The Evening Blues - 5-2-23


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Mary Ann Fisher

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features r&b singer Mary Ann Fisher. Enjoy!

Mary Ann Fisher - Put Your Shoes On

"Aggression is simply another name for government."

-- Benjamin Tucker

News and Opinion

The Single Dumbest Thing The Empire Asks Us To Believe

The single dumbest thing the US-centralized empire asks us to believe is that the military encirclement of its top two geopolitical rivals is a defensive action, rather than an act of extreme aggression.

We’re asked to believe many extremely stupid narratives by the manipulators who rule over us, but I really think this one might take the cake. The idea that the US militarily encircling Russia and China is an act of defense rather than aggression is so in-your-face transparently idiotic that anyone who thinks critically enough about it will immediately dismiss it for the foam-brained nonsense that it is, yet it’s the mainstream narrative in the western world, and millions of people accept it as true. Because that’s the power of US propaganda.

It gets more and more absurd the more you think about it. Their argument is basically, “No no you don’t understand, the US has been hurriedly surrounding its primary geopolitical competitors with war machinery because it wants to prevent them from doing something aggressive.” They’re like, “We can’t just have nations exerting military aggression willy nilly, that’s why we needed to move all this war machinery to the other side of the planet onto the borders of our primary strategic rivals.”

Can you think of anything more insane than that? Than all of the most powerful and influential figures in politics, government and media simultaneously claiming that a nation amassing heavily-armed proxy forces on the borders of their enemies is something that should be regarded as an action designed to prevent aggression, rather than an incendiary act of extreme aggression in and of itself?

I recently had someone tell me that the US has every right to expand its immense military presence near China, and to illustrate their point they said that if China set up a base in Mexico the US would have no business telling them not to. But that argument actually illustrates my point, not theirs: only the most propaganda-addled of minds would believe that the US would allow China to set up a military base in Mexico for even one second. There’d be kinetic warfare long before the foundations were even poured.

What this undeniably means is that the US is the aggressor in these conflicts. It was the aggressor when it expanded NATO and began turning Ukraine into a de facto NATO member, and it is the aggressor as it accelerates its encirclement of China and prepares to open the floodgates of weapons into Taiwan. If it is doing things on the borders of its geopolitical rivals that it would never permit those rivals to do to it, then it is the aggressor, and anything its rivals do is a defensive response to those aggressions.

This is how the US-centralized empire always acts. It continually attacks, starves and menaces nations which disobey the decrees it issues in its self-appointed role as the leader of the so-called “rules-based international order”, then as soon as its aggressions receive the slightest bit of pushback its spinmeisters feign Bambi-eyed innocence and pretend they’re just passive witnesses to unprovoked aggression by the disobedient nations.

But the empire is not passive, it is not innocent, and it is primarily responsible for the extremely dangerous current and emerging conflicts we are seeing on the world stage. The US empire is imperiling us all with its last-ditch frantic scramble to secure unipolar planetary hegemony before multipolarity takes over, engaging in freakishly aggressive actions on the borders of the nuclear-armed nations who challenge its power.

Zelensky TOLD Rupert Murdoch To Fire Tucker Carlson?

Key nations sit out U.S. standoff with Russia, China, leaks show

President Biden’s global agenda faces significant challenges as major developing nations seek to evade the intensifying standoff between the United States, Russia and China and, in some cases, exploit that rivalry for their own gain, classified American intelligence assessments show.

The documents, among a trove of U.S. secrets leaked online through the Discord messaging platform, provide a rare glimpse into the private calculations by key emerging powers, including India, Brazil, Pakistan and Egypt, as they attempt to straddle allegiances in an era when America is no longer the world’s unchallenged superpower. ...

Matias Spektor, a scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said developing nations are recalibrating at a moment when America faces potent new competition, as China projects new economic and military clout and Russia, though weakened by President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, demonstrates its ability to deflect Western pressure.

“It’s unclear who will end up in a pole position in 10 years’ time, so they need to diversify their risk and hedge their bets,” Spektor said.

FBI, Ukrainian Security COLLUDE To Censor 'Everything That Is AGAINST UKRAINE': Lee Fang Reports

Lawmakers deploy ‘Munich’ trope to push dangerously hawkish Ukraine resolutions

A bipartisan group of hawks in Congress announced a new resolution on Tuesday that calls for the U.S. to seek the restoration of Ukraine’s 1991 borders and to bring Ukraine into NATO after the war is over.

Reps. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) and Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) are co-sponsoring what they call the Ukrainian Victory Resolution, and have been framing it, perhaps not surprisingly, with the lofty rhetoric of World War II. So far the bill has 18 bipartisan co-sponsors.

“We must not repeat the error of Sept. 1, 1939,” Wilson told Yahoo News, referencing what is now held by many as the “Munich moment” and appeasement of Adolf Hitler before the Nazi invasion of Poland.

Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) have also introduced their own, similar resolution in the Senate. This comes after three Senators and 16 House Republicans last week sent a letter to President Biden saying they would not support any new Ukraine aid if it was not paired with a clear diplomatic strategy to end the war.

This week’s resolutions are sure to stir debate over the extent of U.S. Ukraine policy and support ahead of an expected Ukrainian counteroffensive this spring. Furthermore, a signal from Congress that the U.S. is fully behind the retaking of Crimea and the Donbas would be exactly what the Ukrainian government wants to hear, but it is a dangerous message to send when Ukraine lacks the ability to achieve those goals on the ground.

Kirby's crazy 'Russian casualties' claim. Poland warned not to enter conflict

Ukraine ammunition depot reportedly hit in wave of Russian missile attacks

Russian missile strikes have injured 34 civilians and apparently damaged railway infrastructure and an ammunition depot in south-eastern Ukraine, hours before an explosion inside Russia derailed a freight train.

The attacks on both sides of the border on Monday apparently aimed to disrupt military logistics before a significant Ukrainian counteroffensive against occupying Russian troops, expected to start shortly in the south or the east. ...

The size of the fire in Pavlohrad suggests Russia may have hit an important arms depot, and the incident comes after Ukraine’s recent attack on an oil storage facility in Sevastopol, Crimea.

Army Info War Division Wants Social Media Surveillance to Protect “NATO Brand”

The U.S. Army Cyber Command told defense contractors it planned to surveil global social media use to defend the “NATO brand,” according to a 2022 webinar recording reviewed by The Intercept. The disclosure, made a month after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, follows years of international debate over online free expression and the influence of governmental security agencies over the web. The Army’s Cyber Command is tasked with both defending the country’s military networks as well as offensive operations, including propaganda campaigns.

The remarks came during a closed-door conference call hosted by the Cyber Fusion Innovation Center, a Pentagon-sponsored nonprofit that helps with military tech procurement, and provided an informal question-and-answer session for private-sector contractors interested in selling data to Army Cyber Command, commonly referred to as ARCYBER. Though the office has many responsibilities, one of ARCYBER’s key roles is to detect and thwart foreign “influence operations,” a military euphemism for propaganda and deception campaigns, while engaging in the practice itself. The March 24, 2022, webinar was organized to bring together vendors that might be able to help ARCYBER “attack, defend, influence, and operate,” in the words of co-host Lt. Col. David Beskow of the ARCYBER Technical Warfare Center. ...

At one point in the recording, a contractor who did not identify themselves asked if ARCYBER could share specific topics they plan to track across the web. “NATO is one of our key brands that we are pushing, as far as our national security alliance,” Beskow explained. “That’s important to us. We should understand all conversations around NATO that has happened on social media.” He added, “We would want to do that long term to understand how — what is the NATO, for lack of a better word, what’s the NATO brand, and how does the world view that brand across different places of the world?”Beskow said that ARCYBER wanted to track social media on various platforms used in places where the U.S. had an interest.

“Twitter is still of interest,” Beskow told the webinar audience, adding that “those that have other penetration are of interest as well. Those include VK, Telegram, Sina Weibo, and others that may have penetration in other parts of the world,” referring to foreign-owned chat and social media sites popular in Russia and China.

French high schoolers vs. 'dictator' Macron

At least 108 police injured and 291 held in May Day protests in cities across France

French police fired teargas and clashed with demonstrators in Paris and other cities on Monday after trade unions transformed their traditional Labour Day marches into anti-government demonstrations against the rise in the retirement age.

At least 108 police were wounded and 291 people detained across France as violence erupted in several cities on the sidelines of the main union-led marches, the interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, said. In Paris, 25 police were injured and 111 people were detained. One police officer suffered serious burns to his hands and face after being hit by a petrol bomb, he said.

Darmanin condemned protesters he described as being from the far-left, known as “black blocs”, saying they numbered around 2,000 in Paris and another 1,000 in the southeastern city of Lyon. He urged that “those who attacked the police and public property be severely punished”.

The prime minister, Élisabeth Borne, praised the earlier marches and said the responsible attitude shown earlier made the violence “all the more unacceptable”.

In Paris, the trade union-led demonstration began peacefully with many families joining in, holding banners calling for social justice and demanding Macron resign or withdraw his law to raise the minimum eligible pension age from 62 to 64.

Biden BLINKS In Debt Ceiling Standoff

What a bullshit drama. It's really hard to watch a show this stupid with such badly drawn characters.

Yellen Gives Hard Deadline for GOP to End Economic Hostage Situation

After months of taking "extraordinary measures" to prevent a first-ever U.S. default, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Monday warned that "our best estimate is that we will be unable to continue to satisfy all of the government's obligations by early June, and potentially as early as June 1, if Congress does not raise or suspend the debt limit before that time."

Amid calls for a clean bill to raise the nation's arbitrary borrowing limit to avert a default that economists say could be catastrophic for the U.S. and global economies, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and 216 other Republicans last week passed what critics called a "debt ceiling scam" containing "extreme, harmful cuts against average Americans to protect billionaire tax breaks."

McCarthy went ahead with the vote despite Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) warning that the House GOP's so-called Limit, Save, Grow Act is "dead on arrival" in the upper chamber, elevating concerns that congressional Republicans will continue risking a global economic crisis in hopes of forcing Democrats to agree to massive spending cuts.

"Given the current projections, it is imperative that Congress act as soon as possible to increase or suspend the debt limit in a way that provides longer-term certainty that the government will continue to make its payments," Yellen wrote to McCarthy on Monday, noting that "it is impossible to predict with certainty the exact date when Treasury will be unable to pay the government's bills."

