So many interesting HRC Diaries Showing up at TOP
Take a look at this one:
A 17 Year Old Meets Mrs. Clinton in 1991... And It Changes His Life: A Look At The "Real" Hillary.
It reads really really smoothly - effortless for the reader to sail through from beginning to end. By the time you are done all your objections to Hillary will be forgiven and forgotten.
I only found one "minor" slipup in the thing too:
I met Jimmy Carter (he was just a kindly Grandpa)
This is what President Carter looked like at the time:
As to the rest of it, no grammar errors, and no spelling errors except using an ever so humble "i" for himself. Aye, Kossack JasperMcguff does very good work. Especially for a brand new diarist who only joined two days ago.
Interesting stuff shows up when you keep your eyes open and your mind on alert. This is not the first I have noticed by any means.

I note in the latest tk diary
that after preaching that we must all get along, and all of us not-pleased with HRC should "get real", that there seems to be a general consensus of users that everyone will fall in line to vote for Hillary, because the majority of them are. No one seems to have noticed the exodus. New meme is that Obama is the Best President Evah and his decisions cannot be argued with. My country, love it or leave it. Quite the indoctrination.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
At least Obama has pushed for some things. I wonder if Hillary would push for much of anything good at all, if she were to win the general election.
RE: falling in line
Makes ya wonder just who is being realistic, and who is trying to create a meme "we will fall in line" ( or else, implied)
I'd rather eat ground glass than vote for her. And I have no intention of doing either.
Bernie or Bust.
Kos has been an Obamabot for years
I would say that praising Obama is nothing new for him and his crew.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I can testify to that
I got summarily banned from TOP for posting a diary saying Obama had lost me when he decided to not prosecute the banks/CEO's and for saying I'd work for someone else in the election (Jill Stein).
No warning. No timeouts. Just the boot.
TOP can still have good info and be a force for good sometimes, but is also has become a pro-establishment Dem site where real debate is punished and criticism of the dem establishment, or the idea we could/should vote for someone else is heresy. And those who utter it are treated as such. It helps form a tribal type of politics where anything and everything is viewed through the lens of my tribe vs. their tribe. My tribe can do no wrong, theirs can do no right. Anything my tribe has done cannot be criticized.
I used to laugh at the GOP. So obvious they couldn't face simple truths: Bush didn't keep us safe; Reaganomics was a failure; Bush/Cheney lied to get us into the war; tax cuts for the rich don't help much economically and balloon the deficit; the list goes on and on. Now, it appears establishment Dems are now suffering the same disease and anyone who utters the truth is banned: neoliberal economics have crippled the middle class; welfare reform and the crime bill devastated communities of color; the Clinton tend lie a lot; Obama/Dems sold out the banks & the health care insurance industry; one cannot be serious about global warming and embrace fracking and offshore drilling; the list goes on.
But we need to be wary the some type of thing doesn't creep in here in terms of candidate-centric stuff. Bernie can make mistakes, and does (the qualification comments were a prime example, position on guns another). But he's not wrong on climate change, $$ in politics, health care, breaking up the banks, free college w/ speculation tax, and the list goes on.
First post, yikes, turning into a diary. I'll stop, hope all goes well in WY.
You're right. TOP has long illustrated the sad truth that Democratic partisans aren't any smarter or more principled than Republican ones. It's the partisanship that is the problem. When the most important thing to you is winning an election, everything else becomes dispensable. Everything.
Way back in 2004 when I joined over there, ideas and political agendas were freely debated. It was the Bush years, and there was no harm in debating issues for a party that had no power. But once Obama was sworn in and immediately began selling out the vague promises he made to get elected, the partisan vise was tightened. It's been all out attacks on party critics ever since. Markos used to pretend to be above the fray, but he wasn't really. Now, though, he clearly has been paid off one way or another, and his authoritarian partisanship is naked and ugly. I strongly suspect that the recent Vox sale had some conditions that we're now seeing come into play.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Vox sale conditions
You mean like purge the dirty fucking hippies or forget ever seeing our money?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
At what point do we call our media propaganda
Paid speech is not free speech. Let's call it what it is, propaganda.
So many? Where?
They sure changed the subject from Bill's racist rant at BLM pretty damn quick. dkos is a propaganda mill and a dog fighting ring. If it wasn't for LD, Tom and a few others, I wouldn't even go there. I really wish people would quit posting all of their free copy to dailykos. Not because Markos personally benefits, but because it helps to promote and sell the bull shit on the site.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Yeah, interesting
Of course by "interesting" I meant propaganda pieces by skillful PR operatives. This one was "nice". Others have expertly set Kossacks against each other along racial or gender lines.
As to posting free copy, I fully agree, and will find other venues to play in.
You raise a good point
You said it "helps to sell and promote..." and I agree. When people of good will and knowledge post there, they may think that they are reaching the people who have not learned this or that, but it's like writing for the National Review or a RW web site: They are indeed helping to sell the site's crapola.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
This is an excellent point n/t
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
If everyone who doesn't support Clinton stopped posting on Dkos they would be laying off front pagers within the month.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
That is something that we should do...
Many of us left on March 15th...
But we keep crawling back for mistreatment...
The page views are creeping back up...
Lets "Flatline" this sucka!
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
We can have our cake and eat it
on this score. Page views are a lagging indicator behind content. Page views will naturally go through the floor if the only contributors are bought and paid for front pagers, Clinton operatives and wannabees, and PUMAs
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I had a
go-around with a brand new user at TOP the other day. He (I'll call the diarist a he but it could be a she) had written a bullshit Hillary diary and pulled some made up polls out of his ass. When I called him out he went off on a incoherent tangent about something then finished the comment with something like "we'll miss you and your buddies about as much as we missed the PUMASs in 2008." So I responded back and asked for the links to his so-called polls and slipped in "were you here in 08?" No response.
Anyway, The "new users" are coming out of the woodwork over there and if folks can't see the deception then they're not paying attention or just plain don't want to see it. Then a well respected Hillary supporter came out with a diary titled "(TOP)we have a problem" this morning whining about, and I couldn't get all the way through it, Bernie supporters not playing by the rules. jeesh...
No matter what happens in the primary, I'm done with the place. I'm just deciding whether to leave my account the way it is and just not give kos anymore clicks (which, BTW = $) or flame out in a spectacular way...
Leave Quietly, take any friends with you that you can...
And save your DKos User Name for an, "I Fucken Told You So" diary in the future...
Because you know it will happen...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
My speculation is that Ken is being paid -
most likely by dkos for his daily Bernie bashing diary. I've been there for 12 years. Ken has never done anything like this before that I can recall. I'm not making excuses for him, but why would he suddenly go out of character. They allegedly recruited new diarists. I think it was a cover for all of their sock puppets. That place is one big lie. Nothing is as it seems. Nothing is real.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Could be that he's getting paid,
but it could also be that he wants the attention. I'm in my 12th year at TOP. I joined not long after the 2004 election. I've read ken's diaries over the years. But he seems to crave the attention. About 6 or 7 years ago he started trolling other people's diaries with links to his and a comment like "I respectfully invite you to read this important diary".
More recently I've seen him question posters who would make a positive comment in one of his diaries, yet not tip and recommend. How dare! I'm just guessing, but I think it's all about the attention with him. Braying for Hillary on a pro-Hillary site is a pretty good way to rustle up some attention and praise. My $.02 (Of course, if he's getting paid to do it, it's a twofer!)
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
I've never liked Ken's writing
I find him stiff and sanctimonious most of the time. His standard fare is to regurgitate some pundit's column with a little -- generally worthless -- elaboration. I haven't read his diaries on his wife's illness, just because I find that sort of thing unseemly and a little weird. And I recall some really nasty and off-the-wall comments he made in a few of my diaries back in 2009-10 when I did some writing about the ACA battle. MB and others gave him WTF's about them at the time, and I ignored them.
I think you're right. He's basically an attention whore. He was away for a while and when he came back his diaries attracted almost no notice. So he had to go all in for Hillary to get the attention he craves.
Please help support caucus99percent!
is this mean? I think he hides behind his wife's illness
perhaps, with what's going on at home, he's looking for some emotional security and going along with the "elites" is a way to get that. I smirked when he posted one of his fairly lengthy diaries, then said he couldn't stick around because his wife needed treatment....yet he had time to put together another hit piece and post it. I mentioned this the other day, saying if shaz needed treatment I wouldn't be wasting my time writing diaries.
I believe we have a winner!
Doc, you hit the proverbial nail on the head. His actions make complete sense to me now. I remember his first post on why he decided to go for Hillary. I think he got a respectful amount of recs from the Hillary folks and from then on he must have realized that the more batshit he becomes the more he's adored by the Clinton minions...
Same here, I saw that piece
but could only get through a couple paragraphs. Worthless drivel.
There used to be so much really interesting stuff to read there. Now it's all Hillary's so amazing, why doesn't Bernie just get out of her way? Other than the right wing sites, I've never seen so many brain-dead people in one place before.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
The "new users" are coming
- See more at:
The same thing is happening at TPM. On a single thread about the Bernie/Vatican hubbub there are about 20 brand new commenters - all of whom are presenting an amazingly similar meme. Hillary is showing some serious slippage in the polls, and the long knives are coming out in force. It really is looking like a replay of 2008, when it started sinking in that the skinny black kid with the funny name really was beating her.
Just like her buddy, Bibi the Butcher
When it came to light that the hate filled RWNJ, Bibi, actually paid people to spread his propaganda online, I was flabbergasted, but then recalled that so many people defending atrocities used almost identical language. That sent me back in time to 2006, and recalled the same unrelenting dito head behavior regarding atrocities committed then.
Same thing happens when GMOs are mentioned online.
Same thing happens when The Face of Wall Street is mentioned. Front pagers do it OT (Armondo is one I noticed do it, for sure), Kos does it, and so do so many of those new users.
Not all are paid shills. Some just take the talking points posted by the shills and run with them.
Ironically, RW talking points are supposed to be flag worthy, which pretty much makes anything "positive" about or in defense of her record, should get flagged into oblivion. She is, after all, a Republican, and 90% of her record proves it.
My comment was:
My comment was:
While long-year diarists are banned for critisizing Clinton, a diarist that joined 2 days ago writes a “Hillary is so nice article” that has a Clinon-campaign marketing flavor. Chomsky would call the evolution of Daily Kos to Daily HRC a nice example of manufacturing consent.
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
Now my comment was flagged
Now my comment was flagged and hidden.
Propaganda and cenzorship united...
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
So I see
came to your support over there.
Mcguff playing it like a pro. Nice feigned indignance. He's probably glad he doesn't have to do this on video and try to keep a straight face.
Rec's from myself and others got your comment unhidden. Now I collected a flag for declaring the flagging of your comment to be flag abuse. dKos Calvinball!
made a diary out of this, with Chomsky photo.
For several years I have been a reader of Daily Kos articles and I considered the site the best US source of critical and thought-provoking articles on climate change, science, education, politics and much more.
In the last two month, I observed a radical change, which is connected to Kos’ March15th edict. Basically, the edict put everyone who criticizes H. Clinton under a general suspicion of being right-wing. If the interpretation is that the diary is ‘malicious’, then the diarist can be banned. Because ‘malicious’ is a highly flexible category (it gives me no joy to say that authoritarian governments such as Erdogan’s government in Turkey use such categories to suppress free press and free speech), essentially everyone who criticizes Clinton can be excluded from the DailyKos community. As a consequence, an increasing number of long-term diarists, is banned from DailyKos. Many of those diarists wrote great, thought-provoking articles.
Instead of this older diarists, an increasing number of new diarists have emerged, who write marketing-style pro-Clinton and kitchen-sink-style anti-Sanders diaries. An eye-opening example for me was a diarist who joined Daily-Kos two days ago and published today a “Hillary-is-so-nice-diary” that has a Clinton-campaign marketing flavor. (My critical comment to this diary was flagged and is now invisible). Noam Chomsky would call the evolution of Daily Kos to Daily HRC a nice example of “manufacturing consent”.
I miss the earlier critical and thought-provoking articles and I find the new marketing-style and kitchen-sink-style diaries simply boring.
I have two questions question: (1) What do you think about this development? Am I too critical? (2) Is this irreversible? Has DKOS changed into DHRC for good, or is there a chance to get the old DKOS back?
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
My answers:
1a: It's terrible, and disappointing, and I am reducing my involvement.
1b: No!
2a: Dunno
2b: Dunno either, but my regard for Kos has changed permanently, and needless to say, not for the better.
Looks like your comment over there has been unhidden as a result of uprates.
My Answers:
1a, It Sucks, The site is worthless...
1b, Nope, You are spot on with your assessment...
2a, Highly likely that it is irreversibly damaged, especially if Clinton wins and critique is disallowed...
2b, Somewhere about a glacier's chance in global warming...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
last time I was there
It was just after OPOL got a time out. I noticed there were a couple of Recd diaries that were along the lines of ...
Daddy gave me a spanking and a time out but it was for my own good.
Fuck that noise.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Folks just plain don't want to see it
- that choice gets my vote anyway. During less contentious times dKos commenters have been very astute about vetting factual claims. This one set off all my alarm bells. Yet, if one dares venture through the comments, nary is heard a discouraging word.
