It Took Me Awhile

to respond because a) I’m really fucking slow and
b) it’s Really hard to type with your thumbs on a dumb phone when you’re laughing so hard

Step below the fold, but, be warned it could get ugly(my last name!) :

So we have this;

Submitted by gjohnsit on Mon, 02/27/2023 - 8:47am
Let's compare
@Tall Bald and Ugly
So I'm the one being offensive, huh? I'm the one trolling, huh?
Let's look at your comments to my last essay.

Personal attacks
Dude, are you really this big a tool for the establishment?
like other posters that spew bullshit in Really Obvious ways

Gaslight to the Max, Baby!

Well, here’s where you Will be told to cordially Fuck Off any AND All would be authoritarian douchbags
Apologies to actual douchebags performing a service.

Note that despite all of this cr*p I didn't once respond with a personal insult or slander.
But I'M the one being offensive!
It's responses like yours that makes me convinced that I'm on the right track and that you are the one spreading disinformation and propaganda.

Let’s Do compare, shall we?

Submitted by Tall Bald and Ugly on Thu, 02/23/2023 - 9:23am
Dude, are you
really this big a tool for the establishment? Serious question, not an attack, based on the evidence above:

"It's only dangerous to old people and people with pre-existing conditions."
Absolutely Correct based on actual metrics observed duriing the pre-jab phase of ‘pandemic’.
Recommended policy to go home until you turn blue, Then seek treatment that Will Kill you(remdesiveer, ventalator in the us, midazolam? and opioids in the uk) surely didn’t help the stats in a Good way

"I became fully informed about how vaccines work from watching non-scientists explaining science in youtube videos. That's how I know more than doctors and nurses.”
Gaslight to the Max, Baby!
McCulloagh(so?) Molhatra, FLCC, Campbell too many others to name
All doctors or PhD practicing nurses with more letters behind their names than there are in the alphabet(slight exaggeration) not to mention the declaration by three ‘fringe’ zealots from where? let me think. . . hmmmm oh Yeah! Stanford, Harvard and uhhh, Oxford! Yeah, that’s some Non-science-y peeps right there.

Again, like other posters that spew bullshit in Really Obvious ways, I could continue to pick this apart but most people will see it whether I point it out or not.
The BNMW is Strong in this one Obiwan.

I noticed you didn’t post the vid here? That you admit to trolling reddit with?

No Golden Spoon for YOU!

oh Nooo’s! I didn’t curse.

f@cking maroons

Anybody Else notice the select cut/paste hatchet job out of context between the original and the reply?
Do I Need to highlight the differences?

This is typical for that posters replies to people that disagree with their bullshit and have the temerity to call it out.

His original response to my Full comment on that op claimed I said old people’s lives don’t matter. Does anybody see That claim in my comment above?
Notice how he takes offense to a general claim of My response to folks mandating jabs?
So, is He promoting mandatory jabs to all and sundry to be Able to claim offense? If so, my response of authoritarian douchebag fucking off stands on its own validation by said poster.
As does my apology to douchebags performing a necessary service,btw, Also validated by said poster in his reply

Next, the Slander charge of ‘gaslighting’ . Yes, gj, when You CLAIM as you did in your op that folks doing ‘research’ only listen to stupid people on the internet so they know ‘more than doctors’ when they cite the Most Qualified Doctors, Nurses and Researchers IN THE WORLD who just happen to disagree with the narrative being shoved down our throats, yeah Gaslighting baby
To the Max like I said

I could do this all day even though it Takes me All Day as it is to point out thacontrary to (some)popular opinion that I got ‘baited with a big ol’ treble hook in the mouth’ this exchange just allowed me to expose this poster as being, verily, Full of Shit.
I may be a dumb shit, but I ain’t stoopid.

If others wish not to acknowledge this Fact, not insult, then have you ever heard the expression ‘I can explain it to you but I can’t make you understand it?

None of what I said is an insult if what I claimed he is, He Claims He Is!

Now, I know johnnys not gonna like this post, as most wont like it as well,

But what about my time posting here makes you think I actually give a fuck to begin with?
Again, serious question

Bonus, notice the closed circle on this one? Beuller?

5 users have voted.


this is offensive but that ratfucks bullshit is offensive to Anybody’s intelligence.
He’s in a deathcult and Needs to be shamed, ridiculed, and yes, insulted.

I’M not the one trying to get people Killed
He is

Too much?
Oh well.

3 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

mimi's picture

in my mind's imagination, you are tall and bald, but certainly not ugly.
Let it go, it is not worth it, you are a pretty tall man. Am I right? So, yes.

And forgive me, if I can't follow the stuff, but stuff, is stuff, just dumb stuff. Stuff it where the stuff has to go. Nowhere.

All will be good, just trust me, I am pretty and dumb, a wonderful combination. Wink

6 users have voted.
QMS's picture

'Covid is gone, no worries' is getting the polls and graphs treatment.
Which tells you what they want us to think. A cursory search of
documented evidence would suggest a contrary view.

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

but I think you are justified in your views.
Jimmy D had an episode about a month ago where he was talking about when he might decide to forgive those who had trash talked him about issues that he turned out to be correct about. His sentiment was that maybe they needed to apologize before they were forgiven. There are a lot of people that should be apologizing these days but instead are doubling down.
I would like to think that thru this pandemic I have not slandered or gaslit others when I thought they were wrong. So I don't think I will ever owe anyone an apology, when better info comes out I can just adjust my views accordingly.

5 users have voted.
Shahryar's picture

A simple "I disagree" will do.

5 users have voted.
yellopig's picture

Y’know, the one that says “Someone is Wrong on the Internet", I just try three times to make my point, and then, if they continue in their wrongness, I take it to the PMs (private messages), because I know they’re about to start screaming at me like some kinda maniac, and if they’re do it in the PM-space, it’s so much less annoying to our community and the public at large.

We want people to look in here, for news & opinions. And music. It doesn’t help if they see us acting like squabbling high-schoolers.

6 users have voted.

“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett

@yellopig Private pissing contests are best kept private.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp my third @on the cusp and last attempt to engage with sad poster.

But a question for both you and otc
If someone Lies about what you said in Public(open forum), misrepresents what you actually said(cut and paste hatchet job) the.goes on to argue points not represented on this site at all(to the best of my knowledge)
Do you really think someone with no sense of shame to That degree is going to be positively responsive to a pm?

As to your point of wishing people to stop in and browse the joint, would You be likely to come back and visit with disengenuois, obfuscating Liers on full display?
With no pushback to them?
While advocating policies that Are Now KNOWN to be killing people?
Getting people killed is Not a culture war.
It’s a war.
It wouldn’t be site I’d return to.

Edit meant as reply to yp including otc
sorry for any confusion on that

3 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

tabu, for taking the time and energy to argue the point. Unfortunately I am finding that I engage in this argument with people in my life all too frequently out of sheer necessity. Therefore I'm generally reluctant to spend time online talking about it. Still, this issue matters deeply to me and I can't foresee a time when it will not.

To cite a poll (of all things) about how people don't care about COVID anymore is, to me, completely irrelevant. I care about this issue and I think that other people should care as well. If they don't, (and I'm not sure that is an accurate assessment) then we can add that to the long list of things that people don't (apparently) care about but perhaps should. In any case it will not change what I care about and (I will go out on a limb) I think it likely that most people on this blog would not change what they care about based on the popularity of an idea measured (with dubious accuracy) by a poll.

We all know that data and information is being manipulated for our consumption so it's no surprise to me that this pandemic is being declared over on May 11th. Miracle of miracles, officialdumb knows the exact date. Stay tuned to hear what exact time you can safely rip the mask from your face and go dance in the streets. I'm sure there will be an announcement like..."The pandemic will be over May 11 at 5:32 pm".

Anyway, thanks for your efforts.

3 users have voted.

is new again;

4 users have voted.
orlbucfan's picture

Disagreements come with the territory. It also has rules about flame wars which I read and agree with. As far as Covid goes, I have my protocols which I have followed faithfully for 3 years now. Results? I have not caught the Covid crap nor do I intend to, FWhatThat'sW.

5 users have voted.

Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.