The Evening Blues - 7-13-23


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Bukka White

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features delta blues singer Bukka White. Enjoy!

Bukka White - Aberdeen Mississippi Blues

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country... corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."

-- Abraham Lincoln

News and Opinion

The Worst 2024 Election Interference Won’t Come From Russia Or China

The New York Times has been churning out an amazing number of hit pieces on Robert F Kennedy Jr lately.

On Tuesday the Times published an audio essay titled “Why I Regret Debating Robert F. Kennedy Jr.” by opinion columnist Farhad Manjoo. Manjoo debated Kennedy in 2006 about the legitimacy of George W Bush’s 2004 win against John Kerry, believing that Kennedy’s skepticism of the election results was dangerous.

“Disputing elections is just not good for democracy,” Manjoo says, joining the rest of the American liberal political/media class in rewriting history to pretend they didn’t just spend the entire Trump administration doing exactly that.

Manjoo cites his experience debating Kennedy (whom he repeatedly refers to as a “conspiracy theorist”) to argue that nobody should debate the presidential candidate on the topic of Covid vaccines, adding yet another entry to the countless articles and news segments which were published in the mass media last month saying that vaccine scientist Peter Hotez should reject Joe Rogan’s offer of $100,000 to a charity of his choice if he’d debate Kennedy on the subject.

Last week The New York Times published an article titled “5 Noteworthy Falsehoods Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Has Promoted,” along with a Paul Krugman article which opens with the line “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a crank” and an opinion piece titled “Pro-Vaccine Views Are Winning. Don’t Fear the Skeptics.” which opens with a stab at Kennedy. The week before that there was a standard hit piece by Gail Collins. The week before that there was another piece by Farhad Manjoo about how nobody should debate Kennedy about vaccines.

Sometimes they’re presented as opinion pieces, sometimes they’re presented as hard news stories despite brazenly biased language and overt editorializing, and all are slanted against Kennedy in some way. The New York Times plainly dislikes RFK Jr, and makes no secret of working to make sure its audience dislikes him too.

And this is pretty much what we can expect from American mass media until Kennedy has either lost his presidential race or had his reputation so thoroughly destroyed among the electorate that he can be safely ignored. The message will be hammered and hammered and hammered home until the illusory truth effect causes readers to mistake rote repetition for truth, and Kennedy’s campaign will fizzle.

And Silicon Valley is playing, too. Last month YouTube took down multiple videos featuring two different interviews with Kennedy on the grounds that they violated the platform’s policies against “vaccine misinformation”. Youtube is owned by Google, which has had ties to the CIA and NSA since its inception and is now a full-fledged Pentagon contractor.

Kennedy tweeted some interesting comments about YouTube’s removal of his interviews.

“People made a big deal about Russia supposedly manipulating internet information to influence a Presidential election. Shouldn’t we be worried when giant tech corporations do the same?” asked Kennedy, adding, “When industry and government are so closely linked, there is little difference between ‘private’ and ‘government’ censorship. Suppression of free speech is not suddenly OK when it is contracted out to the private corporations that control the public square.”

This is a point I’ve been emphasizing for years: in a corporatist system of government, where there’s no real separation between corporate power and state power, corporate censorship is state censorship.

And it really is interesting how almost everyone seems to be pretty much okay with corporations in the media and Silicon Valley interfering in a US election like this. Everyone shrieked their lungs out about the (now wholly discredited) narrative that Russian bots had influenced the US election with tweets and Facebook memes, but immensely wealthy corporations with universes more influence manipulating the way people think and vote is perfectly fine?

That does seem to be the way of it, though. This past April the Obama administration’s acting CIA director Mike Morell admitted to using his intelligence connections to circulate a false story in the press during the 2020 presidential race that the Hunter Biden laptop leak was a Russian disinfo op, because he wanted to ensure that Joe Biden would win the election. And absolutely nothing happened to him; Morell just went on with his day.

It’s just taken as a given that it’s fine for US oligarchs and empire managers to interfere in an election with brazen psyops and mass media propaganda, even as more and more internet censorship gets put in place on the grounds of protecting election security. If an ordinary American circulated disinformation to manipulate the election, imperial spinmeisters would cite that as evidence that online communication needs to be more aggressively controlled. But when Obama’s acting CIA director does it, it’s cool. Election interference for me but not for thee.

This is where the most election interference will come from in this presidential race: not from Russia, not from China, but from the rich and powerful drivers of the US-centralized empire. The operation of a globe-spanning power structure is simply too important to be left in the hands of the electorate.

I don’t have any strong opinions about RFK Jr and won’t be supporting any presidential candidate in America’s pretend election. But these presidential races do often provide opportunities to highlight the ways our rulers have got everything locked down.

Reality smacks NATO in Vilnius. Zelensky trapped. Biden, take Crimea or else

Russian spy chief confirms call to CIA director after Wagner revolt

Russia’s foreign intelligence chief Sergei Naryshkin has said that he and his CIA counterpart discussed the shortlived mutiny a week earlier by Russian mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin and “what to do with Ukraine” in a phone call late last month.

Sergei Naryshkin, head of the SVR foreign intelligence service, told Russia’s TASS new agency on Wednesday that Bill Burns had raised “the events of June 24” – when fighters from the Wagner mercenary group took control of a southern Russian city and advanced towards Moscow before reaching a deal with the Kremlin to end the revolt.

But he said that for most of the call, lasting about an hour, “we considered and discussed what to do with Ukraine“. ...

The New York Times and Wall Street Journal reported on 30 June that William Burns had called Naryshkin to assure the Kremlin that the United States had no role in the Wagner revolt.

Ukraine Denied NATO Membership

US and UK call for more gratitude from Kyiv after Zelenskiy’s Nato complaint

Britain’s defence secretary and the US national security adviser have suggested Ukraine ought to show more gratitude for the help it has received from the west, in response to Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s complaints that his country has not been issued a firm timetable or set of conditions for joining Nato. ...

Ben Wallace, the UK defence secretary, said that “whether we like it or not, people want to see a bit of gratitude”, when asked about Zelenskiy’s frustration at not being presented with a formal invitation to join Nato, and he advised Ukraine that it might help if it took a different approach. Presenting his remarks as helpful advice, Wallace said Ukraine had a habit of treating allies, including the UK, as if they were an Amazon warehouse with lists of demands for weapons – and was not always careful to try to win over more sceptical politicians in the US Congress and elsewhere. ...

Jake Sullivan, the US national security adviser, argued that “the American people do deserve a degree of gratitude”, in response to a pointed question from a Ukrainian activist who asked if Joe Biden was withholding Nato membership because he was “afraid of Russia losing, afraid of Ukraine winning”. Sullivan, clearly irritated, said: “The United States of America has stepped up to provide an enormous amount of capacity to help ensure that Ukraine’s brave soldiers have the ammunition, air defence, the infantry, fighting vehicles, the mine-clearing equipment.”

The two men’s similar language suggested a degree of coordination and marked a rare check on Ukraine’s repeated requests for military and diplomatic help at a summit designed to step up western support for Kviv, but without offering it an immediate pathway to Nato membership, which could lead to a direct war with Russia.

Biden's corruption led to Ukraine's destruction: fmr. Kiev diplomat

Forcing Poor Nations to Prioritize Debt Payments Over Social Investments Is a 'Disaster,' Says UN Chief

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres warned Wednesday that "half our world is sinking into a development disaster, fueled by a crushing debt crisis," and called for urgent fiscal relief.

Citing a new report published by the U.N. Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy, and Finance (GCRG), Guterres pointed out that "some 3.3 billion people—almost half of humanity—live in countries that spend more on debt interest payments than on education or health."

"And yet, because most of these unsustainable debts are concentrated in poor countries, they are not judged to pose a systemic risk to the global financial system," said Guterres. "This is a mirage."

In Guterres' words: "3.3 billion people is more than a systemic risk. It is a systemic failure. Markets may seem not be suffering—yet. But people are."

As the U.N. detailed in a separate Wednesday report, the Covid-19 pandemic, wars, and the fossil fuel-driven climate emergency have pushed an additional 122 million people into hunger worldwide since 2019, with an estimated 735 million people suffering from a lack of food as of last year. In terms of nutrition, more than 3.1 billion people around the globe were unable to afford a healthy diet in 2021—nearly the same number who live in nations compelled to prioritize debt repayment over social welfare.

According to the GCRG's report, A World of Debt: A Growing Burden to Global Prosperity, such problems are indeed connected. That's because, as Guterres noted, "some of the poorest countries in the world are being forced into a choice between servicing their debt, or serving their people."

"They have virtually no fiscal space for essential investments in the sustainable development goals or the transition to renewable energy," said Guterres.

‘Cascading impacts’ warning as Farmers becomes latest insurer to quit Florida

Farmers Insurance became the latest property insurer to pull out of Florida on Tuesday despite repeated efforts by the state’s legislature and its Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, to try to calm the volatile market that is making home ownership less affordable. ...

Critics of DeSantis, who is seeking the 2024 Republican nomination for president, say he has focused too much effort on divisive cultural issues and not enough on making housing and insurance more affordable. The legislature has grappled with the issue each of the last two years, including a special session in December. ...

Farmers said in a statement that the decision was based on risk exposure in the hurricane-prone state and that notifications would be sent out to affected policyholders along with advice on replacing coverage. ... At the end of 2022, average annual property insurance premiums had risen to more than $4,200 in Florida, which is triple the national average. About 12% of homeowners in the state did not have property insurance, compared with the national average of 5%, according to the Insurance Information Institute, a research organization funded by the insurance industry. At least six insurers went insolvent in Florida last year.

As Nonprofit Hospitals Reap Big Tax Breaks, States Scrutinize Their Required Charity Spending

POTTSTOWN, Pa. — The public school system here had to scramble in 2018 when the local hospital, newly purchased, was converted to a tax-exempt nonprofit entity. The takeover by Tower Health meant the 219-bed Pottstown Hospital no longer had to pay federal and state taxes. It also no longer had to pay local property taxes, taking away more than $900,000 a year from the already underfunded Pottstown School District, school officials said.

The district, about an hour’s drive from Philadelphia, had no choice but to trim expenses. It cut teacher aide positions and eliminated middle school foreign language classes. “We have less curriculum, less coaches, less transportation,” said Superintendent Stephen Rodriguez.

The school system appealed Pottstown Hospital’s new nonprofit status, and earlier this year a state court struck down the facility’s property tax break. It cited the “eye-popping” compensation for multiple Tower Health executives as contrary to how Pennsylvania law defines a charity.

The court decision, which Tower Health is appealing, stunned the nonprofit hospital industry, which includes roughly 3,000 nongovernment tax-exempt hospitals nationwide.

“The ruling sent a warning shot to all nonprofit hospitals, highlighting that their state and local tax exemptions, which are often greater than their federal income tax exemptions, can be challenged by state and local courts,” said Ge Bai, a health policy expert at Johns Hopkins University.

The Pottstown case reflects the growing scrutiny of how much the nation’s nonprofit hospitals spend — and on what — to justify billions in state and federal tax breaks. In exchange for these savings, hospitals are supposed to provide community benefits, like care for those who can’t afford it and free health screenings.

RBG, Clarence Thomas CORRUPTION Revealed

Lawyers with supreme court business paid Clarence Thomas aide via Venmo

Several lawyers who have had business before the supreme court, including one who successfully argued to end race-conscious admissions at universities, paid money to a top aide to Justice Clarence Thomas, according to the aide’s Venmo transactions. The payments appear to have been made in connection to Thomas’s 2019 Christmas party.

The payments to Rajan Vasisht, who served as Thomas’s aide from July 2019 to July 2021, seem to underscore the close ties between Thomas, who is embroiled in ethics scandals following a series of revelations about his relationship with a wealthy billionaire donor, and certain senior Washington lawyers who argue cases and have other business in front of the justice.

Vasisht’s Venmo account – which was public prior to requesting comment for this article and is no longer – show that he received seven payments in November and December 2019 from lawyers who previously served as Thomas legal clerks. The amount of the payments is not disclosed, but the purpose of each payment is listed as either “Christmas party”, “Thomas Christmas Party”, “CT Christmas Party” or “CT Xmas party”, in an apparent reference to the justice’s initials. However, it remains unclear what the funds were for.

The lawyers who made the Venmo transactions were: Patrick Strawbridge, a partner at Consovoy McCarthy who recently successfully argued that affirmative action violated the US constitution; Kate Todd, who served as White House deputy counsel under Donald Trump at the time of the payment and is now a managing party of Ellis George Cipollone’s law office; Elbert Lin, the former solicitor general of West Virginia who played a key role in a supreme court case that limited the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions; and Brian Schmalzbach, a partner at McGuire Woods who has argued multiple cases before the supreme court.

the horse race

FBI DODGES On Feds At January 6

House Republicans grill FBI director as Democrats deride attacks on agency

House Republicans grilled the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Christopher Wray, at a frequently contentious committee hearing on Wednesday. While Republicans accused the FBI of political bias in its handling of investigations into Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, Democrats derided the attacks on the bureau as a smokescreen driven by conspiracy theories.

The Republican chair of the House judiciary committee, Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, kicked off the hearing with a litany of complaints about the FBI’s alleged targeting of rightwing leaders and activists, lamenting the supposed “double standard that exists now in our justice system”. Jordan suggested that the allegedly misguided leadership of Wray, a Trump appointee, could jeopardize government funding for the FBI’s planned new headquarters.

“I hope [Democrats] will work with us in the appropriations process to stop the weaponization of the government against the American people,” Jordan said in his opening statement. The top Democrat on the committee, Representative Jerry Nadler of New York, countered Jordan’s allegations by accusing Republicans of acting as Trump’s attack dog at the expense of Americans’ safety.

Several progressives on the committee noted their own concerns about the FBI’s methods of surveillance and data collection, particularly of Black Lives Matter protesters, and they assailed Republicans for focusing so much of their energy on defending Trump rather than on fortifying Americans’ civil liberties. ...

As House Democrats emphasized the need to hold Trump accountable, Republicans’ questioning of Wray repeatedly turned to Hunter Biden. The president’s son reached a deal with federal prosecutors last month to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges while entering a pre-trial diversion agreement on a separate felony gun charge. The deal, which will result in the dismissal of the gun charge if Hunter Biden meets certain conditions, will allow the president’s son to avoid jail time.

RFK Jr To TESTIFY On Govt Censorship Before GOP-Led House Select Subcmte

the evening greens

Plastic pollution on coral reefs gets worse the deeper you go, study finds

No part of the planet is free of plastic waste, and coral reefs are no exception, but scientists have now made the discovery that the deeper the reef, the more plastic debris it is likely to have.

A study published in Nature found that not only is every coral reef encumbered with plastic, but almost three-quarters of the larger items were from “ghost gear” – fishing paraphernalia such as ropes, lines and nets. Food wrappers and plastic bottles were also common. The plastic constitutes an “emerging threat” to reefs already stressed by the climate crisis and overfishing, the researchers said.

The study, Plastic Pollution on the World’s Coral Reefs, examined 85 reefs at more than two-dozen locations – including uninhabited atolls and reefs at depths of 150 metres – across the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic. It brought together scientists from the California Academy of Sciences; the foundation and charity Nekton; and the universities of São Paulo, Oxford and Exeter.

The scientists used special diving equipment to survey in “mesophotic”, or twilight, zones at 30-150 metres (100-490ft) beneath the surface, and discovered the deeper sites had more plastic than the shallower ones. “It was surprising to find that debris increased with depth, since deeper reefs in general are farther from sources of plastic pollution,” said Luiz Rocha, the co-director of the Hope for Reefs initiative at the California Academy of Sciences. ...

The researchers noted that plastic can spread coral disease, and that fishing lines and nets can damage the structure of the reefs and thus harm fish abundance and diversity.

World’s oceans changing colour due to climate breakdown, study suggests

Earth’s oceans are changing colour and climate breakdown is probably to blame, according to research. The deep blue sea is actually becoming steadily greener over time, according to the study, with areas in the low latitudes near the equator especially affected.

“The reason we care about this is not because we care about the colour, but because the colour is a reflection of the changes in the state of the ecosystem,” said BB Cael, a scientist at the National Oceanography Centre at the University of Southampton and author of the study published in Nature.

Prior research focused on changes in the greenness of the ocean – from the verdant chlorophyll in its plankton – to learn about trends in the changing climate. But Cael’s team pored over 20 years of observations by Nasa’s Modis-Aqua satellite, an exhaustive data repository, and looked for patterns of change in the ocean’s hue through a fuller colour spectrum including red and blue.

Plankton of different sizes scatter light differently, and plankton with different pigments absorb light differently. Examining changes in colour can give scientists a clearer picture of changes in plankton populations around the globe. Phytoplankton is crucial to ocean ecosystems because it is at the base of most of its food chains.

An ‘aggressive’ sea otter is snatching surfers’ boards. Experts are puzzled

A California otter is making headlines for her unique, and worrying, interactions with surfers.

In recent weeks, Mark Woodward, a photographer who goes by Native Santa Cruz on Twitter and Instagram has been sharing photos and videos of southern sea otters riding on surfboards they’ve commandeered. Authorities are particularly concerned about one sea otter, known as 841, who was involved in multiple incidents and can be seen in a video relentlessly gnawing on a board that the aquatic mammal scared a rider off of.

Wildlife authorities and experts still don’t have a clear explanation of the five-year-old otter’s behavior, but say they are working to find, capture and relocate her.

While the videos and photos have elicited jokes about the otter reclaiming her watery home, Woodward and the US fish and wildlife service warn that its behavior is highly unusual and puts people and the animals in danger. ...

The federal and state departments of fish and wildlife say they are aware of the otter and her “aggressive” tendencies and are working with the Monterey Bay Aquarium to find and examine the animal before they find her a new longterm home. They do not know what has caused 841 to go after people in the water but in an email statement said that this type of aggressive behavior in female southern sea otters may be associated with hormonal surges or being fed by humans.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Matt Taibbi: Where Have All the Liberals Gone?

Vilnius NATO summit unveils plans for global domination

Sweden Joins NATO! And Why That’s A Very Bad Thing.

Patrick Lawrence: A Yellen in the China Shop

The State's Constant Attack on Black Liberation

Colombia deforestation plummets as peace efforts focus on rainforest

Canada calls for halt to deep-sea mining amid fears of ecological devastation

Giant sloth pendants indicate humans settled Americas earlier than thought

Secret Service GIVES UP On WH Cocaine Investigation

Ray EPPS Sues Fox News, Tucker Carlson Despite CAUGHT ON TAPE Urging Capitol Break-In

A Little Night Music

Bukka White-Shake Em On Down

Bukka White-Po' Boy

Bukka White - Parchman Farm Blues

Bukka White - Got Sick And Tired

Bukka White - Fixin To Die Blues

Bukka White - Special Streamline

Bukka White-Where Can I Change My Clothes

Bukka White-The Panama Limited

Bukka White - Bukka's Jitterbug Swing

15 users have voted.


ggersh's picture

Thanks for the eb's once again Joe!!

9 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

joe shikspack's picture


it's good to see that there are folks all over the world speaking the truth in the halls of power. thanks for that video!

3 users have voted.

swimmers or inner tube floaters getting torn up by an otter. They can be territorial or just plain aggressive. When they do get mad they are pound for pound pretty formidable. Think badger or wolverine.

Inflation down, markets up.

4 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture

@ban nock

yep, so far we've got orcas and otters taking back the oceans. i wonder which species is next. Smile

5 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

@ban nock

pretty much never interact with humans, and most of the surfers and Kayakers in Monterey Bay similarly avoid interacting with them, if only to avoid running afoul of the marine mammal protection act. You are not allowed to get anywhere near them, and certainly not close enough for them to grab your board, but they can sneak up underwater.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mimi's picture

to get really angry with all those surf boarders making their habitat a hell hole.

One must be a special expert to not understand the otter's aggression.

Good evening, all, and many thanks for the EB, joe.

10 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


yep, it's good to see the otters getting orca-nized.

have a great evening!

6 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

@mimi @mimi

generally don't mess up aquatic habitats the way fishermen and some others do. This specific otter is probably not angry at this surfer or other surfers. She was habituated to humans and their presence at an extremely early age, otherwise she would avoid them completely. What is causing her to interact with them in this way is something of a mystery, expecially with her actually attacking and breaking up the boards.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

snoopydawg's picture


One agile chicken

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


Click on the image to get the full view.

Bonus image:

6 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


yep. hey, elensky, sorry we are not going to ride to your rescue. what, did you think that we were really gonna have wwiii over ukraine? thanks for all the lovely corpses and by the way you ought to be more grateful for all of the stuff we sent you.

that chicken ought to consider roosting a little higher. Smile

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

Some are from up years ago and are barely up to snuff and lots more are broken down crap that countries just want to get rid of. The only reason they weren’t sent flintlock rifles is because they are collector items now and too expensive to give up. Russia is reporting that 26,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died since June. And I read about the 10,000 Ukrainian women who are serving even if they are pregnant. They have to go home when they reach 6 months. And they are wearing clothes that are too big for them. Biden saying that Putin has already lost the war makes me nervous. What does he have up his sleeve that will see Ukraine win?

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


biden has nothing up his sleeve. the best he can do (without blowing up the whole planet) is to fight russia to a draw. that won't happen, ukraine is too weak.

biden is projecting.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

Biden doesn’t look like he’s trying to find a way to end the war. He is definitely making some dumb decisions that will get a response from Russia. Or it’s probably his stupid people in his administration that are making the decisions.

4 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

President Biden said Thursday there is “no possibility” of Russian President Vladimir Putin winning the war in Ukraine while adding he’s “already lost” the conflict as Biden capped a trip to Lithuania and Finland as a show of strength against Russian aggression.

Biden, in a joint press conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö, was asked whether his assurance that Ukraine will be able to join the NATO alliance once its war with Russia ends might encourage Putin to drag out the conflict.

Biden noted no country can join NATO while in the middle of a war, because it would drag the entire alliance into conflict — a stance Biden and his administration have been stressing this week as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky criticized the alliance’s resistance to fast-tracking its membership.

“The issue of whether or not this is going to keep Putin from continuing to fight, the answer is Putin’s already lost the war,” Biden continued. “Putin has a real problem. How does he move from here? What does he do?”

“And so, the idea that there’s going to be what vehicle is used, he could end the war tomorrow. He could just say, ‘I’m out,'” Biden added. “But what agreement is ultimately reached depends on Putin and what he decides to do. But there is no possibility of him winning the war in Ukraine. He’s already lost that war.”

This comes from a former advisor to Zelensky.

10 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


wow, biden's teleprompter is declaring victory.

i guess that arestovich gets it now. ukraine and its people are disposable, the west only likes them when they are killing russians and, apparently, they are not doing that well enough.

7 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture

@joe shikspack

He bragged and bragged and bragged all over monuments and cenotaphs and so forth about how he "won" the battle, but the available evidence suggests that it was at best a draw and he may have gotten his butt kicked.

The Big Lie is nothing new.

7 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

from Abraham Lincoln is priceless! Thank for posting it.

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country... corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."

-- Abraham Lincoln

8 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture

@Linda Wood

yep, the state we are in now has been foreseeable since the founding of the nation, i almost posted a similar quote from jefferson:

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country."

Thomas Jefferson

7 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

sister 841, above, having been habituated. She was. The Monterey Bay Aquarium took great pains and worked very hard to avoid habituating her, but their attempts failed. That is certainly part of what is to blame for her behavior. She has been known to clamber on to kayaks too. These are extremely rare behaviors.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

perhaps they should have placed her where the likelihood of human contact would have been much lower.

have a great evening!

3 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

@joe shikspack

Usually they manage to get them to an age where they can be released without them becoming habituated, they've ton it tons of times. This time something went awry.

Now they have to capture her, figure out whats wrong in case is can be cured, and relocate her to a part of the coast where she won't encounter people. The first part is the fun part, 90 pounds of deep diving teeth and claws that can outswim a fish.

be well and have a good one.

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

especially the antics of the NATOists and their wannabee. Meanwhile, Biden appears to be projecting again. This passage is profoundly delusional:

“The issue of whether or not this is going to keep Putin from continuing to fight, the answer is Putin’s already lost the war,” Biden continued. “Putin has a real problem. How does he move from here? What does he do?”

Have to thank you for the news concerning the activities of number 841, members of our clan rarely make the msm. Since we are a keystone species, they'd better find out wtf is going on down there prontissimo.

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

heh, biden has to put on a brave face i guess. blarney is in his blood.

have a great evening!

3 users have voted.

9 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


kinda reminds me of the good/bad old days of the carter administration hanging out in lafayette park with a bunch of hippies that were yelling, "chip gets high, why can't i?"

6 users have voted.

The Greyzone video was great.
It is just plain damn good to be a Biden. No jail, plenty of $.
I am about to dig in to some more videos, but wanted to mention that my secretary's friend sent her a picture of his car mirror showing 107 deg. at 2 pm this afternoon. Maybe cars get hotter than folks, but I won't chance it. I will stay inside a lot.
Take care, thanks for the ebs.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

joe shikspack's picture

@on the cusp

heh, the last time that i was in the black hills, i pulled into one of those roadside view pullouts and looked down at the dash and it said that outside the car it was 110 degrees. i got out of the car to take some photos and as soon as i stepped out, i knew what a piece of meat in the oven feels like. yow!

stay cool and have a good one!

5 users have voted.

@joe shikspack August From Hell is a couple of weeks away.
C'mon, September! Hurry up, Thanksgiving!
Last Christmas and New Year, when there is no court and I really can work via phone and email, we went to Galveston, rented a condo on the Gulf. It was a weird, freezing week, which we just do not have here.
This is not the Texas I know, that I grew up in, farmed, ranched, and worked outdoors.
Glad Dear One and I are old.
The heat dome is killing workers here. Quotas and deadlines, if workers die, too bad.
This is a cruel country, friend. All we seem to have blessed the world with in a positive way, was music. Our "democracy" is cruel and murderous the world over.
But, we gave them the blues to get them to their graves.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


Remember that Vicky Nuland already admitted that America had bio weapons labs in Ukraine and she was afraid that Russia would find out what they were working on.

Washington is working on a "universal" genetically engineered bioweapon designed to cause severe damage to enemies comparable to that of a "nuclear winter," a Russian parliamentary commission investigating US biolabs in Ukraine has concluded.

"The United States aims to develop a universal genetically engineered biological weapon capable of infecting not only people, but animals as well as agricultural crops. Its use involves, among other things, the goal of inflicting large-scale and irreparable economic damage on the enemy," the commission wrote in its final report.

"The covert and targeted use of such a weapon in anticipation of a positive inevitable direct military confrontation could create a significant advantage for US forces over the adversary, even against those who possess other types of weapons of mass destruction," the commission added. "The possession of such highly effective biological weapons creates, in the view of the US military, the real prerequisites to change the nature of contemporary armed conflicts."

Boy it’s a good thing that America has signed the bio weapons treaty because otherwise…

Btw one of the labs that has ties to Hunter Biden’s company and many democrats including Hillary Clinton’s foundation got a contract to study Covid- 19 3 months before the WHO named the virus. I’m sure that the FBI will be looking into this…asap.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


the u.s. adherence to treaty conditions leaves something to be desired. somehow, i suspect a treaty would not stop the advancement of what ollie north might call a, "neat idea."

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