What Is Wrong With Us?
Submitted by QMS on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 9:08am
A sociologists perspective on gun violence from Common Dreams.
I think his points are valid as in the american culture of viewing violence
as entertainment. Another amoral and sick industry to make money.
What do I propose? Well, let's start with the idea proposed by Hannah Arendt at the beginning of her book "The Human Condition" in which she wrote: "What I propose therefore is very simple: it is nothing more than to think about what we are doing."

To understand that it doesn’t have to be this way
From the same article. Makes one wonder if the social manipulators here are creating an atmosphere of acceptable violence for some nefarious purposes. Tolerance for war death and destruction? Numbing the societal psyche?
Hang on to your moral compass.
question everything
You hit the nail
right on the head. We are very definitely being conditioned to accept eternal war, eternal and escalating random acts of violence, dwindling supplies of the necessities of life, and a willingness to just mutely stumble along and say, 'Well, there's nothing to be done about it anyway".
I wouldn't be at all surprised if dark-suited people from the alphabet agencies show up at production meetings with quotas of gore, and the tacit message of "Nice little TV show you have here. It'd be a shame if anything happened to it...". Wag the dog, baby. Wag the dog...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Basically we're a violent self centered society...
and sadly I don't see it improving.
Video games might be playing a role as well as TV. Seems most are about "eliminating" enemies.
Conflict rather than cooperation is the US modus operandi from capitalism to war. Glad I can hide in the holler.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Anti depressant meds might play a role in mass shootings
Kids and teenagers have been drugged with powerful drugs that once weren’t allowed to be prescribed to them. Drugs for kids who have ADD, ADHD and other ‘behavioral' problems are semi new. The 2 Columbine shooters were on drugs like Prozac and possibly some anti psychotic ones as well.
The Evidence for Antidepressants Causing Mass Shootings
I was prescribed Prozac after talking to a doctor for 30 minutes and was thrown into a manic state within a week with fun thoughts of suicidal ideation. Just out of the blue I’d think of killing myself. Not fun. I don’t remember if I had anger issues because of the drug but I was already having them because of a head injury. 20 years ago I had to see a psychiatrist in a pain management group and after meeting me for the first time after 15 minutes he decided I needed an anti psychotic drug that had just been released. Yeah I had no plans on subjecting myself to that again so after a week I called and said the side effects were too much. Neither doctor was aware of the head injury that might have caused me to react badly to both drugs.
How many kids are being put on these dangerous drugs without proper investigation into what is causing their problems? Many kids would do better with talk therapy instead of being drugged and destroyed. Read any information about drugs in the PDR and it says that how they work isn’t known. I agree with that.
Alex Berensen says the Chicago shooter was on THC and he thinks that causes psychosis. His substack is full of essays on it. I think the verdict is still out, but who knows? But I do wonder what could cause someone to decide to commit mass murder? Especially on the scale that it mostly only happens in America. I think our lack of social support plays into it which we can thank our government whores for not giving it to us.
After reading more of the article I came to the conclusion that these drugs are knowingly given to us without any warnings of the extreme reactions because they don’t care if we do kill each other. The adverse effects were known before they were approved and are known now, but still allowed to be given to us. Not sure why we have a government agency that is supposed to protect us unless it’s just so that dangerous products can be put on the market. It’s like how many people could have been saved during Covid if we all had quality medical insurance?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Well if it weren't this way --
how would America create violent police forces? You know, like those who took down the Occupy movement.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
So...what happened now?
I noticed The Onion was doing one of its now-customary reactions to another mass-shooting.
As for the rest of you: I'm sorry to tell you this, but you seriously all sound like a bunch of
old fartsFathers Against Rude TelevisionTipper Gore-impersonators.Violence on TV!
Hi, your cuddly little Moonbat here; have I told you about my hobbies?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
America is a Gun, by Brian Bilston
And yes, I am in fact an old fart, and furthermore I am one who is uninterested in being annihiliated for someone else's carefully cultivated and/or trained pleasure. You mileage may vary, though.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
A good poetic description
of what various countries represent.
Thanks for that.
I think I shall never see
another country so obsessed
with guns as much as we.
question everything