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While shopping my favorite farm store (Wilco), I took a glance at a Farmers Almanac they had on display and noted the weather outlook for my little corner of the universe.
It advised that this winter would be cool and dry, and next summer would be cool and wet.
This is not the normal weather patterns for the PNW and after consulting with the USDA Ag zone map, I'm now in the Zone 8 region, which I don't recall being the last time I checked several years ago. I don't think they have changed it, but I'm starting to see why I can't grow certain crops successfully.
Cantaloupe, watermelon, corn, and bell peppers have been problematic with poor outcomes. I've tried for years, using different methods, planting times, and placement without much change in outcome.
I've been hoping that the changes in a warming climate would help with these crops, but the changes seem to be going in the wrong direction. A cool and dry winter spells freezing temps for much of the winter and cool and wet summers, while a welcome break from the scorchers we've had the last couple of years, means poor conditions for summer crops.
Now I know the Farmers Almanac makes their predictions based on "an exclusive mathematical and astronomical formula", or secrete recipe, but do they consider the effects of anthropological climate change in forming their predictions?
I guess time will tell. I picked up a copy anyway.
What sparked my concern was the shutting down of water, electric, sewer system and food supplies to Gaza and the humanitarian disaster it has created. Could it happen here?
While I doubt our own government would impose such drastic measures on it's own people, an economic crash, coupled with hyperinflation, would make it harder to "pay the bills". And consequently, a lot of utilities would be getting shut off. Effectively the same thing.
So, moving towards a more sustainable existence is the goal. My own water, food, and power supply is becoming a reality.
Now if I could only get the weather to cooperate.
The thread is open. What's going on?

10 users have voted.


He is not a fan of Ursala the puppet.

He pulls no punches.

10 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

In the schoolyard fight, she's the one standing in back yelling "kick him in the balls", not having a clue what that actually feels like.

11 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

lotlizard's picture

As quoted on page viii of Lynette Cruz’s PhD thesis from 2003:

The resistance movement [in Hawai‘i] has steadily gained ground since 1893, and especially in the period from 1993 to the present, because Hawaiian activists are no longer reflecting on themselves as simply victims, as being the cause of their own disability. Rather they are seeing themselves as evidence of injury. As Skippy Ioane, noted composer and musician of Hawaiian resistance music writes, “we are the evidence, not the crime.”

Hmm — could that also be one way of looking at Gaza, too? That Palestinians aren’t the crime or the perpetrators of crime; rather, they’re the living evidence of a great crime that after 75 years is still going on?

12 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

The Hawaiian Resistance movement. That was a particularly heinous colonial conquest.
Count me as a supporter.
Thanks for the note.

8 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

They are fully aware that there will be no repercussions as the US has their back.

11 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

is the projection of who actually needs to be "erased of the face of the earth".

8 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

QMS's picture


racist noise. Sounds like exlensky on a coke break.
Demanding the world to accept their murderous ways.
Whatever it takes, right Brandon and Von Der Lyin?

thanks for the OD's earthling!

11 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture


covered in blood and that the attack was unprovoked. Besides the decades of apartheid actions in Palestine the probable last straw was the Israeli settlers invading the Al Aqsa Mosque while the military just watched. But notice how there is no mention of the IDF casually shooting unarmed people for years just because they could. And I want world leaders to tell us why Palestinians don’t have the same right to self defense? An occupying force doesn’t have that right according to the UN in 2006. Blubbering Austin is saying that our troops have that right even though they are an occupying force in many countries. Well we will see what happens if troops are attacked. Iran suffered no consequences after they bombed one of our bases after we murdered their general. Supplies only last for so long and good luck getting more of them if Iranian and Hezbollah missiles are flying.

I read that one of the reasons Biden has asked Israel to delay the ground invasion was so he could have time to put defenses in place around our illegal bases. Meanwhile whilst he’s doing that he has given Israel permission to continue the slaughter in Gaza. 2,000 children have been murdered in just 2 weeks. Bibi says that he’s going to continue bombing them for a month and a half. I’m betting that the death toll will be even higher after the people run out of water and diseases start happening. Good gawd I can’t believe how many people think that this is okay.

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Pluto's Republic's picture

...was a false flag attack. Like most modern false flags, there were already special ops killers, assassins, and snipers on the ground, who melt away after they kick off the chaos of murder and mayhem. None of this will come out until we hear from Hamas, whom the aggressors are striving to discredit and kill before an investigation can happen. But too many critical thinkers and experienced observers already know the truth.

