OT ~ guest essay

21 APR 23

Welcome. This is a stand-in essay to fill an open slot. If anyone would like to consider
posting a regular or occasional feature, it could be fun.


Thinking back over the last 7 years of the countless interactions among the members
here, how we struggled thru the lockdowns, weird politics, wars of aggression, and
the slow melting down of the economy. With music, humor, sometimes vitriol. Many
different songs sung with more tunes yet to be written.

If you are feeling nostalgic, share your memories below. Or whatever is on tap.


Some of the folks writing for this blog, mostly gone but not forgotten ..

Can't Stop the Macedonian Signal
wendy davis
Alligator Ed
Raggedy Ann
Dr. John Carpenter
Not Henry Kissinger
Le Frog
Meteor Blades
Big Al
Mark from Queens


People Power.


Miniature sculpture by Barry Hazard Gathering


Open Thread so bring whatever you've got.

12 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Good Morning.
Our intrepid posters today are heading to Luckenbach to celebrate
a blue grass fest in the hill country. Yippee

The final battle of the Texas Revolution where Texas
won its independence from Mexico

also ~

1649 Maryland Toleration Act passed in the American colony, allowing freedom of worship for Christians but sentencing to death anyone who rejected the divinity of Jesus. The devil is in
the details. Doesn't sound very tolerant to me.

1898 Spanish–American War: The U.S. Congress, on April 25, recognizes that a state of war exists between the United States and Spain

1997 Ashes of Timothy Leary & "Star trek" creator Gene Roddenberry launched into space orbit

10 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

Electronic communities change rapidly. People come, people go. In our aging community, some pass on including OPOL, riverlover, Wendy Davis, and several others. I find this community to be rational, data based, and analytical. Not to say we all think alike, but that we all (for the most part) think. That is why I treasure this community.

Thanks to all who make it happen!

16 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


we have shared over the past 6 or so years. Agree the community here is a
thinking one. Having a trusted source to use as a sounding board, sort the
wheat from the chafe and have a way to 'talk back' to the news is great.

many thanks

14 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

I come here for the hope. As heated as it occasionally gets there's still a passion that a difference can, must be made. Many place present themselves a open forums, but mainly consist of cheerleading, forum policing, cheap shots and most of all conformity. The list of folks not around anymore brought back memories. Hope those still with us are doing well.

11 users have voted.
QMS's picture


in this day of weaponized disinformation, sorting out contrary claims
is an important reality based exercise.

My list was not exhaustive, but more from memory. I'm sure I left out
some speakers of the past. Please add to anyone I skipped.


7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

enhydra lutris's picture

At bottom of page, click link to LAST = historical first page, scroll up for some memories and names, then page down and click one page higher and repeat.

be well and have a good one.

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

about friendly fire? Who, beyond truth and the citizenry at large, is the target? The phrase seems to have been invented by those who have followed Herr Goebbels' doctrine of attributing to the other what one is perpetrating oneself. We must be wary of the evil disinformation campaigns conducted against us by the other, cast as state actors of evil and autocratic bent.

How about returning to ordinary english; LIES. Also fallacies (back to that later perhaps).
Our government, both political parties and all political candidates, throughout history, as well as salespersons of every ilk regularly resort to lies. It is as simple as that. Everybody has to be on their guard and work at actively and continuously ferreting our all of the lies and misrepresentations. That will eliminate the need to be wary of disinformation campaigns.

One of the greatest disinformation campaigns in recent history is the foisting off of the idea that bad actors are working to create division(s) in, among and within the populace. Really. Really? When was this country ever without divisions? Didn't we fight a Civil War? Perhaps we could ask the Whigs about the matter. Unanimity is a false goal and the quest for it is delusional. Progress flows from dissent and disagreement. No doubt the would be and/or existing censors, arbiters of fact, truth and lies (disinformation) have their opinion of what we should be unanimous about, but, given that they are trying to lie us into it, we should presumptively reject it until proven beyond a reasonable doubt based on incontrovertible evidence and logic. Unanimity, on this or that small matter, will pop up unasked if the matter at issue is discovered to be unarguably true.

Should we accept, arguendo, that "corporates", as used by Mussolini, et. al., are "persons" then we can see that almost all public discourse these days takes the form of argumentum ad homimen, and cannot possibly be logically unassailable on that grounds alone. Governments, nations, social clubs and social media, everything under the sun is the target of the "genetic fallacy" in some form or another on an almost daily basis. It is what makes the world go round and keeps the news cycle churning. "Ooooh, Matt Taibbi sold out and became Musk's gofer." Regardless of the fact that said assertion is a lie, it would, were it true, still merit a big "so what" because it is an abbreviated form of the aforementioned fallacies. They are everywhere. While it is possible for the conclusion implied by a fallacious argument to be true, that truth or falsity is independent of that argument, and all such arguments should by rejected immediately as stupid and frivolous.

Non-information, also known as afactual statements are arguably as big a threat as lies and so-called disinformation. These are statements which cannot be proven to be false (or true for that matter). "The ghost of Cicero regularly visited George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower" is such a statement given what we think we know about time travel and other restraints upon reality. Technically the term applies only to things that are logically impossible of disproof but arguably, anybody who is empirically inclined can and probably should extent it to things that are also incapable of empirical proof. This creates yet another problem at the intersection of lies, politics, and evidence. Something locked in a sealed vault that cannot be opened until 500 years hence and which is guarded by armed troops to ensure that it will not, in fact, be opened, may or may not contain information relevant to some question that is, empirically inaccessible to any of us currently alive if our life spans aren't greatly extended. More to the point, how should we treat government sekrets, especially those under the control of the various spooks? This does get us into some never-never land where we cannot know what might be knowable (or not). I personally hold that anything actually or presumptive under the control of the spooks may be treated as unknowable and evidence of wrongdoing unless it is provably innocent, but, in that case, why is it concealed?

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

if the matter at issue is discovered to be unarguably true.or untrue.

what do you tend to agree with, obvious truth or obvious lies?
If it is in your best interest to fog over and not put mental strain
into sorting out available data, that is what go-alongs do.

to the extent of things that are also incapable of empirical proof

'the truth' why is it concealed?


4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

7 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture


6 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

6 users have voted.
dystopian's picture

Hi all, Howdy Capt. QMS!

GREAT list and thanks for posting. A bunch of great folk there. I can't believe the turnover and how many are gone. A too large number have dearly departed. Bisbonian I think it was was another good one.
Be fine with me if more just like all of them showed up. Smile We are lucky to have found each other! And lucky to have a place to commiserate. Thanks to our fearless leader!

I gotta get back to work... so can't hang... hope all are having some good spring!

9 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

mimi's picture

and remember all the names listed.

Thanks to all for making this place so special, fun, and sad at the same time.

I hope you all can go on and hold the line or this place alive, even if it seems hard these days to stay alive.

JtC needs encouragement, my guts tell me. And if it gets too tough, I suggest to get a nap.

You are all an outstanding group of people. I wouldn't want to miss any of you.

Be well and have several good ones. Smile

8 users have voted.
janis b's picture


on behalf of us all, if I may.

I/we wish you all the same always.

5 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

They have a new crop of gullible, misinformed Americans on the plantation to fund their murderand mayhem around the world.

Perhaps these voices will be left on someone's hard drive for awhile in an obsolete format. Then thrown away in some landfill.

Spend your time pursuing your happiness today.

6 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

It seems that down Brazil way Lula is too busy sucking up to China, fending off corruption scandals, pushing vax and censorship to get to one of what was supposed to be his signature selling points... saving the Amazon:

According to


citing the deforestation monitoring NGO Imazon, Amazon deforestation had tripled in March of this year compared to the same period last year.

I've taken the liberty of translating the article (mostly computer translation w/minor tweaks)

With Lula and Marina, deforestation in the Amazon triples and 'burns' another campaign promise

The data were released on Thursday (20) by the Institute of Man and Environment of the Amazon, Imazon, an entity founded in 1990 and which has been conducting research and monitoring of deforestation control of the Legal Amazon since 2008. And they point out that deforestation in the region tripled in March 2023, compared to the same period in 2022. Based on analysis of satellite images, a deforestation of 344 km² was detected. Last year, the index was 123 km², between March 1 and 31. The index is also the worst since the beginning of the historical series, when, you see, the ex-convict Lula was also president of the country.

Deforestation rose in eight of the nine states that have areas of the Legal Amazon: Amazonas (30%), Pará (27%), Mato Grosso (25%), Roraima (8%), Rondônia (6%), Maranhão (3%) and Acre (1%).

"867 km² were felled in the first three months of this year. An area that is equivalent to the loss of almost a thousand football fields per day of native forest," explains Imazon. In the state of Amazonas, where the situation is more critical, the deforested area accumulated this year is 104 km², against 12 km² in 2022. An increase of 767%. This is just one of the numerous campaign promises 'not fulfilled' by the mollusk, which swore that it would end deforestation in the country, but that is moving quickly to break its own records, even those set in his first term, when Brazil recorded very high rates of deforestation. And, of course, in this misrule in the environmental sector there is also the 'little finger' of Marina Silva, the Minister of the Environment, who will have to invent a new narrative to hide her own incapacity. Perhaps, this time, she will disclose to the world that we have 200 million hungry people or that all the deforesters are Bolsonaro voters. Have no doubt!

(Lula was unavailable for comment due to a busy schedule in celebration of Earth Day)

2 users have voted.
QMS's picture

@Blue Republic

Happy earth day Amazon forest.

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

enhydra lutris's picture


axe grinding, and I recall that Lula took some steps to prevent heavy equipment from continuing to find its way into targeted areas, so I took a quick, superficial look, and found the following article https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/10/brazil-amazon-deforestation-dro.... Some of the things it notes:

Deforestation in Brazil’s section of the Amazon rainforest dropped by 61 percent in January, the first month in office for left-wing President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has promised to relaunch environmental protection efforts.

Preliminary satellite data collected by the government’s space research agency Inpe and released on Friday showed 167sq km (64sq miles) cleared in the region last month, down from the 430sq km (166sq miles) lost in January 2022.

The Brazilian-administered Amazon Fund, supported mainly by Norway and Germany, was reactivated by environment minister Marina Silva the day she took office last month, after being frozen since 2019 under Bolsonaro.

Yet even with the positive start to the year, experts and staff at Brazil’s environmental agency Ibama have warned that it may take years for Lula to deliver on conservation targets after Bolsonaro cut funding and staff at key agencies.

Still, the new Brazilian government has already taken some steps in its push to reverse environmental degradation in the Amazon.

Earlier this week, the authorities launched raids to remove illegal gold miners from Indigenous territories in the region, where they have been blamed for violent attacks and a health crisis affecting the Yanomami people.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris

OK - here's the Imazon site:


According to their data, deforestation did go up overall during the Bolsonaro administration although it took a significant drop in 2022. Imazon is projecting that this year will come in slightly higher than 2022 overall.

BTW - where do you figure that deforested forest is going? China is the world's top importer of tropical hardwoods (and of illegal timber) and ten percent of their imports come from Brazil...

From the Imazon site - deforestation (in the Brazilian states comprising the 'Legal Amazon') historic (red) and projected for 2023 (blue)
Amazon Deforestation by Year Imazon.png

1 user has voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

@Blue Republic

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

The Brazilian-administered Amazon Fund, supported mainly by Norway and Germany, was reactivated by environment minister Marina Silva the day she took office last month, after being frozen since 2019 under Bolsonaro.

Maybe a couple countries out there understand the importance of the rain forest in
its role to mitigate climate disaster.

Is money something you can breath, drink or eat?
No, unless you got a lot of it. Buying our way out of this mess
is not an option.

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security