Open Thread - 5/12/23 - The Horse Race

I am not a fan of horse racing, especially the stupid way we do it in this country. We race them way too early, we breed them to have muscle weight, not skeletal weight. Tiny leg bones are great for speed, not endurance.
Despite our breeding flaws and foolish racing practices, some horses not only survive it, but excel, exceeding all expectations.
The Kentucky Derby is in the news, which always brings up the most extraordinary race horse in US history: Secretariat. That rare horse that exceeded all expectations.
I have several connections with Secretariat. My farrier once shod him. The farrier told me that the horse must be on "something". Horses just can't do what that horse did. He said the horse stood for his shoeing like he was a king. Another connection is that my client was a friend and neighbor of jockey Ron Turcotte, the jockey who rode Secretariat in the Triple Crown races. Maybe before the day is done, maybe I can snap a picture of Ron atop Big Red, ready to enter the gates at the Belmont. Ron was kind enough to give the picture to my client from his private collection, and he autographed it. It is the most extraordinary gift I ever received, and hangs on the wall in my office. (There are people who have insisted they be given that picture in my will.) Another connection is my horse I purchased years ago. He was from Secretariat's blood line. That horse went on to be the Amateur 3-Day Event national champion. I will one day write an essay about a wild ride on that thoroughbred! Lastly, in 1973, I was at home, and by luck, I watched the Kentucky Derby live on tv.
In every Triple Crown race, Secretariat ran each successive furlong faster than the one before. He gained speed. He never tired. That any thoroughbred can win the Triple Crown in the first place is amazing, but to win it the way he did?
Quarter Horses sprint, run at top speed a quarter mile. (Perfect for roping calves.) Thoroughbreds can run 4 miles at top speed. (Put 'em on a track! Make your bets!) Arabians can top out for 7 miles before tiring. The Kentucky Derby is a very short race. The Preakness is a medium length race. The Belmont is comparatively very long. Whereas some race horses kick ass at short length, they can't make it through medium or long races.
Well, life presents us with different race track lengths, so I hope each of you goes full tilt from the opening gates to the finish line!

Good morning!
TGIF! What's on your mind today?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good morning...
Years ago they used to race horses down the valley we look over. I've recently wondered if the horse will make a transportation come back. There's a fellow down the road that rides his horse to town. Donkeys and mules are worthy animals too, as you well know.
We had a light shower early this morning which evidently discouraged my yard help today. I had planned to limb out a section of the driveway/road. It would have been wet and messy, so I can't blame him. They'll be there next week.
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Thanks for the OT.
Stewball - c..late 1700s - Performed by Tom Roush
The original name for this folksong was 'Skewball.' It became popular in America as 'Stewball.' I've played this song for 35 years and now decided to record it. There have been many verses added and changed since it found it's way across the Atlantic from England. I recorded this in July of 2019.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Wonderful, LO!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Ok. New keyboard.
Many ranchers today have switched to ATVs. However, sooner or later, a horse would be required.
I did enjoy going to Lafayette to the races. I have won 3 trifectas, won several thousand bucks on each of them. I wanted a foyer added to my home. Well, the race winnings paid for all of it. Later, I wanted a covered front porch. My winnings paid for all of it. Interestingly, I do not have that gambling bug. I just went along with my late husband for the ride, made very small bets, but I never put anything in the ticket window that would harm me if I lost.
I stopped going to the races 30 years ago. I will occasionally watch one on tv. I am mostly anxious to see if Secretariat will have his record times beaten.
Stumps. I have saturated several with molasses. That drew bugs, ants, worms, and they eventually hollowed out the stumps so that I could literally kick them apart. Not practical if the stump is in your way. It takes a year or so.
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. Hoping it will include music.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That's a great song!
Thank you for introducing me to it. Great song!!!
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
My wife used to board
and train her horse at a barn that specialized in taking fresh-from-the-track thoroughbreds and teaching them to jump. That was kind of amazing to watch: I didn't realize that the human body could bounce that high after getting unseated... Those horses definitely had the wrong ratio of muscle to skeletal strength. My wife retired herself and her horse from eventing after a couple too many bounces, and he just passed in the pasture 7 or 8 years ago.
The They Might Be Giants show was nothing short of fantastic. They've already sold out all 80 shows on this US tour (smaller venues, except for the Hollywood Bowl), but if you can pick up some scalped tickets, *do it*. The horn section is ungodly hot, and they haven't lost a step. The little birdhouse is still well and truly installed in my soul.
They are as quirky as ever (if not more so), and their chops have improved over the years. The most fun was when they did Sapphire Bullets of Pure Love *backwards*. They videotaped it as they played it backwards, and then played the tape back in reverse (thus forwards) on the big screen to start the second set. Yes, in true TMBG fashion, they opened for themselves... Here's a Youtube version of them doing "stilluB" in an earlier show. The backwards choreo... Fantastic. Great show!
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Good evening!
I once had a good "eye" for horses. I would buy race horses, both thoroughbreds and quarter horses, re-train them, sell them. I actually made good money, was mostly able to do the re-train myself. Round pen, arena, all that was here at my home. I had a good reputation, all horses were vetted out, sound, and sold to that dressage and 3-day eventer types who had money and I was always confident the horses would have good homes. Most of the agents making the deals were trainers.
I didn't event. My dad, Army Horse Cavalry, taught me the rudiments of jumping, but I mostly enjoyed the "dance" aspect of dressage. It is mostly a safer riding discipline. Mostly.
Glad you dropped in your comment. Much appreciated, pal.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hi Fridayers
Hi all, Hey OtC! Hope it's all good out there!
I've gotta quit horsin' around and get to work, but a quick couple horse stories...
First, to Lookout, Hey LO! The one verse I remember, I first learned maybe about '65 when I was 10, I still remember it and occasionally belt it out for my wife... whom remains unimpressed.
Stewball was a racehorse
I wish he were mine
He never drank water
He always drank wine.
Yeah man, go Stewball!
I never got on a horse until I was 17 when family moved to Big Pine CA, where we had been camping for many years. Eastern Sierra Nevada, Owens Valley. Was a new guy, of the worst sort, a flatlander from 'L.A.', in a Peyton Place tiny town with 22 in my senior class, most half to a whole decade behind L.A. thinking... For example my required American Government 12th grade textbook, was my 8th grade American gov. textbook in Huntington Bch. So it wasn't the best for my education, but I learned about horses and country girls.
I was an outcast, though did sniff out the stoners in reasonably short order. The only girls that would give me the time of day were the horse girls. They were not the beauty queens, but the nicest most real girls in town. I told them I had never rode. So they taught me how. Rode tons for several months. It was awesome, I loved it, and of course, came to like horses.
One of the first times, maybe the first, to give you an idea of how sweet these girls were... They put me on this Appaloosa named Appy, which later I learned should have been bad enough. But this Appy was freaked out at white wooden bridges. Which of course was not revealed to moi. Can ya see where this is going yet? So after riding around town for a bit you would not believe where we rode, I think there was about five of us, we went up the street with the cute white bridge over Big Pine Creek.
Did I mention how this horse freaked out at white bridges? I don't recall all the details of what exactly happened. It was a blur, there was a flurry of white hide with spots, a mane going all over the place, as was leather and limbs, as I seemed to defy gravity. After I got out of the creek and up the bank, the girls were all laughing so hard, the damn horses were laughing too. Except that f'n Appy, it had a smirk on its face. One of those 'do you want to get back on' smirks. It cleary had more than it gave me already. I rode Rainy back, and one of the girls rode that damned horse. I never got on Appy again.
Now we lease a place on a huge horse ranch, the part we are on is a 900 acre wildlife conservation easement we have access to, as well as a mile of river. Next door is a few hundred acres with a herd of 20 brood mares, quarter horses, nice ones. There was an article about them just maybe 3-4 years ago in the AQHA magazine, Lou Waters' ranch/horses.
Long live all the Secretariats and Stewballs!.
Have a great day all, I gotta fly!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Good evening!
Appaloosas are regarded as dumb horses. Very hard to train, very difficult to break their bad habits.
Glad you survived. We wouldn't have this vision of you in the creek if you had gotten your neck broken, would we?
I had some horse that freaked at the very site of water. She jumped puddles. She went wild at crossing a little stream. Another horse was afraid of damn near anything that moved. Cars. Dogs. Flags. People walking. I found a buyer who thought they could fix it. No word on the fixing.
My Appy experience, literally the only Ap I ever got on, was in South Africa. A barely broke horse, fairly good natured, but I constantly hoped he wouldn't freak when he ran through the jungle with a baboon war happening overhead.
Have a lovely weekend, pal!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That's the verse I remember too...
Peter, Paul, and Mary.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
How can we miss Trump when the dem media won’t stop
covering everything he says and does?
And like the tweet I posted in my essay says, why isn’t the dem base more upset with democrats failing on every front to pass the things they said they would then the fact that Trump is beating Biden in the polls. It was Obama’s ridiculous presidency that gave us Trump in the first place and instead of democrats looking at their own failures they made up a false story that Putin put Trump in office because he didn’t like Hillary….no the country didn’t like Hillary and thank dawg that she lost. Now democrats are once again screwing the base and oh my gawd Trump lies. Well I’d vote for him if he is serious about ending the Ukraine war. Easiest way to do that is to stop sending weapons to Ukraine and that will force them to the table with Russia. Easy peasy cuz you can’t have a war without weapons.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
TDS, snoopo
Oh, and fbi, cia, blah blah blah...
Have a great weekend, give my client, Sam, a big hug.
Take good care of you!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
blue and white checkered past
That remark about "on something" is a bit ridiculous, although I understand the context of bewilderment. If any race horses were "on something", they all were. What it was, was "in something", in that horse, a heart the size of a house. Achieving an amazing series of accomplishments nowhere near being equaled or diminished by subsequent wannabes. The day Secretariat died my mother was there, I do believe. The vet or whoever did the autopsy pulled a gigantic heart out of this titan, maybe weighed it (but I dont think so), but threw it out (my rough recollection of remarks my mother made. I could always try to read one of the books she wrote about heart size in racing horses for clarification)
) of Riggs and King. Underappreciated in that respect. There is a statue of Secretariat in Lexington KY horse racing museum or whatever it is. underneath the raised front hoof, the sculptor engraved my mother's initials. I guess for the role she played in getting the statue done, fundraising or something.
I only met Penny Chenery once, when she flew in with my mother. I must have picked them up at the airport, but all I really recall is taking her to the Kinkos. Very nice lady, as important a figure as the horse itself. Put it all in the context of the times, and the battle of the sexes. A serious testament (as if it should be needed) versus the publicity sham (
I had/have quite the range of memorabilia, signed shirts, even a watercolor painting by the lady herself. Penny Cheney became my mother's surrogate mother, took care of her and I am grateful.
The ramifications of Secretariat's secret turned into an amazing sequence of events, more than serendipitous, as my mother forwarded the notion that breeding for speed was being done incorrectly, as the Sire was given too much credit. The real speed secrets came from the dam. She became a sought after breeding and pedigree consultant for potential buyers and breeders. She irked a lot of people who felt her lack of scientific background (a journalist. A "photojournalist" as her pictures were very good. Her writing more than adequate (but Im better, despite the song she would sing to me 50+ years ago) rankled the petty who would prefer some elite rule of order and misbegotten ivory tower traditions being upended by some bigmouthed uneducated genetics expert. I relish that accomplishment. She will probably be forgotten, but not by those who knew her.
Secretariat's heart
Your Mother sounds extraordinary! Secretariat was not a very remarkable sire. Seems his produced fillies were better racers than his colts. Lots of thinking about the value of the dams and their bloodlines actually popped up in discussions of breeders right about the time he was retired. Your Mother might have been the catalyst in breeding methods than she could have known.
I bought a photograph of Secretariat, just his beautiful head and neck. It is a limited edition known as "Secretariat's Last Portrait".
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp although it doesnt mean
My brother liked betting
...on the horses. He did it frequently when he was a young man. I remember once when I went home to NY, he took me to Belmont to gamble a little bit. He did it regularly. He really knew the horses, and understood the odds, handicapping or whatever. I know nothing about it. I just bet on what he recommended and won about 125 dollars.
I'm afraid I was the one responsible for his hobby. When I was in high school, with some friends, I used to sell pretzels outside the grandstand exit at Roosevelt Raceway to earn extra money. It was a big deal if I made 14 or 16 dollars in a night. After I had done it for couple of seasons, I think my brother was about 14 or so, he started to come with me. I never went inside to watch any of the harness races but he would insist we go watch. I remember we watched once, and saw the really incredible horse Super Wave. After I stopped doing this part time seasonal job, my brother kept doing it for another season or two. Years later, I remember once he called me to tell me he was on vacation and went to watch the Kentucky Derby. Another time he called and wanted to know if I could invest 50 grand in a horse with him, I told him I was too poor for that. He couldn't get anyone else in the family interested and never went ahead with it.
I think this is the horse we saw.
I have to say I never go "full tilt" myself, I'm more of a long distance type.
語必忠信 行必正直
Unrelated to your comment but related to your area of
Yes, I had been following
@#7.1...the joint ROK-US military exercises and the North's actions fairly closely as usual, but hadn't written much about it, due to my distraction with the storm damage to my home.
The joint US-ROK exercises moved into full stride in late August. I tried to summarize the developments up to December 28, 2022 which of course also included North Korea missile ballistic missile launches which unfortunately were underway during the presidential campaign early in 2022. This was extremely unwise on the North's part because of the risk of the far right right Yoon government coming into power. It was no secret what kind of government Yoon would put in place, a throw back to the old cold war policies that preceded the democratic era in South Korea.
This pattern in 2022 included the propaganda balloons the Yoon government allowed to cross the DMZ into North Korea in violation of the North-South military agreement and a recently passed South Korean law. Then the drone overflights of the DMZ in response from North Korea, including one over Seoul on Dec. 26, which embarrassed the Yoon government. Yoon tried to soft sell the temporary deployment of a THAAD battery to Pyeongtaek and his earlier more provocative comments on THAAD. They're making the one THAAD base covered in the tweet you posted permanent over the objection of the local residents.
The most significant addition to the above pattern was the recent South Korean port visit by a US fleet ballistic missile nuclear submarine. The increased intensity of the US-allied military activity in the Korean region has not abated. One could also regard the emergence of the so called tri-lateral alliance as an additional provocation. The adoption of US-Japanese anti China policy in whole cloth by Yoon has only further aggravated South Korea's national security situation. Yoon also provoked Russia as well with his indirect support of 155mm artillery shells shipments to Ukraine.
Yoon has in effect, surrendered an independent national security policy to the US and Japan. What has he gotten for it? Nothing other than domestic opposition and greater economic and military insecurity. It is widely regarded that the deputy National Security Adviser Kim Tae-hyo, US educated, is running the show.
Kim Byung-joo, a former four star in the National Assembly, noted that the Yoon administration had to dig down to the 3 star level to find an officer to make Defense Minister because most senior military officers resent losing South Korean initiative and freedom of action to a foreign alliance, which includes a traditional enemy, Japan. They were always subject to US control, although officially only in wartime, which they were seeking to recover however slowly, but now they are bound up in commitments that actually impair their readiness vis a vis North Korea by siphoning off resources to meet US-Japanese objectives, not related to North Korea.
When and if, Yoon, is removed from the political scene, I think there will be movement to reverse these developments which the US has sought to achieve in South Korea ever since the impeachment of Park Geun-hye. These developments are just not popular in South Korea and remind most people of the earlier dictatorships. The more resources South Korea commits to US military and economic goals, the less freedom of action it will have. So necessarily there is celebration in Tokyo and DC.
I think the only observation that I had made in the last several months that I should walk back somewhat is my estimate that US/ROK artillery and rocket artillery exercises during Hoguk exercises, near Paju and Cheoran ranges respectively may have violated the North-South military agreements. Later I read that the restrictions on firing near the DMZ are limited only by the size of the unit conducting the exercise. I still don't think it's a good idea.
I expect this pattern to continue, if not escalate.
The US history of the Korean war leaves out a lot. Which vision of Korean history prevails has a lot of influence on whether or not South Koreans will continue to accept the Cold War version which Yoon is attempting to restore.
May 11, 2023 Rania Khalek Dispatches (49 min)
語必忠信 行必正直
Yoon is....
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I have to say
The problem with Yoon's return to cold war politics is the complete abandonment of any independence from US foreign policy objectives that aren't helpful to South Korea. Such as being forced to give up policy positions taken against Japan. Adopting US-Japanese anti-China policies, particularly concerning disturbing the status quo in Taiwan, and supporting Ukraine against Russia. Where is the benefit to South Korea? It also has basically given up on any hope of reconciliation or normalization of relations with the North, which is also dangerous and not in its interest.
When I initially started thinking about this (again) earlier today, the Kim Chu-ja oldie Sergeant Kim was going through my mind. Basically it was propaganda, a tune idealizing one of the hundreds of thousands of South Korean soldiers who went through the war in Vietnam to support the US in an effort based on a complete misunderstanding of the limits of US power, the nature of the cold war, and what popular resistance to western dominance in Asia is about. Some of these soldiers participated in Mai Lai type war crimes. The song reminds me in a way of the film about Ron Kovics, Born on the Fourth of July. It portrays a false patriotic image of these wars.
Returned from Vietnam, sun darkened Sergeant Kim,
Now returned this way,
Returned from Vietnam darkened Sergeant Kim,
Far too long awaited
With firmly set lips, and heavy helmet,
He smiled when he returned,
He greeted his younger brother with an embrace,
and gave a hug to everyone
Troublesome bachelor Kim
Dignified, wearing his ribbons
Returned Sergeant Kim
All the people from town gathered
to see his face,
Everyone peering for a look,
Mother danced and exclaimed
Our son returned!
The whole village threw a celebration
Sergeant Kim, taken from her arms, returned.
I took him into my heart,
Trustworthy, Sergeant Kim.
I took him into my heart.
The singer is Kim Chu-ja. The hero gets the girl. There is a haunting melancholy quality to her songs from the dictatorship period not quite apparent in this upbeat martial tune from the dictatorship era.
語必忠信 行必正直
Interesting Humphey
Keep it up, humphrey!
Hope your weekend is just awesome!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Evidently, $125 wasn't enough to hook you
I went to a WEF, World Equestrian Federation, competition in Lexington, Ky, in 2009, and on one afternoon, a pal and I went to sulkey races on a local track. We thought it was so strange! Fun, but strange!
Have a great weekend, and get your re-location organized like you want it, pal.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I left out
Thanks OTC. Still trying to decompress after moving back. My daughter visited with the granddaughter, trying to help us feel at home.
語必忠信 行必正直
You are at home.
I have come to know numerous psychologist and psychiatrists over the last 37 years.
One of their mantras is this: Horrific job ahead! Major change! Has to be done! Overwhelming!
The method to beat i back is little things, congrats on progress. No, you will not get everything in the house moved into and organized, but you might get a room done, feel a step forward, just a bit less stress and overwhelmed.
Best of luck, best wishes.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good morning otc. Never a horse person here, just one of
those things. More of a Bicycle and motorcycle type. Had a friend who played the ponies every chance he got and even owned a part of a couple of them. My wife and I went to the track with him and his lady once, wasted a few bux and had a couple of beers, not as entertaining as a baseball game, but beats tennis or golf, imho. One could, in theory, always win over the course of a full day, or at least break even, but you'd need a high speed laptop capable of voice entry and a position right near the ticket window so you could get your money down at the last moment. But, the certitude comes at the cost of a minimal payout, not enough to be work a full days frantic work.
Still wrasslin' a stump, so I'd better get to it.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Kick that stumps' ass!
Whup that stump, you can do it!
Luv ya, man!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981