I have accurately called most of the false flag attacks in recent years, including some that are still not yet recognized as such. Modern military strategists know that a false flag attack does 10 times more damage than a direct attack can achieve, or even a surprise attack. Most of that damage is brain damage, which manifests in the increasingly gullible and compliant population of the aggressor state, who are the sole funders and debt holders for all US wars. Thus, the US population should be recognized as a separate class of war victims in any US war or imperial aggression. The USians are exploited economically while their life's potential is permanently stunted. Their social bonds are relentlessly shredded; and their dreams for the future turn to dust. They are now unable to imagine or visualize the much happier, secure life they could have enjoyed — if only the neocon psychopaths had not seized control of the built-in shadow government. If only they had not voted for the greedy political hacks who enabled the psychopaths to destroy life on a planetary scale.

It's certainly too late for the US, which presently faces a future as savage as its past. Perhaps without the US and its criminally insane international collaborators, the remaining nations of the world can find the path to a shared and cooperative future that will protect and preserve the best of humanity.


10 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic

hope for the best

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

lotlizard's picture

@Pluto's Republic  
to react in some cases, certainly strikes me as fishy in the extreme.

In 2018–2019, Israel deployed a whole raft of snipers to kill and maim demonstrators — who were merely walking up to the Gaza border fence unarmed — during the non-violent protest action the Palestinians called the “Great March of Return.”

Is it plausible that a bunch of heavily armed fighters could simply bulldoze their way through the walls, fortifications, and fences around Gaza — and even go on to raid some Israeli military outposts — undetected?

9 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


Plus the signal of a False Flag is very much in place. Such events have their own quantum vibration from the sheer scale of the entanglements suddenly laced together because of the deliberate uncertainty.

Yesterday, I posted what seemed like a perfect confirmation of this false flag. Many are mentioning it, but so far, Paul Craig Roberts said it best in this interview. It's an important interview that expands the public perspective about what we have seen this week: "9/11 Part Two".

In the first five minutes of the interview Roberts reveals the only rational explanation for a strategically impossible event that we were meant to witness.

I salute him for calling it out now....rather than allowing ongoing distractions of world events to roll over us as they do — and then discovering the truth decades too late to do us any good.

Roberts will receive no end of flack and punishment for pointing out the obvious. Check out the first five minutes below.

10 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

And especially when Bibi had a hand in creating them. Who’s to say that they all were actually Hamas and not some other group that was working for Bibi? I watched a video of the Hamas leaders who said they told the men taking part not to kill civilians. True or not I agree that there should be an investigation. Plus more evidence is coming out that lots of the Israeli deaths were caused by Israeli troops. One Israeli hostage said that she was treated kindly and one of the women released last night shook her captor’s hand.

I posted an article last night about how Israel has a plan for when their soldiers are taken hostage. It’s kill them so they can’t be.

9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

earthling1's picture

Can't find anything there to disagree with.
Thanks for the post.

7 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

here in east Texas. Terrible year for growing gardens, from a windy spring, a very long, extremely hot and dry summer, and now, fall hasn't happened yet. It is not economically feasible to grow food.
Besides, the heat is so intense, just working in the garden can pose a health risk.
Farmers and ranchers are scrapping everything their Dad and Grandpa did, trying to figure out how to adjust to this change in seasons and customary weather patterns using different methods. Many small ranchers just gave up, sold their herds. They could hardly find hay, or couldn't afford what they found.
Our sanctions on Russia caused a big problem for fertilizer. Our government caused a lot of stress on food growers and hay growers.
Maybe when I retire, I can devote more time to building a greenhouse or something.
Anyway, with a looming war, who's to say we will have any supply chain for seeds anyways.
Damn. The 1% clearly doesn't need us around, do they?
Well, there is power in numbers, last I heard.
Thanks for the ot, E1.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

earthling1's picture

@on the cusp
I kinda knew I wasn't the only one having trouble adjusting to the changes. I too am thinking about a greenhouse, but with an underground ductwork that will cool in the summer and keep it above freezing in winter. A kinda Poorman's geothermal system.
I saw an article on one somewhere in Iowa where the farmer was growing citrus trees in the dead of winter with 2 ft. of snow outside.
If IRCC, he used some cheap black landscape drain piping bundled together in six packs and run it 8' deep for a couple of hundred feet in a loop.
A simple box fan circulated the air.
If I'm still around when you retire I'll give you some pointers on finding seeds through seed coops and going organic making your own soil medium.
You don't need no stinkin' Russian fertilizers!
Have a great week.

4 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

@earthling1 Seed producers are having pure hell producing...seeds.
One thing I have is water. Within only 3 to 5 feet underground, we have aquifer. No basements here, baby! It is the heat. I think I have mentioned it before, but the feel of 100 deg today is not at all what it felt like 30 years ago. 30 years ago, we just all drank lots of water, wore caps and hats, kept on truckin'. Today, young folks drop dead from it. And summer vegetables, no matter how well watered, simply burn to a crisp.
We can compost, do all kinds of soil improvement for a home garden, but to raise acres of hay without fertilizer, and compost doesn't work on a 50 acre hay field, is a whole 'nuther thing. I sold my hay field, sold my cattle years ago. It is for others to confront those realities now.
Take care, pal!

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981