The Evening Blues - 7-27-23


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Lloyd Glenn

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features west coast blues piano player Lloyd Glenn. Enjoy!

Lloyd Glenn - After Hours

"Is ours a government of the people, by the people, for the people, or a kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?"

-- Thomas Love Peacock

News and Opinion

More Warmongers Elevated In The Biden Administration

The Biden administration looks set to become even more warlike than it already was if you can imagine, with virulent Russia hawk Victoria Nuland and virulent China hawk Charles Q Brown now being elevated to lofty positions by the White House.

Nuland, the wife of alpha neocon Robert Kagan, has been named acting deputy secretary of state by President Biden, at least until a new deputy secretary has been named. This places her at second in command within the State Department, second only to Tony Blinken.

n an article about Nuland’s unique role in souring relations between the US and Russia during her previous tenure in the State Department under Obama, Responsible Statecraft’s Connor Echols writes the following of the latest news:

Nuland’s appointment will be a boon for Russia hawks who want to turn up the heat on the Kremlin. But, for those who favor a negotiated end to the conflict in Ukraine, a promotion for the notoriously “undiplomatic diplomat” will be a bitter pill.

A few quick reminders are in order. When Nuland was serving in the Obama administration, she had a now-infamous leaked call with the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. As the Maidan Uprising roiled the country, the pair of American diplomats discussed conversations with opposition leaders, and Nuland expressed support for putting Arseniy Yatseniuk into power. (Yatseniuk would become prime minister later that month, after Russia-friendly former President Viktor Yanukovych fled the country.) At one memorable point in the call, Nuland said “Fu–k the EU” in response to Europe’s softer stance on the protests.

The controversy surrounding the call — and larger implications of U.S. involvement in the ouster of Yanukovych — kicked up tensions with Russia and contributed to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to seize Crimea and support an insurgency in eastern Ukraine. Her handing out  food to demonstrators on the ground in Kyiv probably didn’t help either. Nuland, along with State Department sanctions czar Daniel Fried, then led the effort to punish Putin through sanctions. Another official at State reportedly asked Fried if “the Russians realize that the two hardest-line people in the entire U.S. government are now in a position to go after them?”

In a 2015 Consortium News article titled “The Mess That Nuland Made,” the late Robert Parry singled out Nuland as the primary architect of the 2014 regime change operation in Ukraine, which, as Aaron Maté explained last year, paved the way to the war we’re seeing there today. Hopefully her position winds up being temporary.

In other news, the Senate Arms Services Committee has voted to confirm Biden’s selection of General Charles Q Brown Jr as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, replacing Mark Milley. A full senate vote will now take place on whether to confirm Brown — currently the Air Force Chief of Staff — for the nation’s highest military office.

Brown is unambiguous about his belief that the US must hasten to militarize against China in the so-called Indo-Pacific to prepare for confrontation between the two powers, calling for more US bases in the region and increased efforts to arm Taiwan during his hearing before the Senate Arms Services Committee earlier this month.

Back in May, Moon of Alabama flagged Brown’s nomination in an article which also noted that several advocates of military restraint had been resigning from their positions within the administration, including Wendy Sherman, the deputy secretary of state who Nuland has taken over for.

It’s too soon to draw any firm conclusions, but to see voices of restraint stepping down and proponents of escalation stepping up could be a bad portent of things to come.

Big Ukr Defeat Relaunch Offensive; Rus Missile Strike; US-Rus Secret Talks, US Ready to Abandon Ukr

Ukraine steps up counteroffensive with new push south and around Bakhmut

Ukrainian forces have stepped up their counteroffensive after two months of gruelling, incremental gains, mounting a new push in the south of the country while edging closer to the fiercely contested eastern city of Bakhmut.

The New York Times cited unnamed Pentagon officials as saying the “main thrust” of the counteroffensive had now begun, with the Ukrainian army pouring thousands of western-trained and equipped reinforcements into a perceived weak spot in Russian defences in the Zaporizhzhia region. However, the Washington Post reported that a US official “expressed caution” in drawing the conclusions that the main counteroffensive has begun. “We are seeing signs of preparatory moves for additional forces in the Zaporizhzhia area to come into the fight. But it’s not clear what the purpose of those moves may be,” the unnamed official was quoted as saying.

