I may get banned yet

I thought y'all might be interested to know that I left this comment in a Bern diary, specifically http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/04/10/1513295/-#ImWithHer-Evening-Thread where I saw a lot of comments ridiculously disparaging of Bern. So far, it's just a hide rated comment (8 hides to 1 uprate, thank you yojimbo). I guess I won't know if it leads to "worse" until Monday. I still think the comment is amusing. Eight Hill people disagree. Hmm, I can't imagine why.


Dog Diving.jpg

I was going to leave y’all alone, but Hill people have been invading the Bern safe diaries, so you don't get to have it one sided. I’m diving in.

This is some amazing fact fail poo y’all have going on here. You should know that the more you disparage Bern, the more likely you make it that Hill will lose.

And you can’t stand losing even a little bit like you did today, can you?

What is with the photo from decades ago? Can you not even admit that she is 60-something?

Everyone knows this is an echo chamber with little to no basis in reality. And you’ll get increasingly nasty as you get increasingly desperate. You sway no one.

If you don’t want Bern invaders in your diaries, control your trolls. Have a nice night."

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PastorAgnostic's picture

Like an African swamp filled with hippo crites.

It has become a very uncomfortable place. And to think this was done by design? WaDaFa?

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

The link didn't take me direct to the comment and no way was I going to read through 539 comments of a pie fight... Or whatever it was... That could waste an entire afternoon...

So I checked my Messages & Comments answering a few...

Screen shot 2016-04-10 at 2.20.24 PM.png

Looks to me like she made "Paid Speeches" in Canada & Mexico to me... Adam B says he's a lawyer... Anticipate Legalese that it wasn't campaign fundraising...

Screen shot 2016-04-10 at 2.30.48 PM.png

Wooo Hoooo We Know They Are Out There...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
tourniquet's picture

they're going to need some extra hillzy coloring books to deal with that.

and some puppy pics.

and some enya.

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Steven D's picture

So, did they ban you?

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

elenacarlena's picture

uprates, 11 hide rates, and 14 comments. I expect someone will ask the admins to ban. Then they'll think about it on Monday and it'll be up to them whether or not they want to follow through. If they do, I'll ask for a rethink, and for them to ban all the commenters who say things like "Bernie is awful because XXX (gross exaggerations or outright lies)".

Please don't anyone feel obligated to uprate. I'm concerned upraters may be given NR status. Otherwise, it's fine with me if you want to make it visible again. Although we may have to pass out multiple anti-hypertensives to the Hill crew if you do.

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Thumb's picture

not the comment. Couldn't find by scanning, but I did see the mask slip on Lying Eyes. Disgusting.

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

User Comments. Dang, Elena, such a Chatty Kathy (ducks)

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture


Really it's a good idea to have as many as possible Bern Up their flags so I rec'd it...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
elenacarlena's picture

poor babies? Sorry to send you back into the cesspool. Wink

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Demonhype's picture

Markos could give Hillary supporters unlimited flags. It would be perfectly in keeping with the many other doubles standards he's been employing. I'm surprised he hasn't done it yet. Perhaps if Bernie wins NY he'll do that, since he and his kind get increasingly hysterical and hurl enormous handfuls of crap every time Bernie wins anything. While simultaneously insisting the win is totally meaningless and just proves how badly Bernie is really losing,and he's being SO selfish continuing his doomed campaign instead of handing all his cash to the DNC and falling in line behind Hillary.

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elenacarlena's picture

he and his kind get increasingly hysterical and hurl enormous handfuls of crap every time Bernie wins anything. While simultaneously insisting the win is totally meaningless and just proves how badly Bernie is really losing, and he's being SO selfish

That's how I read them over there.

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Demonhype's picture

I wanted to help uprate the comment, but I wasn't up to wading through likely hundreds of gallons of raw sewage to find it. Uprated!

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elenacarlena's picture

Or whatever we're supposed to be doing over there. I lurked about a year before I signed up. Guess I had a lot of pent-up expressing to do! I'm not nearly the record, though. They posted those recently. The winner had almost a million comments.

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ChemBob's picture

The last few times I went there to read the few good diaries I was emotionally drained by reading the comments. TOP always had bad periods where people went off the rails, but this time it seems the rails have been pulled up and the locomotive is careening down a steep slope into a valley of logical fallacy.

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Demonhype's picture

like I am hearing Republicans when Hillary supporters talk. They seem to live in the same land of makew-believe that the repubs populate. More proof to me that the margin between them and the repubs is razor thin if it even exists at all.

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hester's picture

e. It's horrible and toxic.

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Don't believe everything you think.

They don't realize it, but their politics are not liberal. They are Republicans. You listen to them for five minutes, and you hear the jackasses who hounded FDR. The Clinton wing of the party is in the wrong party.

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Twain Disciple

elenacarlena's picture

his policies plus the life of Eugene Debs since following Bern. Do you have some good sources for a summary of the criticism against FDR? I can see where he would have had significant pushback.

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Thumb's picture

Yes, they troll Bernie diaries constantly,and it's a competition among them to be the first comment. But as you found they will flag any intruder into oblivion in their "safe zones."

In December I made an absolutely benign comment ("Did you help write that diary?") to someone I knew had helped write the diary based on an exchange from the previous week, and who was now mocking the idea that anyone had helped write the diary, and I got 14 flags.

It's a bubble worthy of the hardest right-winger.

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

SnappleBC's picture

For writing a diary which corrected the record. At the time every diary was saying Bernie won Wyoming. I wrote one that called it a tie and congratulated team Hillary. That earned me a flag. I can only assume it's because I mentioned the crowdsource site and the fact that apparently Bernie won some indeterminate amount more of the popular vote.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

elenacarlena's picture

44.3% of the votes. That's quite a difference. Yet somehow they both receive 7 delegates apiece, a delegate tie. Presumably because 6/14 is 42.8%, so the underdog gets a little advantage when you have to split the delegates. Wyoming needs more delegates! Wink

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SnappleBC's picture

I suspect that a bigger driver was absentee ballots and I'm not clear on how the citizen reporters crowd-sourcing that site would have access to that information.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

elenacarlena's picture

include absentee ballots somehow? It looks like maybe there are hundreds of state delegates that have been awarded, maybe by county, maybe the 7/7 delegates are to be decided later at the state convention? It's a mystery to me. Anyone here from Wyoming?

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you got Hr'd for that elenacarlena!? That is truly sad. What a bunch of rotten little bastards. I made a comment the other day over there and in it I said,
"I’ve come to realize there are two distinct groups within the Democratic party. The “I’ve got mine so fuck you” wing and the rest of us". If this does fit these punks I don't know what does. Fuck that place...

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elenacarlena's picture

the BNR diary, among others, so fair's fair. They want safe zones, they need to respect ours. And the jump in at the top of every diary thing drives me crazy! They're not even reading the diaries at this point, they're so eager to comment. I was actually surprised it wasn't a quicker pile-on. There were 11 comments before the first flag was thrown after about one hour. It turned uglier overnight.

Their defense will be to claim that I'm not "building community" with such comments. I certainly didn't disparage the Anointed One. I was careful about that.

It's certainly not going to ruin my life if it goes farther and I get timed out or banned. I'll come over here for my badge of honor. As many have noted, now that we are here, at this point they need us more than we need them. Whether Kos has realized that yet is an open question.

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Damnit Janet's picture

erected right in front of her, some were more like free speech cages - I can tell you that any time there are spaces set up for only certain dialogue then you can safely be secure in the fact that you have just been gagged.

I can't even go back to T&R Leps diary anymore... it's just so much bullying there.

It's so not healthy, I've been going through some major shit with my estranged father and I hadn't been going back to DKos for sometime because I'm stressed... I don't need to read the bullying and shame attempts. My husband mentioned that I've been less stressed when I didn't have the time to go to Dkos in the mornings like I used to. A dear friend called me, LLBear, about my dad and the VA and it had been at that time 12 days since I had been in there.

It's not healthy. But neither is being gagged and told to vote for Hillary.

I don't vote Republican. Ever.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

elenacarlena's picture

for the pooties and the fundraisers. We had one yesterday and helped someone keep their utilities and their medical insurance; I like that kind of thing. A lot of times I don't read comments any more, just the interesting information in the Bern diaries. I should have known if I witnessed a Hill diary I was not going to be able to resist commenting.

I hope your Dad gets better soon. By all means, stay away from extra unnecessary stress.

Agreed, Repubs are the worst.

Do we have a morning news thread here? That would be good to read over breakfast.

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Damnit Janet's picture

we can sprout that type of community here as well Wink

We can also get something similar to War on Women going here.

I like seeing that we have climate change and backyard photos features here, too.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

ChemBob's picture

we had a daily pootie diary here; I do miss that. I just no longer have the time or energy to do it myself. I'm not sure whether I'm getting lazier, just getting older, or both.

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elenacarlena's picture

a pootie diary here one day a week, at least. Maybe we can find 7 people to each take a day.

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lotlizard's picture

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A few people commented about going back to support Bernie people and diaries. I tried it. All it does is totally wreck my mood and start my day off on the wrong foot. If LD, OPOL, and TomP want to stay there and play with the trolls, it is up to them. I'm freaking done.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

elenacarlena's picture

uprating them. But everyone needs to make the decisions that are best for them, absolutely. I'm sure they understand, as do I, that not everyone is willing to put up with the Hill people any more. People have a greater or lesser attraction to conflict.

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Started during Bill's presidency...

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elenacarlena's picture

time, but I certainly noticed since that they've been turned into something ridiculously ineffective, with "free speech" taking place far away from the people or institutions being protested.

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To be fair, I thought W started those.

W as caught flak for being the first to move the zones miles away from the event, putting protestors in cages.

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"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."

NonnyO's picture

Had to keep the hoi polloi and great unwashed away from "those in the know," don'tcha know. It just wouldn't do to criticize the illegal and unconstitutional wars going on, not to mention torture and holding prisoners illegally and unconstitutionally.

Gawd, I hated the Bushista years!!! I'm none too happy about the Obama years with his continuing the Bushista policies and wars and adding some of his own with drone bombings, etc.

We SO need a radical change for the better!!!

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

elenacarlena's picture

profiteers can make more money is so immoral, the word immoral doesn't seem to cover it. Then there's the expense. Those taxpayer dollars could do much better things than prop up the MIC.

Is your screen name from Much Ado About Nothing?

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NonnyO's picture

Nonny does come from Much Ado About Nothing. It's a nonsense word, part of song lyrics.

There was a song more than half a century ago when I was a teen. All I've ever remembered is the refrain, and I can't even find it on YouTube (altho there is another version from Much Ado on YouTube that uses nonny as a nonsense word as part of the lyrics).

Hey, nonny, nonny, nonny,
Hey nonny, nonny, no,
Hey, nonny, nonny, nonny,
Hey girl I love you so!

I did change the 'no' to 'O' for the lyrics; I sang that to my granddaughter when she was about 18 months old, she liked the song, kept asking me to sing it..., and she started calling me NonnyO. I was inordinately proud that she came up with that on her own (I never would have thought of it; I'd been referring to myself as Gramma)..., the NonnyO name stuck, and I was NonnyO from then forward.

She's the one who made me an Oldemor in Sept. last year to a darling baby boy (goodness, they grow fast; he now has two bottom teeth). Oldemor is 'great-grandmother' in Norwegian and Danish (as I think you know, I do genealogy research in all three Scandinavian countries). I custom-designed a T-shirt for myself with both names on it plus a graphic in honor of my new status. Smile

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

riverlover's picture

And I do like the term Oldemor. Better than great, and shorter than the whole descriptive. Lucky you, I see more reasons that you have a vested interest in the future of this world. I have no offspring from my two, and none likely for several more years (continuing education for one). Congratulations.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

NonnyO's picture

I like the Scandinavian languages for relationships because they have the generic terms like Oldemor (Oldebarn is great-grandchild, sex of child not specified; Oldefar is great-grandfather). Then there are the terms with relationships built into them.

The alternative is the specific terms which are built into the language. Morsmor is mother's mother; Morsfar is mother's father. Farsmor is father's mother, Farsfar is father's father. The generic terms are Bestemor and Bestefar.

When getting into the great-grandparent generation, it becomes... complicated... if you don't understand it. In Sweden they don't use the generic Oldemor like Norway and Denmark, but still use the full relationship term (also an option in Norway and Denmark). In Sweden (where my paternal grandfather was from) I'd be Morsmorsmor. The other set of gr-grandparents for this little boy would be Farsfarsmor (father's father's mother) or Farsfarsfar (father's fathers' father) in Sweden. There are several different combinations, depending on whether the grandparent or gr-grandparent is male or female. I've done some basic genealogy research on my gr-grandson's paternal family, and so far I've discovered he's Swedish, Norwegian, & German (according to US census data) from his father's line; might be some Irish or Scottish in there, too. I still have much more work to do on that lineage. From my line he has ancestors from seven different countries (that I've documented), plus another three countries from my ex's lineage.

Smile When you do become a grandparent, you'll find your whole outlook changes..., and you suddenly have an empty checking or savings account because you start buying everything in sight that pertains to babies! Try to find end of season sales, calculate the age said child will be next year, and buy larger sizes accordingly. Your money will stretch farther that way and if you get a half-off seasonal sale, that's a two-fer. I can still spot pink baby clothing blindfolded, on sale, on the other side of a store. I got good at that when my granddaughter was a baby and toddler. All those frilly dresses and outfits. Oh, my goodness! Of things that never go on sale: necessary things like car seats. I bought a new one for my gr-grandson last night because he's now outgrown the first one; the one I got him last night cost a small fortune, but can be back facing forward now, and when he's big enough, the parents can face him forward, so it should get him through at least early toddlerhood. The caveat to the thrill of seeing a new generation is the "Yikes!" factor when the expenses mount up. But when that baby looks at you and burbles or smiles or coos or babbles, your heart melts and you forget all that. Oh, hell. It's only money and you can't take it with you anyway!

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

What made the light bulb go off in my head was comparing the time stamps of a diary and the first "take a dump" post in the diary. The fastest speed reader in the world could not have ingested the diary, then taken the time to craft the first shitpost. It was happening over and over and over again.

A listing with those time stamp comparisons would have made a good first diary for me, but, by then, things were too far gone.

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Want an axe to break the ice.

elenacarlena's picture

someone pointed out when I protested this tactic in one diary, "It's not even a pro-Bernie diary, it's a pro-truth diary". Or as someone says around here, "Truth has a pro-Bernie bias".

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

That's my saying...

"Truth has a Pro-Bernie Bias."

In my battles with the RWNJ's on a v-Bulletin Trade Forum I often "Zinged Them" with:

"Truth has a "Liberal Bias."

So it was only natural to make an adaptation for the "Centrist Establishment Nut Jobs" as they are birds of a feather....

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
elenacarlena's picture

without effort, they sink in and become part of the conversation. Another TOP fail, IMO.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

I don't vote Republican. Ever.

Means you can't vote Clinton, ever.

Turd Way New "Democrats" and Dixiecrats are mislabeled Republicans -- at best.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

elenacarlena's picture

elevates my status" Trump and "Bring on Armageddon" Cruz to Hill and her ilk, I have to admit, I'd hold my nose and vote for Hill if it comes to that. But I'm working really hard in hopes that it won't come to that! Let's turn the Dem party into the progressive party.

Speaking of which, I read a good article somewhere that in many races, there are still Repub seats unchallenged. Maybe we can brainstorm better ways to get progressive Dem candidates on every ballot.

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

Typically a little after closing time when the drunks come on...

They are an ugly crew, ready to fight...

I suspect ugly in other ways as well, since obviously they are frustrated and not in bed...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
mouselander's picture

Personally, at this point I am no more tempted to engage with the Hill-bots on DailyKos than I am to head over to Red State and attempt to do rhetorical battle with the uber-reich wingers who populate that site. What exactly is the point? As George Bernard Shaw once said:

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

The sad little Hill-trolls on DK love nothing better than to flag and verbally abuse Bernie supporters who dare to try to rain on their parade, knowing full well that the site admins fully support and even encourage such goonish behavior. The question I have to ask is, why give them the satisfaction?

