I still lurk at TOP and to keep my b/p down in the "safe range" usually don't read to the bottom of the "pie fights". I seldom care to comment because if the diary (?) is strongly pro one Dem and has 400 comments, half there will be pro one or the other and it gets more heated and hateful the longer it goes on.
I am for Bernie and am charged up with his recent gains. Thus when I read a well written post it is worth sharing. I am new to this site and I don't want to be reposting something that someone has already posted. So I have linked to this post on the dKos just today, If it does not step on someones toes I can copy and paste the whole thing which I feel is a stellar assessment of where we are right now.

The author is a member here
but I forget his handle -- perhaps he'll be reposting it here in the near future.
Curious. . .
I refused to pore through the comments section.
How long did it take for the horde of clintonistas and Hillarians to begin their predictable attack?
I spent about an hour going
I spent about an hour going all the way through the comments (stopping at 5 AM). Due to the raw power of the diary, very few clintonistas have been foolish enough to rear their heads. The ones who did were unable to derail the diary. No doubt the professional Democrats will be making a show once the sun rises, but right now freedom is ringing.
This diary is one of the best I've read at TOS. I certainly didn't expect anything like this to see the light of day there after the purge.
The author is
MarkfromQueens. http://caucus99percent.com/users/markfromqueens-aka-thirty-three-and-third
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
That DKos post is so great!
Thank you for linking to it!
If DKos were printed on paper that post would set it on fire.
just saw that
really excellent post. (also the one by the kid, age 22)
Agree completely
Presume you mean this one:
Very powerful.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Listen please - -
Very moving and directly to the point by someone who has suffered the greed and bigotry up front and personal. There are many of us who came close to that level of poverty and made it through.
I guess I am from a background that believes that speaking and writing on or for a topic of a vital and important message, choosing to emphasize the message with vulgar and profane language seems to detract from the purity of the message. Just me.
It's already crossposted here
MarkfromQueens aka thirty three and a third
As Another Pissed Off Liberal, There Are Some Things I'm Not Interested In. 03/31/2016
Thanks . . .
. . . I'd missed it before. Just beautiful.
thanks x 2!
33 1/3
It was a very comprehensive roundup of the kind of details and facts we must keep hammering into those who are not Hilbots but those who might be willing to look at this man Bernie with open minds and make the ground swell into a tsunami of major proportions. Kudos and thanks thirty three and one third - -