Deeper State

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Where does this guy get his ideas?

Cut to
This is some shady shit.
I voted for this guy. The first Republican I ever voted for in over fifty years of voting.
His opponent was a likable young local business owner with a credible message. Until she started waving the Ukrainian flag. That raised a flag with me, pardon the pun.
Kent was a war critic of the first degree as he had lost his wife to terrorists in Syria while serving in the military there.
Trump had ordered the pullout of US forces but military leaders stalled and resisted and succeeded in prolonging the conflict, while his wife's detachment were preparing to fly out and return to the states.
A suicide bomber took out the majority of her group, some civilians, and her.
Kent blames the military brass and the deep state for her senseless death.
He is left to raise two kids without a mother.

Recalling his “front row seat” to the developments that predicated Shannon’s killing, Kent described how her team achieved a rapid advance within weeks of their December 2018 arrival in Syria, leading to the capture of several villages that remained under ISIS control. By December 19, their swift advance inspired Trump to declare a mission accomplished in Syria and announce the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country, prompting a fierce and very public fight with his most senior advisors.
Kent’s first formal encounter with the MAGA political network came in the days immediately following Shannon’s death. As he waited at Dover Air Force Base to receive his wife’s remains on an afternoon in late January of 2019, President Trump arrived to offer official condolences to the newfound Gold Star spouse.

“I thought it was going to be me, Trump, and like, 15 others,” Kent recalled. “But it was actually me and Trump alone in the room together. And I was just like: ‘hey, you’ve got no idea who I am. But I’ve been fighting these wars since they started, and you’re getting it right. But you’re being sorted.’”
Joe Kent had no chance against the entire machine of DC and the swamp. Both parties worked against him, poring millions of dollars into PACs and individuals smearing him.
It makes it crystal clear that party affiliation means nothing, it's about issues.
Issues that benefit the Swamp are given precedence. Those that benefit the people are to be brutally squashed.
More pointedly, this is how a decorated Gold Star hero and true patriot is to be treated when he steps out of line.
The thread is open.

15 users have voted.


QMS's picture

somewhere around Lantana
Trump just borrowed them for his own sales pitch
oops, time to drain the swamp again
amazing how it just filled right back up
how many miles ya' got on that pump trump?

4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

earthling1's picture

could have been made to Joe Kent there at Dover Air Base.
It certainly touched on everything wrong with America today. Now the swampers will have to destroy him before 2024 for sure.
Doesn't matter if he is lying or not.
Thanks for stopping by.

8 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

are important.

First! It looks bad.

By AFP - Agence France Presse
February 28, 2023

The UN nuclear watchdog said Tuesday that Iran's estimated stockpile of enriched uranium had reached more than 18 times the limit set out in the 2015 accord between Tehran and world powers.

According to a confidential International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report seen by AFP, it estimated Iran's total enriched uranium stockpile was 3,760.8 kilogrammes as of February 12 -- The limit in the 2015 deal was set at 202.8 kilogrammes (447 pounds) of uranium.

But wait! Why regurgitate this information?

Issued on: 30/05/2022 - 21:14
Modified: 30/05/2022 - 21:12

Vienna (AFP) – The UN nuclear watchdog said Monday that it estimated Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium had grown to more than 18 times the limit laid down in Tehran's 2015 deal with world powers.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said in its latest report on Iran's nuclear programme that it "estimated that, as of May 15, 2022, Iran's total enriched stockpile was 3,809.3 kilograms."

The limit in the 2015 deal was set at 300 kg (660 pounds) of a specific compound, the equivalent of 202.8 kg of uranium.

The report also says that Iran is continuing its enrichment of uranium to levels higher than the 3.67 percent limit in the deal.

The stockpile of uranium enriched up to 20 percent is now estimated to be 238.4 kg, up 56.3 kg since the last report in March, while the amount enriched to 60 percent stands at 43.1 kg, an increase of 9.9 kg.

3 users have voted.
QMS's picture


for at least 2 reasons ..
1) Israel is insecure
2) the scary Iranians docked their ship in Brazil against uncle sam's orders

or possibly
3) "world powers" don't want to share the world with a nuclear wannabe
-- see N. Korea

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security


Perhaps it is only cynical me but this seems to be the typical action plan.

Edited to add maybe the plan was to keep the US friendly government in place?

Time will tell how this actually plays out???

5 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

@humphrey .
The typical action plan is to divide and conquer. Been used for thousands of years.
Common sense says they should take one country at a time and move on to the next.
But that is not what they are doing.
They are poking and intimidating multiple countries at the same time.
Russia, China, and Iran are being demonized, sanctioned, and blockaded by any other name.
I can only posit they are planning a first strike on all three, possibly more, in an effort to go for all the marbles.
And we all know they lost their marbles long, long ago.
I hope I'm wrong, but it is the only thing that would explain their drift from the age old policy of divide and conquer.