Let them have their corporate, ConservaDem Hillary-worshiping echo chamber - there are so many superior discussion forums already out there, which could be better still if all the Bernie supporters who expend so much energy jousting with mindless Hill-bots on DK would instead devote the same amount of effort trying to build genuinely progressive online communities elsewhere.

Besides this one, a couple of other new sites that I feel are worthy of support are the Kossacks_For_Sanders reddit site, as well as populistcaucus.net. Like the saying goes, please don't feed the trolls! Instead, give nourishment to those who are actually deserving of it.

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inactive account

It makes just as much sense to argue with Rs who admit what they are as to try to have any kind of discussion with a DK Hillbot. Why waste your energy?

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Twain Disciple

elenacarlena's picture

read Hill diaries because they piss me off, and I often don't read comments in Bern diaries for the same reason. I spend most of my times these days phone banking for Bernie, so don't worry, I'm not "expending so much energy". I hadn't heard about populistcaucus.net, I'll check that out. I'm also on Facebook with many Bern supporters, we have interesting exchanges of information, and I follow people like Michael Moore and Robert Reich, so I can recommend that too.

My concern is to reach as many people as possible. It's not going to break my heart if I get timed out or banned. But until I am, who knows who might be reading over there, they still have a big (albeit shrinking) audience.

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MsGrin's picture

My search function does not find your name on that page. Sorry I did not make it in time.

And, I'm sorry, WHY was this actually flagged?! Lordy, they've gotten thin-skinned over there.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

And rec'ed. Here's the link to elenacarlena's comment. I hope it works.

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elenacarlena's picture

For the link and the rec.

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elenacarlena's picture

You might check your comment settings, if you're interested in seeing such. You can choose to see or hide hidden comments. It was flagged 12 times and commented on 14 times so far. I haven't read the comments, but I presume "not community building" and "stay out of our safe diaries" and "we're not responsible for what trolls do to Bern diaries," and probably some cranky stuff I can't imagine. Oh, it's now rec'd 6 times! You may be able to see it again. I think it's supposed to take 3 flags for every rec to hide. In short, yes, thin skinned. The auto-message from admin said something like "not in line with community standards," as if there are any these days.

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

8 Rec's say it will take 24 flags to hide it again...

Lets Bern their flags up... Each Rec is worth 3 flags and they get 5 a day with only 1 per user against her...

This should irritate the crap out of them...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
elenacarlena's picture

it's probably going to remain unhidden, would be my guess. I hope they don't make you NR on Monday! Meanwhile, oh the heartbern.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

was earlier in the week when I called out LL, trix, and gogoboots. Only one hr, tho, and about 40 recs, so not bad.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Deja's picture

Snort laugh! Glad I finished swallowing my bite of food before I read that. The chili paste I added would've Berned coming out of my nose.


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elenacarlena's picture

to be badly fact free on a regular basis.

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thought he was a pompous ass. This primary has proven it. He's TOP's little attack dog chihuahua .

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detroitmechworks's picture

for certain groups to enforce their will.

That's IMHO, my problem with safe zones. It's a damper on conversation. I'd rather have a fool open their mouth and PROVE what a fucking idiot they are then carefully craft their words to meet community standards and get praise.

Course I've also been shot at, so "Words" lose a lot of their power after that. Smile (Family can still hurt me because I lower my defenses around them, but nothing personal, nobody here is Family. Friends and acquaintances, YES...)

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

riverlover's picture

pile-on fests over there, and gave a welcome back!!! to two handles who joined up in 2008 and 2012. With under 5K comments ever, in sum. Always nice to see the addition of socks and Rip Van Winkles. Pod people.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Let 'em have their little cesspool.

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If this was 2014 I'd unleash a couple dozen socks to uprate that and keep it out of the hidden. I used to have about 50 accounts at Daily Kos at any given time. I just don't have the time or enough working devices to do it now.

You'd probably do well to stay out of Hillary diaries. Like any hate group, they are proud of their nastiness.

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"Then I read this: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I read every word of that piece of sh*t and I'm never reading again !"- Officer Barbrady

Shahryar's picture

no, because that site was so deranged it was irrelevant. So why go to HillaryIs45?

Which does give me some funny ideas....I suppose tweaking them might be fun but it really is pointless. I'd rather do it in my imagination, like posting diaries or comments that echo HillaryIs44. "Is Bernie a Muslim? He says he's not and I take him at his word" or "Wait until you hear Jane's 'Whitey tape'. It'll be the end for Bernie!" (Those aren't too far off from what the Hills campaign says)

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Lenzabi's picture

I am too far left for DKoS, so I am staying away from the media tool of the 3rdway-rep-lite site.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

elenacarlena's picture

liberal compared to my surroundings (Kentucky) and much of that is because of what I read on DKos back in the old days (like last year and the year before). And now I'm too liberal for them! Somehow I must have meandered into the liberaler DKos back pages from the early days, and now y'all are here, while Kos sold out and has become a corporaDem tool.

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I became a liberal growing up here. I had a great family and some fantastic friends! But I'm 62, and the state has gone downhill in the past couple of decades. It's been sad to watch the gun nuts and abortion fanatics take over. Louisville's still pretty civilized, though.

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Twain Disciple

elenacarlena's picture

L and L: Our two little oases of blue. I wouldn't say Lex made me superconservative or anything, just less progressive than I am now. It's a shame the way all that progressive enthusiasm just suddenly went away over there.

Would you be interested in some sort of Kentucky group? I wonder if we have enough people here to start forming groups yet? I'm thinking we were talking about making sure we have Dems to elect for every seat, maybe we should each take our home states and make sure that happens.

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snoopydawg's picture

I have been enjoying comments like this one
Good lord, if someone's supporters can make you change who you are going to vote for, then your ethics are screwed. I'm not voting for Bernie because of his supporters, I'm voting for him because of his ideas and values.

Let’s talk about “swaying people”. I’m a Sanders supporter. I’ve always been a Sanders supporter. I proudly and gladly voted for Sanders in the Texas primary but at this point, I’d have to hold my nose to vote for him in the genera. Why? Because of people like YOU! When I get up to the voting booth and I’m looking at the choices, Bernie’s name is going to remind me of all of the rancor, all of the hostility and all of the bullshit that came from his advocates here.

P.S. It’s not Clinton supporters’ fault that you came here and took a crap. YOU did that all on your own.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

elenacarlena's picture

It's true, I must own my desire to crap in their diary. They were dissing Bern ridiculously, but it's a Hill safe diary so I was looking for an excuse. They gave me multiples, with one or more Hill people in every single Bern diary, safe or not.

You're absolutely right, nobody has ever supported a candidate based on the issues, then said "Some anonymous Internet blogger has been evil and claims to support my candidate, therefore I will no longer vote for him." I keep this diary in my bookmarks, http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/01/24/1474372/-Generic-I-was-SO-maybe... and paste it into comments regularly. Whamadoodle did a great job on that one.

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Haikukitty's picture

But it looks like you are not hidden?

I have to say I'm so sorry I went there - even though it was in a good cause. Its a nice reminder of how unbelievably nasty and superior the Hill people are, though, just in case I was inclined to forget.

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elenacarlena's picture

I was unhidden. I haven't heard anything further from Admin, so either by Monday the Hillbots chilled out and didn't complain, the admins decided they didn't have anything to complain about, or the admins are taking their time and I'll hear from them later.

Love your avatar. I'm working on a pastiche of my pootie and my hair for my own avatar. I just haven't had enough spare time to get it done. But soon, I hope!

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Haikukitty's picture

I spent way too much time last night trying to get Bern hair and glasses on one of the cat pics... But I just couldn't get it to look right.

Sigh... First world problems Biggrin

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elenacarlena's picture

change avatars, the old one would remain on old comments. The same thing happens on DKos. I don't want to erase my old avatar, I just want some variety occasionally.

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Haikukitty's picture

I feel like somehow its changing the past when those avatars change on old posts - like it was the appropriate avatar for that moment in time.

The old one is serious, grumpy Haikukitty, the new one is hopeful, optimistic Haikukitty Smile

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