"We have learned from past debt limit impasses that waiting until the last minute to suspend or increase the debt limit can cause serious harm to business and consumer confidence, raise short-term borrowing costs for taxpayers, and negatively impact the credit rating of the United States," she added. "If Congress fails to increase the debt limit, it would cause severe hardship to American families, harm our global leadership position, and raise questions about our ability to defend our national security interests."

As Yellen sent her notice to McCarthy, Schumer circulated a dear colleague letter declaring that with the vote last week on what Democrats have rebranded the Default on America (DOA) Act, "House Republicans sent a hard-right ransom note to the American people."

Pledging that "the Senate will show the public what this bill truly is" with "hearings to expose the true impact of this reckless legislation on everyday Americans," Schumer added:

Speaker McCarthy has surrendered to the far-right extremist members of his caucus and the DOA is their crown jewel. In backrooms, they pulled together a slew of unpatriotic and harmful policies that would take the country backwards. The DOA would cut critical funding to nearly all sectors of American life meaning fewer jobs, higher costs, and leaving policemen, first responders, border patrol, and our brave veterans all hanging out to dry. The DOA would repeal the historic green energy tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act, threatening over $150 billion in investments and 18,000 jobs that have been announced since Democrats passed that bill. The DOA would hamper our international standing by gutting funding for critical State Department programs and cutting-edge research facilities and sending jobs overseas.

Let's be perfectly clear: The Republican Default on America Act does nothing to actually resolve the looming debt crisis, and it has no hope of ever becoming law. If anything, the MAGA House Republicans' actions have increased the likelihood of default. It locks the House into an unacceptable and extreme position that pulls us even further apart. If Speaker McCarthy was a serious good-faith negotiator, he would not have let extremists take him hostage and move this debate in the wrong direction.

After reiterating that "the real solution is bipartisan support for a clean bill to increase the debt limit," Schumer concluded that "a reckless Republican-forced default could plunge the country into a deep and painful recession and destabilize the global economy. We will do everything we can to protect the American people and prevent a default."

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden also called out GOP leadership on Monday, saying during a National Small Business Week event that "we pay our bills, and we should do so without reckless hostage-taking from some of the MAGA Republicans in Congress."

Citing two unnamed sources, Politico reported Monday evening that Biden has invited McCarthy, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), Schumer, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)—who has said the speaker and president need to reach an agreement—to "meet at the White House on May 9 to discuss the impending breach of the U.S. debt limit."

In a joint statement Monday, Schumer and Jeffries urged Republicans to "put aside partisan interests and do what is right and necessary for the American people," emphasizing that "we do not have the luxury of waiting until June 1 to come together, pass a clean bill to avoid a default, and prevent catastrophic consequences for our economy and millions of American families."


JP Morgan boss plays down risk of crisis after second biggest bank failure in US history

Jamie Dimon, the boss of JP Morgan, has played down the risk of a spiralling banking crisis after America’s biggest bank stepped in to buy most of collapsed lender First Republic in a $10.6bn (£8.5bn) takeover hurriedly brokered by US regulators. ... First Republic’s failure is the second largest in US banking history, beaten only by the 2008 demise of Washington Mutual – which was also seized by the FDIC and sold to JP Morgan.

Speaking on a conference call, Dimon played down any other similarities with the 2008 crash, which triggered the start of an international financial crisis that plunged the global economy into recession. He said the US banking system was “extraordinarily sound”, adding that the takeover meant the sector was “getting near the end” of the spate of bank collapses and would “hopefully help stabilise everything”.

The failure of First Republic follows that of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank. The sequence has prompted concerns about a repeat of the contagion that characterised the global banking crisis. Dimon said conditions were “nothing like 2008 and 2009 for a lot of different reasons”. However, he conceded that if the US economy went into recession and high interest rates persisted, that could lead to “other cracks in the system”. ...

After the previous two banking collapses of 2023, the Federal Reserve admitted in a report it had been slow to consider the strain on US banks from a steep rise in interest rates, which has lowered the value of banks’ financial assets even though it has increased their profitability.

US rail companies grant paid sick days after public pressure in win for unions

US freight rail companies nearly spurred a nationwide railroad strike last fall by refusing to grant paid sick days, but in a surprise move welcomed by workers, those railroads have recently granted paid sick days to almost half their workforce.

After being roundly criticized for not offering paid sick days, the leading rail companies – BNSF, CSX, Norfolk Southern and Union Pacific – have granted many of their 93,000 workers four paid sick days a year through labor negotiations, with an option of taking three more paid sick days from personal days.

“We’re very happy about this. We’ve been trying to get this for decades,” said Artie Maratea, president of the Transportation Communications Union. “It was public pressure and political pressure that got them to come to the table.”

When Joe Biden and Congress enacted legislation in December that blocked a threatened freight rail strike, many workers angrily faulted Biden for not ensuring that the legislation also guaranteed paid sick days. But since then, union officials says, members of the Biden administration, including the transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, and labor secretary, Marty Walsh, who stepped down on 11 March, lobbied the railroads, telling them it was wrong not to grant paid sick days.

60 Years Ago: Police Attack Children’s Crusade with Dogs & Water Cannons in Birmingham, Alabama

‘A budget is a moral document’: why does the NYPD need $29m a day?

