Open Thread 4 OCT 23 ~ melding minds

All the connections between the neurons in the mushroom body and their input and output neurons are dissolved. At this transformation stage, “it’s kind of this ultimate Buddhistic situation where you have no inputs, you have no outputs,”
- James Truman of the University of Washington

The understanding and possible application to human mental development,
in this age of digital bombardment, may hold some clues. What do you think?
Has DARPA secretly found a way to recode or coax neurons using electronics
or vaccines to determine desired behavior?
Wandering into sci-fi territory here.
Successfully hacking the process might mean that we truly understand
how these "brains" create multiple identities through time.

On The Remodeled Mind
Fruit flies undergo one of the most extreme forms of complete metamorphosis. Aside from certain neurons, almost all of their larval cells are replaced with new ones when they become adults.
On The Fragility of Memory
Truman’s ultimate goal is to coax a neuron to take on its adult form in the larval brain. Successfully hacking the process might mean that we truly understand how these insects create multiple identities through time.
Credits ~
Remember, post development, this is an open thread. All subjects encouraged.

Good morning
Blessed with a picture perfect early fall day here in New England.
Learned a bit at the writing circle last night. Brought a 92 year old
lady friend along. She read a touching story about her life when she
was 4 in NYC.
My contribution was a lead-in for a community campfire event.
Just threw it together in about 5 minutes the other day.
"The night fogs snaked eerily along the shore. Following an instinct, the anomaly had to be
somewhere close ahead. Paddling quietly, listening carefully, the moonless skies gave few
visual cues. The bone chilling moans had ceased as we drew closer. But what is that grating
Rough draft, may scrap it.
Anyway, what is on your radar today?
Some dust-up with the house speaker I hear.
Stop funding ukranazis.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
This is fun, in a dark political humor vein
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Today's art installation
A wind powered beach herd.
Dutch artist Theo Jansen Animaris Rex
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Good morning...
Having to water these days...17 days w/o rain with more to come. Not entirely unknown in OCT in the SE.
EO Wilson, the great ant and human society scholar, suggest we too are also influenced by pheromones.
Have a good Autumn day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
US financial aid to Ukraine is wisely spent.
Wow she outdid herself after spending $41,000
on jewelry during one of her first shopping trips in Europe. How many houses has Zelensky bought since Biden started shoveling money his way? And for some reason both parties keep voting against doing an audit on the money. After Bernie’s bill to do that he voted to send more anyway.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Have some mercy as she only bought 3 items. /S
Expanded view.
I knew this was why the anti war movement died
We saw how quickly the anti war movement died when Obama decided to regime change Gaddaffi and then went on to destroy the most prosperous country in the Middle East. I got whiplash.
I try to imagine how the dem base would react if Trump was still president and it was him and the republicans pushing the Ukraine war. And remember that Biden and Kamala said that they wouldn’t get the Trump vaccine because they didn’t trust him nor had it been determined to be safe. Would the shitlibs be the anti vaxxers now just because their party is against the jabs? I got whiplash again how quickly they turned from "yeah I’m not taking it either!" to screw body autonomy everyone MUST get it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Greenwald is right on.
Especially Maddow
who went from Air America and being against the Iraq war to MSDNC when Keith brought her on and then she switched to being silent during Obama’s wars and then joining in the celebration when Trump bombed Syria over an obvious false flag attack and then her joining hands with the intelligence agencies to push Russia Russia. She gets more than $30 million a year to lie to her viewers. I don’t know how she sleeps at night after all the lies she has told.
Then there’s Keith who has just become bat-sh*t looney.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
H. Clinton still trying to be relevant
Quoting RT plays into Putin's hands – Hillary Clinton
and still failing ..
Yeah, pull out the big erasure and re-write stories,
To Her, it is a scoring game. Points for and points against. Gag
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
This coming from the queen of deceit
is almost comical
disinformation only applies to the bad guys
in the H. Clinton bubble
the good guys can lie, cheat and steal
without consequence. Cause the media sez so.
Double standards much?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Good morning QMS, et. al. Thanks for the OT, OMS. Not sure how
melting and rewiring the human brain would be that beneficial except in particular specific cases. The fact that, for at least some species, it is part of metamorphosis would not reassure Gregor Samsa and should not reassure us. Can't help but think of Allen "I'm with you in Rockland" Ginsberg and those who flew over cukoos' nests.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Yeah, electroshock and lobotomies are so 60's
seeing as to where we are going with all of this
the melting part is accomplished by propaganda
and the re-wiring aspect is going digital
Have you had your (FDA approved) brain chip installed yet?
thanks for visiting!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare