Open Thread WE 13 JUL 22 ~ knotting

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Welcome to another full moon. My favorite definition of a knot is anything that can be untied.
Once prided myself with being able to tie a bowline around my torso one handed. Handy for
lashing oneself to the helm in a storm.
Ridicule often cuts the knot, where severity fails.
-- Horace
When a knot gets to tight, you can always cut the rope.
-- Dean Koontz
Battle, n., A method of untying with the teeth a political knot that would not yield to the tongue.
-- Ambrose Bierce
We might knit that knot with our tongues that we shall never undo with our teeth.
-- John Lyly
Even though you tie a hundred knots, the string remains one.
-- Rumi
Dreams are stories made by and for the dreamer, and each dreamer has his own folds to open and knots to untie.
-- Siri Hustvedt
But first, it helps to know a few strange terms. Put it simply, a knot is some kind of fastening or splice made by intertwining one or more ropes or some other flexible material. After tightening a knot, it should hold on its own. A hitch is a little bit different. It’s like a knot, but it generally involves another object like a stick, a post, a ring, or occasionally another rope. Properly tied, hitches can hold their place, or they may be able to slide, depending on the hitch you choose. A lashing is like a hitch, but slightly more complex. Lashings involve the use of a rope or similar material to secure two or more objects together. To grossly oversimplify all this, the knot is just rope fastened together; the hitch is a rope fastened to an object; and a lashing is a rope fastening multiple objects together.
Ok, this ties it up. Add whatever you've got. Not necessary to tie-in. Be creative.

You forgot Don Knotts
aka Barney
Then there's wood knots...
You wood, but I would knot.
However, it is a nicely tied up OT. Thanks!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Knots are not a wood turners friend
Met a wood turner at a fair this weekend. He turned out some amazing bowls. The most
interesting are the ones spun out of burls. Some of his work ..
and other examples of burl turnings ..
burl origins ..
turn your knots into burly Q's
good day!
question everything
A follow-on from Snoop's post in last night's EB
From Bernhard at Moon of Alabama ..
From Michael Hudson - The End of Western Civilization
cherry picked for brevity
question everything
In so many ways
I followed the link from a saker essay and have read a few of this guy’s essays. He’s worth a look at on how the Ukraine conflict is going to play out.
The United States Could Not Win and Will Not Fight a War Against Russia
It took a year for all equipment for the Iraq war to be put in place and if NATO decided to take on Russia directly instead of doing it behind the scenes it’s doubtful that Russia would just sit back and watch them getting ready for war. Besides we would probably have to empty every US base spread across the world and that would lead to more conflicts because of their absence. And we are sending Ukraine a lot of our military equipment which will take time to build up again. The pentagon has noticed how worthless the javelins are in combat and won’t be using them much again. But this is just another transfer of money to the defense industries while America falls further into a 3rd world country. And too many people are cheering for it because they’ve been brainwashed by unrelenting propaganda. Too many reasons why Americans have lost their critical thinking skills.
I found this picture in this essay.
It looks like Lincoln only has 1 leg. Did he? If so has it been common knowledge and I just missed it? Anyone?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
pretty sure Lincoln had both legs
must be the angle of the shot?
The projection involved with the chicken hawks is fairly obvious.
The insecurities of the 'security state' can not be understated.
thanks for posting!
question everything
Yep, it's the angle.
If you enlarge the pic in the original essay, you'll see both legs are almost exactly in line with the camera.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Here’s an article on military weapons supplies
Who wins the battle comes down to who has more weapons in supply and how fast they can be created. The US is lacking in that regard and since it has been sanctioning counties that supply lots of stuff used in them it’s going to be falling further behind. Our weapons are made for profit. Russia uses theirs for defense.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Interesting perspective
thanks for the link!
question everything
Book of poetry about human relationships: “Knots” by R. D. Laing
Thanks for the link and jogging the old memory
I remember reading some of his work during my psyche education in the 70's.
Ronald David Laing , usually cited as R. D. Laing, was a Scottish psychiatrist who wrote extensively on mental illness,
in particular, the experience of psychosis.
Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent.
-- R. D. Laing
question everything
Different philosophies
A favorite image from R.C. Fulwiler...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
great photo! interesting symmetry
guess I would identify
more with the loose tail on the
right side of the dock
thanks for posting
question everything
The Flemish coil always says "I'm a neurotic SOB" to me, somehow. Just set the line up so it flakes half-decently, and as always: mind the bight...
Be safe (and non-neurotic!) out there!
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Good morning QMS. One's definition of knot says a lot.
First, however:
. Believe it or knot, I learned to do that with my eyes closed at a ridiculously young age, like before I was 5, because handy for lashing yourself to a rail or anything else in "weather". Later, fwiw I learned is also one nautical mile (roughly 6,000 feet or 1,000 fathoms) per hour, between 1.1 and 1.2 mph. But, sea where that leads?
alternatively, a knot is the base of a tree branch where it intersects the trunk and or where the trunk wood grows around said base. When the tree is made into planks, the knot is a slice through said junction and, if it is loose, can fall out leaving a knot and a knothole as separate things. Would one focus on that, it bespeaks a different, non-nautical orientation.
Then, to quote da wiki
( ) Some great examples on that page. This usage is not to becornfuzed with the locution or "a knotty problem", which does not necessarily pertain to knot theory.
All that said, it's kinda grey and gloomy and, once again, errands to do so that, subsequent to their performance, other stuff can get done, or at least started.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
there are no ends to tie or untie
your mathematical definition brings to mind an endless splice used in rigging work
A splice is usually significantly stronger than a knot and is intended to be permanent.
good luck with the chores
question everything
Marlinespike seamanship
is one of the most righteous pursuits available to the sailor (well, that, and the whole "not sinking" thing). Yeah, mon! There are few more pleasant ways to spend an afternoon than whipping the ends of a new set of lines, with some nice tunes and an Adult Beverage...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
For all those lacking their own hard copy, allow me to recommend downloadable, y'awl.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
And this excerpt from
the good old Navy manual: think of it as the Cliff's-notes version of Ashley.
"If it moves, salute it. If it doesn't, paint it." That is all...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Hold your left hand in a semi loose fist 6 to 8 inches
from your chest,with the index finger sticking straight out. Now crook the index finger into something approximatly 2/3 to 3/4 of a circle. Hold your right hand roughly level with your chin with the first and middle finger separated by about 1/4 inch and the thumb and other fingers turned inward.
Congrats, you just made CPO.
be well and have a good one
HINT: cuppa joe and a smoke.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
By the fact that a) I didn't know that one, b) I don't drink coffee, and c) I don't smoke: you can tell that I was never in the actual Navy...
However, having said that- I like big boats and I cannot lie. Civilian sailor only.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I have a knot story.
A county employee was assigned a truck. One morning, he opened the door, saw a rope tied in a noose. Only county employees at that facility had access to the truck keys. he brought it to the boss' attention, and the boss said it was just an accidental knot. The employee insisted he investigate, so he was fired on the spot.
He was the only black employee at the facility.
Nooses are not accidental.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981