Open Thread - Thurs 1 June 2023 - I Am NOT A Kid Anymore

I Am NOT A Kid Anymore and a Couple Other Things:

It's June 1st. Summer is almost here! I don't have much to offer for this week's Open Thread but if I didn't know before, I've definitely learned, I am not a kid anymore!

Rosalyn Carter has dementia. She's 95. Her husband, Jimmy, 98 years old, is in hospice care. I'm glad they have the ability and support to get the care they need. I wish everyone had it!

No pics of politicians, because we've seen them all already. So here's Alice, looking very regal, just after a very satisfying meal of goat grain.

And super-villain (for me, and many others, but not everyone: apparently high society still loves him) Henry Kissinger turned 100 recently (the series linked just before at the Intercept on Kissinger is really good). He also has the ability and support to get the care he needs. So if he needs, and deserves, such care to live a long life (after helping to kill something like 3 million civilians in Cambodia) surely the drunk on the corner, the addict in the street, the young mother living in a car with her kids, the inhabitants of tent villages, all the old people, the disabled, surely they deserve such care and support as well?

These were politicians from my youth. Nixon and Ford, whom Kissinger worked for, were Presidents when I was a child, until my mid-teens. Carter was President while I was in my mid to late teens. They were all part of my early political awakening. I really disliked and still dislike Kissinger! I voted for Carter in his re-election. It was my first time voting, presidential or otherwise. I was just a freshman in college. I wasn't all that keen on Carter, but his opposition was awful. I left the country, in part, to get away from Reagan, and became a dirty socialist because of my experiences after leaving the USA.

As we all know, another politician from my youth, Diane Feinstein, has 'returned' to the Senate after being gone so long she's let a lot of the mediocre work Biden's admin has done circle the drain. Great Excuse! We've all seen the pictures of her return - and they are scary! I remember when Feinstein was appointed mayor of San Francisco. I was just a teen. It was after Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone were assassinated.

And, there's Pelosi. Arghhh. Can't these people retire? Do they really think they are THAT important? Of course they do! But they aren't! So if I'm old, and I am, they are ancient. Get out of power, retire, and go do some actual good for the world like Jimmy and Rosalyn did.

In Other News:
Tara Reade has moved to Russia and is applying for a Russian passport. I've got no comments on this really, just shaking my head in both agreement with her and support of her, and disbelief that the harassment given her has gone this far.

Researchers have found 4000 year old DNA evidence of the plague in Britain. It's not really surprising, this finding. It's cool that we have the knowledge and technology to do this kind of study. The article says: 'Researchers said this strain of the plague - the late Neolithic and Bronze Age lineage - was most likely brought into Central and Western Europe around 4800 BP by humans expanding into Eurasia.' It's always the Russians' fault, isn't it? going in one direction or another Smile Smile (/sarcasm)

So, thanks for reading and here's the open thread - and remember, everything is interesting if you dive deep enough, so tell us about where you're diving!

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Sima's picture

Hope all is going well, that Memorial Day weekend rocked, that you are content and having fun (at least at times). It's been cool here, with clouds, but no rain. Which is kinda disappointing, as rain at this time of year is 'natural' around here. On the other hand, check out these tomato plants:
Tomatoes in the Greenhouse, yesterday

We've decided to move the tomatoes and peppers to the greenhouse, and are giving up having them in the huge hoop house. The hoop house will be repurposed or dismantled. Why? We aren't running a business anymore, and the toms and peppers are just for our own use (we freeze and can them for use all year). The greenhouse was sitting almost empty (used to be full of seedlings, and we still do seedlings, but not for sale anymore). The cats, the dog, are all old and don't keep the critters (who eat the toms especially) out of the hoop house. So into the greenhouse it all goes. Husband built the platforms and supports, and the toms are really happy. I think they grow about 3 inches a day right now. They are starting to get covered with flowers. Next, the peppers!

So, that's some of what we are up to. How's about what you are doing, learning, enjoying, angry about, etc?

11 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

janis b's picture


Thank you for your OT, and including the photo of your greenhouse full of tomato plants and beautiful wooden structures to hold them. Are those Cypress trees outside the greenhouse?

It's definitely time for some new blood, regardless of age.

2 users have voted.
janis b's picture

@janis b

I meant this to be a comment to your essay.

2 users have voted.
Sima's picture

@janis b
You rock Smile

2 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

janis b's picture


2 users have voted.
Sima's picture

@janis b
When I first got this property and had inherited enough money to build my little house, I decided I was going to make a big huge British-Victorian whatever type garden out in the field in front of the house. So I planted these cypress trees. They were in the middle of rose beds, and they were about 4 or 5 feet tall, maybe 18 inches wide. Now they are... *gulp* ... really tall and 4 or 5 feet wide! I guess it's been a while. And they have all kinds of birds nesting in them, and they've crowded out some of the roses. But I love them, so there they are!

We could use some new blood in politics for sure. I'd like some new outlooks too, new ways of thinking. But, I don't believe we'll be allowed that Sad

Was great to 'see' you. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

4 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

janis b's picture


and must be very satisfying to look at and watch grow. They look quite majestic, and add an interesting shape to the garden. Nice too for the birds.

3 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

Just finished frost patrol. The dip in temperature was unexpected and none of the frost sensitive plants were covered. Hopefully the sprinklers will save them. I was just chastising myself yesterday the eggplants, basil and cucumbers were not planted in the summer beds yet. Procrastination sometimes works.

12 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Sima's picture

And the night before. When I went to bed, it was 37. Our last day of possible, sudden, killing frost/fog is officially (by my records) July 4th. So yea, I understand the frost patrol. It's why we grow the toms and peppers under cover. They don't produce enough fruit before the first fall frost in mid-September, and don't really start growing well around here, if planted outside, until mid to late June. I'm lucky to be able to grow them under cover, I admit. As it is, with the hoop house/green house growing, we harvest tomatoes and peppers from late June/early July to late October. In NW WA. Nuts!

Anyway, hope all is going well, and yes, procrastination can work! Smile

4 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

QMS's picture

The very August bodies of our higher houses of government are beginning to
resemble old folks homes. Guess if their role is only symbolic, their functionality
doesn't matter. 3 score and ten should be the limit of decision makers IMO.

Like your stately goat and 'mater house.
Thanks for posting the OT!

12 users have voted.

question everything

Sima's picture

Is a very good age limit for political creatures. Not a chance it can be enacted, maybe locally?

Thanks for stopping by and giving me something new to say to people about how old our congress critters can be. Age limits! Enact them!

3 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

mimi's picture

sigh. Their care cam turn the most patient caretaker into a monster.

I pray to not get older than eighty something. Enough is enough, right?

Hope everybody has a somewhat decent and nice day. Smile

11 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


As to the rest of the world I would blame increased longevity upon better nutrition and better health care. The US, however, has neither. OTOH, the US elites can no doubt privately procure extreme healthcare and have possibly had really good nutrition and diets. Also Most of them have never had real jobs with the stresses, dangers, exposures to toxins and the like that most people have suffered.

be well and have a good one

10 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Sima's picture

@mimi @mimi
But my limit for myself is 110. why? Because it's an impossible goal, basically, so maybe I'll keep striving, keep sorta healthy, and die well at 85 or so.

My Dad has severe dementia. He's one year younger than Feinstein and he LOOKS (and moves) BETTER than her. How the heck can she still be in government and in power?

4 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

usefewersyllables's picture

says it all, here.

Getting older does beat the alternative- but it beats it by a little less every day. The death of a thousand disappointments...

Agreed that our lotsagenarian politicians should all fade away, ASAP. But the newly-minted young psychopaths lurking in the wings to replace them aren't going to be any better. Looking at you, Cotton, Boebert, Taylor-Green...

11 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Sima's picture

describes them well. And one day, they will be the old psychopaths, all still there, all still thinking they are the best servants of the people EVAH. And all full of crap. *sigh*

Great Peggy Lee song, Thank you! And so far, getting old does indeed beat the alternative. Especially in Spring and Summer!

4 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

enhydra lutris's picture

up assorted bafflements.

'Researchers said this strain of the plague - the late Neolithic and Bronze Age lineage - was most likely brought into Central and Western Europe around 4800 BP by humans expanding into Eurasia.'

What, pray tell, signifies BP? Before prednisone? Before Paleolithic, or persimmons, or, perhaps Penicillin or Prince?

Next, the Russia joke, the Rus expanded to the south and east, who expanded into the west in 4800 BP? That's well before the Mongols. I've never really looked into Brit history too mucho. Various folks including Romans arrived only to find various tribes of Celts already there. The Celts had an empire that they were eventually pushed out of, but I have no idea from whence they came or when (I really should - note to self). If we're blaming this on the Celts, I say blame it on the Welsh, they talk funny, even for Celts. I took a WAG that 4800BP would perhaps land us in the vicinity of 2500BCE which gets us to the founding of Armenia (yeah, blame the Armenians; also cue Armenia, City in The Sky)

The greenhouse, in particular the platforms? Why so tall? Is trellising anticipated? Should I add similar frames to my outdoor beds even though they will not be containing pots? If I create an additional structure for pots, should it be like those?

be well and have a good one

OOPS, forgot The Whom:

12 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

@enhydra lutris

It seems that there is ample disagreement about celtic and pre-celtic european history. (That figures, they are a disputacious people Wink ) Anyway, it appears that they sort of evolved in situ from La Tene, and, prior to that, Urnfield cultures. Since they didn't migrate, per se, then whatever or whomever seemingly migrated around or through them. zo, there is a jump here from homo erectus to cro magnon and from the latter to celtic. uh huh, also ya sure.

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

@enhydra lutris

4800 BP is 2850 BCE. The Chinese invented/discovered silk. Phoenecians are hanging around Lebanon within 50 years if not already. Proto indo-european pops up somewhere. Sumeria. Egypt's 1st. Dynasty. I'm thinking it was that rats themselves carried it. Hallstatt/La Tene trading with Etruscans at border, heh.

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Sima's picture

@enhydra lutris
BP means 'before present'. Basically it's a way to get rid of the religious parts of AD (year of our lord) and BC (before Christ). Archaeologists use BP or CE (Current/Christian era) or BCE (before Current Era) as well. Pretty sure the Beeb uses it because it's not religious.

The Russian joke. Heh, sorry. you didn't get it. I was just sarcastically commenting on it because, as someone who has studied pre-historic and historic (up to the early Middle Ages) Europe pretty deeply (got a PhD in Roman-European Archaeology/Anthropology years ago), the invasions/immigrations/whatever from the East through the Steppes are pretty constant. It's one of the main ways people, from pre-Celts on (and earlier probably), moved from eastern Eurasia into Europe. So, the 'Russians' are always invading! Smile

Now, the greenhouse. We grow non-determinant tomatoes, mostly. There's one kind that we grow that's determinant. But, you can't tell :). Non-determinant means the plant grows, and flowers, and produces fruit, forever, if possible. Tomatoes are originally a vine, and so they grow on and through and up/over things. Those tomato plants (there's a bit over 50) will reach to the top of the greenhouse by about mid-late July, maybe earlier. They will then droop down, grow along the roof and more.

We use the stands, that my husband built, as support for the toms as they get super tall. We put strings from one standing 2x4 to another, to sort of box the toms in, and every day we go by them all and put the toms that have fallen out into the support with the strings. That way we get a super, duper crop.

If I were growing toms outside, in the dirt (and not in the 8 inch pots we use inside) I'd have these same type of supports. It's because they are non-determinant. Now, if you are growing determinant varieties (they grow a bit and then have one big harvest and are basically done) you probably don't need more than 3-4 ft tall tomato cages for support.

Outside, having supports like these are great for beans and other vining plants too, so you might want some even if you've got determinant tomatoes.

Thanks for the great questions, it was fun answering them! And thanks for the great music, it was fun listening to it!

3 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

janis b's picture


the question and answer session, and reading about your Archaeology/Anthropology knowledge.

4 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

@Sima @Sima

curious as to who was moving west(ish) at that time. I had just read an article somewhere about a new "civilization" contemporaneous with the early "fertile crescent" etc. IIRC, it was vaguely near the Caspian and to its north and not too long lived. Anyway, you know the simplified routing of westward migrations, the huns, the Gepids (maybe), Alans, Hergules (SP), etc. all way later than 2850 BCE or so, I got to wondering what/who identifiable neolithic peoples were roaming around back then.

be well and have a good one

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Republicans are about to play hardball.

10 users have voted.
Sima's picture

Or smart enough to use and abuse his connections. Other than that, I doubt he's pretty smart.

4 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

janis b's picture


the validity of the Hunter Biden photos are …

#1 - The technology available to image making is vast. For an example check this out …

#2 - The twisting of reality from media of all flavours

#3 - The question of why would anyone, especially someone intimately connected with the VP and P take such an obvious risk. Maybe that's possible if you were so high that you were out of your mind and touch with any semblance of reality?

Who knows anymore anything beyond their own reality.

3 users have voted.

Pyromaniacs could have a field day.

9 users have voted.
Sima's picture

Or maybe give them the job for free!

Actually, I agree with the idea of controlled burns, but... how to control them in California? The dry is often too dry, the area too large, the Santa Anas... hard to control a burn there at times.

4 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

8 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


your CIA credentials.

be well and have a good one

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

usefewersyllables's picture

@enhydra lutris

one possible vector for the "unforeseeable lone wolf terrorist" assault on something expensive in the US, as a thank-you for the "unforeseeable lone wolf terrorist" drone assault on Moscow.

Tit, meet tat. Nothing like reimporting our own wares to use against us, eh?

6 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Sima's picture

Dang, I wish that was actually surprising, that the cartels now have US eq from Ukraine.

2 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

Who on this site is a kid anymore? Alice was the last kid on the block.
The scientific ability to figure out disease in ancient times is amazing, and I sincerely wish they would apply some science to what the hell is going on to day's diseases, sans influence of Big Pharma and our DOJ.
The outstanding politician of my youth was JFK. I will admit the lying crook that followed, LBJ, actually did a positive thing domestically. Unlike most politicians who grew up poor, such as Clinton, he didn't forget it, kept some appreciation for the stresses and difficulties of living in poverty. And Lady Bird gave us wild flowers, which are still blooming by the side of the Texas highways today.
The injured sister of yesterday visited the office this morning. The wounds had begun to scab over, so no blood on the floor or furniture. I did send her over to the district attorney's office to get a protective order to make her a bit safer from her mean/killer wannabe sister. They can be good for up to two years, and then can be extended longer if circumstances require.
We live withing a few miles of Sam Houston National Forest. It is massive. We experience the smoke from the occasional controlled burns. The burns are directed at low lying trees and brush. When the fires go out, there is still a very lush and green forest. Fires do not start from electric company shenanigans, but lightning, or stupid campers, or stupider meth cooks.
Updating the dumped dog news, Poochie not only latched onto the hearts of me and my husband, but also the 2 folks who feed and water her in our absence, my brother, her Uncle Mike, and my secretary, her Aunt Amanda. She must have know I was typing her name. She just came up to me and licked (slimed) me.
Thanks for the OT!
And we must put age limits and term limits on politicians.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

@on the cusp

Lawyer fabricates brief using ChatGPT, then doubles down when judge wants details of the fake cases it cited

there's a link in the article to a tldr exposition of the case to date, you have to scroll down a bit to get to it

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris I sat thru free mandatory legal education a couple of weeks ago and was simply HORRIFIED by AIs incursion. It is BS! Should not, cannot replace us! Uh...yet.
Glad I won't be working that much longer.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

@on the cusp

what is and is not really on point, hell, a lot of attorneys and some judges still can't.

be well and have a good one

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris Fucking great trend, amirite?

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

@on the cusp

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Sima's picture

@on the cusp
I'm so glad, but not surprised, that Poochie's stolen a few hearts!

I am too young (heh, young? sure I am) to remember JFK, was only a year old when he was killed. But I remember RFK (and when he was killed) and LBJ (bleh, but yea, he did good domestically).

I hope the protective order works for the injured sister and she can be safe.

I actually agree with having controlled burns even with the smoke, as long as they are controlled :).

As for Alice, she can be a stinker, but she's regal, and cute! Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by and commenting. Love to read your comments!

3 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

Deja's picture

No, I'm not dead hahaha.

I promised that I'd send a link to the state of Texas admitting to spraying silver iodide on its citizens - me included - so I'll do that after sharing the the following two songs since I couldn't decide which one to post. Fuck it, y'all get both. Smile

Promised link:

I do not consent fwiw!

5 users have voted.

@Deja because there was no mysterious odor here.
Drop us info on Texas Gummint spraying us with crap!
And always drop in, my friend!

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Deja's picture

@on the cusp How was supper?

And I did drop the link above, at the end. Now what the fed spooks spray us with is much more extensive. Aluminum and barium for starters that we know of. Bill Gates of Hell has a hand in that despite what the mockingbirds say. Beware the "foundations", "trusts", etc ESPECIALLY if the name sounds great.

Nice to talk with you again!

5 users have voted.

@Deja And I merely handed the chef to ingredients and set out cookware, then went out onto the front porch to drink beer whilst it was cooked to perfection.
Ok. I saw the link.
Weather control is not climate change.
I just want you to recycle plastics. Oh, wait. That increases plastic particles in the water.
Water? It must be conserved for Nestle and the fracking industry.
I will accept all your fun calls, and any collect calls from any jail, if need be, chica!
Always great fun to have a chat with you!

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

good to see you around. I see your chicken's still wearing sunglasses, chuckle, chuckle, cluck, cluck.

4 users have voted.
Sima's picture

Cloud Seeding, and poisoning people, is not. Are the cloud-seeders now to blame for the floods in parts of Texas?

Thanks for stopping by, it's great to see you!

3 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

janis b's picture


3 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


Haven't heard either of those songs, or seen either video in quite a while. Hope you're doing fine.

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --