"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
their jobs due to refusing to get the vaccine "passport". Some who did get the passport, lost their health due to adverse effects of the vaccine. In both instances, legislating a mandatory vaccine was criminal. The result is that the public health system is in ruins and the people who demanded these mandates are discredited beyond redemption.
their jobs due to refusing to get the vaccine "passport". Some who did get the passport, lost their health due to adverse effects of the vaccine. In both instances, legislating a mandatory vaccine was criminal. The result is that the public health system is in ruins and the people who demanded these mandates are discredited beyond redemption.
12 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Deals are made on the side before most issues go before the courts.
Hit 'em with a strong enough suit, we'll see how duplicitous the
contracts are. Gotta be holes in there somewhere?
Deals are made on the side before most issues go before the courts.
Hit 'em with a strong enough suit, we'll see how duplicitous the
contracts are. Gotta be holes in there somewhere?
not civil. They have immunity that shields them from getting successfully sued for dollar damages. They cannot be shielded from criminal prosecution.
But, a corporation can't go to the pen. It would be necessary to prosecute individuals within the manufacturers and distribution planners for crimes. It is likely, maybe even mandatory, depending on the jurisdiction, that upon finding of guilt, reparations must be paid to the victims to make them "whole".
@on the cusp
, thanks for that. I appreciate your expertise.
#2.1.1 not civil. They have immunity that shields them from getting successfully sued for dollar damages. They cannot be shielded from criminal prosecution.
But, a corporation can't go to the pen. It would be necessary to prosecute individuals within the manufacturers and distribution planners for crimes. It is likely, maybe even mandatory, depending on the jurisdiction, that upon finding of guilt, reparations must be paid to the victims to make them "whole".
the proper term is "restitution", restoring the victim back to "whole". The term "reparation", is essentially the same meaning, but not used in the criminal justice system.
Sorry. My bad.
# , thanks for that. I appreciate your expertise.
2 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp
, you went to bed and dreamed of legal term definitions, while I went to bed and thought about 'the speed of science'. Who said that blogs can't make a difference or help effect change? Proof positive right there. At the very least our blog impacted our neural synapses. Change can begin
right there, in our brain cells...so sky's the limit... I say. Who knows?
Restitution, got it. Thks for the clarification.
# the proper term is "restitution", restoring the victim back to "whole". The term "reparation", is essentially the same meaning, but not used in the criminal justice system.
Sorry. My bad.
Since it doesn’t block transmission and only ‘possibly' keeps people out of hospitals it should be clarified as a drug treatment just like fake-lovid which lets you have a double whammy of the Rona.
This news slipped out just after Pfizer had to release their papers, but this is a more solid confirmation. So why in gawd’s name is Biden still mandating it for the military?
I’m see people saying that they got both a booster (done on 8 mice) and their flu shot at the same time and I’d love to see the study that shows how safe that is. The ‘vaccines' for Covid lowers immunity for 2 weeks so isn’t it dumb to inject a virus during that time? If so then this might be the flu season from hell. Yes it’s a dead virus, but still. This should have been studied first IMO.
their jobs due to refusing to get the vaccine "passport". Some who did get the passport, lost their health due to adverse effects of the vaccine. In both instances, legislating a mandatory vaccine was criminal. The result is that the public health system is in ruins and the people who demanded these mandates are discredited beyond redemption.
9 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Watch as Pfizer executive Janine Small admits to EU parliament that Pfizer did not test the vaccine for preventing transmission of Covid prior to it being made available to the public.
Small says, “We had to really move at the speed of science..we had to do everything at risk.” pic.twitter.com/FvTn01zv3J
As quoted by The Blaze, the member of parliament specifically asked, “Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee?”
That’s when the executive admitted, on the record, that the vaccine mandates and passports imposed by governments worldwide were entirely unjustified:
“Regarding the question around, did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No.”
Small continued, saying that the company was moving too quickly to answer that extremely important question:
“These, um, you know, we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. And from that point of view, we had to do everything at risk.”
But she feels very good and says that Pfizer saved 4 million people. Seriously?
They had no idea if it’d work and then targeted every person who didn’t want to take their experimental gene therapy that had no long term safety information.
Remember Fauci, Walensky, Biden, Rachel, ect promising us that if we all got jabbed it would stop the epidemic in its tracks!
11 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Remember Fauci, Walensky, Biden, Rachel, ect promising us that if we all got jabbed it would stop the epidemic in its tracks!
I guess we have to keep posting those old videos of the vaccine cheerleaders lying to us. People have already forgotten.
Watch as Pfizer executive Janine Small admits to EU parliament that Pfizer did not test the vaccine for preventing transmission of Covid prior to it being made available to the public.
Small says, “We had to really move at the speed of science..we had to do everything at risk.” pic.twitter.com/FvTn01zv3J
As quoted by The Blaze, the member of parliament specifically asked, “Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee?”
That’s when the executive admitted, on the record, that the vaccine mandates and passports imposed by governments worldwide were entirely unjustified:
“Regarding the question around, did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No.”
Small continued, saying that the company was moving too quickly to answer that extremely important question:
“These, um, you know, we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. And from that point of view, we had to do everything at risk.”
But she feels very good and says that Pfizer saved 4 million people. Seriously?
They had no idea if it’d work and then targeted every person who didn’t want to take their experimental gene therapy that had no long term safety information.
Remember Fauci, Walensky, Biden, Rachel, ect promising us that if we all got jabbed it would stop the epidemic in its tracks!
1) member states are furious by the lack of transparency & #SMSgate 2) @AlbertBourla miscalculated that this was something he could skip. 3) The committee is ready to recommend consequences
, is referring to the secret contracts that were signed by various nations and Pfizer for these Covid vaccines.
For example, neither Pfizer nor the U.S. government can make “any public announcement concerning the existence, subject matter or terms of this Agreement, the transactions contemplated by it, or the relationship between the Pfizer and the Government hereunder, without the prior written consent of the other.”[28] The contract contains some exceptions for disclosures required by law. It is not clear from the public record whether Pfizer has elected to prohibit the U.S. from making any statements thus far. The E.C. cannot include in any announcement or disclosure the price per dose, the Q4 2020 volumes, or information that would be material to Pfizer without the consent of Pfizer.[29]
1) member states are furious by the lack of transparency & #SMSgate 2) @AlbertBourla miscalculated that this was something he could skip. 3) The committee is ready to recommend consequences
‘The world’s ten richest men more than doubled their fortunes from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion—at a rate of $15,000 per second or $1.3 billion a day—during the first two years of a pandemic that has seen the incomes of 99 percent of humanity fall and over 160 million more people forced into poverty.’”
WTF is "the speed of science"!?!?!?! I have spent my life as a hard-core amateur scientist, often hanging with real actual scientists. I have never heard the term. I have never heard of science being done at speed, or at say, the speed of light, or sound. Science is slow, it grinds on to find the truths. This is an up is down war is peace moment, and a disgusting caricature of what science is and how science works. It is blasphemy. Off with her head!
The problem goes to the top, Pfizers corporate capture of the media and politicians, as well as former regulators like the FDA (where was Gottleib before?) and CDC where the very definition of vaccine was changed, so they could call this one, and force it untested and unproven, with lies for all.
Anyone that uses the term 'speed of science' should be immediately instructed to put the science down and back away slowly.
Thanks for the post gg!
Have a great day all!
12 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
WTF is "the speed of science"!?!?!?! I have spent my life as a hard-core amateur scientist, often hanging with real actual scientists. I have never heard the term. I have never heard of science being done at speed, or at say, the speed of light, or sound. Science is slow, it grinds on to find the truths. This is an up is down war is peace moment, and a disgusting caricature of what science is and how science works. It is blasphemy. Off with her head!
The problem goes to the top, Pfizers corporate capture of the media and politicians, as well as former regulators like the FDA (where was Gottleib before?) and CDC where the very definition of vaccine was changed, so they could call this one, and force it untested and unproven, with lies for all.
Anyone that uses the term 'speed of science' should be immediately instructed to put the science down and back away slowly.
Thanks for the post gg!
Have a great day all!
12 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for that SD! That was great! My wife said he sounded like me on the speed of science... I explained that since he was making a video there was less profanity.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
I would have said, "what the fck is that?" Poor John has come a long way to the truth over the last 2 years and his reaction to her was priceless.
Glad you enjoyed it. I’d love to have been a fly on the wall in your house.
#6.1 Thanks for that SD! That was great! My wife said he sounded like me on the speed of science... I explained that since he was making a video there was less profanity.
5 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
, you're a naturalist. You can't have forgotten all the speedy scientific names of our common roadrunner. Surely he is an example of speedy science in action. Remember Velocitus incalcubili, Acceleratii incredibilis, Birdibus zippibus, Ultra-sonicus AD infinitum, Burn-em upus asphaltus, Disappearialis quickius, speedipus rex, Batoutahelius, and Hot-roddicus supersonicus?
This will jar your memory I'm sure;
WTF is "the speed of science"!?!?!?! I have spent my life as a hard-core amateur scientist, often hanging with real actual scientists. I have never heard the term. I have never heard of science being done at speed, or at say, the speed of light, or sound. Science is slow, it grinds on to find the truths. This is an up is down war is peace moment, and a disgusting caricature of what science is and how science works. It is blasphemy. Off with her head!
The problem goes to the top, Pfizers corporate capture of the media and politicians, as well as former regulators like the FDA (where was Gottleib before?) and CDC where the very definition of vaccine was changed, so they could call this one, and force it untested and unproven, with lies for all.
Anyone that uses the term 'speed of science' should be immediately instructed to put the science down and back away slowly.
Thanks Rand! That was great... of course I loved those as a kid... and had forgotten most. We used lots of binomials around the house in my youth, as my dad was trying to get a degree in zoology. So, Homo stupidicus and H.ignoramus were common apparently. The family '64 VW microbus had "Herpeton I" stenciled on the side, which means "slow moving creature".
Interesting was that in the Woody the Woodpecker cartoons, which I am sure you will be surprised to find were my other favorite besides the roadrunner, the binomial that was given for Woody was the unbelievable Campephilus principalis. Which is aka 'the Lord God Bird', aka the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. Freiling had to know... Now considered extinct, there were some still out there though when he did that.
thanks brother!
#6, you're a naturalist. You can't have forgotten all the speedy scientific names of our common roadrunner. Surely he is an example of speedy science in action. Remember Velocitus incalcubili, Acceleratii incredibilis, Birdibus zippibus, Ultra-sonicus AD infinitum, Burn-em upus asphaltus, Disappearialis quickius, speedipus rex, Batoutahelius, and Hot-roddicus supersonicus?
This will jar your memory I'm sure;
9 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
, about your family's "binomial" vocabulary.
There's a song about the Ivory-billed woodpecker;
#6.2 Thanks Rand! That was great... of course I loved those as a kid... and had forgotten most. We used lots of binomials around the house in my youth, as my dad was trying to get a degree in zoology. So, Homo stupidicus and H.ignoramus were common apparently. The family '64 VW microbus had "Herpeton I" stenciled on the side, which means "slow moving creature".
Interesting was that in the Woody the Woodpecker cartoons, which I am sure you will be surprised to find were my other favorite besides the roadrunner, the binomial that was given for Woody was the unbelievable Campephilus principalis. Which is aka 'the Lord God Bird', aka the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. Freiling had to know... Now considered extinct, there were some still out there though when he did that.
Speed of science? What the heck does that even mean?
WTF is "the speed of science"!?!?!?! I have spent my life as a hard-core amateur scientist, often hanging with real actual scientists. I have never heard the term. I have never heard of science being done at speed, or at say, the speed of light, or sound. Science is slow, it grinds on to find the truths. This is an up is down war is peace moment, and a disgusting caricature of what science is and how science works. It is blasphemy. Off with her head!
The problem goes to the top, Pfizers corporate capture of the media and politicians, as well as former regulators like the FDA (where was Gottleib before?) and CDC where the very definition of vaccine was changed, so they could call this one, and force it untested and unproven, with lies for all.
Anyone that uses the term 'speed of science' should be immediately instructed to put the science down and back away slowly.
Thanks for the post gg!
Have a great day all!
2 users have voted.
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
What people interpreted? Are you effing kidding me?
Dr. Fauci on CNBC Host: "I wonder whether you felt there had been a communication error..." Fauci: "Well I think it was the question of what people interpreted..." pic.twitter.com/H1O63IAlez
My view of Fauci is very much more dark after I learned what he did during the AIDS epidemic. He should have been fired and charged then. History will not be kind to him.
as the need to erase qualified studies? Fauci is corrupt, yet he still has the mike. Like Bolton,
these are the faces of contempt for humanity.
What people interpreted? Are you effing kidding me?
Dr. Fauci on CNBC Host: "I wonder whether you felt there had been a communication error..." Fauci: "Well I think it was the question of what people interpreted..." pic.twitter.com/H1O63IAlez
My view of Fauci is very much more dark after I learned what he did during the AIDS epidemic. He should have been fired and charged then. History will not be kind to him.
The FDA just authorized boosters for kids as young as 5.
These bivalent COVID-19 vaccines include an mRNA component of the original strain to provide an immune response that is broadly protective against COVID-19and an mRNA component in common between the omicron variant BA.4 and BA.5 lineages to provide better protection against COVID-19 caused by the omicron variant. The mRNA in these vaccines is a specific piece of genetic material that instructs cells in the body to make the distinctive “spike” protein of the original virus strain and the omicron variant lineages BA.4 and BA.5. The spike proteins of BA.4 and BA.5 are identical.
Most horrifying is the blatant admission that this never-ending “emergency” EUA poison induces endogenous spike protein production which is cytotoxic and unlike the actual virus turns the genetically modified human into a spike protein factory. (The Modified mRNA “vaccine” swaps out the uracil component of naturally occurring mRNA which lasts around 2 minutes with pseudouridine which lasts indefinitely, and as such indefinitely provides the ribosomes with instructions to continuously crank out the deadly spike protein into the trillions.)
11 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not even on baby mice. Nope they just used the test results from their testing on 8 adult mice. I can’t believe that they did this today after what broke yesterday. They are just laughing at us. If this doesn’t show people how corrupt the FDA is I don’t know what would.
The FDA just authorized boosters for kids as young as 5.
These bivalent COVID-19 vaccines include an mRNA component of the original strain to provide an immune response that is broadly protective against COVID-19and an mRNA component in common between the omicron variant BA.4 and BA.5 lineages to provide better protection against COVID-19 caused by the omicron variant. The mRNA in these vaccines is a specific piece of genetic material that instructs cells in the body to make the distinctive “spike” protein of the original virus strain and the omicron variant lineages BA.4 and BA.5. The spike proteins of BA.4 and BA.5 are identical.
Most horrifying is the blatant admission that this never-ending “emergency” EUA poison induces endogenous spike protein production which is cytotoxic and unlike the actual virus turns the genetically modified human into a spike protein factory. (The Modified mRNA “vaccine” swaps out the uracil component of naturally occurring mRNA which lasts around 2 minutes with pseudouridine which lasts indefinitely, and as such indefinitely provides the ribosomes with instructions to continuously crank out the deadly spike protein into the trillions.)
10 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That they did not test for whether it could block transmission strongly suggests that it was not designed to do so.
The first clue I noticed way back when was the boast that it would prevent infection from covid AND reduce your symptoms if you caught it. That contradiction went right past our utterly corrupt and insane society as if it made any sense at all. Early on a cutesy term appeared to explain the growing number of vaxx failures -- the "break-through case." Another handy label was "leaky" vaccine, as though the millions of "cases" all around the world among the jabbed were just exceptions to the rule of vaccine efficacy.
PFizer never made any bones about it. In a conference call with investors in March of 2021, early in the get-vaxxed game, they boasted that they expected to sell their vaccine injections indefinitely. They gleefully proclaimed their scientific belief that the pandemic would transform into an endemic condition. While the world was assuming that the jabs would end the pandemic, Pfizer was planning on the disease never going away:
Frank A. D'Amelio - Pfizer Inc. - CFO & Executive VP of Global Supply
Let me hit 2 different parts of that. I think one was just, I'll call it, kind of the enduring -- kind of the durability of the franchise, which is what I kind of heard in the first part of the question. And then pricing, I thought I heard in the second part of your question. So let me hit on both of those, see if I cover each of those.
So in terms of, I'll call it, the business going forward, although we're not certain, based on everything we've seen to date, we believe it's becoming increasingly likely that an annual revaccination is going to take place. And we believe that, that's going to take place for the foreseeable future, most likely a single dose, but that's what we see based on what we've seen to date. And not as -- so we don't see this as a onetime event, but we see this as something that's going to continue for the foreseeable future.
Now in terms of pricing, let me see if I can hit on that. So if you look at how current demand and current pricing is being driven, it's clearly not being driven by what I'll call normal market conditions, normal market forces. It's really been driven by kind of the pandemic state that we've been in and the needs of governments to really secure doses from the various vaccine suppliers. So what we believe, what I believe is as we move from a pandemic state, from a pandemic situation to an endemic situation, normal market forces, normal market conditions will start to kick in. And factors like efficacy, booster ability, clinical utility will basically become very important, and we view that as, quite frankly, a significant opportunity for our vaccine from a demand perspective, from a pricing perspective, given the clinical profile of our vaccine. So clearly, more to come here. But we think as this shifts from pandemic to endemic, we think there's an opportunity here for us.
I am one of the people who caught on to the bullshit and lost several years of productive activity in my profession because of the craziness loosed in the world by bullshit from scam artists.
11 users have voted.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
If you wanted to get into an educated debate about the pros and cons with almost
anyone who was applying pressure to 'just get vaxxed', all of the talking points were
already established, broadcast and accepted as virgin truth. Cause the science says so!
Unfortunately, almost everyone was so brainwashed by then that reasoning and analytic
thought processes were swept out the window. It is an embarrassment to realize most
people will do what they are told without questioning. I sure caught a lot of grief for just
saying no. And that was before the basic truths started to slip out. How do people
justify pressuring their family and friends to get on the band wagon, now that it is
plain that the whole fear induced solution was a crock? Hope it opened some minds.
That they did not test for whether it could block transmission strongly suggests that it was not designed to do so.
The first clue I noticed way back when was the boast that it would prevent infection from covid AND reduce your symptoms if you caught it. That contradiction went right past our utterly corrupt and insane society as if it made any sense at all. Early on a cutesy term appeared to explain the growing number of vaxx failures -- the "break-through case." Another handy label was "leaky" vaccine, as though the millions of "cases" all around the world among the jabbed were just exceptions to the rule of vaccine efficacy.
PFizer never made any bones about it. In a conference call with investors in March of 2021, early in the get-vaxxed game, they boasted that they expected to sell their vaccine injections indefinitely. They gleefully proclaimed their scientific belief that the pandemic would transform into an endemic condition. While the world was assuming that the jabs would end the pandemic, Pfizer was planning on the disease never going away:
Frank A. D'Amelio - Pfizer Inc. - CFO & Executive VP of Global Supply
Let me hit 2 different parts of that. I think one was just, I'll call it, kind of the enduring -- kind of the durability of the franchise, which is what I kind of heard in the first part of the question. And then pricing, I thought I heard in the second part of your question. So let me hit on both of those, see if I cover each of those.
So in terms of, I'll call it, the business going forward, although we're not certain, based on everything we've seen to date, we believe it's becoming increasingly likely that an annual revaccination is going to take place. And we believe that, that's going to take place for the foreseeable future, most likely a single dose, but that's what we see based on what we've seen to date. And not as -- so we don't see this as a onetime event, but we see this as something that's going to continue for the foreseeable future.
Now in terms of pricing, let me see if I can hit on that. So if you look at how current demand and current pricing is being driven, it's clearly not being driven by what I'll call normal market conditions, normal market forces. It's really been driven by kind of the pandemic state that we've been in and the needs of governments to really secure doses from the various vaccine suppliers. So what we believe, what I believe is as we move from a pandemic state, from a pandemic situation to an endemic situation, normal market forces, normal market conditions will start to kick in. And factors like efficacy, booster ability, clinical utility will basically become very important, and we view that as, quite frankly, a significant opportunity for our vaccine from a demand perspective, from a pricing perspective, given the clinical profile of our vaccine. So clearly, more to come here. But we think as this shifts from pandemic to endemic, we think there's an opportunity here for us.
I am one of the people who caught on to the bullshit and lost several years of productive activity in my profession because of the craziness loosed in the world by bullshit from scam artists.
11 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
That they did not test for whether it could block transmission strongly suggests that it was not designed to do so.
The first clue I noticed way back when was the boast that it would prevent infection from covid AND reduce your symptoms if you caught it. That contradiction went right past our utterly corrupt and insane society as if it made any sense at all. Early on a cutesy term appeared to explain the growing number of vaxx failures -- the "break-through case." Another handy label was "leaky" vaccine, as though the millions of "cases" all around the world among the jabbed were just exceptions to the rule of vaccine efficacy.
PFizer never made any bones about it. In a conference call with investors in March of 2021, early in the get-vaxxed game, they boasted that they expected to sell their vaccine injections indefinitely. They gleefully proclaimed their scientific belief that the pandemic would transform into an endemic condition. While the world was assuming that the jabs would end the pandemic, Pfizer was planning on the disease never going away:
Frank A. D'Amelio - Pfizer Inc. - CFO & Executive VP of Global Supply
Let me hit 2 different parts of that. I think one was just, I'll call it, kind of the enduring -- kind of the durability of the franchise, which is what I kind of heard in the first part of the question. And then pricing, I thought I heard in the second part of your question. So let me hit on both of those, see if I cover each of those.
So in terms of, I'll call it, the business going forward, although we're not certain, based on everything we've seen to date, we believe it's becoming increasingly likely that an annual revaccination is going to take place. And we believe that, that's going to take place for the foreseeable future, most likely a single dose, but that's what we see based on what we've seen to date. And not as -- so we don't see this as a onetime event, but we see this as something that's going to continue for the foreseeable future.
Now in terms of pricing, let me see if I can hit on that. So if you look at how current demand and current pricing is being driven, it's clearly not being driven by what I'll call normal market conditions, normal market forces. It's really been driven by kind of the pandemic state that we've been in and the needs of governments to really secure doses from the various vaccine suppliers. So what we believe, what I believe is as we move from a pandemic state, from a pandemic situation to an endemic situation, normal market forces, normal market conditions will start to kick in. And factors like efficacy, booster ability, clinical utility will basically become very important, and we view that as, quite frankly, a significant opportunity for our vaccine from a demand perspective, from a pricing perspective, given the clinical profile of our vaccine. So clearly, more to come here. But we think as this shifts from pandemic to endemic, we think there's an opportunity here for us.
I am one of the people who caught on to the bullshit and lost several years of productive activity in my profession because of the craziness loosed in the world by bullshit from scam artists.
10 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
to not scare friends and family, to avoid arguments, loss of friendships, was often impossible. I was beginning to avoid as many social activities as possible, just meet and greet clients. Due to the smearing of non-vaccinated people from so many directions, I saw, and still see, the non-vaccinated became conditioned to be isolated and cast out of normal life. And many of us dreaded being wrong, and making someone ill.
I doubt any time soon, if ever, I will trust the medical community and Big Pharma.
9 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
From the British Medical Journal that wrote a report from a whistleblower who saw Pfizer commit fraud and the corporate media did all it could to discredit the person who blew the whistle, Brook Jackson.
Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. Paul D Thacker reports. We are still being told that the mRNA jabs are safe and effective. Effective at what? Obviously not in preventing transmission. Someone should ask Fauci what he means when he says that.
In autumn 2020 Pfizer’s chairman and chief executive, Albert Bourla, released an open letter to the billions of people around the world who were investing their hopes in a safe and effective covid-19 vaccine to end the pandemic. “As I’ve said before, we are operating at the speed of science,” Bourla wrote, explaining to the public when they could expect a Pfizer vaccine to be authorised in the United States.1
Read the article if you need a refresher on how the jabs should never have been authorized because of the fraud which if proven opens the door to lawsuits because it’s the only thing that can pierce their liability.
Plus there is more to the story than Pfizer not testing for reducing transmission.
But there is a fatal problem with this data, and lots of policy was based on it. That data you can see up there, the main argument for the vaccine passports, the vaccine mandates and all the terrifying media campaigns comes from a fraudulent study.
What does that mean exactly? The investigators were forging documents, forging signatures, changing diagnoses, and unblinding the patients. A whistleblower saw it all, took pictures, took notes, and took the story to the British Medical Journal. They published it. Read that all again. The investigators on that absolutely critical Pfizer trial were forging documents.
, I read this back when I was reading all this stuff, time for a re-read though, and I'll watch the vid tonight. It's a good link.
From the British Medical Journal that wrote a report from a whistleblower who saw Pfizer commit fraud and the corporate media did all it could to discredit the person who blew the whistle, Brook Jackson.
Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. Paul D Thacker reports. We are still being told that the mRNA jabs are safe and effective. Effective at what? Obviously not in preventing transmission. Someone should ask Fauci what he means when he says that.
In autumn 2020 Pfizer’s chairman and chief executive, Albert Bourla, released an open letter to the billions of people around the world who were investing their hopes in a safe and effective covid-19 vaccine to end the pandemic. “As I’ve said before, we are operating at the speed of science,” Bourla wrote, explaining to the public when they could expect a Pfizer vaccine to be authorised in the United States.1
Read the article if you need a refresher on how the jabs should never have been authorized because of the fraud which if proven opens the door to lawsuits because it’s the only thing that can pierce their liability.
Plus there is more to the story than Pfizer not testing for reducing transmission.
But there is a fatal problem with this data, and lots of policy was based on it. That data you can see up there, the main argument for the vaccine passports, the vaccine mandates and all the terrifying media campaigns comes from a fraudulent study.
What does that mean exactly? The investigators were forging documents, forging signatures, changing diagnoses, and unblinding the patients. A whistleblower saw it all, took pictures, took notes, and took the story to the British Medical Journal. They published it. Read that all again. The investigators on that absolutely critical Pfizer trial were forging documents.
And it was all based on the lie that vaccines prevented transmission. Families and friends have been permanently ruptured over the lue and until more people understand that they will stay ruptured.
The epidemic seemed to be winding down just before the jabs were released and if you need further proof that they caused it to continue just look at countries that don’t have high jab rates like Africa and other 3rd world countries.
3 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
were treated rudely and cast out of families and friendships for their lack of vax will be forgiving when the vaxxers finally admit they were duped. I will say, if I do not get a sincere apology, the 2 or 3 friends that trashed our friendships and my intelligence, can forever eat shit. I do not want or need their friendships.
And it was all based on the lie that vaccines prevented transmission. Families and friends have been permanently ruptured over the lue and until more people understand that they will stay ruptured.
The epidemic seemed to be winding down just before the jabs were released and if you need further proof that they caused it to continue just look at countries that don’t have high jab rates like Africa and other 3rd world countries.
5 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This was never about objective reality. It was, is and will forever be a religious dispute between faith in authority and the minority view that puts the burden of proof on the mortal human beings who wield power.
Even now that the cat is out of the bag, it will be easier for the faithful simply to refuse to believe this new story than to abandon their faith. To give it credence would utterly destroy the total world view of people who hold the firm belief that it is impossible for all the established authorities to lie in unison. And that anyone who suggests such a thing is, self-evidently, insane.
I know my brother will refuse to believe this new "conspiracy theory". If forced to see the video, he will say it does not prove anything and that only crazy people will try to turn this one comment into some big deal. It would be easier to talk Pat Robertson out of his faith in Jesus.
I hope I am wrong about this and that i'm just being a sourpuss. Nearly three years of watching almost all my family and friends sopping up llogical hoked up bullshit like, "the unvaxxed are making the vaxxed die from covid." has been a stark reminder of the Salem witch hunt. Maybe this will turn out better.
#12 were treated rudely and cast out of families and friendships for their lack of vax will be forgiving when the vaxxers finally admit they were duped. I will say, if I do not get a sincere apology, the 2 or 3 friends that trashed our friendships and my intelligence, can forever eat shit. I do not want or need their friendships.
4 users have voted.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Not when Reuters and their mouthpieces are saying that what Pfizer admitted isn’t actually true. I just read a long Twitter thread where a woman disputed the facts and people are thanking her for telling them what to believe. This gaslighting will continue until morale improves. Or people are forced to face the facts. Funny how they refuse to accept it even though they have been 5 times jabbed and keep coming down with Covid. Yeah it’s even better than the polio vaccine! Doh!
This was never about objective reality. It was, is and will forever be a religious dispute between faith in authority and the minority view that puts the burden of proof on the mortal human beings who wield power.
Even now that the cat is out of the bag, it will be easier for the faithful simply to refuse to believe this new story than to abandon their faith. To give it credence would utterly destroy the total world view of people who hold the firm belief that it is impossible for all the established authorities to lie in unison. And that anyone who suggests such a thing is, self-evidently, insane.
I know my brother will refuse to believe this new "conspiracy theory". If forced to see the video, he will say it does not prove anything and that only crazy people will try to turn this one comment into some big deal. It would be easier to talk Pat Robertson out of his faith in Jesus.
I hope I am wrong about this and that i'm just being a sourpuss. Nearly three years of watching almost all my family and friends sopping up llogical hoked up bullshit like, "the unvaxxed are making the vaxxed die from covid." has been a stark reminder of the Salem witch hunt. Maybe this will turn out better.
4 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This was never about objective reality. It was, is and will forever be a religious dispute between faith in authority and the minority view that puts the burden of proof on the mortal human beings who wield power.
Even now that the cat is out of the bag, it will be easier for the faithful simply to refuse to believe this new story than to abandon their faith. To give it credence would utterly destroy the total world view of people who hold the firm belief that it is impossible for all the established authorities to lie in unison. And that anyone who suggests such a thing is, self-evidently, insane.
I know my brother will refuse to believe this new "conspiracy theory". If forced to see the video, he will say it does not prove anything and that only crazy people will try to turn this one comment into some big deal. It would be easier to talk Pat Robertson out of his faith in Jesus.
I hope I am wrong about this and that i'm just being a sourpuss. Nearly three years of watching almost all my family and friends sopping up llogical hoked up bullshit like, "the unvaxxed are making the vaxxed die from covid." has been a stark reminder of the Salem witch hunt. Maybe this will turn out better.
2 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I couldn't believe my ears. To even get into Rice University, your gpa has to be as high as it must be to get into Harvard! The University carries a ton of influence. Huge bully pulpit.
Very upsetting and way, WAY too close, pal!
keeping people healthy. For those who haven’t heard Canada’s military is dropping their vaccine mandate, but is still going to kick out those who didn’t get jabbed when it was mandatory. That tells me that it’s more about obedience than health.
So Pfizer tells the truth about how they never tested to see if the jabs protected against transmission and the world leaders double down on their war against the unjabbed. Did y’all read the link I posted about this?
# I couldn't believe my ears. To even get into Rice University, your gpa has to be as high as it must be to get into Harvard! The University carries a ton of influence. Huge bully pulpit.
Very upsetting and way, WAY too close, pal!
3 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
keeping people healthy. For those who haven’t heard Canada’s military is dropping their vaccine mandate, but is still going to kick out those who didn’t get jabbed when it was mandatory. That tells me that it’s more about obedience than health.
So Pfizer tells the truth about how they never tested to see if the jabs protected against transmission and the world leaders double down on their war against the unjabbed. Did y’all read the link I posted about this?
3 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A report revealed that military leaders saw Covid as a unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on the public. Who advised western leaders to use military-grade propaganda on their own people?
Britain used its military to use weapons grade propaganda against its citizens.
This is the one I want answered.
What was the source of the guidance to move patients who were still sick into nursing homes?
On further reading I’m seeing an anti China bent to the essay. I don’t understand why China is supposed to be the bad guy when it was Fauci and friends who were doing the gain of function that Obama banned here in America. It seems like just more anti China rhetoric that started during Trump. I’m trying to keep an open mind on China’s involvement. Anyone?
Why did all ‘pandemic wargaming’ focus on shutdowns and other measures that involved taking away personal liberties, and vaccines, and NOT measures to use early treatment for the infected and ways to protect the most vulnerable, while letting the rest of the world carry on?
I think my #1 question is how did the virus spread so quickly and uniformly to every country that enforced the draconian Covid rules and why was there no one looking for patient zero that started the epidemic in every country? Diseases of course spread, but not like this one did where it seemed every country was hit at once after the initial spread. Check out the map in this essay showing how fast the lockdown disorder happened. The lockdown drove people inside and every outdoor venue was closed down. Beaches in Florida were closed and cities wasted tons of money dumping sand on skateboard parks and closing most outdoor areas.
The 2nd question is what was that weird pneumonia disease that happened early in 2019 that was blamed on vaping and how did it suddenly end and what happened to the people who came down with it?
2 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
story than what we’ve been told. No wonder Biden got the media to squash the story before the election. Parts of Hunter's connection to the bioweapons labs in Ukraine is known, but not to this extent.
Emails and defense contract data reviewed by DailyMail.com suggest that Hunter had a prominent role in making sure Metabiota was able to conduct its pathogen research just a few hundred miles from the border with Russia.
The project turned into a national security liability for Ukraine when Russian forces invaded the country last month.
Metabiota has worked in Ukraine for Black & Veatch, a US defense contractor with deep ties to military intelligence agencies, which built secure labs in Ukraine that analyzed killer diseases and bioweapons.
Earlier this month US officials warned congress that 'Russian forces may be seeking to gain control' of these 'biological research facilities', prompting fears that deadly and even engineered pathogens could fall into Russian hands.
Hunter and his colleagues at his investment firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP) routinely raised millions of dollars for technology companies, hoping the firms would take off and make them all fortunes.
Metabiota was one of those firms. Emails between Hunter and his colleagues excitedly discuss how the company's monitoring of medical data could become an essential tool for governments and companies looking to spot outbreaks of infectious diseases.
The president's son and his colleagues invested $500,000 in Metabiota through their firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners.
They raised several million dollars of funding for the company from investment giants including Goldman Sachs.
But emails show Hunter was also particularly involved in Metabiota's operations in Ukraine.
There is also a connection with the labs and Burisma. Plus many democrats and the Clinton foundation was involved in the labs. I posted a link about it a few months back. Dunno if I can find it again.
3 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A pandemic funded in part by a meth head?
Oh, well, nothing here to see. Let's move along.
story than what we’ve been told. No wonder Biden got the media to squash the story before the election. Parts of Hunter's connection to the bioweapons labs in Ukraine is known, but not to this extent.
Emails and defense contract data reviewed by DailyMail.com suggest that Hunter had a prominent role in making sure Metabiota was able to conduct its pathogen research just a few hundred miles from the border with Russia.
The project turned into a national security liability for Ukraine when Russian forces invaded the country last month.
Metabiota has worked in Ukraine for Black & Veatch, a US defense contractor with deep ties to military intelligence agencies, which built secure labs in Ukraine that analyzed killer diseases and bioweapons.
Earlier this month US officials warned congress that 'Russian forces may be seeking to gain control' of these 'biological research facilities', prompting fears that deadly and even engineered pathogens could fall into Russian hands.
Hunter and his colleagues at his investment firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP) routinely raised millions of dollars for technology companies, hoping the firms would take off and make them all fortunes.
Metabiota was one of those firms. Emails between Hunter and his colleagues excitedly discuss how the company's monitoring of medical data could become an essential tool for governments and companies looking to spot outbreaks of infectious diseases.
The president's son and his colleagues invested $500,000 in Metabiota through their firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners.
They raised several million dollars of funding for the company from investment giants including Goldman Sachs.
But emails show Hunter was also particularly involved in Metabiota's operations in Ukraine.
There is also a connection with the labs and Burisma. Plus many democrats and the Clinton foundation was involved in the labs. I posted a link about it a few months back. Dunno if I can find it again.
2 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Get vaccinated to prevent others from
getting Covid was all a lie, surprise surprise....s/
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
It’s the same with the flu vaccines.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Was just at the doc and he asked me if I
he quickly moved on, he's the best!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Not only did people loose
their jobs due to refusing to get the vaccine "passport". Some who did get the passport, lost their health due to adverse effects of the vaccine. In both instances, legislating a mandatory vaccine was criminal. The result is that the public health system is in ruins and the people who demanded these mandates are discredited beyond redemption.
Whoever cooked up this vax plan
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I agree
, about the criminal investigation. It seems Pfizer has shielded itself though, from all kinds of suits. I'm not sure if there is a way around it.The way around it is to bypass justice
Deals are made on the side before most issues go before the courts.
Hit 'em with a strong enough suit, we'll see how duplicitous the
contracts are. Gotta be holes in there somewhere?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
You could be right.
It sure would be nice development.
spelling edit
For what it is worth, I suggest criminal,
But, a corporation can't go to the pen. It would be necessary to prosecute individuals within the manufacturers and distribution planners for crimes. It is likely, maybe even mandatory, depending on the jurisdiction, that upon finding of guilt, reparations must be paid to the victims to make them "whole".
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
After I slept on it,
Sorry. My bad.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
right there, in our brain cells...so sky's the limit... I say. Who knows?
Restitution, got it. Thks for the clarification.
It’s not a true vaccine either
Since it doesn’t block transmission and only ‘possibly' keeps people out of hospitals it should be clarified as a drug treatment just like fake-lovid which lets you have a double whammy of the Rona.
This news slipped out just after Pfizer had to release their papers, but this is a more solid confirmation. So why in gawd’s name is Biden still mandating it for the military?
I’m see people saying that they got both a booster (done on 8 mice) and their flu shot at the same time and I’d love to see the study that shows how safe that is. The ‘vaccines' for Covid lowers immunity for 2 weeks so isn’t it dumb to inject a virus during that time? If so then this might be the flu season from hell. Yes it’s a dead virus, but still. This should have been studied first IMO.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The horse’s mouth speaks
But she feels very good and says that Pfizer saved 4 million people. Seriously?
They had no idea if it’d work and then targeted every person who didn’t want to take their experimental gene therapy that had no long term safety information.
Remember Fauci, Walensky, Biden, Rachel, ect promising us that if we all got jabbed it would stop the epidemic in its tracks!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I remember that
I guess we have to keep posting those old videos of the vaccine cheerleaders lying to us. People have already forgotten.
The EU wasn’t pleased with Pfizer
Very long Twitter thread on the hearings about the contract between the EU and Pfizer
And many were torched that Bourla didn’t bother to show up.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That speaker
Why are countries signing secret contracts?
This may help explain the motivations for such negligence
Link: Permanent Distortion by Nomi Prins
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
The speed of science!?!?!
WTF is "the speed of science"!?!?!?! I have spent my life as a hard-core amateur scientist, often hanging with real actual scientists. I have never heard the term. I have never heard of science being done at speed, or at say, the speed of light, or sound. Science is slow, it grinds on to find the truths. This is an up is down war is peace moment, and a disgusting caricature of what science is and how science works. It is blasphemy. Off with her head!
The problem goes to the top, Pfizers corporate capture of the media and politicians, as well as former regulators like the FDA (where was Gottleib before?) and CDC where the very definition of vaccine was changed, so they could call this one, and force it untested and unproven, with lies for all.
Anyone that uses the term 'speed of science' should be immediately instructed to put the science down and back away slowly.
Thanks for the post gg!
Have a great day all!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
John Campbell discusses the speed of science
He starts talking about it at 4:40
"The speed of science…what does that mean?"
He definitely isn’t happy.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
thanks SD!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
I got a kick out of his explanation of it
I would have said, "what the fck is that?" Poor John has come a long way to the truth over the last 2 years and his reaction to her was priceless.
Glad you enjoyed it. I’d love to have been a fly on the wall in your house.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh c'mon
This will jar your memory I'm sure;
thanks Rand!
Interesting was that in the Woody the Woodpecker cartoons, which I am sure you will be surprised to find were my other favorite besides the roadrunner, the binomial that was given for Woody was the unbelievable Campephilus principalis. Which is aka 'the Lord God Bird', aka the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. Freiling had to know... Now considered extinct, there were some still out there though when he did that.
thanks brother!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Nice story
There's a song about the Ivory-billed woodpecker;
Gotta admit, that struck me too...
Speed of science? What the heck does that even mean?
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
Here are the receipts!
What people interpreted? Are you effing kidding me?
Depends on who Fauci is serving. Good gravy the people who put Fauci, I mean Mr. Science on a pedestal should do more research.
My view of Fauci is very much more dark after I learned what he did during the AIDS epidemic. He should have been fired and charged then. History will not be kind to him.
Bad Cat has an excellent essay on this
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Perhaps we can re-interpret the 'speed of science'
as the need to erase qualified studies? Fauci is corrupt, yet he still has the mike. Like Bolton,
these are the faces of contempt for humanity.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
And still the lying continues
The FDA just authorized boosters for kids as young as 5.
From this essay:
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
And they didn’t do any testing to see if it was safe
Not even on baby mice. Nope they just used the test results from their testing on 8 adult mice. I can’t believe that they did this today after what broke yesterday. They are just laughing at us. If this doesn’t show people how corrupt the FDA is I don’t know what would.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
There were big honking clues from jump
That they did not test for whether it could block transmission strongly suggests that it was not designed to do so.
The first clue I noticed way back when was the boast that it would prevent infection from covid AND reduce your symptoms if you caught it. That contradiction went right past our utterly corrupt and insane society as if it made any sense at all. Early on a cutesy term appeared to explain the growing number of vaxx failures -- the "break-through case." Another handy label was "leaky" vaccine, as though the millions of "cases" all around the world among the jabbed were just exceptions to the rule of vaccine efficacy.
PFizer never made any bones about it. In a conference call with investors in March of 2021, early in the get-vaxxed game, they boasted that they expected to sell their vaccine injections indefinitely. They gleefully proclaimed their scientific belief that the pandemic would transform into an endemic condition. While the world was assuming that the jabs would end the pandemic, Pfizer was planning on the disease never going away:
I am one of the people who caught on to the bullshit and lost several years of productive activity in my profession because of the craziness loosed in the world by bullshit from scam artists.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
The subtle peer pressure was weird
If you wanted to get into an educated debate about the pros and cons with almost
anyone who was applying pressure to 'just get vaxxed', all of the talking points were
already established, broadcast and accepted as virgin truth. Cause the science says so!
Unfortunately, almost everyone was so brainwashed by then that reasoning and analytic
thought processes were swept out the window. It is an embarrassment to realize most
people will do what they are told without questioning. I sure caught a lot of grief for just
saying no. And that was before the basic truths started to slip out. How do people
justify pressuring their family and friends to get on the band wagon, now that it is
plain that the whole fear induced solution was a crock? Hope it opened some minds.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
You’re right that there were clues
and even more than just clues. Apparently this information was known back on 1/21 and Pfizer admitted it then.
This clusterfuck has gone on for so long I’ve forgotten tons of stuff I read years ago. This is a good read.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The pressure put on me, and all of us,
to not scare friends and family, to avoid arguments, loss of friendships, was often impossible. I was beginning to avoid as many social activities as possible, just meet and greet clients. Due to the smearing of non-vaccinated people from so many directions, I saw, and still see, the non-vaccinated became conditioned to be isolated and cast out of normal life. And many of us dreaded being wrong, and making someone ill.
I doubt any time soon, if ever, I will trust the medical community and Big Pharma.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Who used the ‘speed of science' first you ask?
From the British Medical Journal that wrote a report from a whistleblower who saw Pfizer commit fraud and the corporate media did all it could to discredit the person who blew the whistle, Brook Jackson.
Read the article if you need a refresher on how the jabs should never have been authorized because of the fraud which if proven opens the door to lawsuits because it’s the only thing that can pierce their liability.
Plus there is more to the story than Pfizer not testing for reducing transmission.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for this
A look back at the war against the unjabbed
Look back at the demonization of the UN-vaccinated
And it was all based on the lie that vaccines prevented transmission. Families and friends have been permanently ruptured over the lue and until more people understand that they will stay ruptured.
The epidemic seemed to be winding down just before the jabs were released and if you need further proof that they caused it to continue just look at countries that don’t have high jab rates like Africa and other 3rd world countries.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I hope those who
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Few if any of the militant pro-vaxxers will face the facts,
This was never about objective reality. It was, is and will forever be a religious dispute between faith in authority and the minority view that puts the burden of proof on the mortal human beings who wield power.
Even now that the cat is out of the bag, it will be easier for the faithful simply to refuse to believe this new story than to abandon their faith. To give it credence would utterly destroy the total world view of people who hold the firm belief that it is impossible for all the established authorities to lie in unison. And that anyone who suggests such a thing is, self-evidently, insane.
I know my brother will refuse to believe this new "conspiracy theory". If forced to see the video, he will say it does not prove anything and that only crazy people will try to turn this one comment into some big deal. It would be easier to talk Pat Robertson out of his faith in Jesus.
I hope I am wrong about this and that i'm just being a sourpuss. Nearly three years of watching almost all my family and friends sopping up llogical hoked up bullshit like, "the unvaxxed are making the vaxxed die from covid." has been a stark reminder of the Salem witch hunt. Maybe this will turn out better.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
I doubt it will change a thing
Not when Reuters and their mouthpieces are saying that what Pfizer admitted isn’t actually true. I just read a long Twitter thread where a woman disputed the facts and people are thanking her for telling them what to believe. This gaslighting will continue until morale improves. Or people are forced to face the facts. Funny how they refuse to accept it even though they have been 5 times jabbed and keep coming down with Covid. Yeah it’s even better than the polio vaccine! Doh!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
And, more division coming my way.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Too close...
Whoa! That was at Rice, correct? Yesterday?
Yes, it was!
Very upsetting and way, WAY too close, pal!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It’s obvious that this campaign has nothing to do with
keeping people healthy. For those who haven’t heard Canada’s military is dropping their vaccine mandate, but is still going to kick out those who didn’t get jabbed when it was mandatory. That tells me that it’s more about obedience than health.
So Pfizer tells the truth about how they never tested to see if the jabs protected against transmission and the world leaders double down on their war against the unjabbed. Did y’all read the link I posted about this?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I read everything you linked.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Anyone remember the Spartacus letter?
He appeared a few months ago and boy was he pissed. Really worth a read.
I subscribe to Sage Hana substack and she revisited it today. Lots of links to the original.
Spartacus Answers the SH-10 Questions
And what she wrote at the time.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
If the new Nuremberg trials happen here are questions needing
to be answered. Here’s one
Britain used its military to use weapons grade propaganda against its citizens.
This is the one I want answered.
On further reading I’m seeing an anti China bent to the essay. I don’t understand why China is supposed to be the bad guy when it was Fauci and friends who were doing the gain of function that Obama banned here in America. It seems like just more anti China rhetoric that started during Trump. I’m trying to keep an open mind on China’s involvement. Anyone?
I think my #1 question is how did the virus spread so quickly and uniformly to every country that enforced the draconian Covid rules and why was there no one looking for patient zero that started the epidemic in every country? Diseases of course spread, but not like this one did where it seemed every country was hit at once after the initial spread. Check out the map in this essay showing how fast the lockdown disorder happened. The lockdown drove people inside and every outdoor venue was closed down. Beaches in Florida were closed and cities wasted tons of money dumping sand on skateboard parks and closing most outdoor areas.
The 2nd question is what was that weird pneumonia disease that happened early in 2019 that was blamed on vaping and how did it suddenly end and what happened to the people who came down with it?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Whoa looks like there’s more meat to the Hunter Biden
story than what we’ve been told. No wonder Biden got the media to squash the story before the election. Parts of Hunter's connection to the bioweapons labs in Ukraine is known, but not to this extent.
There is also a connection with the labs and Burisma. Plus many democrats and the Clinton foundation was involved in the labs. I posted a link about it a few months back. Dunno if I can find it again.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh, well, nothing here to see. Let's move along.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981