A Change is Gonna Come

Yesterday the Media was filled with 60+ Russian Soldiers killed by HIMARS missiles and this tragedy was confirmed by Moscow.

How much media coverage do you think this large loss of life 120 soldiers last night in Drukhkaovka will get?

I'm guessing very little to none.

That is because Russian military victories have been happening daily and Ukrainian victories are questionable and few and far between.

The New York Daily News, in its editorial today, January 3, gave advice to all sectors of the USA. Its comments on Foreign Policy were:

"On foreign policy, they (the Democratic and Republican lawmakers) must mind the gap (between their views) and lean toward taking a far harder line against China while easing up on Vladimir Putin's Russia."

Here it comes. The Pullback. Fallback. Beginning of the Retreat. Give it a name that you like.

Saigon, 1975. Kabul 2021. Kiev, sooner than the Fight to the Last Ukrainian nonsense we are meant to swallow.

The profits must be dwindling and a new reason to bamboozle the US population as conditions for ordinary American worsen has been decided on.

Buckle up.

Can the Times really be Changing?

25 users have voted.


QMS's picture

wasn't it 'peace with honor' in the words of tricky dick?
perhaps the arms pushers are getting the idea that the
big pay-back ain't gonna happen already

so the propaganda machine is working on a new meme
to mesh with the coming china war

try 'noble sacrifice' or 'saving the soul of democracy'

or maybe, they have flogged the ukrainian BS to death
covering their loss of the 'upper hand' in the affair?

11 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

As Alex says, the west has no reverse gear. Their trick is to distract with other issues, perhaps the economic crisis or China, and let Ukraine fall into a memory hole like Vietnam or Afghanistan once the grift has played out (and Ukraine has lost).

The reason in my mind they're playing up this successful Ukrainian strike (perhaps their most effective to date) is to keep the grift going.

Alex talked about it this morning in his lede.
Russia MOD missile statement. Ursula calls Elensky, promises money. Bday tweet upsets Poland PM.

16 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout explaining the important points. He quotes the Brian Berletic video we were talking about yesterday as well as what we are saying today.

8 users have voted.


QMS's picture


interesting perspective

helping and overtaking are two different beasts

thanks for sharing the link

4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Cassiodorus's picture

about Ukraine. I don't really know. I don't watch television, and the so-called "mainstream media" threw in the towel on truth, for all to see, in the 2003 run-up to the Iraq war.

I tend to think nothing has changed since the publication of Susan Watkins' NLR editorial "Five Wars In One," appearing in the September/ October issue of last year. As Watkins points out, US aid hasn't given Ukraine a "knock-out advantage" (14) in the war. The Powers That Be in this country seem largely interested in dragging it out as a for-profit war. It's a replacement for the pointlessness of twenty years of Afghanistan war.

Russian attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure make one wonder what their motive is. What will be left to win in the end? Are they now about "if we can't have it then nobody can"?

I really don't know what motivates rank-and-file Ukraine supporters. The government currently in power in Ukraine is clearly a gang of late-capitalist bourgeois neoliberal kleptocrats. I suppose all of the bandying-about of terms like "Nazi" and "fascist" is to keep people motivated. But to all appearances, the only principle left, the only principle that really commands the attentions of elites in an era of intensifying abrupt climate change, is "grab what you can while there's still something to grab."

10 users have voted.

"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

@Cassiodorus @Cassiodorus is the safety of her sovereign country.

Which means protecting the borders against US/NATO interventions and the bombing going on in the Donbas since 2014.

The goals of Putin were set out clearly on February 24, 2022 and there has not been any deviation from or mystery about what has happened since then.

24 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

Have you ever played poker with a novice? I am talking about the person who does not understand the concept of a poker face. The rookie is dealt a hand of five card stud and breaks into a wide grin accompanied by a face flushed red as he or she gazes on at a full house. Only one teeny problem — the poker master on the other side of the table is holding four aces.

That is what happened today as Ukraine and the West reacted to news, confirmed by Russia’s own Ministry of Defense, that a U.S. Himars hit an improvised barracks of Russian soldiers and killed at least 63. Why the big deal? We have been told repeatedly over the last 8 months that Russia is suffering catastrophic casualties. What makes this so special and deserving of so much attention?

The answer is simple — this is the first time since the war started in February 2022 that Russia has suffered more than 50 casualties in one engagement in one day. How do I know? Because the Russian telegram channels lit up immediately when this happened. This is the first time I have seen that kind of reaction from the Russian side in the last 10 months.

The reaction to this missile attack highlights the stark contrast between Russia and Ukraine. The spokesman for the Russian MOD freely and frankly admitted to the “success” of the Ukrainian strike while the Ukrainian military — which is losing at least 200 men every day — covers up their losses and insists they are beating the hell out of Russia. The Ukrainians have told so many lies over the course of the last 10 months — e.g. the Ghost of Kiev, capturing a Russian border outpost, shooting down all Russian cruise missiles, driving the Russians out of Kherson, etc. — that this successful missile strike finally gave them something real they could celebrate.

But this attack is a lie. It was not carried out by highly trained Ukrainian troops sitting on an ample supply of Himars. This was done with Western supplied intelligence that identified the troop concentration and provided the coordinates for launching a precision strike. Moreover, it is highly likely that NATO troops were helping operate the Himar system. This attack actually is a sign of Ukrainian and Western desperation. It changes nothing in terms of the strategic picture.

The Saker beat me to it in making the correct observation that there is more to this Himars attack than the destruction of a company of Russian troops:

Shitlibs rejoiced with glee when they got news of the attack on the Russians. Except they said that it was 600 Russian orcs that got dead. They are so ghoulish when anything happens to Russians. It’s too bad that they missed Ukrainians celebrating Bandera’s 114th birthday. You might know him as the Nazi who was so insane that Germany stuck his buttocks in prison for most of the war.

There can be "no nuances" when it comes to the glorification of WWII Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera in Ukraine, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told a press conference on Monday. Warsaw would not show any leniency to those who "do not want" to recognize "terrible crimes" committed by Ukrainian nationalists against Poles during WWII, he added.

"We are extremely critical, very, very negative towards any glorification or even reminders of Bandera," Morawiecki said, commenting on a Twitter post by the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovnaya Rada, celebrating what would have been the 114th birthday of the head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), an ultranationalist group that existed during WWII and had its own paramilitary wing, known as the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).

In the post, which was later deleted amid outcries from Poland, Israel and the US, the Ukrainian parliament cited Bandera as having said that "the complete and supreme victory of Ukrainian nationalism will be when the Russian Empire ceases to exist." The Rada then said that the modern Ukrainian Armed Forces chief, General Valery Zaluzhny, is "well aware" of Bandera’s "instructions." The general himself was featured in another tweet, pictured with a large Bandera portrait in the background.

The world once fought a war to wipe out the Nazis, but now a lot of the same players are once again supporting them just like they did before they fought them. Oye…will humans EVER learn?

19 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg of the essay you posted and your comments afterwards.

Learn? About something other than Profit-making? Dubious, at best.

9 users have voted.


ggersh's picture

than Russia has almost spent in the last 2 years on the military

more money.....meaningless, except for the grifters


13 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

This whole thing gets more disgusting by the day. I don't understand how any thinking person could do anything but condemn this war. I have no love for Putin at all, but to think war is happening bc of "imperialist Russian aggression," is patently false. When you point out the bombing and deaths in the donbas region since 2014, there is no excuse for that. That is not propaganda, it's documented fact that it was occurring. I can't believe that people are this blind (willfully?) I don't know...


15 users have voted.

If it was easy, everyone would do it.

@Crazytimes (mostly) reality based community.

10 users have voted.


QMS's picture


to be blind is coupled with the propaganda campaigns enacted
to blur the truth. The myths created for the masses to accept these
false narratives is justified by the empire's wish to dominate
the global functioning of power and commerce.

replace social health with shiny new toys, it seems to be working
distraction and entertainment now takes the place of thought and
action. It seems to be a passive acceptance of the consequences.

13 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture


the 2014 coup and the amount of bloodshed that came from it. Tell them about it and they say that’s just Russian propaganda. And they cheer for the deaths every time Ukraine bombs kill civilians. Like I said it’s ghoulish. In the essay I posted and others it’s criminal that people aren’t being told the truth about how the war is going and being told that Ukraine is kicking Russian ass. It’s going to be interesting to see how they spin it when Russia wins and Ukraine has to accept their terms for peace.

15 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

usefewersyllables's picture

(and somewhat amazing) that the Russians are resolutely standing by their stated intention to not shoot directly at US servicemen. That may end when the Patriot missile systems are installed, unless the Army fires all those Patriot operators and maintenance people and lets Blackwater hire them as mercenaries. I don't think that the Ukranian army has people who are waiting in the wings for that training. Maybe we'll just send some of the Israelis that we've already trained, for them to "demilitarize".

The Russians are comfortable (at the moment) simply blowing up the depots where foreign arms are mustered. The next level will be when they start actively shooting down transport aircraft and/or sinking ships, based upon the fact that they carry war materiel that will inevitably be used against them.

I wonder if Blackwater would like to buy a few C-17s or C-5Ms to haul shit around? We don't seem to mind throwing hardware away.

And once again, I wonder who the *hell* thought that getting into this state of affairs was a good idea...

15 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture


yeah, having the recon to blow away arms depots while awaiting
shipment to the battlefield is helpful, but having to fight a never
ending influx of foreign armaments is not a good situation to be in.

Taking out the ships and planes bringing in more war supplies will get
a bit tricky from the Rus standpoint, as they are still trying to abide by
international standards of engagement. That may soon change.

8 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@usefewersyllables Most recent estimate is that none will be arriving in UKR before 2024.

Lots of sound and fury about Patriot missiles. Not an immediate concern.

10 users have voted.


Seems the Polish leadership is insane. They are basically mobilization up to 200K soldiers. Not big enough to directly take on the Russians in Eastern Ukraine but big enough to stay far away in the Western part of the country.

I think they will definitely go in before the 2024 American election to make Biden/democrats look like the war president/party much like the gop after 9/11.

8 users have voted.
QMS's picture


Poland agreed to 'host' US military installations without much fanfare at the time
but I do remember that episode as being a harbinger for bad times ahead
zillions of US investment in arms, bases and troops, plus infiltration of the
government by CIA and black ops. What could possibly go wrong?
That will be the shift to dismember Ukraine in the western sections.

10 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

war in Ukraine and it isn't altruistic.


US weapons sales to NATO states nearly doubled in number and value in 2022, Foreign Policy magazine reported on Thursday. With the conflict in Ukraine draining European military stockpiles, the top US arms merchants have all seen their share prices skyrocket.

The US government approved 14 major US weapons sales to NATO members in 2021, totalling around $15.5 billion, the magazine stated, citing an analysis of Pentagon figures. By the end of 2022, it had approved 24 sales worth roughly $28 billion.

While some of these deals were negotiated years beforehand, Russia’s military operation in Ukraine sent NATO’s European members scrambling to bump up their military spending, and to replenish vehicles, weapons, and ammunition donated to the Ukrainian military.

Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia have all ordered HIMARS Multiple-Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS), the same systems the US has given dozens of to Ukraine. Earlier this month, the US State Department authorized the sale of 116 M1A1 Abrams tanks to Poland, after Warsaw sent its Soviet-era T-72 and domestically-made PT-91 tanks to Kiev’s forces.

Amid the rush to arm Ukraine, European and American arms stockpiles are running low, according to media reports and admissions by top officials.

In addition to the arms sold to its allies, the US has also allocated more than $110 billion in military and economic aid to Kiev since February, with approximately $21 billion worth of weapons transported to Ukraine as of December 21.

The US’ four largest defense contractors are all ending the year with their stock at or near all-time highs. Lockheed Martin’s share price is currently up 37% from this time last year. Boeing’s stock, which had taken a hammering since the Coronavirus pandemic grounded flights worldwide, has been buoyed by the conflict in Ukraine and now sits roughly where it did a year ago.

Raytheon has seen its share price rise by 17% this year, while General Dynamics has increased in value by 18%.

The success of these companies is so intertwined with the demand for weapons in Ukraine that Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Pratt & Whitney, and Lockheed Martin all sponsored a reception at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, DC earlier this month, causing controversy when they emblazoned their logos on the invitations.

12 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

The Main Underlying Reasons of the Conflict in Ukraine

Leaving aside the lofty narratives appealing to the psychological sensitivity of the Western masses, who must fulfill their prescribed role of approval, let us look at the real causes, the underlying pillars of the new confrontation in the general framework of the survival of the United States of America: the conflict in Ukraine.

These underlying, interdependent pillars are three in number:

• Maintaining the global dominance of the U.S. financial system,
• weakening the economy of the European Union through the maximum destruction of relations between Russia and the EU
• and a significant weakening of Russia’s position in the framework of the future conflict with China.

All other elements of the current conflict in Ukraine, from the American side, such as the lobbying of the American military industry, the conquest of new energy markets, the protection of significant American economic assets on Ukrainian territory, corruption schemes, personal revanchism of Russophobic American elites, those from Eastern European immigration and many others—seem to me only as additions, derivatives and consequences of the three listed main reasons.

It is no historical coincidence that the military budget, called “defense budget,” of the United States alone exceeds one-third of world defense spending, a crucial element in maintaining financial dominance on a global scale.

The concept of survival at the expense of world domination was clearly articulated at the end of the Cold War by Paul Wolfowitz, the US Under Secretary of Defense, in his so-called Wolfowitz Doctrine, which viewed the United States as the only remaining superpower in the world and whose main goal was to maintain that status: “to prevent the reappearance of a new rival either in the former Soviet Union or elsewhere that would be a threat to the order previously represented by the Soviet Union.”

The global dominance of the US financial system is based on a number of elements, chief among them the extraterritoriality of US law, US treasury bonds, and the petrodollar.

It is absolutely impossible to know or understand the true reasons, not only for the events in Ukraine, but also for almost all wars initiated directly by the United States of America, without an accurate vision of the aforementioned elements. So, let us look at them in detail.

The Dollar and the Extraterritoriality of American Law as a Weapon of Economic Warfare

The concept of extraterritoriality of American law is the application of American law outside the borders of the United States, allowing American judges to litigate facts occurring anywhere in the world.

The main element used as a pretext for prosecution is the fact that U.S. national currency is used in transactions.

Thus, the legal mechanisms of the extraterritoriality of U.S. law provide U.S. companies with a serious competitive advantage. Totally illegal from the point of view of international commercial law, but quite legal from the point of view of U.S. law.

How does it work?

I rearranged the order just a bit…. But what will it take for Americans to wake the hell up and see what America’s true goals are with its obscene military budgets and why it’s important to keep Americans in a daily struggle for life so that they don’t see the truth behind their military actions? It sure seems like most Americans have forgotten all the unprovoked military actions that their country has been involved in going back to Vietnam, the horrifying Iraq invasion and the 20 years of wasting men and innocent civilians lives and trillions of dollars that lined a few people’s pockets whilst their own lives were traumatically affected. Oops I feel a rant coming on…if I keep going I might not stop.

10 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Cassiodorus's picture

@snoopydawg about the author of this piece, "Oleg Nesterenko."

It appears that from Google there is more than one Oleg Nesterenko in the world. And that there are people who are not named Oleg Nesterenko are calling themselves that. This is of course not surprising, as the world holds billions of people.

Also, if you do a search "European Trade and Industry Center" "Oleg Nesterenko" you will see five (5) entries, and no more. A refinement will eventually lead you to the search "centre de commerce et d'Industrie européen" site:c-cie.eu which has 44 entries. Here is a connected website.

What have you found so far?

4 users have voted.

"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

...The Czechs have (apparently it's some kind of artillery unit) called a Vampire???

Say what you will about Eastern Europe, but sometimes it freakin' rocks.

2 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!