We're at the point now --

-- where any change at all that looks like it might simulate real change starts to look really good.

All the nice Dem elites know full well that, especially if you are an unknown, it will take at least two years to run a credible Presidential campaign. But even from here in remote southern Oregon one can hear them telling themselves OMIGOD I'VE SPENT MY WHOLE LIFE BEING A NEOLIBERAL SOCIAL CLIMBER SO HOW COULD I POSSIBLY COMPETE AGAINST JOE BIDEN WHO HAS BEEN A NEOLIBERAL SOCIAL CLIMBER HIS LONGER WHOLE LIFE? Blubber, blubber etc. I am of course not writing here about the already lost causes, the long queue which lined up in 2020 to drop out and endorse Joe. We know already those people are super-empowered nobodies.

Never mind how incredibly unpopular Joe is at present, and never mind that Joe's solution to inflation is to crash the economy, and never mind Joe's disastrous proxy war in Ukraine, and never mind that Joe is the oldest President ever, and never mind Joe's general inaction on 90% of what once upon a time were political issues, and never mind that the blatant attempt to rig the primaries for Joe is going to backfire rather disastrously in New Hampshire and in Iowa. None of the fools brandishing a (D) next to their names is willing to say ANYTHING that might upset the applecart; they can't be bothered to pay 1% attention to the disaster upsetting the applecart right now, never mind the disasters to come. Their unanimous rallying cry is "four more years." Besides, the Republicans are worse or something like that. (Actually, the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats is the character of the different con jobs they are pulling. Voting has thusly been reduced to a comparison of con jobs.)

Here I must remind readers of Riley and Brenner's verdict upon American politics, which runs as follows:

Under political capitalism, raw political power, rather than productive investment, is the key determinant of the rate of return. This new form of accumulation is associated with a series of novel mechanisms of ‘politically constituted rip-off’. These include an escalating series of tax breaks, the privatization of public assets at bargain-basement prices, quantitative easing plus ultra-low interest rates, to promote stock-market speculation—and, crucially, massive state spending aimed directly at private industry, with trickledown effects for the broader population: Bush’s Prescription Drug legislation, Obama’s Affordable Care Act, Trump’s cares Act, Biden’s American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure and CHIPS Acts and the Inflation Reduction Act. All these mechanisms of surplus extraction are openly and obviously political. They allow for returns, not on the basis of investment in plant, equipment, labour and inputs to produce use values, but rather on the basis of investments in politics.

Eventually, you see, the parasites devour their host, all in the name of security. Yeah, social climbers, cling to that collapsing America and your BFF Joe Biden. Don't change before the empire falls -- you'll laugh so hard you'll crack the walls.

They sung that one fifty-five years ago, when America was a better place. This is the song they ought to have sung forty years ago:

Now, I think I'll wait until Marianne Williamson actually announces before applauding. And then I'll hope that someone in America takes her seriously.

13 users have voted.


for falling and smacking my head against something.
light years past screwed, many more past "rigged".
keep the faith.

8 users have voted.

Of course the economy is getting better...for the 1%. The 2008 recession lasted what, 7 months (Wall St. time)? Us, 10 years? Bailout, stimulus for the corporations, nothing for us. I'm surprised Trump wasn't re elected just on the basis for the pandemic checks sent out by the government. Our government doesn't do things for everybody, it does it for special interests, 1%ter or special victims or whatever is popular at the moment.This rigged government is humming along doing what it's paid to do.

I hope Williamson gets a shot, but after Bernie I can only see dem party thumb on scale rulings and the full weight of the dem propaganda machine to neutralize her. Sorry to be so negative but after years of watching both parties becmme a subsidiary of the 1% I don't have much faith.

10 users have voted.

but the speech last night was good. What I found most impressive is the stark difference between its direction and that of our shootem-down joe, bullying is more important than achieving any goals.

I saw a link to it in an MoA comment: https://www.interfax.ru/russia/887155

My browser translated it -- I have no idea how well.

Spoiler: It's socialistic as hel... Eg, people and society first. Neolibalcons need not apply.

4 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture

dem, no matter who they run, at any level. Any party that has uniformly voiced its full-throated support for *starting* WWIII will never see another vote from me.

I only thought that I was done with them for screwing over Bernie in 2016. Now, watching them brainlessly do the nuclear brinksmanship thing with both Russia and China simultaneously is so far beyond the pale that I have no words at all.

I utterly despise them. Never again. Not a fuckin' chance in hell. Sorry, not sorry. I'm a single-issue voter, and my single issue is remaining not-dead.

13 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Sima's picture

Thank you. I agree completely.

3 users have voted.

If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

Why would you want to take someone seriously who wants to start their career at the top of the hierarchy with no qualifying experience? Shucks, even Ronnie R was a governor before being POTUS (and look how well that turned out). I'm pretty tired of the "I'm a celebrity, vote for me" option. But I'm not keen on the "I'm an experienced corrupted politician, vote for me" option either.

6 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@MichaelSF is that of the "complete atrophy of political imagination" (p. 39 of World in Fragments) of which Cornelius Castoriadis complained back in the 20th century when he was alive. Politics has been reduced to voting, and voting to "voting for the lesser of two evils." Political outcomes are thus demographic outcomes: the big news of 2020 was that Georgia became in some small (and erasable) sense a "purple state."

The problem with "qualifying experience" and "corrupting experience" under the current system is, as you have pointed out, that they are one and the same thing. The big appeal of Trump and Zelensky was that they were outsiders, but once on the inside they became avid students of the "corruption" (i.e. the day-to-day workings) of the inside. The quote in my diary by Dylan and Brenner should prove enlightening.

The hope represented by Williamson is that she, unlike Trump or Zelensky, might be able to better organize the opposition to the system by running for the system's top office. Williamson is, as the interview in the video I displayed argued, not stupid.

5 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

earthling1's picture

At this point I'm ready to elect a bag of dog shit for the Presidency. The stench alone will keep the lobbyists out of the Oval Office.

7 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

...never mind that the blatant attempt to rig the primaries for Joe is going to backfire rather disastrously in New Hampshire and in Iowa...

Are you talking about what happened in 2020, or something in the works - and either way, just what kind of disaster do you foresee?

I've seen far too many rigged elections in my time, and NO Justice for any of them yet (seriously, Bush and his accomplices should be in jail for 2000 alone), so if you can tell me how that's finally going to start inflicting Justice of its own accord somehow, I'm eager to hear about it.

5 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Cassiodorus's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/democrats-make-south-caro...

3 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

TheOtherMaven's picture


since the respective Parties can just ride roughshod over the expressed wishes of the voters and select whomever they please. The Dem Party explicitly used this as a plea in Court, that as a private corporation they could use any means they wanted to select candidates. (The Court neither agreed nor disagreed, but (IIRC) just dismissed the case "for lack of standing".)

Of late, the Rep Party has been a little less flagrantly dishonest, but now they too have a potential candidate they want to keep out at all costs - even the cost of shattering the flimsy pretense at "democracy" that primaries provide.

4 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

What Sima said.

1 user has voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981