership with the US and Japan, may be walked back. In any case, the possibly of further South Korean-Japanese disputes could bring an end to the trilateral partnership rather swiftly. The integration into a collective ABM network, including Aegis missile equipped ships in all three navies, in connection with the associated SRI capabilities shared between the US and South Korea, now to have Japan included, could also be walked back to some extent, if existing military tensions, incidents, or threat pronouncements from Japan in particular, jeopardize South Korea's perception of its own security interests, which are quite dissimilar from those of Japan.

Rahmbo is just blowing smoke. It's a script really.

Looks like Yoon is trying to compensate for losses in semiconductor sales with international arms exports. This is a poor strategy, following in the footsteps of the struggling US neo-liberal economy and following Biden directed restrictions on high tech trade with China.

WaPo: Seoul supplied more shells to Ukraine than all of Europe

...That gives more credence to the argument that Russian President Vladimir Putin was motivated to strengthen “strategic cooperation” with North Korea during a summit in September because of his anger over the South Korean government’s decision to seriously endanger Russia’s national security.

As part of a series of in-depth reports on the status of the war in Ukraine — which began almost two years ago, in late February 2022 — the Washington Post reported that South Korea has become “a larger supplier of artillery ammunition for Ukraine than all European nations combined.”

According to the Washington Post, the training, weapons and armaments that the Ukrainian military needed as the war dragged on emerged as a major challenge for the US and its Western allies.

The Defense Department calculated that the Ukrainian forces needed at least 90,000 shells a month to achieve its military goals, but the US would only be able to provide one-tenth of that even under expanded production.

How S. Korea’s Yoon flushed 30 years of ties with Russia down the drain

How many artillery shells ended up in Ukraine, directly or indirectly as a result of the Korean ammunition exports? Looking at the numbers in the article, there were numbers that constituted admissions in the article it could be from 600,00 to 930,000 155mm shells. Alternatively, one has to wonder, whether any could have been diverted to Israel for its murderous campaign to depopulate Gaza.

The impression left is that Japan's LDP would like to remove the restrictions on exports of lethal arms and parts related thereto. Such restrictions could interfere with joint plans Japan has with NATO countries to build military aircraft.

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語必忠信 行必正直

joe shikspack's picture


i wonder to what extent rahmbo expects to keep yoon around. it sounds like he has made himself an indispensable flunky.

7 users have voted.

9 users have voted.


Hunter Biden indicted on tax charges

Hunter Biden has been charged with tax crimes in California, his second indictment from special counsel David Weiss as he faces mounting scrutiny over his financial dealings.

Biden will face three felony tax charges in relation to tax evasion and filing a false return, as well as six misdemeanor charges for failure to pay taxes between 2016 and 2019.

“Hunter Biden engaged in a four-year scheme in which he chose not to pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019 and to evade the assessment of taxes for tax year 2018 when he filed false returns,” prosecutors wrote in a Thursday night press release.

Weiss’s office also alleges that Biden withdrew millions from his company, subverting the payroll and tax withholding process, and also “spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills.”

Court documents also accuse Biden of failing to pay back taxes for 2015 beginning in 2018, and for not paying his 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 taxes on time, “despite having access to funds to pay some or all of these taxes.”

Court filings say he made $7 million between 2016 and 2020.

“Between 2016 and October 15, 2020, the Defendant spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature,” prosecutors wrote.

“In short, everything but his taxes.”

7 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


i guess his taxes just slipped his mind. time for a slap on the wrist.

5 users have voted.
QMS's picture


Hunter charged with income tax evasion?
Hunter pleads not guilty to politically motivated accusations.

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture

I got confused on the source and I might repost tomorrow. Or not…

3 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!