The Barbarians are at the gate- establishment panicking

After a "thumping" in Wisconsin (per the words of CNN's John King which I am sure will get him called into the principal’s office for that true comment), and after this weekend's upcoming crushing loss in Wyoming. The Clinton's camp is in disarray, they are attacking Sanders as not being a democrat (look at who is calling the kettle black- the Queen herself- a republican lite person). Saying the young voters are naive and protesting by voting for Sanders. The smear attacks are increasing, by claiming the victim card and using all her connections and advocates to attack the Sanders' campaign on all fronts. Finally, they keep claiming it is all about the math, which is funny after losing the last 7 of 8 contest, soon to be 8 of 9 contests, and her voter count and delegates count falling fast. Moreover, if you want math look at the money raised, Sanders once again continues to crush her in the contributors and money raised. So I question their math skills.

So take a whiff and smell what is in the air- fear, desperation and the big MO. Lets face it, Hillary is a terrible candidate and campaigner, and if she is the democratic nominate she will get beat. Moreover, it is all about her and the establishment, only those in the elite club with reap from her success. So if you want to enjoy the show and take down these good for nothing parasites (political class, media, and wealthy) join in the fun- talk to people, combat the negative narrative with the truth and facts, use social media to spread the word, if you want please contribute to the Sanders' campaign (even if it is only a $1) and contribute to this site as well. Please note this site is not a campaign site for Sanders, but there are many like-minded individuals that are working for positive change in this country.

Now is the time to shock the world, and take back our country and address all the issues (so many to list)- education, health care, social security, criminal justice system, economic disparity, failing infrastructure, climate problems, discrimination of all forms, the class system, military spending/international misuse, and injustice.

Please join in the movement and make a positive difference- you know it in your bones now is the the time to act- we need to wake up and make a difference!

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Hillbilly Dem's picture

she could win the general election. But it will be an "ugly" win and will depend on a lot of factors. HRC running a masterful campaign will not be one of those factors. She is an awful candidate. She is Salieri to Bernie's Mozart. She can't connect with her audience. She's easily rattled if she gets "off message".

Love him or hate him, Bill Clinton was an incredible candidate. I think it was MoDo who said that when Bill watches her campaign, it must be like an ex-MLB All Star watching his kid strike out in a Little League game.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

Borkrom's picture

You are right (grinding my teeth) she could win the general election, but it would be ugly- a campaign of fear and one of division (dividing groups against each other). But I would not bet on that outcome.

As for your point about Bill Clinton he was a great candidate.- night and day difference between the two.

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Hillbilly Dem's picture

the only general election candidate who could make me vote for Hillary is Ted Cruz. He's just that fucking scary to me. Cruz frightens me waaay more than Trump. As big of an ass as Trump is, he could end up being more palatable than HRC if he would stop with the WWE schtick after he (gulp) wins the office of POTUS.

I have many worries about an HRC presidency. 1. Business as usual. The old carnival game of "Shoot 'Til You Win" for Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Oil and the MIC. 2. Gridlock. The Repubs reanimate "Obama, Part 2": Nothing gets done, even if it helps the country. 2a. No gridlock, but cooperation with the Repubs. Can you imagine what those compromises might look like? Ugh. 3. Incremental baby steps on Climate Change. Big Oil will have her ear. "Slow down. Not so fast. It will be OK." Except it won't. It's do or die. We're on the final glide path. It's now or never.

So many more worries about what happens if HRC wins her "prize" and her place in the history books. Now I'm in a funk. I think I'll donate to Bernie, that'll help.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

longtalldrink's picture

correct me if I am wrong. Isn't TrusTed Canadian?

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Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin

Hillbilly Dem's picture

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

longtalldrink's picture

but my point he even allowed to run for President?

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Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin

Hillbilly Dem's picture

It's just that if he wins, he's not allowed to be sworn in.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

TheOtherMaven's picture

who was "the best of the rest" in his time, and would probably have been remembered as a "great" if he hadn't had the misfortune to be a direct contemporary of Mozart.

Mrs. Clinton is not "the best of the rest". Not hardly.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Ravensword's picture

Hillary is Nixon w/o the charisma.

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Bob Schieffer was on the morning news today and said that one reason for Bernie to stay in the race was that Hillary might be indicted.

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But insight into the Rumours they don't report.

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I've read a couple articles already that catapults the propaganda from the Hillary campaign.

Slate: Bernie Sanders Claims Big Win in Wisconsin, Faces Tough Road Ahead

In fact, even with the big win in Wisconsin, Sanders is just doing the baseline of what he needs to do in order to maintain the level of catch-up he requires in order to beat Clinton.

...In other words, it’s another big win for him Tuesday night, but he’s not winning.

Politico: Sanders blows by Clinton in Wisconsin: He’s won seven of the past eight contests, but will it matter?

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

Until the convention, where he will finally WIN.IT.ALL.

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congenitalefty's picture

why does Clinton's campaign feel the need to go so negative on him?

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stevej's picture

"Just doing the baseline"
hitting the numbers he needs to win

Outrageous spin from a Clintonite hack

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

I guess it's OK if Hillary uses "Bush tactics" to strong arm her way to the nomination because after when a democrat does it, it's OK. The whole nomination process with voter fraud has been criminal and the liberals just look the other way.

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"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho

Problem with the authors logic is that they assume the establishment really cares about the vote actually meaning something. Wrong assumption.

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"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho

Borkrom's picture

You are right, the establishment does not care about us- as long as we keep quiet and do what we are told- vote for the "real" democrat. This makes my heart hurt.

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WoodsDweller's picture

is Sanders going into the convention with 100 more pledged delegates than Clinton, but the super delegates overturning the voters and installing HRH.
Just prior to that at the Republican convention, faced with disaster in the form of Trump or Cruz, they install Paul Ryan who got zero votes in the primary.
The general election would be between two candidates who did not win their primaries. I can't think of a scenario that could result in a lower voter turnout from both parties. In that situation, anything could happen.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

If Bernie gets to the convention with more pledged delegates, the SDs are not going to nullify that, because that will result in wholesale desertion by progressives and moderate Dems, and a certain loss in November.

The Repub side of things could go any which way, though

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Not me -- US!

The only way Sanders will prove he's serious about his revolution is to run as an independent if that happens because it looks like he would win if Trump gets screwed at the convention. There is a lot of overlapping appeal with Bernie and Trump.

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"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho

mouselander's picture

And I don't see the Gopsters nominating his runner-up, the loathsome and universally despised Rafael (nee Ted) Cruz. So the most likely scenario is that they contrive to bring in a "white knight" compromise candidate, whom I believe will very probably be Paul Ryan. After all, the guy's high profile, articulate, superficially reasonable sounding, and has already been through one national GE campaign. And I'm also quite sure the smart money will be on him selecting Nikki Haley as his running mate.

It's certainly not assured that HRC would lose to a Ryan / Haley ticket, but I personally would consider it more likely than not. She's a cold, arrogant, unsympathetic person, a wretchedly poor campaigner, and someone who's saddled with any number of vulnerabilities and ticking time bombs. Still, the "good" news is that the dominant corporate wing of the Democratic Party would undoubtedly prefer a President Ryan to a President Sanders. So the electability issue should be no great impediment for Hillary.

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inactive account

TheOtherMaven's picture

If there's a "compromise candidate" on their horizon, it is very likely to be faux "nice guy" Kasich, who is actually still in the running but eating Trump's and Cruz's dust.

They just may bet the farm on his being able to fool enough of the people for just long enough.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.