The Evening Blues - 7-3-23
Submitted by joe shikspack on Mon, 07/03/2023 - 3:00pm
No news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Mojo Buford
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features Chicago blues harmonica player Mojo Buford. Enjoy!
Muddy Waters w/ Mojo Buford - King Bee
No News or Opinion
Happy Holiday!!!
A Little Night Music
Mojo Buford - Blues Is a Botheration
Mojo Buford - Picking Rags
George 'Mojo' Buford - Mo's Boogie
Mo-Jo Buford - Whole Lotta Woman
Mo-Jo Buford - Gone And Left Me
Mojo Buford - Blow Wind Blow
Mojo Buford ~ Deep Sea Diver
Mojo Buford - Don't Go No Farther
Mojo Buford Live at the Dugout - Sweet Home Chicago

No news is good news
thanks joe
disinformation does not make
formations in a void
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
evening qms...
yep, voids are ok for disinfo, on the other hand voids are what allow religions to prosper.
Assisted suicide
Shitlibs think Biden should send American paratroopers into the nuclear power plant to keep Russia from blowing it up and others want him to send American jets to keep Russia from bombing Ukraine. It’s only going to take a few days to clear the skies of Russian jets and then everyone will live happily ever after. Oh yeah and they also want Biden to send cluster bombs to Ukraine even though Obama made it almost impossible for us to send them anywhere. I’m guessing that they don’t know that Zelensky has sold most of the country to vampiric parasites and has not only banned all opposition parties, but he has also canceled the election.
I seriously don’t get it. They know that the government has lied us into one war after another and yet they now believe all the propaganda they read and hear. George Bush was wrong about, "fool me once and I won’t get fooled again."
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
shrubya only suggested that his locution was operative for tennessee and texas.
i think that lincoln was closer to the mark, when he said words to the effect that you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. i might amend lincoln to say that the group of the people that you can't fool at any given time may be a small and not terribly influential group.
In a perfect American utopia, c.2001
...the US Empire would issue all of us credit cards, and tell us to go shopping. Then we-the-people could share in the Empire's money-printing profits.
Well --
And maybe they can be there when the false flag operation, blowing up the power plant and then blaming it on Russia, is put into action.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
This Army General Mark Milley ,
when he talked to the National Press Club in Washington DC, used 'Meter' as long distance units?
Strange to my ears. Is he a German Army General ?
Blame NATO. We finally decided that we'd have to
use units they'd comprehend instead of expecting them to convert everything.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
well, that is nice, but yards and meters are just
Update on the great salt lake
Southern Utah has gobs and gobs of golf courses and one hotel system is going to build a water park soon and yet I’m being told to barely water my lawn so that I don’t use too much water. Well when the golf courses stop watering in a high desert and foreign countries stop growing water thirsty crops I’ll start thinking about it. At the campground just over the mountain in Ogden valley I spoke with the camp host and he pointed at the huge new houses that rich people have built just over the hill and told me how they sucked dry the well used for the campground.
Funny how we little folks are told to make sacrifices and to drive less while nascar still races every weekend…I could go on….
Lots of thunder and lightning outside just now.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
thanks for the update! sounds like utah needs a bunch of snow and rain for a few years to get back to normal and then it needs to reel in its business use of water. i wonder which is more statistically likely.
In hard times —
The precious natural resources (and tax cuts) are diverted to the lush enclaves of the Communist elite — where the means of production are owned and shared by the wealthy.
For serfs who have no influence to peddle, it's Capitalist boot-strapping-for-survival on the ever-inflating, hard scrabble, pipelines plains.
You summed it perfectly. Reading the comments on the lake article I’m not alone in my thinking. Drive by any of the thousands of wards here I see them watering their lawns and seeing it going down the gutters. Wards are local churches for the millions of Mormons and there are more than one in many neighborhoods. Nice green lawns for people to visit once a week. And huge. Hell if I’m letting my lawn die.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
In the rest of the southwest are situated on dirt clods, perhaps with one or two desperately thirsty trees sticking out of the ground. In towns without "wards," people have lawns of dirt or gravel mainly because watering lawns suddenly became prohibitively expensive. Washing your own car or rinsing off your driveway is against the law. (It's also illegal to grow food crops in your yard.)
When one flies over the parched southwest cities, the only green areas you are likely to see are golf courses, municipal parks, and luxury enclaves. Looking down on the neighborhoods of dirt landscapes and clusters of homes, any bright green patches you see are probably astroturf. However, you will also see thousands upon thousands of sparking blue swimming pools in the back yards of every neighborhood. The pools were installed when water was cheap, and they continue to sparkle, whether the pools are still used or not. That's because it is too expensive to pull them out of the ground, and letting it go dry or filling a pool with dirt can create numerous hazards. So, helicopters (and drones) fly above the city's neighborhoods every day looking for pools that have a slight greenish tinge. This is a sign that a swimming is pool is not being properly maintained. In the heat, a neglected pool will rapidly become a mosquito factories, so within days of being spotted, city trucks will show up to fill the infected swimming pool with buckets of special fish to stave off impending malaria or encephalitis or god-knows-what. Swimming pool neglect is a quick way to forfeit one's property for good.
Hi snoopy
I have never understood the unfair value placed on golf courses because of the water resources they use, and the space they take, not to mention the chemical they use.. Although there are probably per capita more courses here, many don't use much reservoir water. For some of the year they are emerald green, while at other times mostly brown. But what I have never understood is why some courses here aren't reduced to become land for the increasing housing need in Auckland. Instead, the housing development is filing in single dwellings with boxes of appartments, leaving no space for anything green or any type of outside living.
Scott Ritter is back on Twitter and he provides a link to an
interesting read for his article in Consortium News.
evening humphrey...
excellent article. ritter appears to be spot on but, i think that he may be wrong about us being out of the woods - there is still the matter of what russia discovers regarding the u.s. involvement in prigozhin's planning, u.s. protestations of utter innocence notwithstanding.
Another view on the Prigozhin mutiny
Jacques Baud
In the end it’s funny how the Wagner group is now in Belarus and closer to Kiev just when Poland was thinking of making some moves towards Belarus. Whether or not that was the plan the whole time it has worked out for Lukashenko just as his country is getting Russian nukes.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
yeah, but, prigozhin would have to be the world's biggest fool to think that the way to protest to hr was to mobilize thousands of heavily-armed troops and embark on a march to the capitol.
just sayin'...
As I have opined elsewhere:
This was an emotional reaction to losing nearly half of his ill-equipped army fighting to hold a front line position, in order to protect Russian troops to the rear.
Human nature and a mind pushed to the brink. Resolved with a telephone conversation. That may be a fact that is now in evidence.
The shrieking Neocons can crawl back into their dirty war-mongering holes and wait for the next crisis they can exploit with their Nazi-style propaganda.
I, for one, would like to hear more about the bio-labs. The sources I follow say they amount to a lot more than nothingburgers
A lot of the Wagner group --
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Somewhat related: Prigozhin can't keep his mouth shut.
In my view, that Telegram statement filled to the brim with lying (after-the-fact) propaganda.
It's the usual doubling-down response from the neocon assets at the Pentagon or the State Department — in the form of news. If I highlighted every phrase that is not in evidence, most of it would turn yellow.
From the aptly named Hellabitch
Boy did we and the world dodge a bullet! Just saw a tweet today about how well Libyans had it before she decided to destroy the country. Can any of us imagine waking up one day and seeing our city destroyed like countless people have?
I wonder what she would think of our freedoms today after government has taken a wrecking ball to them?
I can’t figure out how to embed videos outside of the box at the bottom. Little help?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
embedding youtube videos...
ok, so you go to the video's page, under the video on the right side of it is a button for
"share," click that. a dialog will pop up, click "embed." on the far right of the dialog that pops up, click, "copy."
close the dialog and come back to c99.
wherever you want it in your comment, right click and select "paste." if you have a mac, you have to do some other keystrokes to paste which i've forgotten because it's been more than a decade since i played with a mac, but the first steps at the youtube site are the same. tah dah:
Mac is the same
Just paste the embed code you copied at Youtube, which is now on your clipboard,
anywhere above or below your comment. Just like any other copy and paste.
On my iPad the embed button is on the left, but I found out how to do it. Before I just posted the link in the video button that isn’t here anymore.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Interesting choice of video to embed
I enjoyed the funky 'oriental' riff.
But what a way to immortalize yourself.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That Hillary ad is unfortunately unforgettable
It's practically as scary as the real thing.
Thank you for the beautiful portrait of Isabella Bover. I had no idea where the strength and beauty of the statue came from.
heh! n/t
Celebrating independence is not such a bad thing ...