Earlier on Wednesday, Igor Konashenkov, the Russian defence ministry’s chief spokesperson, described a “massive” attack and fierce battles south of the settlement of Orikhiv, but said the attack had been repelled. However, the Russian military blogger Rybar described an “attack by more than 80 armoured vehicles, including tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armoured personnel carriers and combat vehicles”, adding that Ukrainian forces had managed to penetrate “in three areas … [amid] fierce battles.”

One immediate focus of the battles on Wednesday was the Russian-held village of Robotyne, but the major Ukrainian objectives are the heavily fortified city of Tokmak, and beyond, Melitopol, near the coast. Melitopol’s liberation would cut Russian forces on the southern front in two, and isolate occupied Crimea.

“This is the big test,” the New York Times quoted a senior US official as saying. Ukrainian commanders were reported to be trying to seize a moment of opportunity after weeks wearing down Russian defences in Zaporizhzhia and bombarding Russian ammunition stores and logistics hubs behind the frontlines. The sacking of the Russian commander in the region, Maj Gen Ivan Popov, after his criticism of military leadership, has also added to the sense that this may be a moment of Russian vulnerability in the area. At the same time, Ukrainian forces have maintained an offensive around the Donetsk town of Bakhmut, where three months ago Russia claimed victory in a months-long and bloody battle for the devastated city.

An interesting piece worth a full read. Here's a snippet to get you started:

Glimpses of an Endgame in Ukraine

The problem with the war in Ukraine is that it has been all smoke and mirrors. The Russian objectives of “demilitarisation” and “de-Nazification” of Ukraine wore a surreal look. The western narrative that the war is between Russia and Ukraine, where central issue is the Westphalian principle of national sovereignty, wore thin progressively leaving a void. There is a realisation today that the war is actually between Russia and NATO and that Ukraine had ceased to be a sovereign country since 2014 when the C.I.A. and sister western agencies — Germany, the UK, France, Sweden, etc.— installed a puppet regime in Kiev. The fog of war is lifting and the battle lines are becoming visible. At an authoritative level, a candid discussion is beginning as regards the endgame.

Certainly, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s videoconference with the permanent members of the Security Council in Moscow last Friday and his meeting with Belarus President Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in St. Petersburg on Sunday become the defining moment. The two transcripts stand back-to-back and need to be read together. (here and here)

There is no question that the two events were carefully choreographed by the Kremlin officials and intended to convey multiple messages. Russia exudes confidence that it has achieved dominance on the battle front — having thrashed the Ukrainian military and Kiev’s “counteroffensive” moving into the rear view mirror. But Moscow anticipates that the Biden administration may be having an even bigger war plan in mind. At the Security council meeting, Putin “de-classified” the intelligence reports reaching Moscow from various sources indicative of moves to insert into Western Ukraine a Polish expeditionary force. Putin called it “a well-organised, equipped regular military unit to be used for operations” in Western Ukraine “for the subsequent occupation of these territories.”

Indeed, there is a long history of Polish revanchism. Putin, himself a keen student of history, talked at some length about it. He sounded stoical that if the Kiev authorities were to acquiesce with this Polish-American plan, “as traitors usually do, that’s their business. We will not interfere.” But, Putin added, “Belarus is part of the Union State, and launching an aggression against Belarus would mean launching an aggression against the Russian Federation. We will respond to that with all the resources available to us.” Putin warned that what is afoot “is an extremely dangerous game, and the authors of such plans should think about the consequences.”

On Sunday, at the meeting with Putin in St. Petersburg, Lukashenko picked up the thread of discussion. He briefed Putin about new Polish deployments close to Belarus border — just 40 kms from Brest — and other preparations under way — the opening of a repair shop for Leopard tanks in Poland, activation of an airfield in Rzeszow on Ukrainian border (about 100 kms from Lvov) for use of Americans transferring weaponry, mercenaries, etc. Lukashenko said:

“This is unacceptable to us. The alienation of western Ukraine, the dismemberment of Ukraine and the transfer of its lands to Poland are unacceptable. Should people in Western Ukraine ask us then we will provide support to them. I ask you [Putin] to discuss and think about this issue. Naturally, I would like you to support us in this regard. If the need in such support arises, if Western Ukraine asks us for help, then we will provide assistance and support to people in western Ukraine. If this happens, we will support them in every possible way.”

The bottom line is that Putin and Lukashenko held such a discussion publicly at all. Clearly, both spoke on the basis of intelligence inputs. They anticipate an inflection point ahead.

US and Allies Preparing to Support an Open-Ended Conflict in Ukraine

The US and its allies are worried that Ukraine’s stalled counteroffensive means the war between Russian and Ukrainian forces will be an open-ended conflict, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

The report said the US was hoping Ukraine would regain some territory and that would pave the way for a negotiated settlement, although the US has discouraged diplomacy throughout the war. “My hope is and my expectation is you’ll see that Ukraine makes significant progress on their offensive and it generates a negotiated settlement somewhere along the line,” President Biden said in Helsinki earlier this month.

But without significant Ukrainian gains, the West is preparing to support the proxy war against Russia for years to come. “The only real response is an industrial mobilization that will give Ukrainians, and the Russians, a clear message that the Ukrainians will always have plenty of what they need,” an unnamed Western diplomat told the Journal.

The diplomat said that the US might have to accept that the war won’t end anytime soon. Biden administration officials have repeatedly said they’re willing to arm Ukraine for “as long as it takes,” but it’s unclear if the US and its NATO allies can sustain support for Ukraine as officials are warning Western military stockpiles are running low. Time is also on Russia’s side as potential political changes in the US could impact the level of support Ukraine receives.

Moldova expels 45 Russian diplomats and embassy staff, citing years of ‘hostile actions’

Moldova has ordered 45 Russian diplomats and embassy staff to leave, sharply reducing the number of officials Russia can have in its capital Chișinău, while citing years of “hostile actions” by Moscow.

“We agreed on the need to limit the number of accredited diplomats from Russia, so that there are fewer people trying to destabilize the Republic of Moldova,” foreign minister Nicu Popescu said at a cabinet meeting.

Russia will have until 15 August to cut its embassy personnel from more than 80 to 25, the foreign ministry said.

“For many years we have been the object of hostile Russian actions and policies. Many of them were made through the embassy,” Popescu said.

Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told a weekly briefing that Moldova’s decision would “not go unanswered,” calling it “another step in the destruction of bilateral relations” between the countries.

NYT, REAL BIG counteroffensive starts. Elensky Democracy, delays elections. Nuland promotion.

Niger soldiers announce coup and president’s removal on national TV

Soldiers in Niger say they have removed President Mohamed Bazoum from power, after armed troops earlier blockaded the presidential palace in Niamey, the capital in one of the world’s most unstable nations. A group of soldiers appeared on the west African country’s national television late on Wednesday, a few hours after the president had been detained.

The apparent coup was said to be led by the head of a regional political and security group. The soldiers, including members of the presidential guard of Bazoum, were earlier said to be engaged in negotiations with the president – who was described as “safe and well” although his location was unclear.

The move by the elite guard force was quickly challenged by the wider army and national guard, who threatened to attack the presidential force unless they stepped down.

The White House said as the situation unfolded that the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, had spoken to the captive Bazoum and “conveyed the unwavering support of the United States … the strong US economic and security partnership with Niger depends on the continuation of democratic governance and respect for the rule of law and human rights”.

Blinken, visiting New Zealand, later said: “I spoke with President Bazoum earlier this morning, and made clear that the US resolutely supports him as the democratically elected president of Niger. We call for his immediate release.”

Fed raises interest rates to 22-year high as it continues to fight inflation

The US Federal Reserve raised interest rates to a 22-year high on Wednesday as it continued its fight against rising inflation. The decision to increase rates by a quarter-percentage point to a range of 5.25% to 5.5% comes after the Fed paused its rate-rising cycle last month

US inflation has now declined for 12 straight months and is currently running at an annual rate of 3%, down from over 9% in June last year. The Fed has raised rates from near zero in an attempt to cool the economy and bring prices down.

The US economy has remained robust despite the 11 rate rises the Fed has now implemented – its most aggressive rate-rising cycle in 40 years. Hiring has slowed but remains strong and the unemployment rate is still close to a record low.

Fed chair Jerome Powell said the central bank was closely monitoring the economic data ahead of its next meeting in September. “It is certainly possible that we would raise funds again at the September meeting if the data warranted,” he said. “And I would also say it’s possible that we would choose to hold steady at that meeting. We’re going to be making careful assessments, as I said, meeting by meeting.”

DeJoy Is Still Dragging His Feet at Every Step on Electrifying the Postal Fleet

For as much as we’ve heard Postmaster General Louis DeJoy talk about the need for “dramatic change” at U.S. Postal Service when it comes to the more disruptive elements of his 10-year plan, he has consistently resisted modernizing the postal fleet to reflect the market shift to electric vehicles. His own words just don’t seem to apply to the long overdue shift from gas guzzlers with the fuel efficiency of a Hummer to a climate-friendly 95% electric fleet built by 100% union labor.

USPS recently released its latest draft supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) for Next Generation Delivery Vehicles (NGDV) Acquisitions ahead of a public hearing Wednesday, July 26. This latest draft SEIS is the post office’s second attempt at an environmental impact statement after their first one projected gas prices to be $2 a gallon less in the future and deployed other ludicrous math to make the case for combustible vehicles, only to be sued by several different parties for their wildly inaccurate claims. Due to immense public pressure and some close White House hand-holding over the course of last year, USPS leadership shifted from committing to only 5% electric vehicles at the outset of the project to 62% as of their last announcement.

This is certainly movement, but it’s far from the 95% that experts recommended and that is closer in line with private sector carriers’ plans. Even the Postal Service’s own Inspector General has concluded that at least 95% of postal routes could be serviced by electric vehicles. The IG found that zero-emissions electric trucks would be cheaper for the USPS over the full life cycle of the fleet–costing less to buy, fuel, and maintain than conventional fossil fuel-powered vehicles.

The increase to 62% did not come easily from DeJoy, either: There were a string of lawsuits and consistent calls from the community alongside climate and labor groups. As the Save the Post Office Coalition pointed out in a June 30 statement, this latest draft SEIS “is disappointing, particularly as it comes out of last summer’s hearing where USPS heard loud and clear from postal workers and communities in an overwhelming majority of public comments calling for a union-built, all-electric fleet. Frontline Black and Brown communities are being poisoned by heavy trucks with combustion engines, and mail carriers who drive postal trucks are particularly affected from vehicle idling which releases high levels of localized air pollution.”

Media outlets gave DeJoy a favorable reception last December for USPS’s third move towards a larger share of EVs, even though it falls 33% short of where it needs to be. It is important to note that the current EV commitment is not 75% of the entire fleet as reported; it is only the purpose-built NGDVs—when including all vehicles including commercial off-the-shelf ones, the total share of the fleet that’s electric is just 62%.

This saga has demonstrated again that Louis DeJoy is more focused on short-term cost-cutting than long-term smart solutions for USPS’s future. DeJoy’s leadership approach was to dig his heels in, rather than look to the future, and this is dangerous. National climate priorities have particular urgency right now when the force of extreme weather is causing so much havoc and loss. But it’s also just fundamentally at odds with what the people want for their most treasured public institution: a healthy USPS that changes with the times. Louis DeJoy is proving once again that he’s not able to deliver that.

Brutal Ohio Police Dog Attack on Black Truck Driver Highlights Pattern, Echoes Violence of Slavery

the horse race

News from the Washington gerontocracy:

Mitch McConnell abruptly stops mid-sentence during press conference

The Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, briefly left his own press conference on Wednesday after stopping his remarks mid-sentence and staring off into space for several seconds.

McConnell approached the podium for his weekly press conference and began speaking about the annual defense bill on the floor, which he said was proceeding with “good bipartisan cooperation”. But he then appeared to lose his train of thought, trailing off with a drawn-out “uh”.

He then appeared to “freeze” and stared for about 20 seconds before his colleagues in the Republican leadership, who were standing behind him and could not see his face, took his elbows and asked if he wanted to go back to his office.

He did not answer, but slowly walked back to his office with an aide and Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming, a former orthopedic surgeon, who is the No 3 Republican in the Senate. McConnell later returned to the press conference and answered questions from the press.

Asked about what happened, McConnell said he was “fine”. He did not elaborate. ...

McConnell, 81, was out of the Senate for almost six weeks earlier this year after falling and hitting his head. His office later said he suffered a concussion and fractured a rib. His speech has recently sounded more halting, prompting questions among some of his colleagues about his health.

Joe Biden Caught LYING On Hunter Biden Business Deals

Judge Puts Hunter Biden Plea Deal on Hold as Republicans Ramp Up Attacks on President & Son

the evening greens

Worth a full read:

A Democrat’s obsessive quest to change the way America is farmed and fed

Earl Blumenauer has been on a 26-year quest to pass a bill to reform farming to center people, animals and the environment. Each year for the last 26 years – nearly his entire tenure in the US Congress – Earl Blumenauer has advocated for a law that would utterly transform US agriculture. Nearly every time, though, his proposals have been shut down. Even so, he persists. Blumenauer, a Democrat from Oregon, wants to see a version of US agriculture that centers people, animals and the environment, rather than the large-scale, energy-intensive commodity crop farms that currently receive billions of dollars in subsidies. In effect, he has a completely different vision for how 40% of the country’s land looks and works. ...

Blumenauer’s newest plan, the Food and Farm Act, was introduced earlier this year, as an alternative to the farm bill – the package of food and agricultural policies passed every five years that is up for renewal this fall. His proposal would redirect billions of dollars away from subsidies for commodity farms towards programs that support small farmers, climate-friendly agriculture and increasing healthy food access.

The bill also prioritizes food waste management and animal welfare – areas that have been completely neglected by previous iterations of the farm bill. “We simply pay too much to the wrong people, to grow the wrong foods the wrong way, in the wrong places,” Blumenauer said. While unlikely to pass, Blumenauer’s bill, which has been introduced and referred to the agriculture committee, has won endorsements from prominent food writers such as Marion Nestle and Mark Bittman, as well as dozens of environmental, animal welfare and food justice organizations – representing the growing desire for change in US agriculture.

At the heart of Blumenauer’s bill is farm subsidy reform. In the most recent iteration of the farm bill, approximately $63bn was dedicated to subsidies. These mostly benefited the largest farms and agribusinesses, with 70% of subsidy payments going to just 10% of farms, most of which produce commodity crops like soy, corn and wheat, which are often used to make animal feed, processed foods and even fuel for cars. This means that taxpayers are subsidizing processed food, but not the fruits and vegetables you buy in the grocery store – and that commodity farms have little incentive to switch to more sustainable modes of production or more nutritious foods that people will actually eat.

“Most of us don’t even know that the public dollars initially designed to protect farmers and keep supply managed to feed a hungry nation in the Great Depression are now reinforcing wealthy agribusiness corporations to grow commodities that are not even meant for human consumption,” said Joshua Sewell, a policy analyst at the nonpartisan watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense. Farmers that grow what are called “specialty crops”, which include fruits and vegetables, usually don’t qualify for subsidies. Most of the farms excluded from subsidy payments are those using sustainable growing methods that preserve soil and benefit the climate in the long term.

Can slag heaps help combat the climate crisis?

Research presented at the Goldschmidt conference in Lyon, France, this month suggests that slag, the waste produced by the iron and steel industry, could be used to lock away carbon dioxide for thousands of years. ...

Jahmaine Yambing from the University of Cambridge has explored the potential of slag heaps to capture carbon by studying the 20m tonnes of slag produced by the former Consett steelworks in County Durham, UK.

Since the steelworks closed 40 years ago rainwater has drained through the slag, dissolving minerals and depositing tufa (a form of calcite) on the nearby stream bed. By analysing the deposits Yambing has assessed what chemical reactions have occurred and how much carbon has been locked into the tufa. Yambing is using this data to understand the carbon capture potential of other slag heaps around the world.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Why Ukraine’s counter-offensive is failing

Battle For Robotyne

The Distributed Nature Of Collapse

Knives Back Out for Peace Activists in Korea

Censorship of the Black Left

Court Filing: JPMorgan Chase “Actively Participated in Epstein’s Sex-Trafficking Venture”

The EU-Indonesia Fight Over Nickel and Who Gets to Own the Clean Energy Future

Decades of Public Messages about Recycling in the US Have Crowded Out More Sustainable Ways to Manage Waste

The rebel group stopping self-driving cars in San Francisco – one cone at a time | California | The Guardian

A Little Night Music

Lloyd Glenn - Chica Boo

Lloyd Glenn - Soldier's Hop

Lloyd Glenn - Sunrise

Lloyd Glenn - Old Time Shuffle Blues

Lloyd Glenn - Boogie Woogie On St. Louis Blues

Lloyd Glenn - Tiddly-Winks

Lloyd Glenn - The Shakedown

Lowell Fulson & Lloyd Glenn - Reconsider Baby

Buddy Guy and Lloyd Glenn - Dust my Broom

14 users have voted.


joe shikspack's picture

i won't be around until much later tonight. i'm off to pennsylvania for an illuminated gardens and fountain show.

have a great evening!

10 users have voted.
QMS's picture

@joe shikspack

from upstairs ..

The US economy has remained robust

wait a minute, in what universe is this true? The fed diddles while money dribbles.
Maybe robust in the sense the Wall Street gang is making a killing, but to the rest
of us, words besides robust come to mind. Like robbed, busted and painful. If you
read it in the NYT or WSJ, you know it is a lie.
Someone remind me what a buck is worth now.
Ain't much, but it fills their spreadsheets with orgasmic projections.

12 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

snoopydawg's picture


"Is ours a government of the people, by the people, for the people, or a kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?"

-- Thomas Love Peacock

Question is how long it’s been like this?

From the RS article:

Some analysts have argued that Ukraine has done a poor job of employing the combined arms operations that NATO armies employ and taught to Ukrainian troops earlier this year.

Maybe Ukraine shouldn’t be trained by NATO because NATO just got its ass whooped in Afghanistan and only can declare victory in Iraq and Libya because it destroyed both countries with overwhelming force and fighting against people who didn’t have the same resources NATO did. But the Afghans beat them soundly with older weapons. Russia has been learning while fighting the last 18 months and has been making many more weapons and equipment than NATO can dream of.

12 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

soryang's picture

I used to fight traffic stops leading to drug arrests in pretrial hearings. I think I only won one. Then I won another at trial, because the jury thought the stop was bs. I only did these for a couple of years. One of the county judges became upset with me, because I always brought a suppression hearing based on the 4th Amendment in traffic stop cases.

Anyway, this is just background, because I dropped out of law, and took up driving OTC in the lower 48. In the course of hundreds of thousands of miles of driving, I had occasion to see a lot of roadside traffic stops primarily on interstates. The police often had a dog to sniff the contents of vehicles after the stop. The driver (and passengers if there were any) would be standing on the roadside watched by one or more officers sometimes with the K-9, while another tossed the contents of the car all over the roadside. The occupants were almost invariably Black or Hispanic. This corresponded with my prior experience (at least in my community) that the people charged and held for prosecution without bail were mostly minorities. But with roadside traffic stops it seemed to be even worse (nationally).

Ann Wright's article on the US- Korean relations was great. I saw this one today on the 70th Anniversary of the Armistice by Simone Chun-

Posted her tweet for the picture near Paju on the Tongil (Unification) Bridge. I'll include only this excerpt which I think it makes a little known point I like to emphasize-

Indeed, one of the biggest current obstacles for inter-Korean peace is the “liberal” Biden administration’s support for the extreme far right administration of Yoon Suk-yeol, who is eager to prove his administration’s worth as a linchpin in Washington’s new Cold War in Asia. While Yoon’s regime has been rankled by approval ratings as low as 22 percent and widespread protests against endemic domestic crackdowns as well as dangerous brinkmanship with the North, Yoon’s “republic of prosecution” enjoys Washington’s support as long as it eagerly toes the line of U.S. hegemonic unipolarity. Lauded as the “perfect US partner,” the Yoon administration has doubled down on internal repression while importing seven times more U.S. weapons in its first year than in the last five years combined. Biden’s bolstering and militarization of the repressive Yoon regime harkens back to Washington’s sordid history of propping up the brutal military dictatorship in South Korea, and what Chomsky refers to as the institutionalization of sub-fascism under U.S. tutelage.

I suspect there was a larger demonstration outside Camp Humphreys in Pyongtaek today but when I tried to find it, all I could find was some poor video of a pro-US crowd inside the US base (the largest US military base outside the US) celebrating the anniversary.

Surprising balance from NBC news in this article but why is it in the Asian America section? This is a national security and international relations issue.

