Trump is done! The Walls are Closing In on Him
This is why I’m leaning towards the raid on his home was politically motivated by democrats and just more of the same kabuki we’ve been subjected to for the last 6 years.
Maybe if the FBI had raided Hillary’s home in the same way when she didn’t turn in all her emails after leaving her position as Secretary of State I’d think differently. She had kept them for 4 years or so and even after congress subpoenaed them she destroyed the ones she didn’t think needed to be turned in.
I find it interesting how presidents can just walk away after committing crimes against humanity and worse, but hold on to records from your administration and you’ve crossed all lines.
The accusations of what Trump was going to do with the information has been flying so fast it’s hard to keep up. Of course people are saying that he did it on Putin’s orders cuz he’s Putin’s puppet just like Hellabitch accused him of being long before she lost to him.
For extra credit let’s wonder what the media would have done if Eric Trump had left his laptop filled with deals of how he making deals right and left that also implicated his father. You seriously think that the FBI would have sat on it for 3 years? Be honest.

Took a while to stop laughing.
I cannot help but think where would we be now if Trump had been re-elected.
He Respected Russia. And China . And even NK because of their military prowess.Admittedly, not qualities I'd admired previously, but is it not at least possible that some of the wars we are in and facing might have been avoided?
Just asking.....
I find it hilarious because it’s what people have been exposed
daily and after 2 years of it people didn’t notice that it never came true.
On the war front it’s true that Trump didn’t start any new ones and might have refused to go to war with Iran, but he did relax the rules of engagement and more civilians died from drones. But of course the media didn’t cover that. ,
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
James Kunstler’s viewpoint
Hillary’s been behind so much, perhaps this as well.
Thanks for posting this link
I was surprised to learn that Trump was suing Hillary over the Russia gate nonsense that involved Obama and people from his administration and both the CIA and FBI who are forbidden to be involved in our elections. Gosh I’ve exposed so many players since this started that I’ve forgotten a lot of them.
I think I got the hint of Trump having information about this that he wanted to release after he left office, but he couldn’t do it as long as Durham was running his investigation. As Kunstler states Trump did declassify a lot of information and wanted it released Ratcliff did release some things including how the CEO of crowdstrike admitted in 2017 that none of the DNC computer information ever left the server and yet Schiff refused to tell us about it and he kept on with the scam that Russia stole it and gave it to Assange who then released it for them.
I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that Hellabitch had a hand in the DBI raid. Democrats bitch about Trump’s big lie, but overlook their lie about Russia put Trump in office and HerHeinous herself could not admit that she lost the election on her own merits. But sure Trump is an anomaly….
I’m sure that the walls are closing in on Trump any day now. Again.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Very informative, Anya.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Liz Cheney
got her ass handed to her today.
Maybe Trump has more influence than TPTB and msm wish to acknowledge.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Trump announced endorsements for 2 Democrats running in NYC Primaries next Tuesday and it gave one of them, who is leading, a welcome talking point and a big laugh. The story led the local news at 7:00 which is the only media news I watch. It's called "Inside City Hall and it is one hour a day M-F of NYC politics.
Look at all the re-tweets and like this guy is getting
Robert Reich hopes Liz Cheney runs for President. It gets worse
I hope she declares herself a candidate for president and runs in the Republican primary against Trump. The G.O.P desperately needs her moral clarity and authority. She would give voice to Republicans who have been voiceless, and allow the Republican Party to redeem itself — to reclaim the status it needs to ever again be a governing party. If she runs, many currently independent voters — who outnumber registered Republicans — could register as Republicans and vote for her, possibly delivering Trump a sharp repudiation in his own party and making it safe for other Republican lawmakers to declare the truth about the 2020 election.
If she loses the Republican primary, she might consider running as an independent. She’d have a chance. She’d likely draw voters away from both major-party candidates, while pulling many voters into the election who typically don’t vote.
Paradoxically, Cheney — although conservative — reminds me of Senator Paul Wellstone, one of the most progressive politicians I’ve ever known. They have in common courage and integrity, and a love of democracy.
Yep she has such moral clarity that she has spent her career in congress voting against anything that would make our lives better and voted with Trump over 90% of the time. And she hasn’t seen a war she wasn’t for. But she’s against Trump and that’s all that counts. Reich has become one of the leading shitlibs. Rob Reiner went from being Meathead to being Archy Bunker.
She did loose and is hinting at running for president. Yeah good luck with that after being blown out by her opponent. I wonder how much money democrats poured into her re-election campaign?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Poor Paul Wellstone
Reich shows that he’s just a sheepdawg for democrats and he will never hold them accountable for their failures to live up to their campaign promises. Wasn’t he treasury Secretary for Clinton?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg Secretary of Labor
Thanks for the correction
I pulled that from my weary brain and knew that he was secretary of something and yes he has close ties with the Clintons. Good gravy will they ever go away? For good…
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Liz Cheney has no future in the Republican Party
She does, however, have a rich future in the Democratic Party. It takes no courage or love of democracy to embrace the Russiagate fraud, it takes an overwhelming personal ambition, a total contempt for the American people, and a complete lack of political instincts.
Her presidential ambition is absurd as a Republican. If she entered a primary she would be a single digit laughing stock. Otoh as a Democrat if Biden survives to 2024 she could replace Harris and become president, or at least get a gig with MSNBC.
On to Biden since 1973
Now that’s a frightening thought
And something that I can see happening.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.