6 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

snoopydawg's picture

Which of course is labeled a conspiracy theory by the mainstream media. Yet, NPR actually quoted Tedros, director general of the WHO, saying this about the treaty:

The idea behind this upcoming session of the World Health Assembly, Tedros says, is to start sketching out a new world order to handle future health crises.

"We don't have rules of the game," Tedros says of the current situation. "To manage shared problems, like pandemics, you need laws and rules that bringobligations to countries. That's what we miss. And I hope countries will agree to a binding pact so that pandemics can be managed better."

I hope I’m over hyping this, but I don’t think I am since the parasite class has been telling us what they have planned for us for years and decades. Bush SR talked about the new world order during his state of the union address and Clinton, Bush the lesser and Obama also mentioned it. I never paid attention to Trump but maybe he said it too. Many of the things Klaus has said have come true and we see how many of their plans for the great reset have been implemented.

Long before Bush blatantly lied to us about Iraq and since Obama rescinded the Smith-Mundt act our government has been lying to us non stop. The xenophobic Russia gate saga was a lie from the beginning and many of the things we’ve been told about the Covid plandemic has been one lie after another so maybe they are lying about this too.

ETA link

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

world organizations are under the thumb of the US.


Be it the WHO, the IMF, the IAEA or even the UN all seem to be afraid to criticize US actions.

5 users have voted.
QMS's picture


is brought about, in a large part, by the domination of the petro dollar
which is rapidly being replaced by regional currencies in trades
yen for rubles, for instance, takes out the dollar speculators in the
equation. I think this is what has the empire getting all aggressive
with multiple targets simultaneously. They know they are losing
control of the global economies. Which really sucks for the over-
leveraged US buck. They have sanctioned themselves to death.

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

earthling1's picture

International Crimminal Court is compromised.
"We know where your kids go to school!"
John Bolton.

7 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.


I would suggest the scenario is more along the lines of sovereign states, their national and cultural identities, are being marginalized in favor of unaccountable supranational elite-controlled entities like WHO, EU, OECD...

Which goes a long way toward explaining the extreme measure resorted to to eliminate populist leaders like Putin, Bolsonaro, Trump, Orban, who are strongly disinclined to go along with the program.

Very worthwhile thread on how this works and where it's headed:
(won't embed for some reason)

"Sleepwalking toward totalitarianism..."

1 user has voted.
earthling1's picture

A terrible deadly virus unleashed upon the planet killing everyone but the vaccinated Golden Billion .......would make a good mooooovie.

6 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

QMS's picture


so stoned on popcorn and cheap beer
forgot the ending
but it was loud!

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture

The military just proved that it’s no longer under civilian control when they defied Trump’s order to withdraw. But then we already knew that when Obama ordered a cease fire in Syria and the CIA had its troops attack the pentagon troops during it.

The outrage over the Pat Tillerman murder by his own troops to shut him up from decrying the war was shut down and once again we were lied to about it.

Biden is lying to us now about there being no US troops in Ukraine because many soldiers have admitted that they went awol from the military and put on Ukraine’s uniform and they are actively fighting against Russia. Think the military doesn’t know that. Want to buy a bridge cheap?

9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

QMS's picture

sorry, but can't get this image to imbed,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:st...
The Wave (1889), Ivan Aivazovsky
this from Ritter -- Van Clayburn

Oh, btw, van clayburn was a texan

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security


I did a google search on the image and after following up I was able to come up with this

BTW nice image.

3 users have voted.
QMS's picture


It is a powerful painting.

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

serious journalism. That is some impressive work - chapter and verse in swamp electoral operations.

I believe Kent has announced he's running again - not sure if it's for the same position. Dem establishment has a long and sordid record of throwing under the bus those daring or threatening to go off the reservation - Kucinich, Paul Wellstone, Cynthia McKinney, Jim Webb, Tulsi...

But it would be hard to top their R counterparts for sheer hypocrisy.

I saved a few screenshots from the last campaign cycle which should help illustrate. E-mail appeals would come in appearing to be from some MAGA candidate, with their picture, (often) military background and promises to clean up corruption, throw out the RINO's, etc. BUT - if you clicked to contribute and didn't check the fine print of the actual distribution of the $$'s, you would fail to see:

RNC scam 2022 Blake Masters.jpg


RNC scam Kevin M. -Jennifer Green.jpg


RNC Scam 22.11.5_1.jpg

The large print giveth and the fine print taketh away...

Good finds, thanks for posting, Earthling.

3 users have voted.