Whatever a New Yorker’s grievance of choice with the city may be – our shambolic farce of a transit system, overdrawn social services on their way to complete collapse, the rapid vanishing of state-subsidized third spaces – everybody’s really talking about the same thing.

The issue at the heart of every societal ill is budgeting, and the issue at the heart of budgeting is the misallocation of funds to the staggeringly swollen coffers of the New York Police Department. Burning through upwards of $10bn annually, the NYPD’s waste causes vaster, more insidious damage than the program of person-to-person violence and systemic harassment that’s sparked protests of greater frequency and passion in recent years. By hoarding such a hefty fraction of the taxpayers’ money, they’re sending the people and city they claim to protect into the poorhouse.

The Museum of Broken Windows, a free exhibition from the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) and the social justice-oriented creative agency Soze, zeroes in on the economic dimension of police reform with their new show 29 Million Dreams. Every day, the NYPD uses up $29m that could be redirected toward forms of betterment imagined by the eclectic collection of politically conscious artworks that fill the pop-up exhibition at 216 Lafayette Street.

Co-curators Daveen Trentman and Terrick Gutierrez have wallpapered the foyer (and, they add with a chuckle, the bathroom) with printouts of damning bar graphs and news articles chronicling the innumerable measures by which current mayor and former NYPD captain Eric Adams has funneled the power of capital toward his old buddies. But within, the creative personal statements in an array of mediums emphasize the human stakes of a public debate many still treat as an intellectual exercise. As one wall declares in bold red text, the police are defunding us, and we can’t afford to wait much longer to turn those tables.

“We wanted to focus on the dreams that are deferred when we’re spending $29m on police every day,” says Johanna Miller, director of the NYCLU’s education policy center. “When the mayor tells us we don’t have money for this or for that – we have so much money! It’s just been spent already. As they say, a budget is a moral document.”

the horse race

Bernie Sanders Supports Joe Biden For President & Gets NOTHING For It!

E Jean Carroll says she sued for rape on advice of Trump adviser’s husband

The advice columnist E Jean Carroll sued Donald Trump for rape after she was encouraged to take legal action by George Conway, the husband of a top aide to the then president.

On her third day on the witness stand, Carroll told the jury hearing her lawsuit for battery and defamation over the alleged sexual assault in a New York department store changing room in 1996 that she did not intend to sue Trump until he called her a liar when she went public with her accusations more than two decades later.

Shortly afterwards she met Conway, a lawyer who was at the time married to Kellyanne Conway, one of the Trump White House’s most visible officials. George Conway was a vocal critic of the then president, to the embarrassment of his wife.

Carroll said that they spoke at a party where Conway laid out the difference between criminal and civil cases. “George said: you should seriously think about this,” she told the jury of six men and three women. Two days later, Carroll filed her first lawsuit against Trump, for defamation, after he called her a liar in denying the alleged rape at the luxury Bergdorf Goodman store.

the evening greens

Brazil’s battle to reclaim Yanomami lands from illegal miners turns deadly

Brazil’s battle to reclaim its largest Indigenous territory from tens of thousands of illegal miners has taken a deadly turn after at least five people were reportedly killed during 36 hours of violence in the Amazon’s sprawling Yanomami territory.

The bloodshed began on Saturday afternoon when masked illegal miners allegedly launched an attack on a Yanomami village called Uxiu. The Yanomami leader, Júnior Hekurari, said he had received reports that between 15 and 20 heavily armed miners had arrived by boat and opened fire on locals. Three Yanomami men – aged 36, 31 and 24 – were shot. The oldest, an Indigenous health worker named as Ilson Xiriana, died early after being shot in the head.

“This barbarity will not go unanswered,” Brazil’s human rights minister, Silvio Almeida, tweeted as the government sent a high-level delegation of ministers and police chiefs to the region in response.

On Sunday, there was further violence in another part of the Portugal-sized Yanomami enclave in which at least four miners were killed as special forces members of the environmental protection group Ibama and the federal highway police (PRF) – the two groups leading the charge against illegal miners – raided an illegal cassiterite and gold field called “Garimpo do Ouro Mil”. Their arrival prompted a series of gun battles as gunmen – some wearing camouflage fatigues – challenged the government forces. ...

The fatalities underline the challenges and dangers involved in government efforts to evict thousands of illegal miners who have devastated the Yanomami territory in recent years, causing what Brazil’s new president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has called “an attempted genocide” of the Indigenous group.

Plastic is already in blood, breast milk, and placentas. Now it may be in our brains

Researchers at the University of Vienna have discovered particles of plastic in mice’s brains just two hours after the mice ingested drinking water containing plastic.

Once in the brain, “Plastic particles could increase the risk of inflammation, neurological disorders or even neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s,” Lukas Kenner, one of the researchers, said in a statement, although more research is needed to determine the relationship between plastics and these brain disorders. In addition to potentially severe degenerative consequences, the researchers also believe that microplastic contamination in our brains can cause short-term health effects such as cognitive impairment, neurotoxicity and altered neurotransmitter levels, which can contribute to behavioral changes.

In the course of their research, the team gave mice water laced with particles of polystyrene – a type of plastic that’s common in food packaging such as yoghurt cups and Styrofoam takeout containers.

Using computer models to track the dispersion of the plastics, researchers found that nanoplastic particles – which are under 0.001 millimeters and invisible to the naked eye – were able to travel into the mice’s brains via a previously unknown biological “transport mechanism”. Essentially, these tiny plastics are absorbed into cholesterol molecules on the brain membrane surface. Thus stowed away in their little lipid packages, they cross the blood-brain barrier – a wall of blood vessels and tissue that functions to protect the brain from toxins and other harmful substances.

While the Vienna study focused on the effects of plastics consumed in drinking water, that’s not the only way humans ingest plastic. A 2022 Chinese study concentrated on how nasally inhaled plastics affect the brain, with researchers reporting “an obvious neurotoxicity of the nanoplastics could be observed”. In basic terms, the inhaled plastics lead to reduced functioning of certain brain enzymes that also malfunction in the brains of patients with Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.

Private jet sales likely to reach highest ever level this year, report says

Sales of private jets are likely to reach their highest ever level this year, placing an increasing burden on the planet, while many of the owners escape aviation taxes, and there are few curbs on the greenhouse gases emitted, according to a report.

The global fleet of private jets has more than doubled in the last two decades, and more private flights were made last year than ever before, according to a thinktank report published on Monday. Greenhouse gas emissions from private aviation have increased by nearly a quarter since the pandemic, when flying of all types nearly ceased in many countries for an extended period.

There were 5.3m private flights globally in 2022, according to the report compiled by the US Institute for Policy Studies thinktank and the Patriotic Millionaires US group, which is made up of wealthy individuals pushing for higher wealth taxes. Last year was the first time that private aviation surpassed its previous peak, which came in 2007, before the financial crisis of 2008-09 and global recession. Sales of pre-owned and new private jets are forecast to reach $34.6bn (£27.6bn) this year, up from $34.1bn last year.

Although private jet travel makes up only 4% of the global aviation market, it produces about 10 times as much greenhouse gas per passenger. ...

In the US, still the global leader in private and business jet travel, passengers on commercial flights are in effect subsidising private flying. Taxes on private aviation raised only 2% of the tax revenue that is the primary funding for the Federal Aviation Administration, which operates air traffic control, even though private jets accounted for 17% of the flights handled.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Steven Donziger: Biden is still not doing nearly enough about the climate crisis

The Collapse in Operational Capabilities in the West and Some Knock-On Effects

Why Is the US Wiring Ukraine With Radiation Sensors to Detect Nuclear Blasts?

US Supreme Court Puts Chevron Doctrine 'Squarely In the Crosshairs'

‘I thought they’d kill us’: how the US navy devastated a tiny Puerto Rican island

Indigenous community in Colombia gets its day in court over ‘ancestral land’

Couple unearths one of world’s greatest fossil finds in mid-Wales

DeSantis FREAKS Over Guantanamo Torture Allegations

They All Ignored THIS At The White House Correspondents Dinner

A Little Night Music

Mary Ann Fisher - Wild As You Can Be

Mary Ann Fisher - Give

Ray Charles feat. Mary Ann Fisher - What Kind of Man Are You

Mary Ann Fisher - Forever More

Mary Ann Fisher - It's A Man's World

Mary Ann Fisher - I Can't Take It

Ray Charles - Mary Ann

Mary Ann Fisher - Can´t Take the Heartbreaks

Mary Ann Fisher - I Keep Comin' Back For More

Mary Ann Fisher - Cloudy Weather Blues

13 users have voted.


QMS's picture

but if we all have plastic infiltrating our brains,
it comes as no shock. Good for the railroad workers
to get some paid sick time. They are going to need it
with the toxic chemicals going off the rails.

8 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

joe shikspack's picture


heh, gotta protect the brand. it subsidizes our slaughters and provides them with the moral cover of distributed blame.

yep, it's about time the railroad workers got some sick days - too late and not enough but it's something.

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

What a bullshit drama

A war of mass distraction. Perfect for a society with plastic infused brains.

Thanks as always for all the news and music. Always a pleasure and much appreciated despite all the very real gloom and doom of the US condition.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

joe shikspack's picture


yep, this idiotic drama playing out may indicate where the worst problems with plastic absorption are. somebody better check the dc water.

have a great evening!

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Now the UN-centric system is going through a deep crisis. The root cause was the desire of individual members of our organization to replace international law and the UN Charter with a kind of "order based on rules." Nobody saw these "rules", they were not the subject of transparent international negotiations. They are invented and applied in order to counteract the natural processes of formation of new independent development centers, which are the objective manifestation of multilateralism. They are being deterred by illegitimate unilateral measures, including cutting off access to modern technology and financial services, being forced out of supply chains, confiscating property, destroying competitors' critical infrastructure, and manipulating universally agreed rules and procedures. As a result, the fragmentation of world trade,

In a desperate attempt to assert its dominance through the punishment of recalcitrants, the United States has gone to the destruction of globalization, which for many years has been touted as the highest good of all mankind, serving the multilateral system of the world economy. Washington and the rest of the West that obeys it use their “rules” whenever it is necessary to justify illegitimate steps against those who build their policies in accordance with international law and refuse to follow the selfish interests of the “golden billion”. Those who disagree are put on the "black lists" according to the principle: "who is not with us is against us."

