So Ro Khanna is a Biden booster
As for Ro Khanna (D: Silicon Valley) himself, he also appeared on MSNBC:
Khanna says Democrats need to be disciplined: ‘You don’t get anywhere attacking’ Biden
So Silicon Valley, one of Hillary Clinton's main pit-stops, is all in for Biden. Here one needs to recall, as The Hill's Julia Mueller says, that:
Khanna has pushed back against Biden in the past: critiquing the president’s inflation plan and pressuring the administration on student loan forgiveness.
There isn't a lot of meaning, then, to the idea of "pushback" against the President from "progressives." In fact, as I've said before, the Nice Liberals with Big Egos made this vast pretense two years ago of being America's saviors, whereas in fact they were mere bystanders. Now it appears that not only were they bystaners, but they are going to be open advocates of people (Biden) and policies (domestic) that doom them to pointlessness.
If anything, we should marvel in amazement that, as the political status quo creates more and more disasters (the Supreme Court, Biden's foreign policy, climate change, and so on), its own stability remains unquestioned and unchallenged. Kyle Kulinski's depiction of Biden as a status quo President, then, is as laughable as Biden's promise to wealthy donors back in 2019 that "nothing will fundamentally change." Back in the day, Stephen Colbert made fun of Biden for saying such stuff:
Yeah, back in the day. Remember back in the day? Biden, like the Republican BFFs he pretends to disagree with, is there to protect established power while the rest of America circles the drain.
Meanwhile, the police state, having been granted to pregnant women, is now being extended to the homeless. Their imprisoners will advertise a perfect, utopian model community (it will be a Christian one), the one depicted in Margaret Atwood's "The Heart Goes Last," in which we are all prisoners and the "normal" prisoners die violent deaths conducted out of sight. As Jeffrey St. Clair suggests, the screams of the children will be edited out.
So who's running in 2028?

the word has gone out
here's some tripe from Paul Begala
"I am old enough to remember when it was right-wing Republicans who were hellbent on tearing down Democratic presidents like Barack Obama and Clinton; now the progressives are practically doing the GOP's job for them."
Jill Biden accidentally confirms her hubby is incompetent to handle challenges
"He's just had so many things thrown his way," she said. "Who would have ever thought about what happened [with the Supreme Court overturning] Roe v Wade? Well, maybe we saw it coming, but still we didn't believe it. The gun violence in this country is absolutely appalling. We didn't see the war in Ukraine coming."
He could, you know --
The endless trauma part of the Ukraine proxy war is a byproduct of Biden's cabinet being full of warmongers. Without them there would be a settlement coming soon. We will at some point receive a Wikileaks data dump explaining who-exactly told Biden to pick his cabinet, just like with Obama.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Looking at the FP
Meanwhile we have the Ro Khanna types, drifting slowly to embrace the establishment on FP, and another former Bernie top aide Matt Duss -- both Khanna and Duss are fully behind Biden's disastrous UKR policy. Some left we have. It's no wonder Biden picked neocons because there were just neocons in the jury pool.
Who would ever
When I recently
heard Khanna's name mentioned wrt being a candidate for 2024, I wondered who was pushing this idea. Turns out it's apparently a number of people from the Bernie camp. And the politico article is from March, when Khanna first came out "strongly" in support of Biden for 2024.
It's not entirely remarkable to take such a position wrt a sitting president from the same party. It's politically cautious, safe. It allows him to show loyalty while at the same time it's early, and allows events to unfold naturally wrt Biden's political and personal situation. If they don't improve, JB will have further cratering support and the decision for 2024 will be forced upon him. At that point, people like Khanna and Bernie and others will not be blamed and will be free to jump in or not without controversy.
Apart from Khan's weak position in FP and UKR, he does have a good domestic record -- pro-union, pro M4A, $15 min wage etc. -- and is proposing a bill on term limits for Scotus -- 18 yrs.
Close observers of this board know I place high priority on Scotus/fed court reform. So major points for that. And clearly he would be preferable to another 4 yrs of Joe.
Any random stray cat would be preferable
to another four years of Deadbrain Biden (not that there's much chance he'd survive that long - in fact he may not make it to 2024).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.