I have opted for giving Kos as few of my clicks as possible, rather than flameout. I am weaning myself off the site, but old habits are hard to break.
" ... nary is heard a discouraging word."
There's a reason for that. So many non-believers have withdrawn from the site that it's become an echo chamber.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
That, and
was: imagine the pile-on that would occur were I to have posted the above in the comments of that dairy, where it belonged.
Well I did it. Better fetch my flameproof suit.
BNR is why I go to TOP
Censored open conversation is absurd. I've got no use for KOS nor his propaganda mill. But I gotta have my BNR fix, so I go.
Has LD talked anymore about his progressive wing site? I was thinking it might be a good clearing house of links to honest sources of media. Like the "Battle for NY" media push which is a print media project. LD might use all of our research to post places for investigative journalism. I'm often asked, "where can you go for honest media?" People are aware that MSM is misleading and lying.
Are you here LD?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
you can go to instead.
I just got my second flag ever
in eight years there for this comment.
I immediate corrected my misspelling of rein. I am a freaking fool to rebut it but I am sick of the incredible one sidedness over there. I guess it is in my nature to fight against what I see as being wrong.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
That's one of the reasons
I will not go there anymore. I won't support a site that openly advocates bullying and abuse.
During my mispent youth
I worked in a bar. One night a brawl broke out and I was about to go out to attempt to break it up when the owner stopped me . He told me that he stopped me because a dozen people were brawling and, however good my intentions, I would just be adding to the numbers.
That lesson stayed with me and I think is very applicable to TOP at the moment.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I'm still there too much
I've been battling the partisan morons so long it's a hard habit to break. But if I don't get a flag or two for honest comments I've come to be almost disappointed. It's like I haven't tried hard enough.
Please help support caucus99percent!
It's funny...
I spent a lot of time on a V-Bulletin Trade Forum that was loaded to the hilt with Insane Republicans doing battle with them. About 4 or 5 of us did battle every day with them on every Teabagger talking point you could imagine. I eventually after years of doing this got tired of that and started hanging around more on the GOS...
Now this....
Fuck this shit!
They are exactly like the Republitards I left behind on that forum...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Whoa! the Hilldabots are lapping his drivel up! it is well crafted drivel, but I smell a propagandist amongst the HRC faithful, doing damage control of the negative imagery HRC has drawn around her of her own volition as opposed to the RWNJ pieces. The stuff he wrote is so flowery as to mask the stink of crap. Thankfully, I do have the education to recognize such a snow job
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I go over there for the BNR. The place is a sad joke. I respected Markos once, but not anymore. Rec'd.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
I go over there to flag
"Jasper McGuff" is such a nice guy who responds so angrily. That's a tip-off. I flagged him for "language".
I also had to flag some guy who went on and on about "St. Bernard".
I'm not registered on TOS
But I do enjoy lurking around and seeing what sort of craziness gets written by pro-Hillary people. An apt (at least, I think it is, and feel free to disagree) comparison came to mind the other day: the more I think about it, the more I see that the place is turning into the Stanford Prison Experiment. While I don't think it's at all healthy to stick around for long (except for the daily BNR uploads), I'm fascinated by the mentality of what's going on in there between the "guards" and the "prisoners".
Yep, Stanford Prison Experiment, that's what D Kos feels like
Exactly! Nothing feels real over there any more.
The rapid fire response team is amazing, the army out with their HR daggers, Boss Koss bullying those who don't comply and bow to the Queen, all facts not favorable to Her Highness must be filtered. Facts = "hate" to Hillary Supporters.
It all seems so surreal.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Having braved Dkos on and off for almost 12 years
I think I can safely say that it became the Stanford experiment years ago. I would pinpoint it around the summer of 2005 if pressed to date it. The whole 'community policing' idea, while a nice thought, also breeds the 'Stanford' mentality - and of course it is the authoritarians who embrace it most enthusiastically. Around the summer of 2005 I decided to become actively engaged in the site policing and all I can say is that I winced in horror at what I found going on in dead threads. I've seen the ascent and decline of many policing cliques over the years - all of them ugly, and all of them off putting as far as my own site participation. I, fortunately have been largely absent during primary season as I recently had a daughter and have had more important things to do with my time, but when I do wade into the comment threads, all I can do is laugh.
Dat comment section at TOS.
Wow. Much delusion. Very special pleading. Many fauxgressive.