The Evening Blues - 8-14-23
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features Twin Cities blues guitarist Jimi Primetime Smith. Enjoy!
Bob Corritore & Jimi Primetime Smith Band - Don't Throw Your Love on Me So Strong
No News or Opinion
News will be back tomorrow.
A Little Night Music
Jimi "Prime Time" Smith & Bob Corritore - I Got The World In A Jug
Bob Corritore & Jimi Primetime Smith Band ft. Taildragger - Stop Lyin
Jimi "Prime Time" Smith - Walking the dog
The Jimi 'Primetime' Smith & Bob Corritore Blues Band ~ Just Like A Fish
The Jimi 'Primetime' Smith & Bob Corritore Blues Band ~ We Got To Stick Together
Jimi ‘ Primetime ‘ Smith - Hideaway
The Jimi 'Primetime' Smith & Bob Corritore Blues Band ~ Blinded
Jimi ‘ Primetime ‘ Smith - I can’t hold out
Jimi 'Primetime' Smith - If Trouble Was Money
Jimi Prime Time Smith - I'll Play The Blues For You

Enjoy the night off Joe, it's well deserved!!
And to those that survived the Lahaina fire my heart goes out
to you for all that you lost. May those that lost their lives
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
evening ggersh...
as usual caitlin is spot on. thanks!
This is what Ukraine keeps doing in various different ways.
When Russia reacts accordingly they Ukrainians scream "War Crimes" which the stenographers in the MSM repeat without hesitation.
evening humphrey...
yep, it's been going on since the beginning of the war. i remember early on there was a maternity hospital filled with ukronazi troops that the russians bombed and the ukronazis staged a photo op with a couple of pregnant women and one with a newborn to claim that the russians were committing war crimes. the trick has been used repeatedly and it's gotten a little stale.
Obviously I will not be watching.
You left out the best part
Her tweet had been up for 3 hours and she only got 1 reply.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Here ya go
Hills has a sad.
We just found out that Trump has been indicted in the Georgia case. But I don’t believe that the Hellabitch isn’t satisfied with what you wrought on Trump. In fact I’m betting that she is smiling ear to ear. But the good thing is that she never got to or will get to be president. 2 good things came out of Trump winning. He canceled the TPP and the other Tp…something trade agreements and he didn’t start the war with Russia. And if the facts are true he stopped the planned war on Iran. Remember he called the plane full of bombs back after they were sent. I wonder who actually gave that order?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The U.S. Army killed the buffalo during Manifest Destiny for the same reason that the World Economic Forum wants to kill all of the cattle in Holland and Ireland during the Great Reset — they want to starve the people and drive them off their land so that the robber barons can steal everything.
Turley on the Weiss being upgraded to special counsel.
The corporate media is spinning the republican’s response to this as being upset about it after they actually asked Garland to appoint a SC, but of course they are leaving out the reasons why they are upset. After reading more of how Garland and Weiss have gone out of their way to keep Joe Biden from being investigated it brought to mind how it’s usually the cover up of the crime that is worse than the crime itself.
Biden was asked for a comment on the Hawaii fires and he said, No Comment and got in his car after spending another weekend at his beach front house in Delaware. Hey remember all that time Trump spent golfing? Yeah that was bad, but it wasn’t bad when Obama spent a lot of time golfing himself.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Wasn't Weiss the legal hit-man
...who acted as Mueller's muscle during the Trump/Russia false flag investigation?
That tickles a bell in my mind
I’ll look into it. But just like a lot of the previous investigations the same people from them were involved in others. I’ll see if I can find the comment on this.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
evening pluto...
i did a quick google and i don't see usa david weiss listed on mueller's investigation team.
Not Weiss
Andrew Weissmann, a lead prosecutor in the Mueller investigation
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
That's it. Many thanks.
Here is the video of Brandon.
A bit more.
The media would have immediately cut down a tree
and nailed Trump to it if he had blown off a comment like that. You know they would have, but like a lot of things that they rode Trump’s ass for they let Biden get away with it. The funniest one is Biden speaking to the press in front of helicopter that has its engines running. They hated it when Trump did it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
This might be the best explaintion for the Lahaina fire
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I read that yesterday
and I hope others will read it to see why so many are questioning the fires. The governor passed an executive order in January that will affect the rebuilding after the fire. Maybe Sasha covered it in her essay. Lots of people on substack were writing about it yesterday. It doesn’t pass the smell test…but I guess time will tell.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
can we not do the conspiracy-theory thing here while people are still dying from their injuries?
Pretty please? I’m sure the sharks will come and feed on the ruins of their lives- that’s what the sharks do. Many people with much money will come in and fuck the victims over- that is what they do. I have friends who have lost everything, and friends who are forever changed by this. Let’s please not start inventing prurient pseudo-details just yet. Please?
Thank you.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
evening snoopy...
yep, weiss certainly appears to be a sympathetic prosecutor. or perhaps just a pathetic prosecutor. on the other hand, i'm sure that he's the sort to throw the book at lesser mortals.
The Lies We Live With
I keep a library of truth bombs and hoax busters like the one posted below. I watch them for clues to try to understand why a huge majority of minds in a large population of ordinary people are instantly and permanently snared and triggered by certain preposterous hoaxes. They are potentially weaponized by their insensible gullibility, which endangers the entire population. What is different about the minds of the small minority of ordinary people, who instantly see the illogical fault lines and the surrealistic distortion of a Big Lie? This minority, consisting of adults and children are often shocked — usually into silence — when they realize that most people actually believe it. (Chinese Spy Balloon, anyone?)
This is an intellectual anomaly that defies functional logic, and it needs to be addressed and resolved. How were so many minds derailed? I hypothesize that at one point, during a specific 14-year period, some 'thing' or 'event' happened, that markedly fractured people's natural instincts for self preservation. On a related note, I also hypothesize that leaders who are close to power (for example, elected members of Congress, media figures, and other spokespersons and representatives) have no mental awareness that they lie repeatedly when they speak. They sound as if they are mentally ill. This phenomenon, which can resemble hypocrisy, is completely bi-partisan.
Anyway, it's a slow Monday night. So here's a hoax-buster you might enjoy:
As always, thanks for the blues, Joe.
Haven't seen Daniel
Sometimes I found DDs fixation on twitter thread wars a bit too obscure for me to follow. He took his critics very seriously. In any case, I wish him well. I thought his videos were quite informative. Loved his visit to Lhasa, that was another eye opener. It's one thing to read about CIA machinations in China, another to see how the the "enlightened" monks of "independent Tibet" really governed Tibet like a slave state. Where's Richard Gere when you need him?
Thanks for posting his video @Pluto's Republic.
語必忠信 行必正直
thanks for the video...
it's always good to hear from people in a position to debunk the crap that our mainstream stenographers tell us about the world.
Demos in Seoul
I spent some time Sat, Sun and this morning watching video of demos in Seoul. Listened to 3-4 of the speakers. I don't know what happened to the labor movement in South Korea lately, for while they were very active in the streets and on the job site. They seem to have disappeared. I guess Yoon's legal crackdown on union leadership has had a chilling effect. Also, the progressive side of the democratic party didn't organize any last weekend either. I think the blazing heat, and the fight over reorganization of the party nomination rules between the two factions are taking everyone's attention inside the party. I just took a couple of screenshots to show the demos that did take place Saturday and Monday (today) respectively.
(Source- 오마이TV 8.14.23 youtube) "괴물을 보았다" 경찰과 충돌 끝에 서울시청역에서 열린 천주교 정의구현사제단 월요시국기도회 (2023.08.14 오후) "I saw a ghost" (play on words, media critiques of Yoon government corruption and incompetence are ridiculed by government officials as "ghost stories" a new expression for fake news). After confrontation with police ends the Monday prayer meeting organized by the Catholic Priests Justice Association opens near City Hall Station.
(Source- 빨간아재 8.13.23 youtube) [52차 촛불대행진] 나라가 엉망이다! 윤석열을 몰아내자! / 6시 시청-숭례문 앞 대로 52nd Candlelight procession (demo) The nation is a mess! Oust Yoon Suk-yeol! / (Saturday) 6pm (assemble on) street from City Hall to Sungnyemun (Namdaemun).
Large demonstration in Seoul today (upper screenshot) organized by Catholic Priests Association for Justice against pro-Japanese prosecution dictator Yoon calling for him to step down. Demo was larger than Saturday's candlelight demo (lower screenshot). It looked like police tried to restrict the Catholic priests' sponsored assembly to sidewalks initially. I think the crowd from dioceses all over South Korea was too large for that and they ended up occupying a couple a lanes in the roadway for quite a distance. The far right sound trucks were there trying to drown out the speakers. I think the assembly was open (non-denominational). One of the executive board members of the candlelight organization in religious garb 김민웅 목사 Minister Kim Min-woong, delivered a roaring presentation, there. I think he is a protestant minister. So there is some crossover. They support each other's political goals.
語必忠信 行必正直
evening soryang...
do you think that there are enough people mobilized to perhaps move yoon out of office over a shortish period of time? it looks like there is institutional support, which is a good sign.
I was more optimistic before
The problem with this scenario, is that there are DINOs (soo bak dul) maybe 30 or so hard core who probably won't go along with this because they are really conservatives at heart representing the so called rotten special interests (corporations). The key variables are further Yoon administration screw ups, disasters, natural, manmade, political and or economic, and whether they are bad enough to turn the MSM media that dominate the Korean information space away from Yoon. These media are Joongang Ilbo, Chosun Ilbo, and Donga Ilbo. Yoon's wife and mother in law are critical liabilities in this respect, because they are so obviously corrupt, and Yoon and his clique at Justice and in the prosecution are protecting them, as they have for many years. The DINOs in the democratic party (the majority party in the National Assembly) will go with whatever the MSM chaebol say. This is what they did when President Park Geun-hye was impeached. The street demonstrations were much larger back then, in the hundreds of thousands. The DINOs and the more left leaning democrats are struggling for control of the party nomination process because they know its critical to the numbers game. These demos I commented on today are small, numbering perhaps 3 to 10,000 or so by my guess. The public broadcasting stations KBS, SBS, and MBC are the primary televised critics of Yoon, and they are going to be dismantled in short order with the Yoon takeover of the KCC.
There is a similar contest in the conservative PPP nominally Yoon's party. Yoon's people have been maneuvering to eliminate independent non-Yoon candidates from the nomination slate of party candidates for similar reasons. In the event that adverse events reduce Yoon's support to less than 30 percent on a consistent basis, non Yoon members who get elected could defect to a Yoon impeachment movement to get rid of him. He's a liability to their political futures. He blackmails his rivals and critics with threats of political prosecution, party expulsions etc. Major party figures forced out of the election campaign nominations by Yoon forces are discussing whether to run independent or form a new party.
The independent political media I follow mostly on youtube, and these demonstrators talk openly of impeachment so I probably overstate the possibility. Yet, Yoon's disapproval rate however is consistently 58 to 62 percent depending on the poll taker. Polls showing better results are usually viewed as skewed for one reason or another, or just rigged for political purposes. I like to think of this potential for Yoon to fall just as in traditional Korean court politics. Natural disasters, epidemics, fires, floods, military losses and public police violence on righteous protestors could trigger the overthrow of the current leader. In Korean psychology such things reflect poorly on the country's leader and seem to elicit a visceral response. The way police handle these well behaved demonstrators is very critical. So is the way Yoon manages any future mishaps involving loss of life.
edited for clarity, and typos.
語必忠信 行必正直
thanks for that...
i have been wondering about it. it seems that here in the u.s. popular disapproval is not really a liability for a politician due to various manipulations of the system, so i guess south korea is pretty much the same.
Wow how generous of Biden
The Biden Administration announced Monday that Maui residents may qualify for a whopping “one-time $700 payment per household” for hurricane relief efforts.
There’s a graphic of the tweet in the article but I don’t see a link to it. Dunno why so many writers on substack don’t provide links to tweets or the articles they write about. Big pet peeve, but geezus how hard is it to post one?
A lawyer is telling people to have a lawyer look at any forms from the government before they sign it. They might be giving up any future money that they are entitled to. If you know anyone suggest that to them.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Here is the official statement. I am not overly impressed.
May and eligible seems rather bureaucratic.
if only they were bombing somebody the usg doesn't like, then the money would flow like water.
Maybe if the government found a Ukrainian family living there
Biden would up the money. Either that or make an exception to give the family more money than the long time residents.
I just read that homelessness has jumped 11% during Biden and credit card debt is now a trillion with very high interest rates. Banks are probably snarfing up homes again after people declared bankruptcy. Just think 70 years ago only dad had to work and he even made enough money he could afford to buy a vacation home and now both mom and dad have to work more than 1 job just to make ends meet. Meanwhile on the rich side of things…..
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Archie Bunker
Typical then. Not an anomaly.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Alex's comment is 100% correct.
Edited to add this image.
An interesting insight on the situation in Niger.
Alex Rubinstein@RealAlexRubi
The Atlantic Council part is a few days old but it is revealing.
Of course Blinky is deeply involved.
Oh my… that should be grounds for a new judge
She has also been sentencing 1/6 rioters to longer prison sentences than the defense asked for. Imo every person who has been sentenced should get a new trial that is moved out of DC. I don’t think there’s a way that they got an unbiased jury.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
that would certainly be grounds for recusal. on the other hand, judicial ethics aren't what they used to be - and that wasn't even a fig leaf.
The standards of being a judge don't seem to very high
He's been released ?!**
Thank dog, a drunk with a hundred guns isn't a threat to public safety.
語必忠信 行必正直
Get an arrest warrant for failure to appear, bond company gets off the bond.
Wont happen.
I predict he will do no time, be put on probation, have to go to classes for alcohol abuse, pay a huge fine, court costs, and go his merry way. I make he assumption he is white. Loss of law license, loss of judicial capability, but no loss of assets, or freedom.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I know
語必忠信 行必正直
So, it is not justmy Texas judges
Good to know.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
evening otc...
and that's a state superior court judge, not the local magistrate of some jerkwater town.
if you're looking for comfort that it's not just texas - up the road from me in pennsylvania there was a juvenile court judge that made an arrangement with a private prison company to get kickbacks for sentencing kids there sometime ago. it still stands out in my memory some years later of the sort of people that get appointed to be judges.
All judges,
I just take some heart it isn't just me in my state, in my courtrooms. It is everywhere.
Spread the crime, spread the corruption.
I want to ex pat, have for a decade, because of what I see and experience.
But to where? Where is better?
Have a great evening, joe.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
that's the problem. over the years, places that i thought might be better have turned out to change politically (internally or with the help of ned/usaid/cia). i've thought about a lot of places and while i can find places where it might be economically feasible (maybe even a benefit) - much better is hard to find.
I have only listened to the first 15 minutes or so but it was
quite good.
Hedges has a great take down of Kennedy
Kennedy is either woefully ignorant of what Israel is doing to the Palestinians or he’s sticking up for a murderous regime. Either way I think this makes him unqualified to be president for anyone who wants peace between the 2 countries. And I don’t believe that he can be that ignorant of what Israel has been doing for decades while the rest of the fcking world stays silent.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I fully agree with your take with regards to Kennedy's
stance on Israel. It will certainly cost him without any apparent gain. There is no reasonable explanation. It is not that he has a history of ducking controversial events like covid.
Perhaps he is concerned that the Mossad will call for a hit job on him.Today I’ve seen most people who watched the video
saying that while they don’t agree with Kennedy on Israel that issue isn’t that important to them and I just grind my teeth. I’m appalled that anyone can say that they don’t give a flying hoot about genocide because you know he’d be good for America. This attitude is one of the reasons why Israel has been committing genocide on Palestinians for so fcking long. Not many people object to it. Would they have said that same thing a few centuries ago when America was committing genocide on the Native Americans? Or be okay with how we treated the Chinese or any other ethnic minority back then?
Planning to take Sam swimming again and get my BP down.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Maybe God told him to. n/t
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
This made me chuckle.
pffffffttttt!!!! n/t