Open Thread WE 8 FEB 23 ~

It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.
Isaac Asimov
We are witnessing a major geopolitical shift occurring in our life times. For those that are
politically aware, there are obvious major currents flowing around the world. For those stuck
in MSM memes, these changes are being parlayed into blind distractions. Like tanks,
balloons, mass shootings, Alzheimer leaders, covid escapades, extreme weather reports and
general fear porn. Even some inflation stories get out there. And Russia taking over the world.
Watching the distractions becoming more obvious and outlandish in real time is both
scary and exciting. We all know the empire's attempts to maintain global hegemony
are failing. So the question is: what is the new world order going to look like?
Any guesses?
This piano music begins like a slow heartbeat...then it gradually quickens and rises to a new level, like a young bird learning how to fly. Soon it catches the wind and soars even higher. The piano urges you to come fly away with it to a loftier, happier place where you feel limitless. You feel yourself high among the clouds. This music is ethereal. It inspires. It transcends. And you transcend along with it.
-- Rey Barreto
Looks like we are going to suffer at the hands of the greedy few. Interesting
times indeed. What would be your prognosis on how all of this change comes down?
“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
― Rob Siltanen
Open thread so hop on the expression train >>>

South Korean Interior Minister impeached
Nat'l Assembly votes to impeach interior minister over Itaewon tragedy
Finally the opening salvo in the fall of South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol. The reporting on this is so biased. "Allegedly bungled response?" LOL. Also the contention that is no constitutional basis grounds for the impeachment is ridiculous.
This is from an earlier Hankyoreh article:
What was the constitutional basis for putting the Minister of Interior in control of the National Police Agency? There was none. Yoon just did it by fiat to neutralize the prosecutorial reforms passed before he took office. Yoon's purpose was to effectively restore investigative powers to the prosecution, which had been taken away and given to police by the National Assembly to curb excessive prosecution powers. The Public Prosecutors Office, had become politicized under Yoon Seok-yeol's supervision as Prosecutor General and then President. These powers were and continue to be used by Yoon and his "dictatorship of prosecutors" to investigate, and prosecute, political rivals, union leaders, media critics and other civic groups typically on fabricated grounds.
By politicizing the police, and their control, the Interior Ministry under the direction of the presidential office took effective control of police deployment and dispatch operations. The consequent failure to have almost no police on duty in Itaewon on October 29, 2022, when a crowd of well over 100 thousand people celebrating Halloween were crowded into narrow alleyways was a direct result of these changes in the government administration directed by the president.
語必忠信 行必正直
the opening salvo
in the fall of South Korean President ..
Your dispatch sounds of much dirty politics.
Interior Minister, National Police Agency, Public Prosecutors Office
A tale of power grabbing no doubt.
question everything
Anybody here listen to the state of the union address?
I was really busy, washing dishes, organizing my sock drawer.
Did he do anything worse than complaining that refrigerators losing jobs?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hey otc
This is what made the news.
Biden heckled during State of the Union address
He was boo'd and called a liar by his audience. No tomatoes thrown. Theater.
Snoopy mentioned he slurred thru his written speech. And something about
flipping burgers jobs?
question everything
Biden did well
and I'm not a huge fan.
Partway through I figured out the speech was very populist.
Bear in mind Biden can change 180 without missing a beat, just how he is.
He ad libbed and skewered Republicans. First he got them all denying they would cut SS and Medicare, booing and hissing on camera because he accused them of it, then made them all stand up for seniors and say they were unanimously agreed not to mess with it. Good theater.
He did a lot of kissing up to US industry. He was Joe from Scranton.
Best line, "the supply chain begins right here in the US" or words to that effect.
Lately the Rs have been reverting to their mean. Club for Growth etc. The big money Koch funded groups said they wouldn't fund Trump. If Trump runs populist, which means left on economics, and Biden works to outdo him, Trump will simply run more left. I'd love to see this campaign about left economics. Granted talk is cheap, but talking about it is much better than talking about some pronouns.
I only watched part way through, maybe a little more than half.
The downside is that this morning Biden is still a day older. I'm not at all sure he has another 6 years in him. How does one diplomatically get rid of Harris? Who would be as far left on economics as Biden? or more so.
Thanks for your analysis
I couldn't bear watching the old fool. At least he didn't drool.
Kamala can't quite seem to lose that smirk she wears.
Maybe a mask would make her look more serious?
question everything
Who would be as far left?
Try anyone. Biden's spent 50 years saying "we must CUT entitlements"(emphasis his) Just making it clear that when the time comes the Rs won't give up complaining about the FICA tax - then stealing from the SS Trust Fund.
On to Biden since 1973
To the republicans, anybody at all left of
Mussolini is "far left". Accordingly, Biden qualifies, if only as to his rhetoric as opposed to his actions.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
@doh1304 I'm all ears, and
There are just about none left who aren't too much the wokesters. No woke for my vote. Even Sanders shifted 180 on immigration and guns.
Just for grins I thought I'd fling some historical
geography into the pot this morning. In a separate tab or window open the following link. Note that, although it is a very linear terminus to the bold line in question, Bakhmut is seriously to the east of Poltava/Poltawa, though it is doubtful if the Ukies know, appreciate or understand any history before bandera.,+Pskov+Oblast,+Russ...@53.6163641,23.7043418,4z/data=!4m32!4m31!1m5!1m1!1s0x4694d60c0db8ec39:0xd2e94edd7596f102!2m2!1d27.5191232!2d58.3289481!1m5!1m1!1s0x46c0325394219f43:0xf772c64a71d7540f!2m2!1d28.167163!2d57.4526755!1m5!1m1!1s0x412f0375da12791b:0x9788ae489cd5e746!2m2!1d36.1947023!2d51.7482395!1m5!1m1!1s0x40d825e425e6ba6b:0xcf3e6bdfb9e4ca82!2m2!1d34.5514169!2d49.588267!1m5!1m1!1s0x40dfe61bf724c5a7:0xa398e255ecbfeec2!2m2!1d37.9980367!2d48.5986674!3e0!5m1!1e4
be well and have a good one
edit - corrected bakhnut to bakhmut and other spel errs
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Makes sense
From the Baltic to the Black seas seems like a sensible travel route. Just add Mariupol
south of Donetsk and you are there.
thanks for posting
question everything
Baltic to Black Sea was an important trade route and
A lot of folk were greatly displeased by the Rus' control thereof.
Also, Poltava is pretty much due North of the Crimean Peninsula, the home of the Crimean Khanate, a slaver state that considered themselves to be the heirs of the Golden Horde until they attacked Moscow and were subsequently reduced to a Russian Vassal and then part of Russia, pissing off the Ottomans, etc. but that is another story.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The Russians have an expression...
Speaking of Poltava - that references some history worth remembering - the defeat there of the Swedes and their Ukrainian and Cossack allies in 1709.
One of many Russian pogovorka (погово́рка): «(Пропал), как швед под Полтавой». '(Gone) like a Swede near (at/from) Poltava.
Meaning, variously - 'totally vanished/eliminated with no prospect of reappearance' or (minus the 'gone' part) to mean something like 'totally screwed'...
Good catchphrase, the surviving Swedes ran
away and hid out with the Ottomans.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Another author for understanding state secrets on Substack
beginning today - Seymour Hersh. Some of you probably followed his writings on United States war crimes in Vietnam and Iraqi.
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline Substack Seymour Hersh Feb 8, 2023
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
An auspicious first SubStack piece for Hersh
and yet something in me smells a rat. The information and access Hersh enjoys can only exist if, on some level, if there is some reciprocal benefit to both ‘leaker’ and ‘exposer’. A couple of months ago this piece, emphasizing the US’s direct involvement in the sabotage would have been unthinkable. Now, with the imminent fall of Bakmut, a cooling of NATO support and the seemingly inevitable defeat of Ukranian forces looming, the US will be looking for distractions.
For months the US and it’s collection of lapdogs has been looking to provoke or goad Russia into an escalation. Now, thanks to this Hersh piece, Russia will be expected to respond to this “act of war” or look ‘weak’. I doubt that Russia will be sidetracked by this, but I do think the mainstream news cycle will do what it usually does with its Mighty Wurlitzer and keep the public entertained while the Ukraine gambit crumbles in the background, and the US fuckery pivots to China.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
With revelations like this it is hard to imagine that there is
something fishy about this bombshell.
So much inside information is revealed.
That fishy smell is Stoltenberg
How to overcome the weak little guy syndrome. If the Norwegians fear Russia so much,
they can't back down the bear or pretend to control it. NATO expands their options.
Short sighted maneuver. Attacking another country's property is asking for trouble.
Unfortunately for Norway, NATO will not be enough to protect them.
thanks for the connections!
question everything
As this is live I do not know what is being discussed.
Two rats having a pow wow.
short synopsis
according to Blinken Russia is losing
and Ukraine is getting stronger
question everything
Spposedly leaks have been used
to get presidents to give up on some psychotic ideas - Shrub and Trump have been recent examples - and Hersch has been in the story several times.
On to Biden since 1973
Russia knew the basics
of what happened and stated as much publicly soon after the attack - doubt if they will let themselves be distracted (for now, anyway) much from their more immediate goals of winning on the ground.
FWIW (this was discussed on today's 'Redacted' program) Biden and Victoria Nuland both made very public statements to the effect that they were going to make sure the Nordstream II didn't happen - so they can make a case for it not having been 'covert' ('Hey, we *said* we were going to stop it!').
As the Hersch article goes into also - they used regular Navy resources rather than those coming under the Special Operations Command - which gave them a BS legal workaround to avoid giving prior notice to the so-called 'Gang of Eight' congresscritter heads of the intelligence committees.
Talk about disgusting: bi-partisan warmongers going on about how vital it was to stop Nordstream - like it was ever any of our business...
"No Russian ever called me misogynist white supremacist nazi."
Me - (with apologies to Muhammed Ali)
(Vid link is to YT, but probably better to watch on and support Rumble)
It was pretty obvious from the observation teams
how that pipeline was attacked. The tricky bit was to politically distance themselves from
admitting guilt. So all we got at first was Russia. Then the intelligence agencies walked
that back s few steps, no it wasn't Russia that destroyed their own pipeline in spite.
The official narrative is now swinging around to, oh maybe Poland? Hersh opened a
big can of worms by stating the obvious. US and their vassal Norway. Both countries
have $$$ to gain from that little plight. And hurt Russia. But the EU suffers. Hmm
question everything
Thanks soe for sharing this post
It does fit with revelations at the time. The fact that Scholz went along with it is strange.
He must have known the damage to his country's energy market would be severe.
A very stupid ploy by the Sullivan group - Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the State
and Treasury Departments. It is what we come to expect from the dying empire.
question everything
This is an example of how investigating reporting should be
done instead of the drivel coming from the lapdog stenographers in the MSM.
It is time well spent to read the article in its entirety.
I can't remember
However, I will read this article, and appreciate soe for sharing this.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Better read it fast before it mysteriously disappears. NT
I looked up some info on him.
But, sometimes he did some history-making journalism.
I may have time to read it if my client doesn't show up for his appointment. We seem to be in quite a thunderstorm at present.
I dressed for a high of 72 degrees. Not for the low of 41 degrees.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
In other news we see what Zelensky does best.
That is begging for more weapons.
Helmhuht heads. Fly the Ukie skies united.
question everything
Poor Pelosi. LOL
She only got a Ukrainian flag.
Perhaps a helmet would be more appropriate
to protect her head as she stumbles off the stage?
musical interlude - trouble no mo
question everything
Nice musical interlude
An interlude can be
and so you are spot on as the political theatre [thanks to you] gets a great Muddy Waters interlude. I do love the older Muddy Waters recordings...but I can't listen to the repulsive congresscritter theatre so thanks for the great tune!
guess you got the association
goodbye baby, meaning Pelosi, you ain't gonna trouble me no mo
question everything
Another fine musician,
this one born in Irkutsk, was apparently bared from performing at the music festival of Bergamo/Bresica because of the festival organizer's objections to free speech and/or free ideas.
[h/t commenter at NC]
The Collective West seems to be in a full-on embrace of McCarthyism and blacklisting. So much for Europe being a vibrant, diverse, open-to-all, cultural Mecca. It is increasingly turning into a place of censorship and authoritarianism.
Unfortunately we have the same situation here;
Thanks for the OT and the Ludovico Einaudi piece. Hope all is well up there in the North country.
A double dose of great Russian artists below.
wow, the piano is amazing
is that performer on speed or what?
they will never 'cancel culture' of these sorts
question everything
wow, so wonderful to listen to that performer and music
So glad you enjoyed it
Young orchestra, young pianist,
Nice way to end my evening.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Happy you enjoyed it
They punish the world's finest
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Both Russia and Ukraine have immensely talented musicians
and athletes, thinkers, writers, spiritual leaders, tradesmen, inventors ...
This whole discussion of dividing the Eastern European sub-states into
political battle fields is a slap in the face to world culture.
question everything
I remember watching a piano concert
I cry every time I watch this. My Mom and I cried when we watched it on tv. Live.
I am crying now.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981