Possible name for a punk band: Joementum and the Icebergs
Today The Lever held an online show titled "Why is Joe Biden Running for Re-Election?" On it, David Sirota says: "I think when you have a contested primary it shows that that the party knows how to run a campaign." The reason the Democrats, and particularly Bernie Sanders, do not want a contested primary is because they know that Biden does not know how to run a campaign this time around. They, Bernie included, are all perfectly happy with a Republican in the White House in 2025. Sirota also said, "I'm not saying Biden can't win." We should say that.
As for the actual contest, here is what the actual polling looks like:
And Krystal Ball waxes eloquent in comparing the Bernie Sanders who used to be with the one we are left with now. One is reminded by nothing more than Cornelius Castoriadis' assertion about the "complete atrophy of political imagination" which characterizes our era.
As for the other legislators, here's what we've got.
Meanwhile, Paul Krugman is trying to polish up the Biden "economy" with an op-ed in the NYT: Joe Biden and the Not-So-Bad Economy. Here's what Krugman said:
The basic story of the Biden economy is that America has experienced a remarkably fast and essentially complete job market recovery. This recovery was initially accompanied by distressingly high inflation; but inflation, while still high by the standards of the past few decades, has subsided substantially. The overall situation is, well, not so bad.
Krugman continues:
About jobs: Unless you’ve been getting your news from Tucker Carlson or Truth Social, you’re probably aware that the unemployment rate is hovering near historic lows. However, I keep hearing assertions that this number is misleading, because millions of Americans have dropped out of the labor force — which was true a year ago. But it’s not true anymore.
That's not the important fact about the "job market recovery," however. What's important about said "recovery" is that the jobs being offered pay poverty wages and that the jobs situation was exacerbated by the recent bout of inflation, in which wages did not keep pace with prices. Meanwhile, anyone who has to work any of the low-paying jobs which are so plentiful today is living paycheck-to-paycheck thanks to accumulated decades of inflation in education, health care, and mortgage/ rent expenses.
Meanwhile, as Chris Wright points out in a piece in Counterpunch eminently worth reading, blowback from US foreign policy looks to be more powerful than the policy itself:
Given that “the dollar’s dominant position in the global financial system [is] the very foundation of [the U.S.’s] global leadership,” as two experts note, Washington can hardly be viewing all these developments with equanimity. Loss of the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency would have severe consequences for the American economy. But this outcome is exactly the end-goal of Washington’s bellicose policies toward its perceived rivals!
Thanks Joe. Thanks Bernie.
A side-note on those Constitution-loving CPAC groupies: This is from Jeffrey St. Clair: "Last week, Rep. Zooey Zephyr, the first openly trans legislator in Montana, spoke out on floor of the House about the dangers of the state’s anti-trans bill, warning lawmakers they’d have “blood on their hands” if it was passed. In response, the leaders of the House refused to let her speak for three days. Two days later, they voted to censure her and barred her from speaking for the remainder of the session."

A song for today
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Rock band
The Joe Biden Trainwreck.
Extra Credit!
Briahna Joy Gray: "What do you think their endgame is?"
Max Blumenthal: "There is no endgame. I mean the US can only continue to escalate unless sane, rational forces take the reins of power... we're hearing from militaristic members of Congress and the think tank sector that the reason the US needs to fight Russia over there in Ukraine is to prevent China from fighting Taiwan, in other words they're going to pivot next to a conflict with Taiwan, and I think that's the next phase here. And if you look at the war games, the exercises, that, uh, CSIS's think tank in DC ran around the US conflict tens of thousands of US servicemembers died, several aircraft carriers and major battle groups were sunk... this would cause an existential crisis for the US from which it would never recover and yet they're preparing for it and it's an incredibly dangerous scenario, and meanwhile the rest of the world including Saudi Arabia, which just a few years ago had its leadership dance with the US President with swords, is moving on -- Saudi Arabia selling oil to China. Saudi Arabia is engaged in a peace process with Iran, completely shattering the whole US strategic -- the the whole US strategy for dominating the Middle East, and that peace accord was brokered by China."
Thanks Joe. Thanks Bernie. Oh, and as for sane, rational forces taking the reins of power -- I presume that means Joe losing the election...
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Also --
Biden Lags Behind Trump In New Poll As Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low
Good job, Joe. Good job, Bernie.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
I heard a Dem strategist dismiss the polls
...by pointing out that the data that matter shows that when a Dem President does not run for a second term, no matter the reason why, the Republicans have taken the White House.
Therefore, Biden has no choicest to run, according to the Dem strategist. Same thing holds true for the VP, she says. In fact, the Democrats believe Kamala Harris gives them the winning hand because she embodies the diversity and equality that women have long tried to codify. The strategist hinted that black women will not come out to vote at all, if Kamala is not in the race. During the interview, she implied that the Democratic Party may also decline to participate in the Presidential debates. They have nothing to lose by limiting campaign activities and focusing, instead, on carrying out Joe's flabbergasting agenda and record-breaking accomplishments. Apparently, the Biden administration, in its first term, has enacted more amazing reforms and improvements than any administration in modern history.
And that's my question: What are these improvements that have so amazed the Democrats? Have they been publicized?
Personally, I have never before seen so many things go so wrong, or backfire so badly, during any Presendential first term. (Although Trump's first term was pretty catastrophic.) The US is currently at the brink of being crowned the world's most dysfunctional Democracy. The US is also in the process of losing Dollar dominance in global trade, largely because nations around the world are so disgusted by US foreign policy and its economic sanctions against rival nations. Internationally, Biden is referred to as Trump2 — and the nation is still bleeding because Biden is embracing Trump's most damaging policies.
Has my own bias blinded me to Biden's many accomplishments? Can you remind me what they are?
As far as I can tell
Bidump's main accomplishments are staying upright (most of the time), continuing to breathe, and managing not to take a shit in public.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
If your mind begins to go as you age
.... your choices in life become extremely limited: Stay in the family home with discrete alarms on the doors and windows; move into a Memory Care euphemism; or become President of the United States.
I have no doubt that pharmaceutical clean-up and restoration of brain tissue is well within the capability of existing technology. I know of several breakthrough drug studies in this area. However, I know of no national mandate anywhere that puts this medical goal on the front burner. And I find it hard to imagine that a regulatory agency, like the FDA, would ever consider or approve a drug that could enhanced brain functioning in anyone who took the medication. (Such a universal effect would show up in any normal drug-study control-group. You should see the shrieking that goes on in medical journals when drugs with the potential to enhance brain performance, universally, are first introduced. When drugs such as Aricept and Prozac were first approved, they were extremely controversial, especially in highly competitive societies, where social advantages are generally available only to those with serious wealth. Thus, there is no urgency surrounding the developement of drugs that enhance cognitive abilities. That is not to say that such pharmaceuticals do not exist in certain rare circles of society.)
There are classified think-tank documents that contemplate what could happen if a "certain" socialist country develops a brain-performance enhancement drug. This country already give their citizens free health care. What if they offered free smart drugs to their citizens? What if they already are doing just that? How could the US compete?
Imagine the cacophony of urgent war mongering such speculation would trigger among the clinically-insane capitalist nations....
Just a heads-up digression about a topic I follow.
@Pluto's Republic higher energy costs.
protecting and nourishing a pharmatech industry threatened by people who would see them unfairly constrained, maybe even regulated.
raising the price of food and housing to the degree that when the collapse comes for those out of devalued anyway money, those real estate vultures with diversified resources and friends in power (and those in power invested in real estate swindling tech) can swoop in when the opportunity arises.
War was declared on US before they went after Ukraine.
A stunning success, thanks to the shifts in media ownership and censorship capabilities.
a cowardly new world.
dont kid yourself.
That is joe biden's success.
Bernie of the last decade pointed the way.
Of course, the Bernie of today is transfixed by the Democrats' intense hatred of who he used to be. So he's joined their team, and they're now busy destroying whatever options they once had. And for that they will lose the White House.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
More extra credit:
Marianne Williamson on FOX "News":
Of course, this is not enough. What we need are Marianne Williamson and RFK Jr. RALLIES on FOX "News". Big, well-populated ones, preferably in New Hampshire.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo