Israel declares war on all Palestinians

Let's call it what it is, a Second Nabka.

Israeli settlers have expelled at least two Palestinian Bedouin communities in the occupied West Bank since the new war on Gaza, which raises the number of Palestinian communities displaced by Israeli settlers since January to 10, the Palestinian Stop The Wall movement told The New Arab.

By Thursday, 19 October, around 40 Palestinian families in the community of Wadi Al-Siq, on the eastern slopes of the West Bank hills overlooking the Jordan Valley, were forced from their homes by Israeli settlers. Members of the community who took refuge in the neighbouring town of Taybeh told TNA on Saturday that Israeli settlers didn't give them time to take their belongings, as they forced them out.

All of the dehumanizing rhetoric has turned into action.

The reported victims told the Haaretz daily on Thursday that they were abused for hours on October 12, when they were beaten, stripped to their underwear, bound and photographed. Two of them were urinated on, one had cigarettes put out on his body and another was sexually assaulted by an assailant who tried to sodomize him, according to their testimony.

Already more Palestinian children have been killed then all of Israeli casualties combined. And the ground assault hasn't started yet.

Israeli forces have responded by raining down a barrage of air strikes on the Gaza Strip, killing at least 3,785 Palestinians, more than 1,500 of them children.

In the same period, Israeli forces have imposed a strict lockdown across the West Bank, closing cities, placing barriers and cement blocks at the entrances to villages and towns, and shooting at protesters.

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QMS's picture

indiscriminately killing of Palestinians eventually
will wear thin the veneer covering their crimes
It is about time, IMO. How long can one practice
genocide before the rest of the world notices?

15 users have voted.

question everything

snoopydawg's picture


I just read this article from a few years ago and it discloses how long he has been involved in our government.

Skip the parts on 9/11 and go down half way to read about his long history inside America. I don’t know how much of the rest of the article is true or if it’s just Jew bashing, but the part on his history is interesting. It also talks about how the neocons have implanted themselves in permanent power in administrations going back to Carter if not before. The names will be familiar to you.

Chris Hedges on the long history of Israel’s actions on Palestine

Israel, with the backing of its U.S. and European allies, is preparing to launch not only a scorched earth campaign in Gaza but the worst ethnic cleansing since the wars in the former Yugoslavia. The goal is to drive tens, most probably hundreds of thousands of Palestinians over the southern border at Rafah into refugee camps in Egypt. The reverberations will be catastrophic, not only for the Palestinians, but throughout the region, almost certainly triggering armed clashes to the north of Israel with Hezbollah in Lebanon and perhaps with Syria and Iran.

The Biden administration, slavishly doing Israel’s bidding, is fueling the madness. The U.S. was the only country to veto the U.N. Security Council resolution calling for humanitarian pauses to deliver food, medicine, water and fuel to Gaza. It has blocked proposals for a ceasefire. It has proposed a draft U.N. Security Council resolution that says Israel has a right to defend itself. The resolution also demands Iran stop exporting arms to "militias and terrorist groups threatening peace and security across the region."

The U.S. and its Western allies are as morally bankrupt and as complicit in genocide as those who witnessed the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews and did nothing.

I can’t recommend this enough.

Israel is doing exactly what gjohnsit says. They either leave or they die from hellish conditions. Israel cutting off water and electricity is a death sentence for millions of people. Diseases like cholera and worse will be running rampant in just a few more days. Thousands of people in hospitals will die once the gas runs out and they were low on supplies long before this started.

Hamas doesn’t give a shit about Palestinians either. They knew how Israel would react, but they wanted to drag other countries into a war against Israel. Meanwhile the fcking world watches as Israel commits another genocide. Palestinians who worked in Israel have been kicked out of the many places they worked. Gee…didn’t the world watch this play before? Yep. Remember that ship of Jews that weren’t allowed asylum in America? I read that they ended up in the concentration camps and were killed. I’m rooting for the giant meteor because humanity hasn’t learned how to live in peace in over how many thousands of years it has walked the earth.

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

QMS's picture


is not encouraged in the MSM disinformation trope
there seems to be no reverse gear in in this adventure
balls to the walls killing and dying for chits in a losing cause
makes little sense

7 users have voted.

question everything

TheOtherMaven's picture


Just as I said several years ago.

I remember a cartoon (still-picture type) from my childhood, and never mind how long ago that was, that showed a tangle of men and women fighting each other over apple cores and well-gnawed bones. The caption was, "They thought there was an infinite supply".

5 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

9 users have voted.
QMS's picture


as if it wasn't before. The Zionists are basically
asking for revenge from the Arabic nations
which may not wait until the US gets ready to
preempt the onslaught


Israeli tank accidentally shells Egyptian outpost

how long will the Arab nations sit on their hands?

11 users have voted.

question everything

snoopydawg's picture


and who was it firing at? I haven’t heard that Israel has started its ground war yet. Israel also accidentally shot down a Russian plane and killed 22 people which Lavrov says that they haven’t forgotten about and some action in the future might still happen.

how long will the Arab nations sit on their hands?

That’s my question too. I want them to come to Palestinian's defense, but I don’t want a bigger war where even more people die.

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


If it didn’t then Biden would easily cut off the weapons he’s supplying them with. He’s only trying to minimize how far the violence spreads because he knows that America can’t afford another war.

Matt Stoller has an excellent article on why the defense companies can’t build weapons fast enough anymore.

Why America is out of ammunition

One is that Wall Street wants profits at any cost and that companies are buying back their stock instead of investing the money in their companies.

12 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.