By imposing a "rules-based order", its authors arrogantly reject the key principle of the UN Charter - the sovereign equality of states. The quintessence of the "complex of exclusivity" was the "proud" statement of the head of the EU diplomacy, J. Borrell, that "Europe is a Garden of Eden, and the rest of the world is a jungle." I will also quote the NATO-EU Joint Statement of January 10 this year, which says: "The United West" will use all the economic, financial, political and - I pay special attention - military tools available to NATO and the EU to ensure the interests of "our one billion."

And as for NATO wanting everyone to sing its praises… this is a good essay on why Carlson had to be fired.

Why Tucker Carlson Had To Be Purged

The Fox Network’s firing of Tucker Carlson last week at first seems surprising. He was the station’s biggest attraction. He was close to President Trump and was able to interview him on his program. Getting ridding of him is a surefire way to lose ratings and money, and television networks don’t like to do that. In addition, his fans are angry, which will make even more trouble for Fox. Why then was he removed? The answer is simple. He raised issues you aren’t allowed to mention. He went after the CIA, saying he had information from an inside source the agency was involved in the Kennedy assassination. He was a vaccine skeptic and spoke about the interests of Big Pharma in killing us. The deep state couldn’t allow this. Therefore he had to go, and, we predict, he will be lucky if he isn’t arrested on some fraudulent charge.

Why would BlackRock, headed by CEO Larry Fink, pressure Fox News to axe Tucker? For one, Tucker was known for his scathing criticism of Ukraine’s corruption, which put him at odds with the investment giant. In January, Carlson reacted derisively to a video of Ukrainian President Zelensky thanking BlackRock, J.P. Morgan, and Goldman Sachs for ‘rebuilding’ the country. Tucker referred to Zelensky, not as a hero, as the establishment would have it, but as a dictator. Carlson has also been critical of BlackRock’s push for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing, claiming, rightly, that ESG is a means of circumventing legislation and thus subverting democratic processes. ESG thwarts the will of the people and installs a ‘climate change’ dictatorship in its place.

And speaking of blackrock and other large corporations. While Zelensky is sending men to die instead of finding a way to end the war he is selling out the country to the highest bidders by privatization and austerity measures.

Ukraine’s crippling debt is being leveraged by financial institutions to drive post-war reconstruction towards further privatization and liberalization in several sectors, including agriculture.

“This is a lose-lose situation for Ukrainians. While they are dying to defend their land, financial institutions are insidiously supporting the consolidation of farmland by oligarchs and Western financial interests. At a time when the country faces the horrors of the war, the government and Western institutions must listen to the calls made by the Ukrainian civil society, academics, and farmers to suspend the land law and all land transactions. The necessity to prioritize an agricultural model no longer dominated by oligarchy and corruption, where land and resources are controlled by and benefit all Ukrainians, is the way forward for post war reconstruction,” Mousseau concluded.

Now wouldn’t it be funny because of our support and extending the war and making plans to just pause the war so that Ukraine can be armed again Russia decides to take over huge parts of the country in self defense and those deals go belly up?

11 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


lavrov's remarks are right on target - of course lavrov's targets are pretty easy. i guess it's no big deal to look smart and accomplished when your adversaries are as stupid as lavrov's adversaries are.

heh, i've never been a big fan of carlson's but i have to admit that in the last year he's been cultivating all of the right enemies.

hmmm... i wonder if blackrock owns enough of the government to get it to engage in a war in ukraine in order to make its deals work.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

I thought of him like a stopped clock, but when he told the truth about something I cheered. But lately it seems like the clock hit noon more often than not and I was surprised that he went there.

Have you heard that he hasn’t been released from his contract and so he isn’t free to either join another network or even do his own show from his home like he did last Wednesday? 'They' didn’t appreciate him spilling the beans or mocking Biden, Zelensky and the military, but they also wanted to cut people like Kennedy, Greenwald and Jimmy from being on his show. Democrats are going to attack Kennedy and ignore him so it wouldn’t be good if Carlson gave him airtime.

Odessa might see justice after Russia completes their objectives. Putin has promised that there will be some. But nobody from America will be held accountable. Well unless the UN grows some balls.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


as far as i know, nothing has been announced officially about carlson's status wrt his contract, but i would assume that lawyers are working out the details still. it does seem likely, though, that fox would want to keep him off of anybody's air as much as possible for obvious reasons.

7 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

empty suit WH without a sound made. The house guy
really took care of the house to the detriment of
ordinary people, so it's on him that we got the Donald.

The empty suit is a despicable human being

EDIT: It sure seems as if Ukraine controls our govt more
than we control there's. Elensky talks Joementia/Rupert jump

10 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

joe shikspack's picture


i remember when i first read the reports of the odessa massacre thinking that there was going to be hell to pay for it and wondering if any cia agents would be identified being behind it.

it's taking a long time for an investigation to happen, but sooner or later, it probably will.

7 users have voted.

@joe shikspack

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joe shikspack's picture


i would imagine that if nuland's fascist cookie booth was operating we'd have heard about it.

5 users have voted.

bother watching the video but the text of the tweet made me share it.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


You DO want to watch the video. Hunter told the judge that he’s too broke and wants to pay less child support because he’s so broke that when he went to Ireland with Joe that he had to sleep on a cot in his dad’s room… it goes on and on. Biden says that Hunter is the smartest guy he knows, but Hunter won’t meet his child or let her use his name and even the poor girl’s grandparents Biden don’t recognize her as one of their grandkids.

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

Judge blocks Utah's abortion bill from going into effect.

Stone ordered the state to not enforce the portions of HB467 that require abortions before 18 weeks to be performed in a hospital, prohibit abortion clinics from providing abortions, and eliminate abortion clinics as a license category.

He said it is clear that the threatened danger to Planned Parenthood and its patients from HB467 outweighs any damage that would be caused to Utah from the law not going into effect. Stone's order said there is no evidence indicating an injunction "would be adverse to the public interest."

Stone said the bill banning clinics from performing abortions places a burden on licensed abortion clinics, including three owned by Planned Parenthood, by criminalizing abortions performed there.

The legal filing said abortions are rarely performed in hospital settings, and there is no plan to expand capacity of hospitals to perform abortions.

Stone also said that Planned Parenthood is likely to succeed in its arguments in the lawsuit against the clinic ban "because the classifications established under the clinic ban are not reasonable and appear to directly and discriminatorily target the plaintiff."

What has been totally asinine the last 3 years is that people who think that abortion should be between a woman and her doctor think that they should have a say in what they put in their body or have body autonomy decided that it’s okay to force others to take the jab and vice versa for those who think that others should decide whether women should be allowed abortion. Reading the comments I see that both messages have been lost on people.

I abhor abortion, but I am firmly on board with the right to choose one. I abhor hypocrites even more.

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

enhydra lutris's picture

The whole child support fracas is pretty hilarious, and the video was really well done and funny but not. That was a really good article on vieques and a good video on the whitehouse press dinner too. No matter how crazy stuff gets, there's always something tomorrow that's just as bad or funny.

be well and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

yep, i have the feeling that sooner or later hunter biden is going to deliver a nearly endless supply of stories that the media can't look away from and we will know more about him, his dirty dealings and the graft for the big guy than anybody wants to.

have a great evening!

5 users have voted.

start arriving?,approaches%2C%20U.S.%20officials%20said%20Tuesday.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. is sending Ukraine about $300 million in additional military aid, including an enormous amount of artillery rounds, howitzers, air-to-ground rockets and ammunition as the launch of a spring offensive against Russian forces approaches, U.S. officials said Tuesday.

The new package includes Hydra-70 rockets, which are unguided rockets that are fired from aircraft. It also includes an undisclosed number of rockets for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, mortars, howitzer rounds, missiles and Carl Gustaf anti—tank rifles. The weapons will all be pulled from Pentagon stocks, so they can go quickly to the front lines. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the aid has not yet been formally announced.

The latest shipment comes as Ukrainian officials say they are readying a counteroffensive — with Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov declaring they are in the “home stretch, when we can say: ‘Yes everything is ready.’” Ukrainian officials have said they are stockpiling ammunition to stow it along potentially long supply lines.

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snoopydawg's picture


How can congress keep sending Ukraine billions in weapons if the U.S. is in so much debt? And why didn’t democrats do away with the debt ceiling debacle scam when they had the chance? It’s almost like they are using it to pretend that they don’t want to cut social programs and like they wanted to pass abortion rights when they were in majority instead of using it to fundraise off of it…how anyone can’t see through the scams yet is just mind boggling. But sure, vote blue no matter who!

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

soryang's picture

Kim Min-woong is a leader of the candlelight movement in South Korea. The movement seeks peace, reunification, and sovereignty. I'm just learning about him because of this speech he presented last Saturday during the demonstration at the rallying point. Earlier I had gone through a 3.5 hour video of the demonstration, and frankly skipped some of the content because I wasn't feeling well and couldn't concentrate. The speech is in Korean. I don't think a translate function will be applied so I just included the last few minutes of his dramatic speech about Yoon's American Pie performance that I think can be understood, anyway. He is a powerful speaker and summary descriptions describe him as a minister.

Prior to the conclusion of his speech former professor and author Kim Min-woong explains in a broad outline the evolution of the US Asian-Pacific Empire from the Spanish American War, to the Taft-Katsura agreement, where the US and Japan divided up the western Pacific (you get Korea, we get the Philippines), the fight over the Asia Pacific Empire, namely WWII, aka the Great Pacific War, to the US occupation of South Korea. In other words, the Asia Pacific Empire belongs to the US. In the presentation Yoon is compared to Trujillo in the Dominican Republic (He's our SOB).

The choice of the tune American Pie is criticized as it is song written as a memoriam. Prof. Kim asks, "Is that really suitable for a diplomatic welcome or is it a forecast of things to come?" I took some screen shots of his slides, including cartoons of Yoon's US diplomacy.

Kim shows a graphic of General Hodges the Chief of the US military government which shared responsibility for the terrible massacres on Jeju island after the occupation. In a play on words Kim referred to him as Su Jang, leader, with a figurative meaning of "underwater grave" referring to the suppression of truth about the Jeju uprising and massacres for almost 50 years. In a picture of Yoon and President Biden together on the White House grounds, Yoon is also referred to as su jang, leader also with the figurative meaning of toilet or water closet. He is a storage receptable for the supression of the independence of the Korean people, who is calling war upon Korea.

American Empire- 10,000 miles from tip to tip. "Are we just a base station for an American (military) in full swing?" Not much has really changed in US policy since 1898.

In the cartoon (left center) Yoon bows and begs for forgiveness for the discovery of the wiretap on his national security advisor's office in the Yongsan presidential office. The existence of the wiretap was exposed by the recent leaked pentagon documents. In the cartoon on the right, Yoon first offers his liver to Japan, and then his gall bladder to the US.

After President Yoon is stripped naked by the US, he gets a guitar at the summit.

This is a pretty significant development in South Korea which has implications for the current administration's future:

Korean laborers rally to condemn Yoon’s union-bashing, announce general strike for July
Hankyoreh May 2

“The Yoon administration has created a prosecutor’s republic and is practicing a politics of fear that is pushing democracy backwards,” said Yang Kyung-soo, chair of the KCTU, in a speech at the rally. “Raids have become routine, and there is a new story each day about construction workers being arrested.”

“Their aim is to dissolve democratic unions by attacking existing unions such as the KCTU by labeling them illegal, corrupt, violent, and accusing them of espionage,” he went on to say.
Yang admonished the government for continuously ratcheting up the pressure on unions in the name of strengthening union accounting transparency and eradicating second-generation hiring within union member families.

“Let us put the Yoon regime in the court of history with a general strike,” Yang declared, announcing the general strike in July.

Holding signs that read “Out with Yoon Suk-yeol,” and “General strike now,” participants filled six lanes of traffic from in front of Donghwa Duty Free, where the podium was set up, to Seoul City Hall Station.

News of the attempted self-immolation by an executive member of the KCTU who had been under investigation on charges of intimidation for coercion added to the rage that radiated from the crowd.

Great picture of the crowd at the link, down the page a bit. Good article.

Thanks for all the news roundup Joe. Really appreciated the Vieques update. A new pilot I knew died there on a low level strafing run with 20mm over forty years ago when he flew into the water. Vulcan 20mm is depleted uranium. I remember a phosphorescent bay in Puerto Rico where I got a terrible sunburn snorkeling.

DeSantis participation in interrogations and torture sessions is especially disgraceful considering his specialty is supposedly military law. Bad judgment or uncontrollable ambition? Guess he bought the John Yoo, torture memo rationalization for "enhanced interrogation," hook, line, and sinker. I think he "doth protest too much." Basic JAG training would cause just about anyone to avoid that position by any means. What a fool.

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語必忠信 行必正直

paywall but you get the drift.


South Korea President Yoon Suk Yeol urged China to reduce the nuclear threat posed by North Korea, responding directly to Beijing’s displeasure over the US ally’s new security agreement with Washington.

He also called on China to, at the very least, comply with UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea, according to his office late Tuesday. The statement comes days after after Beijing expressed its displeasure with the Washington Declaration signed by South Korea and the US last week.

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soryang's picture

@humphrey ...doesn't amount to much of anything. I think its the military activity that goes with it, the strategic bomber runs, the aircraft carrier strike groups making ports of call in South Korea, and then the visits by nuclear submarines. Joining the so called tri-lateral alliance with Japan and the US implies an anti-Chinese orientation.

If the Chinese complied with UN sanctions, is the US going to curtail its over the top military activity on the Korean peninsula? Doubt that. All that was in the cards before the so called declaration. Yoon just decided this on his own. Professor Kim calls Yoon a secret agent who will bring war on Korea. He needs to be pushed from power. My personal opinion is that one or more of his key staff members are assets for the US.

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語必忠信 行必正直

joe shikspack's picture


thanks as always for the reportage from asia.

i suspect that desantis was fully bought in to the dick cheney, gloves-off torture program when he was a guantanamo and is now realizing that there are a large number of people that would find his actions shameful and disgusting, hence the coverup using rhetoric about just being a junior officer not charged with making real decisions. he's a fool and a tool.

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soryang's picture

@joe shikspack complete bs. Sounds like "I was only following orders." Technically, the rank of the people you are advising is irrelevant, you give your advice, and if they don't like it, they can have you reassigned, transferred or dismissed. You're still required to give the best legal advice. The witness I heard, said, "he enjoyed it."

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語必忠信 行必正直

soryang's picture

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語必忠信 行必正直

@soryang Jimmy Carter was great but undermined by those who were supposedly on "our" side and who ushered in the current neolibcon cabal.

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soryang's picture

@exindy Good way to characterize Carter. Tim Shorrock has some relevant tweets and an article related to this subject. He is the expert on Gwangju massacre, which was a persistent resistance point of the democracy movement in South Korea to the military dictatorship of Chun Doo-hwan.

There is a large cultural/language barrier between the US and East Asia, including Korea, that facilitates the generation of a false history of events there. I remember in the late 80s, hearing military officers saying the US was in no way complicit in the Gwangju massacre, and asserted it was "a delusion harbored by South Koreans, who think the US controls everything here." Turns out there was US complicity. Carter authorized releasing Combined Forces Command ROK elements to deploy to Gwangju to repress the democratic uprising.

Recommend the thread.

If one is conditioned by decades of falsehoods about the US role in East Asia, in this case particularly Korea, disastrous decisions necessarily follow. There are a few people in the government who should know better but who use their expertise to promote a geopolitical agenda that they rationalize as "in the US national interest." It's probably in their personal interest as well to use their credentials to tell the PTB what they want to hear. As long as their Machiavellian concept of patriotism can rationalize it, they will continue to mislead the American people.

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語必忠信 行必正直

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