For longtime activists like Ahn, the 70th anniversary is a crucial moment to challenge the status quo. “We’ve had enough of the establishment’s definition of security. Their approach has not worked. The threat of nuclear war, the division of millions, humanitarian crises — this is not deterrence, this is violence,” Ahn said. “The U.S. has a moral responsibility to finally end the war.”

Ahn's article from yesterday was the best- it isn't easy to get all the most pertinent facts in one essay.

Thanks for news and blues Joe!

10 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直


7 users have voted.
soryang's picture

@humphrey interesting video of Kim and Shoigu. Don't remember seeing North Korean drones like those before.

5 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直


It appears as if she wasn't the only one.

9 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


“I think part of the problem is they really did want to cap out the case.”

“The Department of Justice wanted to cap this investigation. But they didn’t want to say that it was now over.”

“From the very beginning, the Hunter Biden team said this is a close-out plea agreement. There would be nothing left to investigate.”

“But the Department of Justice is telling Congress we’re not going to give you these witnesses or these documents because there’s an ongoing investigation.

“You can’t do both things when a judge is asking you to specifically address whether this is a close-out or a continuing investigation…”

“This is a big problem. This was all supposed to be scripted. It was all supposed to be easy. And now it is off script and it is anything but easy.

“Because the judge just raised the one charge that the White House most fears which is the chance that Hunter was a foreign agent. And if he was a foreign agent, the question is foreign agent for who and for what purpose?”

“The president was that purpose. If you’re influence peddling, it’s influence over the president. So if you go for FARA, it’s going to bring all of this stuff in.”

“Including some of these tax accounts for 2014 and 15 that the Department of Justice allowed to run, allowed the statute of limitations to expire.”

“All of that can get boot strapped into a FARA issue. The whole purpose of this deal is collapsing as we’re watching it. And it’s taken Washington by utter

Obama and Biden went after general Flynn under FARA even though it’s been legal for incoming administrations to start talking with their counterparts. John Kerry wasn’t a government official when he went to talk to Iran during Trump. There aren’t just 2 different justice systems for the elite and we the people, but for people in government too it seems. Trump got impeached for asking Zelensky about what the Biden’s were up to in Ukraine while Joe willingly admitted that he threatened Ukraine to withhold the money unless they fired the prosecutor who was going after his son and if the IRS whistleblowers are correct both Joe and Hunter took $5 million bribes.

Can people who haven’t joined twitter see the tweets or the videos included when posted here? If not I’ll start explaining the content.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


Meanwhile, the White House has backtracked on its language concerning Joe Biden's claim that he 'never discussed' Hunter's business dealings with his son, after evidence emerged late last month contradicting that claim.

"I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings," Biden claimed in September 2020 on the campaign trail. One month later, he doubled down in a radio interview, saying "I don't discuss business with my son."

Except, in late June a text message presented during testimony by IRS whistleblowers before the House Ways and Means Committee reveals Hunter essentially asking a Chinese businessman where their bribe is.

"I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled," wrote Hunter via WhatsApp on July 30, 2017. "Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight."

Hunter then warned that "if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father."

Spin, baby!

Now, the White House's verbiage is a bit different when it comes to Hunter and Joe - after Ian Sams, a spokesman for the White House counsel's office, told the Washington Examiner "As we have said many times before, the president was not in business with his son."

Another meanwhile: shitlibs are saying that Russia copied Hunter’s laptop and then they changed things in it and added the pornographic images of Hunter having sex and doing dope after getting him so drunk that he passed out. Lev Parvov is telling this tale because he said that Rudy G told him about it and he wants to testify to congress about it. I’m thinking that hearsay evidence is inadmissible, but since the rules are constantly changing….

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

in answer to your question,

Can people who haven’t joined twitter see the tweets or the videos included when posted here?

I've never joined Twitter, and I can see the tweets and videos you and other people post from Twitter.

10 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Linda Wood

I appreciate you letting me know that you can see the tweets and videos. I was hoping that it was just temporary when Musk did that.

I miss the blue bird and think that the X needs to go. What a silly thing to do for unknown reasons.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

QMS's picture

now I

I've never had a twit account. whenever I click on the X-twit arrow,
Now I am redirected to very strange places. Like pump-up your biceps or
By exxing that out, get back to whatever posted vid I clicked on.
Weird and stupid.

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

snoopydawg's picture


I click on it and I go to some videos website, but when I close it and click on dr again it opens. It started 2 days ago.
And yesterday I got a warning that my isp was sending too much information to the website, but the isp numbers didn’t match my isp. That was in a long substack article. I didn’t click on it. Weird things happening.


I just got this in the photo essay. It’s like what I saw yesterday on substack, but it had more details.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Ahh well at least it wasn’t the parliamentarian who insisted that the charge was dropped. It’s too bad that Julian Assange can’t get sweetheart deals like Hunter and Sam have gotten. Fck this country’s justice system!

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

mumbo jumbo to me.

Perhaps OTC or someone else could verify if this makes sense?

Will Scharf@willscharf

Based on conversations with people who were in the courtroom today, and my experience as a former federal prosecutor, I think I know the full story of what happened with the Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning.

Bear with me, because this is a little complicated:

Typically, if the Government is offering to a defendant that it will either drop charges or decline to bring new charges in return for the defendant's guilty plea, the plea is structured under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(A). An agreement not to prosecute Hunter for FARA violations or other crimes in return for his pleading guilty to the tax misdemeanors, for example, would usually be a (c)(1)(A) plea. This is open, transparent, subject to judicial approval, etc.

In Hunter's case, according to what folks in the courtroom have told me, Hunter's plea was structured under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(B), which is usually just a plea in return for a joint sentencing recommendation only, and contained no information on its face about other potential charges, and contained no clear agreement by DOJ to forego prosecution of other charges.

Instead, DOJ and Hunter's lawyers effectively hid that part of the agreement in what was publicly described as a pretrial diversion agreement relating to a § 922(g)(3) gun charge against Hunter for being a drug user in possession of a firearm.

That pretrial diversion agreement as written was actually MUCH broader than just the gun charge. If Hunter were to complete probation, the pretrial diversion agreement prevented DOJ from ever bringing charges against Hunter for any crimes relating to the offense conduct discussed in the plea agreement, which was purposely written to include his foreign influence peddling operations in China and elsewhere.

So they put the facts in the plea agreement, but put their non-prosecution agreement in the pretrial diversion agreement, effectively hiding the full scope of what DOJ was offering and Hunter was obtaining through these proceedings. Hunter's upside from this deal was vast immunity from further prosecution if he finished a couple years of probation, and the public wouldn't be any the wiser because none of this was clearly stated on the face of the plea agreement, as would normally be the case.

Judge Noreika smelled a rat. She understood that the lawyers were trying to paint her into a corner and hide the ball. Instead, she backed DOJ and Hunter's lawyers into a corner by pulling all the details out into the open and then indicating that she wasn't going to approve a deal as broad as what she had discovered.

DOJ, attempting to save face and save its case, then stated on the record that the investigation into Hunter was ongoing and that Hunter remained susceptible to prosecution under FARA. Hunter's lawyers exploded. They clearly believed that FARA was covered under the deal, because as written, the pretrial diversion agreement language was broad enough to cover it. They blew up the deal, Hunter pled not guilty, and that's the current state of play.

And so here we are. Hunter's lawyers and DOJ are going to go off and try to pull together a new set of agreements, likely narrower, to satisfy Judge Noreika. Fortunately, I doubt if FARA or any charges related to Hunter's foreign influence peddling will be included, which leaves open the possibility of further investigations leading to further prosecutions.

9 users have voted.

@humphrey Wish I knew more about federal statutes.
Judges in Texas are not privy to know or see the terms of a pre-trial diversion agreement. I can say that I am glad the judge got to read Hunter's, and absolutely agree that granting him immunity for a totally unrelated crime is just way beyond the normal rule of law.
You won't find a state ptda for, say, drug possession, that also grants you immunity from an auto theft charge that that doesn't share the elements of time and place of the drug possession.
Hunter's agreement was a very unusual apple and orange.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

joe shikspack's picture

well, i'm back, i had a great time and the show was quite a multimedia spectacle, the grandkid was impressed. anyway after all that driving back from pa, i'm pretty beat, so thanks everybody for your comments, links, vids, etc.

tomorrow's eb may be a little light on content, but i'll see what i can come up with.

have a good one, see you all tomorrow!

11 users have voted.