"Don’t say that we didn’t warn you"

Don’t say we didn’t warn you – Symposium of China’s top think tank sends classic, pre-war warning to provocative Pelosi

Will the woman with a Michael Jackson nose create a military response from China?

"Don't say we didn't warn you!" - a phrase that was used by the People's Daily in 1962 before China was forced to fight the border war with India and ahead of the 1979 China-Vietnam War, was frequently mentioned during a forum held Friday by a high-level Chinese think tank, as analysts warned that open military options and comprehensive countermeasures ranging from the economy to diplomacy from China await if US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gambles with a visit to the Taiwan island during her Asia tour.

On Thursday night, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a phone conversation with US President Joe Biden, during which he once again warned the US about the seriousness and significance of the Taiwan question and said, "Public opinion cannot be defied. Those who play with fire will perish by it. It is hoped that the US will be clear-eyed about this."

In the recent week, in response to Pelosi's potential visit to the island of Taiwan, a string of warnings have also been made by different ministries and departments of China. On Friday, the Institute of Taiwan Studies in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences - the highest-level think tank - held a forum with analysts and discussed the damage of Pelosi's possible Taiwan island visit to the China-US relations, cross-Straits stability and regional and global peace, and China's countermeasures.

Sending fighter jets to intercept Pelosi's plane, declaring air and maritime zones around the island of Taiwan as restriction zones for military exercises … China's responses will be systematical and not limited to small scale given the severity of Pelosi's move and the damage to the political trust of China-US relations, Yang Mingjie, head of the Institute of Taiwan Studies in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times.
Yang noted that China has reiterated its opposition to Pelosi's possible visit and used the phrase "yanzhen yidai" - literally meaning "streamlining army formation to wait for the enemy" - to show that we have made all preparations for combats or any challenges.
The backdrop of Pelosi's visit is different from that of the 1995-96 crisis - China-US relations have changed, the comparison of strength between China and the US has changed, and the island of Taiwan itself has changed - and the way the mainland will cope with Pelosi's visit will be different and may bring wider consequences and impact, Wu Yongping, director of the Institute of Taiwan Studies, Tsinghua University, told the Global Times.

Wu noted that the Chinese mainland's countermeasures will be comprehensive in military, diplomacy, economy and public opinions. If Pelosi insists on making the visit, China can turn the incident into an opportunity to take control of the Taiwan Straits situation and push the reunification process, and such consequence should be borne by the island and the US as the international community will also clearly see the provocation from the US and that any actions China will take are out of determination to defend its sovereignty.

"If so, will Pelosi regret catalyzing China's reunification process?" Wu asked.

The phrase "Don't say we didn't warn you" had also been frequently mentioned by analysts when talking about the disastrous consequences that may be brought about by Pelosi during the Friday forum.

"Don't say we didn't warn you" has become a key phrase used by Chinese official media as the most severe warning previously issued before shots were fired in military operations. The phrase has been used several times before, such as in 1962 and 1978, not long before China's military operations against provocations by Indian and Vietnamese troops, respectively.
"The US should not underestimate the Chinese people's determination to defend core interests on sovereignty, integrity and security at any time. It should also not repeat the miscalculation it made in the 1950s in the Korean War. Despite not being strong at that time, China still had the courage to fight a war when it was pushed to the corner, it will surely not sit idly by this time," said Yang.

Many analysts also stressed that once Pelosi visits the island of Taiwan, it will escalate the cross-Straits tensions, greatly damage the political trust of China-US relations, and bring disastrous effects to regional peace and economy.

Pelosi, out of her paranoid anti-China ideas and selfish political interests, has provoked the Taiwan question and sent a seriously wrong signal to the secessionist forces in Taiwan. If it leads to the intensification and loss of control of secessionist activities, it is detrimental to US national interests and it is the US that has to foot the bill, said Zhu Weidong, deputy director from the Institute of Taiwan Studies in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

I think this is a dumb move by Pelosi and an unwarranted risk to take because there’s no way IMO that our military can fight on two fronts with Russia and China let alone either country. Both Russia and China have better military equipment because our defense companies are more interested in keeping their shareholders happy and rich then they are in making quality equipment. Just look at how some of our weapons are doing in Ukraine against Russia.

Also see Moon of Alabama for more on this.

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snoopydawg's picture

On "The Story" on Friday, Waltz said the Biden administration needs to take a much stronger stance with China and unequivocally show its support for Pelosi.

"This is an unacceptable threat. Speaker Pelosi, regardless of what you think of our politics, is the number three in line for the presidency of the United States," Waltz said, arguing the White House is again diplomatically dithering at a key moment.

"Once again, we see the Biden White House failing to be clear on what the United States finds acceptable and unacceptable — and in this case, need to make it clear that should any harm come to Speaker Pelosi and her trip to Taiwan, it's tantamount to a declaration of war," he said. "That's the kind of clarity we need from the commander-in-chief right now. And we're just not getting it."

Waltz told "The Story" that Pelosi backing down or the White House convincing her to stay home would amount to a propaganda victory for Xi — and a silent but obvious diplomatic overture to Indo-Pacific U.S. allies like the Republic of Korea, Australia and Japan that the U.S. may not have their back if they, too, are threatened by Xi.

"What I wanted to see from Biden was a clearer statement, a policy shift. He slipped in this regard when he was in Japan, where he said absolutely we'll defend Taiwan. Then his staff walked it back," he said.

Funny…I don’t remember China threatening Korea. Australia or Japan or any other countries nor have they been meddling in their governments like we have been doing since the end of WW2. It’s us who thinks that we can dictate what other countries do and if they don’t do what we tell them to we make their lives a living hell. And again how dumb was it for congress to let corporations take their jobs over to China and making the country dependent on things that we no longer can make here? Good lord we just found out how dependent we were on China when Covid broke out and we had no way to protect our health care workers or our population and had to wait for things to come from China and elsewhere. Hell we even have to import things our military needs from China. We don’t even make our own military uniforms anymore.

Someone wrote on Twitter yesterday that if the people in congress hadn’t gotten elected they would have failed in business. I’m thinking that’s pretty much on the mark.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

Fleming novel.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Lookout's picture

This is an election distraction IMO as Paylowsee is about to lose her speaker position. The dimwits are desperate. But this bonehead provocative move WILL backfire. Too bad the demented US leadership is incapable of seeing through their own aggressive arrogance. Oh well it is just the little people who will suffer the consequences.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

previously announced that she will not serve another term as Speaker. However, she will continue to hold her seat in the House for at least 2+ more years.

6 users have voted.

Hasn't she done enough damage already?

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snoopydawg's picture

China Unveils ‘Aircraft Carrier Killer’ Missile Amid Tensions Over Pelosi’s Indo-Pacific Trip

Beijing has for the first time unveiled a video featuring the launch of what appears to be a DF-17 hypersonic missile, which Chinese experts quoted by state media have described as an “aircraft carrier killer”.

A military expert quoted by Global Times said that potential enemies would have a “hard time” locating the new missile, which can be launched any time and anywhere.
Military observers have also said it is “almost impossible” to “intercept” the missile since it uses an “unpredictable trajectory”.
Further, experts have reckoned that the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait and the north-east Asian region are located within “striking range” of the missile, which can also hit slow-moving targets such as aircraft carriers.
The video surfaced a day after the PLA held “live-fire drills” near the Pingtan Islands in the Taiwan Strait. The Maritime Safety Administration warned ships to avoid the area from 8am to 9pm on Saturday. Beijing also conducted naval drills in the South China Sea on 29 and 30 July.

Also Russia just updated their naval doctrine in a response to more threats from NATO. They are putting their most powerful missile on their flag ship soon that they say no country has a defense against.

Russia’s naval fleet will start receiving the newest Zircon hypersonic anti-ship cruise missiles “in the coming months,” President Vladimir Putin has said.

The Russian president praised the weapon on Sunday, saying that “no obstacles” can stop the rockets.

“The Russian Armed Forces will start receiving them in the coming months,” Putin said during a Navy Day speech in St. Petersburg. “The first ship equipped with this mighty weapon will be the frigate Admiral Gorshkov,” he added.

According to Putin, the frigate’s exact deployment will be chosen “in accordance with the interest of maintaining Russia’s security.”

Putin added that Russia will defend its maritime interests “resolutely and with all its capabilities.”

As I mentioned our defense companies have spent the last few years buying back their stocks in order to make their shareholders richer instead of putting their money back into their business and hiring the best engineers possible. In fact they have been letting go their higher paid employees and hiring people who they can pay less. Russia and China’s defense industries are more state owned because they want quality products and they both have hypersonic weapons whilst we are still testing (and failing) ours. China also recently showed that they can shoot our satellites and making us blind.

Seems like every country is pouring more money into their military all because America’s dick is shrinking and the viagra isn’t working as well anymore. You can only bluff others when you are stronger than they are. That ship has sailed for us. You’d think that our abandoning Afghanistan like we did after 20 years of making a few people rich by money laundering through the defense industrial complex would give us some humility. We got defeated by people who didn’t even have an air force for crying out loud! When was the last time America won a war?

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

If Pelosi visits Taiwan?
The reaction seems shrill and overblown.
The neocon-China alliance is well known. The Biden-Pelosi neocons are doing some sort of kabuki theater dance with the chinese.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Battle of Blair Mountain

How’d you think any president would react if the 3rd most powerful person in China went to Texas and offered them guns and support to them? If you are board with seeing how Ukraine joining NATO was a threat to Russia and can understand why they started their SMO, but can’t see why Pelosi going to Taiwan is a problem for China I don’t know what to say. This type of thinking is what drives Caitlin bat shit crazy. Shitlibs are okay with democrats fighting Russia and Trump supporters are on board with a republican president fighting China. There seems to be no difference between blue maga and red maga. I think that it’s way past time that America stays in its own country and let others mind their own business. Neither country is my enemy. America’s hegemony is an enemy and a threat to all life on earth. IMO. YVMV.

My bet is that if republicans take both houses we are going to see a different variance of Russia Gate where democrats tried to toe Trump to Russia, but it’s going to be Biden’s ties to China. Sure I think that the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop is genuine, but gee wiz folks almost every member of congress has a foundation where they get to do pay for play. Hillary’s got exposed because she was so blatant about it during her tenure as SoS. But once it was known that she wouldn’t be coronated people who donated to her switched them to John McCain's foundation.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Lookout's picture

@Battle of Blair Mountain

Why would Pelosi visit Taiwan? To provoke conflict in a Ukraine 2.0 way with China rather than Russia as the target.

Why provoke WWIII?

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Colonial powers send in High Commissionaire and gunboats to teach the yellow man his place.

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Lookout's picture


So still a provocative trip but not crossing China's red line.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

It may be a bigger story than we think.

Or just another distraction from the Failures of our current Hate Campaign.


Because of how beautiful this video from the 1980's is. The flag waving images stayed with me all these years.

Because of the wisdom:


"Should I stay or should I go?

If I go there will be trouble

If I stay there will be double."

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snoopydawg's picture

Big tuff Pompeo is just full of crap.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

Here’s a hint:

Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin made a shocking admission this week, revealing that a major foreign agency has been pressing him to change his official stance on Russia and China. A smear campaign in the media is expected to start against Vulin in the coming days.

Belgrade’s official position with regards to Russia is that it will not join any anti-Russian sanctions, arguing that Serbia will adhere to its own independent foreign policy while maintaining strong bilateral relations with Moscow. The dark underworld of global politics, however, hellbent as it is on controlling all positions with regards to Russia, is having none of it.

“One of the largest services in the world… told me that my stance was unacceptable and that if I do not change [it] and do not abandon the policy that I am pursuing … then I will not be a member of the government and they will do absolutely everything to smear me,” Vulin told the media outlet Pink.

The high-ranking minister said he declined to cooperate with members of the ‘foreign agency’, which he declined to name.

“I haven’t worked and won’t work for anyone except for the Serbian people, the Serbian state, and I won’t be completely loyal to anyone, except for the president of all Serbs,” he defiantly declared in direct opposition to the tenets of globalism.

Earlier, Vucic said Western governments had been pressing Serbia into becoming “a NATO foot soldier.” That is certainly fresh considering that it was NATO that broke international law with its 1999 attack on Yugoslavia, leaving the Serbian capital of Belgrade in smoking ruins.

This latest act of interference on the part of the West reveals an arrogance and impudence that would make Machiavelli’s prince blush in shame. Let’s not forget that Serbia is not a member of the European Union, or NATO, and should be permitted to oversee its own foreign policy as it sees appropriate.

They are close to opening up hostilities against each other, but it’s doubtful that it just developed on its own.


Edit Serbia with Kosovo. My bad again. Geography isn’t my forte.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture


What side will the shitlibs take? Whatever side democrats tell them to.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt