The Evening Blues - 10-4-22


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Jimmy Rogers

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features Chicago blues guitarist Jimmy Rogers. Enjoy!

Jimmy Rogers - That's all right

“Those who can make people believe absurdities, can make people commit atrocities.”

-- Voltaire

News and Opinion

It’s Only A ‘Conspiracy Theory’ When It Accuses The US Government

The western political/media class has been dismissing as “conspiracy theories” all claims that the US is likely responsible for last month’s sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, even while leveling the exact same accusations against Russia without ever using that term. Which probably says a lot about the way that label has been used over the years, if you think about it.

At a UN Security Council meeting on Friday, US envoy Richard Mills repeatedly accused Russia of promoting “conspiracy theories” in its Nord Stream accusations against the United States, saying that “our Russian colleagues have decided to instrumentalize the Security Council meeting to spread conspiracy theories and disinformation.”

“It’s important that we use this meeting not to foster conspiracy theories, but to focus our attention on Russia’s blatant violation of the Charter and its crimes in Ukraine,” Mills argues, after saying that “the United States categorically denies any involvement in this incident” and that there is no justification for “the Russian delegation raising conspiracy theories and mass disinformation in this Council.”

Mills then hilariously spends the remainder of his remarks insinuating that it is actually Russia who perpetrated the attacks, mentioning the word “infrastructure” no less than nine times in his arguments to establish that in Ukraine, Russia has a history of attacking critical civilian infrastructure similar to the pipelines.

“Sabotage of critical infrastructure should be of concern to us all,” Mills says. “In the context of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, we have seen numerous Russian attacks damaging civilian infrastructure. We witnessed Russia recklessly seize control of Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, risking a nuclear disaster in Europe. We saw countless attacks destroying civilian electricity infrastructure.”

“Despite efforts that we heard today to distract us from the truth, to distribute more disinformation and slightly wacky theories, the facts on the ground in Ukraine speak for themselves,” Mills concludes.

Business Insider has a new article out titled “The sabotage of gas pipelines were a ‘warning shot’ from Putin to the West, and should brace for more subterfuge, Russia experts warn.” The “experts” in question are as follows:

  • Former CIA director John Brennan, who was caught spying on US lawmakers and lying about it during the Senate’s investigation into CIA torture practices.
  • US intelligence veteran Andrea Kendall-Taylor, now a Senior Fellow at the warmongering think tank Center for a New American Security, whose top donors are the Pentagon and the arms manufacturer Northrop Grumman.
  • Cynthia Hooper, a history professor at the College of the Holy Cross.
  • That’s it; that’s all the experts. Two lying warmongers and a history professor.

    Nowhere in the Business Insider article do the words “conspiracy” or “theory” appear. Contrast this with the recent Associated Press article titled “Russians push baseless theory blaming US for burst pipeline,” which was so frantic to spin accusations of US Nord Stream sabotage as a crazy conspiracy theory that it framed it as something only QAnon cultists believe.

    “The suggestion that the U.S. caused the damage was circulating on online forums popular with American conservatives and followers of QAnon, a conspiracy theory movement which asserts that Trump is fighting a battle against a Satanic child-trafficking sect that controls world events,” AP wrote.

    Over and over again we see the pejorative “conspiracy theory” applied to accusations against one nation but not the other, despite the fact that it’s the exact same accusation. They are both conspiracy theories per definition: they’re theories about an alleged conspiracy to sabotage Russian pipelines. But the western political/media class consistently applies that label to one and never the other.

    Here’s a link to another Business Insider article applying the “conspiracy theory” label to accusations of US Nord Stream sabotage. Here’s one from The Independent doing the same. Here’s one from The Washington Post. Here’s one from Newsweek. Here’s one from Vox. Here’s one from The Atlantic Council think tank. Here’s one from the Brookings Institution think tank. Here’s one from Media Matters for America, founded by the Center for American Progress think tank.

    Do you get the message? Are you receiving the messaging loud and clear? Accuse the US of sabotaging the Nord Stream pipelines and it’s called a conspiracy theory. Accuse Russia of doing the exact same thing and it’s called news.

    And of course by pointing out this cartoonish double standard I do not mean to suggest that both theories are equally well-evidenced. One wouldn’t expect them to be in a contest in which one party had their own energy infrastructure sabotaged.

    For example, there’s the fact that Secretary of State Antony Blinken explicitly said that the sabotage of pipelines delivering Russian gas to Germany offers a “tremendous opportunity” to end Europe’s dependency on Russian energy. There’s also the fact that a 2019 Pentagon-commissioned study by the RAND Corporation on how to overextend and weaken Russia explicitly stated that the US would benefit from stopping Nord Stream 2. There’s also the fact that both President Biden and his Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland explicitly said that Nord Stream 2 would be brought to an end if Russia invades Ukraine, the fact that the US sanctioned those who built Nord Stream 2, the fact that former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice is on record saying the US wants Europeans to be more dependent on North American energy than on pipelines from Russia, the fact that Germans had just been angrily demanding an end to US-led sanctions on Russia and a reopening of Nord Stream gas, the fact that US naval forces were recently conducting unmanned underwater vehicle drills right where the pipelines were attacked, the fact that unmanned underwater vehicles have been found carrying explosive charges near Russian pipelines in the past, the fact that Poland literally just inaugurated a gas pipeline that will transport gas from Norway through Denmark and the Baltic Sea, the fact that US military helicopters were reportedly recorded traveling between the blast points and along the Nord Stream 2 pipeline shortly before the explosions, and the fact that the CIA has a known history of blowing up Russian gas pipelines.

    But sure, if you think the United States could have any responsibility for this attack at all, you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist and no different from QAnoners who think pedophile Satan worshippers rule the world.

    Okay, empire. Message received. Does make me wonder about some of those other “conspiracy theories” you’ve told us to ignore, though.

    Guest FREAKS OUT News Hosts With TRUTH About Pipeline Attack!

    In Nord Stream attack, US sees 'a tremendous opportunity'

    The Baltic Sea bombing of the two Nord Stream gas pipelines “threatens to greatly expand the military theater” in Europe (Wall Street Journal), adding “yet another diffuse threat to a growing array of worries, from power blackouts all the way to nuclear war.” (New York Times).

    In halls of power on the other side of the Atlantic, the outlook is much rosier.

    The idling of Nord Stream, Secretary of State Antony Blinken declared in Washington, is “a tremendous opportunity.” So tremendous, in fact, that Blinken repeated it twice. With both Nord Stream 1 and 2 unable to ship Russian energy directly to Germany for the long-term, Europe has “a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy, and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs,” Blinken said. That “offers tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come.”

    As Europe enters winter in the weeks to come, now lacking its traditional Russian source of cheap natural gas, ordinary civilians might not appreciate the tremendous strategic opportunity that their predicament offers Washington bureaucrats. Western sanctions on Russia have already led to job losses, skyrocketing bills, and fears of energy rationing amid forecasts of exceptionally cold temperatures ahead. Just before the Nord Stream blasts, the head of German’s steel federation warned that without Russian energy, “a winter of de-industrialization threatens us in Germany.”

    Ahead of this feared winter of de-industrialization, Blinken’s optimistic response to a now assured shut-off of Russian gas might seem odd for a top diplomat. But it is perfectly consistent with a longstanding US effort to kill Nord Stream for good.

    In waging a multi-year campaign against Nord Stream, the US has sought to weaken Russia’s economy; undermine Russian integration with the rest of Europe; preserve lucrative transit fees for the US client state in Ukraine; and increase European dependence on US energy, in particular Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). In short, the “tremendous opportunity” that Blinken draws from the Nord Stream sabotage derives from the very goals that he imputed to Putin: “the weaponization of energy” for “imperial designs.”

    Here’s Why The U.S. Blew Up Nord Stream Pipeline!

    Russia Completes Annexation of Four Regions; UK German Gov Lose Control of Economies Crises Deepen

    An interesting article worth a read through. Here are some snippets to give you a start:

    Patrick Lawrence: The Strong, and the Merely Powerful

    Vladimir Putin’s speech from the Kremlin last Friday, delivered to the nation and the world as four regions of Ukraine were reintegrated into Russia, was another stunner, in line with numerous others he’s made this year, demonstrating a fundamental turn in the Russian president’s thinking over the past eight months.

    The implications of this new perspective warrant careful consideration. Putin has taken to looking forward and seeing something new, and in this he is hardly alone.

    “The world has entered a period of a fundamental, revolutionary transformation,” Putin said while standing beside the leaders of the Luhansk and Donetsk republics and the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. Phrases such as this bear the weight of history. By way of magnitude, presidential speeches do not get any larger. Here is how the Russian leader expanded on the thought:

    “New centers of power are emerging. They represent the majority — the majority! — of the international community. They are ready not only to declare their interests but also to protect them. They see in multipolarity an opportunity to strengthen their sovereignty, which means gaining genuine freedom, historical prospects, and the right to their own independent, creative, and distinctive forms of development, to a harmonious process.”

    Putin has been speaking in this register since Feb. 4, 20 days before Russia launched its intervention in Ukraine and on the eve of the Winter Olympics in Beijing. In the Joint Declaration on International Relations Entering a New Era and Global Sustainable Development, issued with Xi Jinping, Putin and the Chinese president declared, “Today the world is going through momentous changes,”

    “and humanity is entering a new era of rapid development and profound transformation. There is increasing interrelation and interdependence between the States; a trend has emerged toward redistribution of power in the world.”

    Putin’s rhetoric has grown markedly sharper from February to last Friday. He has attacked the European Union for its “selfishness” and cowardice, the U.S. for its hegemonic aggression, including the genocide of Native Americans, and the West altogether for the “neocolonial” character of its relations with the non–West. Putin and his foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, used to refer to Western nations as “our partners.” As of last Friday, yesterday’s partners are Russia’s “enemies.”

    All very grim. Putin has made this turn toward confrontation reluctantly and out of frustration with the West’s obstinate refusal to negotiate the new security order that Europe so obviously needs. He is angry at the spectacle of wasteful violence and prolonged disorder. This is my read. But there is a certain brightness to his outlook that we must not miss amid the bleak, evident animosity. ...

    In my read, the change that has come over the Russian leader dates to last December, when the U.S. threw sand in his face in response to his effort, via those two draft treaties Moscow sent to Washington and NATO headquarters in Brussels, to fashion a new security order in Europe. That is when his anger arose. That is when he said in effect, To hell with them. We will have to build a new world order on our own. China, by that time, had already given up on the West, and it was then the Russians and Chinese took their great leap forward together.

    I am sure they share large measures of bitterness and anger as they look back over their deteriorated relations with the West. It is what they see looking forward that interests me far more. They are not talking about power as the principal feature of the order they now appear fully committed to realizing. They are talking about a world built by strong nations with shared purposes.

    These are all in the speeches: the freedom of nations one to the other, the right to choose “forms of development,” interdependence, the authority of international law.

    Elon Musk Smeared As A PUTIN PUPPET For Proposing Ukraine PEACE PLAN

    Ukraine Tells EU Delays in Delivering Billions in Aid ‘Not Acceptable’

    Ukraine told the European Union on Monday that the EU needs to increase the pace at which it provides billions of euros in promised aid.

    Kyiv has become incredibly reliant on Western aid to fund its government, but Ukrainian officials seem to have little patience when it comes to the timeline of deliveries. A Ukrainian official told Politico that delays were “not acceptable.”

    Kiev Offers White House Targeting Control, Seeks Longer Range Weapons

    The Ukrainian government is prepared to give the Joe Biden administration virtual control over its selection of Russian targets. Kiev made the proposal in a bid to receive longer-range weapons from the White House, according to multiple sources speaking with CNN.

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will provide a full list of possible targets while allowing the White House to veto any of the potential sites. Kiev is hoping the increased transparency will pave the path to Biden authorizing more weapons transfers. Zelensky made the offer to Washington to alleviate concerns in the Biden administration that new weapons will be used to target Russian territory.

    However, Kiev, Washington and Moscow currently have different views on what is Russian versus Ukrainian territory.

    North Korea fires missile over Japan prompting warnings for residents to shelter

    North Korea has reportedly launched a intermediate-range ballistic missile over northern Japan for the first time in five years, prompting the government to urge people to shelter from falling debris, in an apparent escalation of recent weapons tests by Kim Jong-un’s regime.

    Japan’s Kyodo news agency said the government had activated its J-Alert system on Tuesday morning for residents in the northernmost main island of Hokkaido and the country’s north-eastern Aomori prefecture. Train services were temporarily halted in the region, media reports said.

    “North Korea appears to have launched a missile. Please evacuate into buildings or underground,” the alert read.

    The prime minister, Fumio Kishida, called North Korea’s actions “outrageous”, and said the government would continue to gather and analyse information.

    South Korea’s president, Yoon Suk-yeol, warned of “resolute” response after the launch, the Yonhap news agency reported. Yoon said the missile had flown about 4,000km, Yonhap added. That range puts the US Pacific territory of Guam within striking distance.

    Brazilians shocked as Bolsonaro’s strong election showing defies expectations

    Bolsonaristas trumpeted their movement’s stronger-than-forecast showing, which saw their trailblazer secure more than 51m votes despite his international notoriety as an authoritarian-minded zealot. Lula won the first round with 57m votes, or 48% of the total to Bolsonaro’s 43%. But Bolsonaro’s unexpectedly high share – pollsters had tipped him to claim 36% or 37% – has shattered predictions that re-election is beyond his reach in the 30 October runoff against Lula.

    “After what happened yesterday, I rule nothing out – absolutely nothing at all,” said Maria Cristina Fernandes, a political commentator from the newspaper Valor Econômico. “Bolsonaro is not out of the picture.”

    Bolsonaro celebrated what he declared “the greatest patriotic victory in the history of Brazil” while his senator son, Flávio, hailed “a victory over the mainstream media, which has been relentlessly anti-Bolsonaro”. The incumbent triumphed in two key south-eastern states, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, home to more than 47 million voters. Adding to the progressive pain, a wave of Bolsonarista hardliners were elected to congress, with Bolsonaro’s Liberal party claiming 99 of its 513 seats – the largest bloc in more than two decades. The winners include Eduardo Pazuello, the army general-turned-health minister accused of bungling Brazil’s Covid response, and Ricardo Salles, the controversial environment minister under whom Amazon deforestation soared.

    Damares Alves, the evangelical preacher who was Bolsonaro’s human rights minister, won a senate seat, as did his vice-president, Hamilton Mourão, his former science minister Marcos Pontes, and his former security minister, the judge Sergio Moro.

    “Bolsonarismo … has become a political project with a beginning, a middle and an end,” said Fernandes. “The degree of conservatism they have managed to insert into congress is something permanent and will take a very long time to reverse.” Fernandes believed the results revealed a troubling disconnect between how Brazil’s chattering classes and journalists viewed Bolsonaro, and how voters themselves felt. “The media and the whole world was outraged by Bolsonaro’s conduct and handling of the pandemic … [But] the people do not share our thoughts,” she said. “There’s a divorce between the press and the intellectual elites and the people.”

    Forecaster: HISTORIC COLD To Sweep Europe Deepening Energy Crisis

    Tory MPs plot to avert welfare squeeze after humiliating U-turns

    Conservative MPs are plotting to avert a squeeze on welfare after Liz Truss was forced into two humiliating U-turns on plans to abolish the top rate of income tax and the date of a new mini-budget.

    The Guardian understands Kwarteng will speed up plans for a new fiscal statement, expected to focus on spending and deregulation. It will now take place later this month, rather than on 23 November as previously scheduled, accompanied by new forecasts from the Office of Budget Responsibility, in another move designed to restore market stability.

    Senior MPs warned of further rebellions over reductions in public spending, especially on benefits, which the chancellor has declined to rule out.

    The threat came as the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) and the Resolution Foundation said there would need to be significant cuts in public spending unless there were further U-turns on policies announced in the mini-budget last month. ...

    Truss and Kwarteng decided to ditch the cut to the 45% tax rate the night before the conference when the scale of rebellion by MPs made it clear it would not survive a parliamentary vote – with many other tough battles to come.

    To 'Step Back From the Edge of Recession,' UN Urges Central Banks to Stop Rate Hikes

    A United Nations organization on Monday joined critics of the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks across the globe hiking interest rates with the goal of reining in inflation.

    With the world economy "in the midst of cascading and multiplying crises," a new U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) report explains, "the attention of policymakers has become much too focused on dampening inflationary pressures through restrictive monetary policies, with the hope that central banks can pilot the economy to a soft landing, avoiding a full-blown recession."

    "Not only is there a real danger that the policy remedy could prove worse than the economic disease, in terms of declining wages, employment, and government revenues, but the road taken would reverse the pandemic pledges to build a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive world," the document warns.

    The warning comes after the Fed late last month announced another widely anticipated 75-basis-point interest rate increase—a move that led some experts to accuse the U.S. institution of not only disregarding the negative impacts that such a policy has on the nation's poor but also ignoring a key driver of inflation: corporate greed.

    As the UNCTAD document details, "Today, inflation is caused by a mixture of disruptions in global supply chains, high (container) shipping costs, the impact of war on key sectors, higher mark-ups, commodity-market speculators, and the ongoing uncertainty of an evolving pandemic."

    "In this situation, central banks cannot bring inflation down at a socially acceptable cost," it continues. "Instead, supply-chain disruptions and labor shortages require appropriate industrial policies to increase the supply of key items in the medium term; this must be accompanied by sustained global policy coordination and (liquidity) support to help countries fund and manage these changes."

    The report adds that "in the meantime, policymakers should seriously consider alternative paths of action to lower inflation in socially desirable ways, including strategic price controls, better regulation to reduce speculative trades in key markets, targeted income support for vulnerable groups, and debt relief."

    "If monetary tightening in the advanced economies continues over the coming year, however, a global recession is more likely, and, even if it is looser than the 1980s, it will almost unavoidably harm potential growth rate in the developing economies," the document states. "The permanent damage to economic development in these countries will not only be substantial but will also leave the ambition to achieve a better world by 2030 dangling by the most precarious of threads."

    The report's recommendations include windfall profits taxes targeting industries that are cashing in on the current economic conditions. Fossil fuel giants, for example, have been repeatedly accused of price gouging throughout this year.

    "Do you try to solve a supply-side problem with a demand-side solution?" asked Richard Kozul-Wright, who led the team in charge of the report, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "We think that's a very dangerous approach."

    UNCTAD noted in a Monday statement that the U.S. interest rate hikes "are set to cut an estimated $360 billion of future income for developing countries (excluding China) and signal even more trouble ahead."

    The Journal highlighted that the Fed is not alone in hiking interest rates.

    "The European Central Bank and the Bank of England are also raising their key interest rates more rapidly than during recent decades," the newspaper reported. "According to the World Bank, more central banks raised borrowing costs in July than at any time since records began in the early 1970s."

    UNCTAD Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan stressed Monday that "there's still time to step back from the edge of recession."

    "We have the tools to calm inflation and support all vulnerable groups. This is a matter of policy choices and political will," she said. "But the current course of action is hurting the most vulnerable, especially in developing countries, and risks tipping the world into a global recession."

    'Their Greed Knows No Bounds': Analysis Shows Ongoing Price Gouging by Oil Giants

    A government watchdog group on Monday published a new briefing analyzing fossil fuel corporations' continued price gouging—even as crude oil prices fall to their lowest levels since January.

    Accountable.US noted in its analysis that although crude oil prices have fallen below $80 per barrel, "prices for consumers are still 13% higher than they were last time oil was this cheap."

    "Why are gas prices still failing to match lower oil prices? Corporate greed," the group asserted. "Big Oil is boasting record profits and dragging their feet to pass any lower costs onto consumers in order to keep padding investors' pockets."

    Jordan Schreiber, director of energy and environment at Accountable.US, said in a statement that "as crude oil prices plummet, Big Oil's thinly veiled excuses for price gouging break down."

    "Instead of passing the savings down to consumers trying to financially recover from the industry's unprecedentedly high prices at the pump this summer, Big Oil decided to further line the pockets of its wealthy shareholders and executives with more of everyday consumers' hard-earned money," Schreiber added. "Given this is all after Big Oil raked in a record-shattering $138 billion profits last quarter, it's clear their greed knows no bounds."

    Mobile abortion clinic in Illinois to offer services on borders of states with bans

    Planned Parenthood officials on Monday announced plans for a mobile abortion clinic – a 37ft recreational vehicle that will stay in Illinois but travel close to the borders of adjoining states that have banned the procedure since the US supreme court overturned Roe v Wade earlier this year. ...

    Both existing abortion clinics on the Illinois side of the St Louis region, on the Illinois-Missouri state border, including one operated by Planned Parenthood in Fairview Heights, have been inundated with extra patients. Leaders of the St Louis Planned Parenthood office said that since June, the Fairview Heights clinic has seen a 30% increase in abortion patients – a rate officials said was higher than they anticipated.

    The number of patients from outside Missouri and Illinois have increased by more than 340%. ...

    The mobile clinic will travel near the borders of Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee. ... The vehicle will house two exam rooms, a lab and a waiting room. Initially, it will provide medication abortions up to 11 weeks of gestation. It will provide surgical abortions after the first few months.

    the horse race

    Biden: I WILL Run In 2024. Bill Maher Says KAMALA HARRIS Could Sink Dem Ticket

    Trump sues CNN for defamation and seeks $475m in punitive damages

    Donald Trump has sued cable TV network CNN, claiming defamation and seeking punitive damages of $475m, according to a Florida court filing on Monday. The US cable news station has attempted to smear the former US president “with a series of ever-more scandalous, false, and defamatory labels of ‘racist,’ ‘Russian lackey,’ ‘insurrectionist,’ and ultimately ‘Hitler’,” Trump’s lawyers claimed. The lawsuit has been filed in federal court in Fort Lauderdale.

    “Beyond simply highlighting any negative information about the plaintiff and ignoring all positive information about him, CNN has sought to use its massive influence, purportedly as a ‘trusted’ news source, to defame the plaintiff in the minds of its viewers and readers for the purpose of defeating him politically,” the filing states.

    Trump claimed that CNN had used its considerable influence as a leading news organization to defeat him politically. CNN declined to comment on the case.

    Trump, a Republican, claims in the 29-page lawsuit that CNN had a long track record of criticizing him but had ramped up its attacks in recent months because the network feared that he would run again for president in 2024. “As a part of its concerted effort to tilt the political balance to the left, CNN has tried to taint the plaintiff,” the suit said.

    The lawsuit lists several instances in which CNN appeared to compare Trump to Hitler, including a January 2022 special report by host Fareed Zakaria that included footage of the 20th-century German dictator.

    the evening greens

    Supreme Court Gives Biden DOJ a Chance to Prove Its Commitment to Climate Justice

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday invited the Biden Justice Department to offer its position on a hugely consequential case in which oil giants are attempting to move climate liability lawsuits from state to federal courts, where they believe they would be more likely to prevail against efforts to make them pay for damaging the environment.

    In Suncor Energy Inc. v. Board of County Commissioners of Boulder County, Suncor and ExxonMobil are urging the conservative-dominated Supreme Court to intervene after the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the fossil fuel companies' argument that such climate liability cases belong in federal court.

    As it mulls whether to take up the fossil fuel corporations' attempt to overturn the 10th Circuit decision, the Supreme Court released an order Monday asking the Justice Department to offer its view of the case.

    In a statement, the Center for Climate Integrity argued that the high court's invite offers the DOJ a chance to openly break with the Trump Justice Department, which took the side of Big Oil and helped the industry fight climate liability cases in several cities and states.

    The Justice Department's silence on the issue has allowed fossil fuel companies to continue citing the Trump DOJ's arguments in support of their attempts to quash the liability suits.

    "After years of ignoring pleas from state, federal, and local officials for the Justice Department to heed President Biden's campaign pledge to support climate lawsuits against polluters, the administration will finally have to take a stand on these cases," said Richard Wiles, CCI's president. "It's time for Attorney General Garland and the Justice Department to get off the sidelines, make good on President Biden's pledges, and support communities in their efforts to hold polluters accountable."

    The Supreme Court's request for DOJ input comes as the campaign to hold major polluters financially liable for climate destruction continue to gain steam nationwide.

    As the Revolving Door Project's Hannah Story Brown wrote for Washington Monthly in August, "It started with Boulder in early February," a reference to the 10th Circuit ruling that Colorado municipalities' climate liability lawsuit against oil giants should proceed in state court.

    "Then came Baltimore and San Mateo in April. Now Honolulu and Maui are the latest municipalities to overcome a crucial legal hurdle in their fight to make fossil fuel companies pay for their role in climate change," Brown continued. "The stakes are massive: requiring fossil fuel companies to foot the bill for climate change-related damages to U.S. cities and states could easily run into the tens of billions."

    Since early 2021, state attorneys general, state-level lawmakers, and some U.S. senators have been pushing Garland to formally reverse the Trump Justice Department's pro-industry stance and support climate liability lawsuits against oil giants—as Biden pledged to do on the campaign trail.

    "We respectfully urge you to review and reverse the positions previously taken by DOJ in the various climate deception lawsuits during the prior administration. The urgency and importance of DOJ reversing these positions cannot be overstated," the attorneys general of Minnesota, Massachusetts, Delaware, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Washington, D.C. wrote in a letter to Garland in April of last year.

    But Brown noted that despite such entreaties, "Garland has taken no action," frustrating plaintiffs who have been battling fossil fuel companies in court for years.

    "This fight over venue is essential, because if the plaintiffs' claims were governed by federal law, they could swiftly be dismissed," Brown noted. "That resulted from a 2011 Supreme Court decision, AEP v. Connecticut, which barred federal common law claims about climate change liability. The court ruled that they were 'displaced' by the Clean Air Act. But the decision left claims under state common law as an option. After AEP, cities and states turned to state courts to seek damages from the big energy companies."

    Wiles of CCI, which is providing support for climate liability lawsuits across the U.S., said Monday that "doubling down on the department's Trump-era support of Big Oil would constitute a betrayal of A.G. Garland's pledges to support environmental justice and contravene a string of unanimous rulings from five separate circuit courts, which agreed that these cases should proceed in state court."

    LA restricts water flow to wasteful celebrity mansions

    Los Angeles is living through a historic drought, but that hasn’t stopped some of its most famous residents from keeping their mega mansion lawns and ornate gardens well watered. In response, local authorities have turned to a surprisingly simple trick for keeping the wealthiest in check.

    That solution is a tiny metal disc known as a “flow restrictor”. The restrictor can be installed in minutes over the pipes of chronic wasters, dramatically slowing down a home’s water flow.

    Restrictors have already been placed on homes owned by multiple celebrities –including the comedian Kevin Hart, rapper The Game, and Kourtney Kardashian’s ex, Scott Disick, according to water district records reviewed by the Guardian. Other famous names could be next – addresses linked to Kim Kardashian, Sylvester Stallone and Madonna have all been included on lists of violators who were eligible for flow restrictors.

    For water authorities, it’s an experiment in holding the super-rich accountable to the same standards as everyone else.

    As California’s decades-long megadrought deepened this year, water authorities across the state have issued mandatory cutbacks, enforceable with fines. But the Las Virgenes water district had a particular challenge, Mike McNutt, a spokesperson for the Las Virgenes water district, said: their customers are so rich that monetary penalties are unlikely to change their behavior, even as the district mandated a 50% reduction in outdoor watering.

    Hurricane Orlene strikes Mexico’s Pacific coast with 80mph winds

    Hurricane Orlene has made landfall on Mexico’s Pacific coast near the tourist town of Mazatlán, with winds of more than 80mph (130km/h). Electrical cables swayed and sent off showers of sparks in the town of El Rosario, about 40 miles (65km) south of Mazatlán, close to where the hurricane hit.

    Orlene lost some strength after roaring over the Islas Marías, a former prison colony being developed as a tourist draw. The main island is sparsely populated, mainly by government employees, and most buildings there are made of brick or concrete.

    The hurricane’s winds slipped back to 85mph as it hit land about 45 miles (75km) south-east of Mazatlán on Monday morning, according to the US National Hurricane Center. ...

    Orlene could bring flood-inducing rainfall of up to 10in (25cm) in some places, as well as coastal flooding and dangerous surf. ...

    Mexico’s National Water Commission said Orlene could cause “mudslides, rising river and stream levels and flooding in low-lying areas”.

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    16 users have voted.


    QMS's picture

    Ukraine Tells EU Delays in Delivering Billions in Aid ‘Not Acceptable’
    Or wat? They going to spill the beans?

    The Ukrainian government is prepared to give the Joe Biden administration
    a hand-off. Here, you take it over. Let the scowl be on your face.

    U.S. interest rate hikes are harming smaller nations per UN statement
    The FED and Wall Street are not in the business of listening to the UN.

    Mobile abortion clinics.
    Another temporary work around. How do the states squash that one?

    Jimmy Rogers with Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters - Why Did You Do It
    Rockin' to that one. Thanks for your amalgamation!

    9 users have voted.

    Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
    -- August Hare

    joe shikspack's picture


    heh, you have to give elensky credit, he's got chutzpah.

    heh, the un shouldn't tell wall street that its plans are working and smaller nations are being harmed (making them ready for asset harvesting) - it only encourages more of that behavior.

    while i really love jimmy rogers' early recordings on chess, the live album with ronnie earl and the broadcasters is really excellent and worth picking up if you see it.

    8 users have voted.
    mimi's picture

    if he does, boycott this a-hole.

    Gosh it is all so disgusting.

    Good Night, I don't read the EB tonight. I feel sickly. But the Voltaire quote is great

    Germany is on its way to destroy itself. I guess they have never heard about unity. All i see is break-ups and stupid discussions about a bag if ideas,.thrown around by clueless political kiddos, all of them wanna be the adult in the room..

    Man, I am so pissed. Sorry.

    Well, thank you for the EB, tomorrow is another day. So may be i come back to it tomorrow.

    In the words of eyo, peace and love to all of you.

    10 users have voted.
    joe shikspack's picture


    i hope that you feel better soon.

    all of the reporting that i hear from europe suggests that things are starting to go downhill there. if you have any insights into what's going on in germany, i'd be interested.

    have a great evening!

    10 users have voted.
    mimi's picture

    @joe shikspack

    Habeck criticizes "moon prices"
    Status: 05.10.2022 07:09 a.m

    The world market prices for gas are too high, complains Federal Minister of Economics Habeck. On the other hand, it could help if the EU organized a synchronized purchasing behavior. Finance Minister Lindner wants to continue operating the nuclear power plants until 2024.

    Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck has accused some supplying states of natural gas of excessive prices. "Some countries, including friendly ones, sometimes achieve moon prices. Of course, that brings with it problems that we have to talk about," Habeck told the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung". He is counting on the EU Commission to talk about this with the friendly states.

    The Green politician mentioned the United States in this context. "The United States turned to us when oil prices skyrocketed, and national oil reserves were tapped in Europe as a result. I think such solidarity would also be good for curbing gas prices," Habeck said, referring to the government in Washington.

    According to the minister, the EU should "bundle its market power and orchestrate smart and synchronized purchasing behavior by the EU states so that individual EU countries do not outbid each other and drive up world market prices". The European market power is "enormous" and only has to be used.

    Does that help?

    7 users have voted.
    joe shikspack's picture


    so, that's the best they can do, a buyer's club?

    i hope things work out ok for the german people and they manage to end the reign of these clowns quickly.

    7 users have voted.
    snoopydawg's picture

    Boy that’s some top notch denial bullsh*t from our media mouthpieces to sell the idea that of course we weren’t responsible for doing what we’ve been saying we would do.

    But sure, if you think the United States could have any responsibility for this attack at all, you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist and no different from QAnoners who think pedophile Satan worshippers rule the world.

    However it seems like there is ample evidence that America is responsible for blowing up the Nordstream pipelines and Russia used it to confront us at the Security Council where they asked our representative whether or not we did the deed… highly recommend reading this article. It’s got lots of pictures of the plane involved and how the deed was done.

    The Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Sabotage

    That said, the Russians also have this data and it certainly didn’t help our case that Biden told them we would take the pipeline out should the Russians invade Ukraine. We have seen Biden “slip up” on many occasions so this isn’t a surprise. You would think that the bobbleheads would have at least put someone in the game that would have the cognitive ability to at a minimum play the game, but that clearly isn’t the case.

    On September 29th in front of the UN Security Council a Russian Federation spokesperson presents the known facts and asks the United States representative directly in a yes or no requested response, “did the United States take out the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline” in which the US representative did not confirm nor deny it and didn’t answer the question, but instead took an offensive posture.

    Vicky Nuland…what’s the excuse for her telling us the same thing that Biden did about blowing them up? Remember when Rubio gave her the chance to deny that we had bio weapons labs in Ukraine and she freely admitted that yes indeed we do?

    Umm dude…

    The Ukrainian government is prepared to give the Joe Biden administration virtual control over its selection of Russian targets.

    Biden doesn’t want you to hit Russian targets with those long range weapons remember? It’s why he hasn’t sent any yet in the first place. As for all the other billions in weapons supposedly being sent to Ukraine they haven’t been made yet because we’ve almost emptied the store rooms and our defense companies can’t make them available for a few years and many of the ones we’ve sent haven’t been working all that well. Remember the javelins? Smile

    We spent 6 days at Xmas meadows and boy did I time it perfectly. The aspen were at their peak and then a few magnificent thunderstorms rolled through. I was surprised that I didn’t see cats and dawgs on the ground the next morning. It also got down into the 30's. A black moose walked by the camp and 2 deer had dinner just across from us. A great time was had by all.

    One of the many hills ablaze in color


    The view from the window.

    Looking out


    Looking in



    Every shitlib who has welcomed George Bush back into their hearts should read Thomas Young’s letter to Bush and see how they have shucked their humanity just because he said something mean about Trump and gave Michelle a fcking cough drop! And they should take the GD blinders from their eyes and see Obama for who he truly is. The same goes for every democrat that voted to send people to war on false pretenses and once again demand that they are held accountable for mass murder of millions.

    20 users have voted.

    The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

    joe shikspack's picture


    yeah, it looks like biden is the inventor of a new concept all his own, "implausible deniability," where he acts so incompetent that nobody could say for sure if he could keep his marbles together for long enough to construct a command to do some evil deed that he said he would do.

    glad to hear that you and sam had a great time camping, sam is looking well. please deliver a scritch for me and have a great evening!

    15 users have voted.
    CB's picture

    (Maps and diagrams at website)

    The Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Sabotage
    As I sit here with my head on a swivel after the initial SITREP broadcast discussing the findings around this issue, I am thankful that the sea of “Monkey Nation” supporters run deep around the world and that we have so many “trackers” with the ability to do what I do that I know should something happen to me, there are tens of thousands that can continue on with this effort. As it is said, “give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for life.” I have indeed taught so many enthusiasts around the world how to watch the skies over the past 2 years from YouTube that they could never stop the effort. Thank God for that. Plus, the tools to track just keep getting better and easier - eg SkyGlass.

    Okay, let’s dig into what we know about the subject. First and foremost, everything I have shown and discovered is open source - meaning it is available to anyone around the world. I just happen to know where to look and have the tools that give me the opportunity to find the data.

    That said, the Russians also have this data and it certainly didn’t help our case that Biden told them we would take the pipeline out should the Russians invade Ukraine. We have seen Biden “slip up” on many occasions so this isn’t a surprise. You would think that the bobbleheads would have at least put someone in the game that would have the cognitive ability to at a minimum play the game, but that clearly isn’t the case.

    Here are a few facts about the sabotage:

    1. Biden said we were going to do it
    2. It happened “overnight” on the 26th of September
    3. We have a US Navy P8 fly from the United States to a refueling rendezvous point over Grudziądz Poland at 0210 hrs GMT
    4. The two aircraft, Callsign N/A, and BART12 sync up at 26,400 ft for an extended 1:20 minute refueling, disconnecting at 0328 hrs GMT
    5. The BART12 air refueler RTB’d to Spangdahlem Air Base Germany and one should note the flight record has been wiped
    6. The Navy P8 then continues onto the Nord Stream Pipeline location and descends to an altitude of
    7. The Navy P8 exits the area just prior to 0700 hrs and is the only aircraft over the area the entire time
    8. At 0709 hrs GMT the Navy P8 returns back to the United States. Note: the US Navy P8 HexCode is AE6851 and is NOT listed in the aircraft database. Furthermore, the aircraft flew as “masked” meaning it did not want to be tracked
    9. Datapoint, there were recorded 2.3 magnitude shakes in the area at that same time
    10. The following morning NATO Forces announce that overnight the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline has been sabotaged
    11. A Poland Ministry Official posts a tweet thanking the United States for taking out the Pipeline
    12. On September 29th in front of the UN Security Council a Russian Federation spokesperson presents the known facts and asks the United States representative directly in a yes or no requested response, “did the United States take out the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline” in which the US representative did not confirm nor deny it and didn’t answer the question, but instead took an offensive posture

    What that means: the flight path and altitude of the P8 in question are indeed capable of conducting a “bomb run” on the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline. Now let’s look at the flight specifics. Note the last flight path just before exiting the area runs right along the pipeline in which they could have released the ordinance and continued their climb out, thus exiting the area and returning to the United States. Also, note the little hump just before the climb out (red arrow). That is consistent with a weapons release. Pitch down, increased AoA, weapon release, little bubble up, then a climb out (the blue line is the inbound leg of the same flight). You may also not the flight path. It circles over the area first, then flies downrange and starts the initial bomb run, then it does a quick readjustment on a final bomb run, releases, and exits immediately.
    Now I’m not a betting man, but if it sounds like a duck, walks and talks like a duck, then folks, it’s very likely a duck. Okay let us talk about the motive: Why would the United States take out this pipeline? Reason - because it is a very large source of revenue for Russia and the sanctions to date have not worked, in fact, they have backfired on the United States. Also, note the timing as Poland and Norway announce a new Baltic Pipeline just days after the sabotage and the EU has secured a deal with Israel going forward so they will no longer rely on Russia for the gas and oil. We simply waited until everything was shored up and made our move.

    Alright, I know I have hit you with a firehose of data for you to mull over and I will leave it to you to decide based on the data presented. One thing for sure, in our current environment this was not a good move and it could very well be what kicks this entire powder keg off. So as always, stay frosty and keep that powder dry.

    God bless,

    11 users have voted.
    snoopydawg's picture


    If it’s true then that’s some damning evidence for Russia and Germany if they care to do something about an attack on their economy. IMO it was an act of war on Germany and Russia’s equipment and I hope that someone can hold us accountable for it.

    But there’s still that navy ship that was in the area just before the attack and it could have set explosives on the pipelines back when they were doing war games in the area.

    Speaking of trolls has anyone tried wading through the comments on MoA lately? It’s been flooded with anti Russia-pro Ukraine folks for over a week. B must have hit a nerve somewhere for so many to be flooding it.

    9 users have voted.

    The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

    CB's picture

    can't see out one eye and am blind in the other. Scratch one-s head Somehow that escaped me...

    4 users have voted.

    7 users have voted.
    joe shikspack's picture


    that headline is a thing of beauty.

    5 users have voted.
    enhydra lutris's picture


    be well and have a good one

    6 users have voted.

    That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

    snoopydawg's picture


    And congress just authorized another $12 billion for Ukraine and now Biden’s sending another $600 million. What…did Ukraine spend that $12 billion already? How in the hell can all the money being sent be used up so fast? I read that some of the weapons won’t even be ready for years so what the hell is really going on with all the money? I know some is being used to finance Ukraine’s government, but jazus when are people here going to start asking why Ukraine is more important than Americans? Biden just reneged on how much student loans are going to be forgiven. Typical Biden.

    10 users have voted.

    The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


    According to Treasury Department data published Tuesday, the U.S. gross national debt closed at $31.1 trillion Monday, after passing the $30 trillion mark in late January.

    The milestone figure comes as the Federal Reserve hikes interest rates to combat historically high levels of inflation, which makes borrowing more expensive for the government.

    Congress must pass legislation to raise the debt ceiling—a cap on total borrowing that currently sits at just below $3.14 trillion—by early next year to avoid a government default, according to estimates. Lawmakers last voted to raise the federal borrowing limit by an additional $2.5 trillion in 2021. If Republicans take control of the House or the Senate before the deadline, it could result in a partisan battle over another debt ceiling hike.

    Federal borrowing reached record levels during the Covid-19 pandemic, as the government tried to support the economy amid lockdowns, layoffs and supply chain disruptions. The national debt reached $30 trillion by late January, whereas at the end of 2019, before alarms sounded over the Covid-19 pandemic, total stood at $22.7 trillion. When former President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the outstanding debt was $10.6 trillion.

    7 users have voted.

    and C99.

    Welcome back, snoop.

    What I got stuck on tonight is the attention paid to Elon Musk.

    There is something so wrong about the intense focus on this One Man and what he thinks about well, too many topics.

    All of this ceding of our opinions because of his wealth and our eagerness to do so just sticks in my craw.

    Sometimes he's right, or more correctly, on the side where my opinions lie.

    Sometimes not.

    The value and worship of his wealth and his every burp and belch is what seems like doom to me.

    "Don't follow leaders, watch the parking meters"

    or something similar....Bob Dylan a long long time ago.

    Nite folks.

    10 users have voted.


    joe shikspack's picture


    heh, musk is just another celebrity. apparently americans are hip, but can't look away. everybody knows that musk, kim kardashian and whoever else the celebrity of the month is - are assholes, or will expose themselves as such sooner or later.

    this time elon "we'll coup whoever we want" musk did not embarrass himself with his opinion, but, not to worry, the economic interest that walks like a man will undoubtedly soon give us another legitimate reason to make people love to hate him.

    7 users have voted.

    MOSCOW, May 19. /TASS-DEFENSE/. “Today, the Peresvet system is already in service… It is already serial-supplied to the troops and is capable of blinding all reconnaissance satellite systems of a potential enemy in orbits of up to 1,500 km, disabling them during their fly-past by means of laser irradiation,” he said.

    The Peresvet laser system is the first Russian weapon based on new physical principles. The development of the Peresvet was announced by President Vladimir Putin in his state-of-the-nation address on March 1, 2018. Information about the system is classified.

    10 users have voted.
    joe shikspack's picture


    nice light show you got there, putin!

    6 users have voted.
    CB's picture

    @joe shikspack @joe shikspack
    with the hundreds of tanks that are now rolling into Ukraine.

    Looks like Putin kept his word and Ukraine will finally have hell to pay. Putin can counter NATO's "eyes in the sky" that have enabled Ukraine's recent successful advances.

    Were the Ukrainians "suckered" into the open by current Russian retreats with that in mind? The fall weather is closing in and they will now be forced forced to use roads for further movement to prevent getting stuck in the mud where they would be sitting targets. They then will be readily destroyed with modern Russian tanks which have greater range and accuracy.

    7 users have voted.
    snoopydawg's picture


    Someone on MoA was talking about how we’re giving Ukraine satellite information and how bad it’d for space travel if we and Russia started taking out each other’s satellites, but Russia doesn’t need to use rockets. Boy that would put a crimp into us keeping Ukraine troops informed about Russia’s troop movements. If they are what they seem to be it sure looks like Russia is taking the gloves off. Maybe someone here with brains will start suggesting that peace is a better option?

    9 users have voted.

    The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

    enhydra lutris's picture

    Gotta love some Jimmy Rogers. That last clip is really something.

    It would be hilarious if Russia took the defacto Ukrainian aggression to the UN but the resultant tidal wave of rhetoric would very likely be unbearable.

    Ukraine is now bankrupt forever even if there were some chance that they could win this "war". I'm not overly confident that we won't see pan-european and US recession by late next year, but, if one is a saver and not a borrower, interest rates are getting vaguely respectable, assuming that the financial institutions stay solvent. Of course, that only means that one will be able to participate in the internal economy if the dollar tanks the way it really should under the current circumstances. Ah well.

    be well and have a good one.

    8 users have voted.

    That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

    joe shikspack's picture

    @enhydra lutris

    i would imagine that if the russians unleashed some truth at the un, the u.s. and its allies would crank up the mighty wurlitzer to a feverish pitch, likely deafening us all.

    well, it sure looks like recession is on the way. i wonder whether bank savings rates are likely to go up as in a downturn they have less need of deposits to make loans with. despite the several months of fed rate rises, my bank hasn't raised interest rates one iota yet.

    i sort of suspect that bail-ins might be more likely than us little people being able to get something out of the system from our savings from the banksters in charge of things.

    oh well. have a great evening!

    7 users have voted.
    snoopydawg's picture

    As working hypotheses swirl on how the deed was done, a few things are quite clear.

    Russia had absolutely no motive to destroy billions of dollars of Gazprom’s energy infrastructure: they could always use it as leverage; and they could just turn it off – as they did, because of the sanctions dementia - and re-route the gas to Asian customers.

    A White House “led” by a senile teleprompter reader, mired in a black politico-economic void, was most certainly clueless.

    The prime suspect is a rogue National Security/State Department faction – part of what is known in the Beltway as The Blob. Call them Straussians or neo-con fanatics, these are the players who are conducting a US foreign “policy” whose central premise is the destruction of Russia – with the European “allies” as collateral damage.

    An inevitable – certainly unforeseen - consequence is that in this new twist in the War of Economic Corridors, all bets are off: no pipeline or undersea cable, anywhere in the world, is now safe and may become fair game in retaliation.

    So the blow-up of the twin pipes - NS and NS2 – is 9/11 remixed Pipeline Terror. With no Islamist with a Kalashnikov hiding in an Afghan cave to take the fall.

    Financial losses will involve quite a few weighty players. The shareholders of Nord Stream AG are Gazprom (51%); Wintershall Dea AG (15.5%); PEG Infrastruktur AG, a subsidiary of E.ON Beteiligungen (15.5%); N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie (9%) and Engie (9%).

    So this is an attack not only against Russia and Germany but also against major European energy companies.

    NS2 is an engineering marvel: over 200,000 pipe segments coated with 6” of concrete, each weighing 22 tons, laid out on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

    And just when it seemed that all was lost, well, not really. The engineering marvel theme resurfaced: the pipes are so strong they were not broken, but merely punctured. Gazprom revealed there’s an intact string of NS2 that may “potentially” be used.

    The bottom line is that reconstruction is possible, as Russian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Novak stressed: “There are technical possibilities to restore the infrastructure, it requires time and appropriate funds. I am sure that appropriate opportunities will be found.”

    But first, Russia wants to conclusively identify the perpetrators.

    I think that Biden’s presidency has shown that America’s presidents are just basically puppets of the deep state and although they might have some power they usually don’t get to call the shots on foreign policy. Whether Trump was able to derail the war on Iran or some other agency overruled the blog I doubt very much that Biden is calling any of the shots, but Blinken, Nuland and other Obama retreads are the ones running the show. And boy have they fck’d up things quite royally!

    11 users have voted.

    The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

    joe shikspack's picture


    sadly, there are no consequences for fucking up, only rewards and promotions.

    8 users have voted.
    CB's picture

    that Obama is in this up to his neck. After all, it was under his term that these vermin started to take up full time residency in the back rooms of the White House. I think they just holed up in the basement under Trump's term and never left. Now they have the run of the house.

    Washington badly needs a major fumigation!

    11 users have voted.
    snoopydawg's picture


    I’m looking forward to the books being written on Biden’s presidency. Smile Can you imagine how many people will spill the beans on his state of mind while he was president? Reagan got away with his senility because he had one term with his mind intact, but Biden’s mind was known to be blown during the pseudo campaign. Even the media was calling it out before he was given the nomination.

    I don’t remember when Reagan started doing the Iran Contra stuff, but wasn’t it during his 2nd term? If so was that when the blob took over and ran wild?

    7 users have voted.

    The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

    @snoopydawg Le Blob has been in charge since at least HST, with the one exception in the early 60s. All the rest largely acquiesce to the hidden gov't, many bc they are already in agreement, a few, like Obama perhaps, go along bc they don't have the strength of will or character to oppose it. DJT had some good instincts on Russia during the 16 campaign, about the only positive things I can say about him, but he too, the supposed Tough Guy, meekly caved to the Deep State, just as he did to Fauci et al on the virus.

    Reagan: hard to say when his senility began to be a factor, as he was always no deeper on the major issues than the headlines and the bullet points handed him to repeat, and he was too lazy to learn more. Not just my cynical take -- this is confirmed by mainstream biographers and historians, and is seen clearly in the first major presser he held as ores-elect or president (which one I can no longer recall) that was so filled with errors and misstatements that his press sec'y had a long list of items to clean up the next day. He always needed a script, literally on 5 x 8 cards prepared for him, to be able to conduct even a meeting of his cabinet. HIs aides also learned, esp on NatSec issues, that it was better to prepare a brief 20 min video for Ronnie to explain certain basic NS matters.

    My view of his two terms is that the first one was a narrow escape from disaster, only bc, for whatever technical reasons, the economy finally began to recover (as of 83) from late 70s stagflation and early 80s recession, the biggest one at the time since the Great Depression. Ironically, just as one might expect his senility to be more present, his second term was, except for the law breaking of I-C, the better one, as reformer small-c commie Gorbachev came along in 85 and a decision was made to work with him on détente and arms control agreements. (A real shame, and worse, that Biden refuses today to talk meaningfully with non-commie Putin.)

    In sum, Reagan's creeping senility was hard to detect as he had always been a headlines-only, ankle-deep guy who was just a front for other powerful groups who really ran the show from the beginning. He was there just to put a nice smiling Hollywood face on things as the real work was done quietly by others behind the scenes, with Reagan's full cooperation as it gave him more time for long naps and time to watch the soaps during the day.

    9 users have voted.
    CB's picture

    @snoopydawg @snoopydawg
    one of the best historical analysis of the neocons from the ashes of WWII to Obama's permanently ensconcing them in the WH in 2016 with the passage of the “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act”.

    This is well worth a diary of it's own. Maybe it can be called:
    Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

    The history of the Neocon takeover of the USA (a 4 part analysis)

    Foreword by the Saker: the four articles below, combined into one, are an exception to the normal rule which is that this blog doe not republish articles already published in the past. In this case, at the request of Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, I decided to make an exception due to the importance and interest of the topic: the origins of the Neocon movement. I am particularly grateful to Paul and Elizabeth who have agreed to my request to remove the original copyright restrictions on this material for publication on the Saker blog. The analysis they wrote offers a very valuable insight into the roots and history of the Neocon phenomenon.

    The history of the Neocon takeover of the USA (a 4 part analysis)
    By Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

    Part 1 – American Imperialism Leads the World into Dante’s Vision of Hell
    Black propaganda is all about lying. Authoritarian governments lie regularly. Totalitarian governments do it so often nobody believes them. A government based on democratic principles like the United States is supposed to speak the truth, but when the U.S. government’s own documents reveal it has been lying over and over again for decades, the jig is up.

    Empires have been down this road before and it doesn’t end well. Americans are now being told they should consider all Russian opinion as fake and ignore any information that challenges the mainstream media and U.S. government on what is truth and what is the lie. But for the first time in memory Americans have become aware that the people Secretary of State Colin Powell once called “the crazies”, have taken the country over the cliff.

    The neoconservative hitmen and hit-ladies of Washington have a long list of targets that pass from generation to generation. Their influence on American government has been catastrophic yet it never seems to end. Senator J. William Fulbright identified their irrational system for making endless war in Vietnam 45 years ago in a New Yorker article titled Reflections in Thrall to Fear.

    “The truly remarkable thing about this Cold War psychology is the totally illogical transfer of the burden of proof from those who make charges to those who question them… The Cold Warriors, instead of having to say how they knew that Vietnam was part of a plan for the Communization of the world, so manipulated the terms of the public discussion as to be able to demand that the skeptics prove that it was not. If the skeptics could not then the war must go on—to end it would be recklessly risking the national security.”
    Muddying the waters in a way not seen since Senator Joe McCarthy and the height of the Red Scare in the 1950s, the “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act” signed into law without fanfare by Obama in December 2016 officially authorizes a government censorship bureaucracy comparable only to George Orwell’s fictional Ministry of Truth in his novel 1984. Referred to as “The Global Engagement Center,” the official purpose of the new bureaucracy will be to “recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests.” But the real purpose of this totally Orwellian Center will be to manage, eliminate or censor any dissenting views that challenge Washington’s newly manufactured version of the truth and to intimidate, harass or jail anyone who tries. Criminalizing dissent is nothing new in time of war, but after 16 years of ceaseless warfare in Afghanistan, a Stalingrad–like defeat in Iraq and with Henry Kissinger advising President Trump on foreign policy, the Global Engagement Center has already assumed the characteristics of a dangerous farce.
    Part 2 – How Neocons Push for War by Cooking the Books
    Most Americans outside of Washington policy circles don’t know about Team B, where it came from or what it did, nor are they aware of its roots in the Fourth International, the Trotskyist branch of the Communist International. Lawrence J. Korb, a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and assistant secretary of defense from 1981 to 1985 attributed the intelligence failure represented by 9/11 to Team B and had this to say about it in a 2004 article for the Los Angeles Times:

    “The roots of the problem go back to May 6, 1976, when the director of Central Intelligence, George H.W. Bush, created the first Team B… The concept of a “competitive analysis” of the data done by an alternative team had been opposed by William Colby, Bush’s predecessor as CIA director and a career professional… Although the Team B report contained little factual data it was enthusiastically received by conservative groups such as the Committee on the Present Danger. But the report turned out to be grossly inaccurate… Team B was right about one thing. The CIA estimate was indeed flawed. But it was flawed in the other direction.”
    Trotskyist Intellectuals become The New York Intellectuals become Defense Intellectuals

    Populated by an inbred class of former Trotskyist intellectuals, the Team B approach represented a radical transformation of America’s national security bureaucracy into a new kind of elitist cult. In the 1960s Robert McNamara’s numbers and statistics justified bad policy decisions, now personal agendas and ethnic grudges would turn American foreign policy into an ideological crusade. Today those in control of that crusade fight desperately to maintain their grip, but only by de-encrypting the evolution of this secret “double government” can anyone understand America’s unrelenting post-Vietnam drift into despotism over the last 40 years.
    Part 3 – How the CIA Created a Fake Western Reality for ‘Unconventional Warfare’
    The odd, psychologically conflicted and politically divisive ideology referred to as Neoconservatism can claim many godfathers. Irving Kristol, father of William Kristol, Albert Wohlstetter, Daniel Bell, Norman Podhoretz and Sidney Hook come to mind and there are many others. But in both theory and its practice the title of founding-father of the neoconservative agenda of endless warfare that rules the thinking of America’s defense and foreign policies today might best be applied to James Burnham.
    The rise of the Machiavellians

    In 1939 Sidney Hook, Burnham’s colleague at NYU and fellow Marxist philosopher had helped to found an anti-Stalinist Committee for Cultural Freedom as part of a campaign against Moscow. During the war Hook too had abandoned Marxism and like Burnham somehow found himself in the warm embrace of the right-wing of America’s intelligence community during and after World War II. Hook was viewed by the Communist Party as a traitor and “counter-revolutionary reptile” for his activities and by 1942 was informing on his fellow comrades to the FBI.

    Selling impoverished and dispossessed European elites on the virtues of American culture was essential to building America’s empire after the war and Burnham’s early writings proved the inspiration from which a new counter-culture of “Freedom” would be built. As veterans of internecine Trotskyist warfare both Burnham and Hook were practiced at the arts of infiltration and subversion and with Burnham’s The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom as their blueprint they set out to color anything the Soviets did or said with dark intent.
    Part 4 – The Final Stage of the Machiavellian Elites’ Takeover of America

    From Trotsky to Burnham, from Burnham to Machiavelli and Machiavelli to neoconservatism, the circle of British imperialism closes
    Muddying the waters of accountability in a way not seen since Senator Joe McCarthy at the height of the Red Scare in the 1950s, the “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act” signed into law without fanfare by Obama in December 2016 officially authorized a government censorship bureaucracy comparable only to George Orwell’s fictional Ministry of Truth in his novel 1984. Referred to as “The Global Engagement Center,” the official purpose of this new bureaucracy is to “recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests.” The real purpose of this Orwellian nightmare is to cook the books on anything that challenges Washington’s neoconservative pro war narrative and to intimidate, harass or jail anyone who tries. As has already been demonstrated by President Trump’s firing of Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian government airbase, it is a recipe for a world war and like it or not, that war has already begun.
    Croziers cooperation with numerous “able and diligent Congressional staffers” as well as “the remarkable General Vernon (‘Dick’) Walters, recently retired as Deputy Director of Central Intelligence,..” cemented the rise of the neoconservatives. When Carter caved in to the Team B and his neoconservative National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski’s plot to lure the Soviets and into their own Vietnam in Afghanistan it fulfilled Burnham’s mission and delivered the world to the Machiavellians without anyone being the wiser. As George Orwell wrote in his Second Thoughts on James Burnham, “What Burnham is mainly concerned to show [in The Machiavellians] is that a democratic society has never existed and, so far as we can see, never will exist. Society is of its nature oligarchical, and the power of the oligarchy always rests upon force and fraud… Power can sometimes be won and maintained without violence, but never without fraud.”

    Today Burnham’s use of Dante’s political Treatise, De Monarchia to explain his Medieval understanding of politics might best be swapped for Dante’s Divine Comedy, a paranoid comedy of errors in which the door to hell swings open to one and all, including the elites regardless of their status. Or as they say in Hell, Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

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