This Just Doesn't Look Right
Submitted by JtC on Wed, 06/22/2022 - 11:34am
This image was plastered all over the internet yesterday. Supposedly the image was taken in Washington, DC. It doesn't look real to me. Why? Read below the fold.

- It's too perfect. Notice how sharp the corners are. If this poster was handled and fastened to that slab of concrete don't you think there would be a least a little crease or a turned up corner?
- The edges are too straight and sharp. The only inconsistency in the edges are at the bottom and they do not line up with any irregularities in the concrete. Notice the voids or indentations in the concrete at the top edge of the poster, the poster should reflect those voids as dimples in the poster's paper, unless it is made of heavy stock paper which I address below. There should be lumps and indentations along the edges mirroring lumps and indentations in the concrete.
- The concrete slab is square and the poster is trapezoid shaped. Why go through the extra expense and hassle of creating a trapezoid shaped poster. A trapezoid shaped poster would also present a problem of formatting the image to fit the unconventional shape. It can be done but it's a pain.
- There are no signs of how this poster was attached to the concrete. The only explanation, IMHO, is the poster was glued to the concrete. If you've ever hung wall paper before then you'd know just how difficult it is to glue paper to a wall. And if it is glued, any voids or irregularities in the concrete would bleed through the poster paper unless it was printed on a heavy stock (thick) paper. Why use expensive heavy stock paper? If it is heavy stock paper then there should be a noticeable thickness or depth to the edge which I just don't see.
Conclusion: In my humble opinion, and this is just my opinion, this image has been photoshopped. The concrete slab would have to be perfectly smooth for the poster to appear like that, how many concrete slabs have you seen that are perfectly smooth, especially considering this slab hasn't been finished (troweled). You can tell it hasn't been finished by the voids and seams from the forms in the concrete.

I published this earlier and then had to leave for a while. When I got back I noticed that a software hiccup had eaten most of it, so I re-published.
maybe I'm over analyzing.
You're not the only one
...who has raised questions about this poster.
There are also issues with "who is the audience" for this.
I just can't imagine...
why anyone would want to fake that image? Can you?
Well, I just can’t think-a no reason neither…
This is astroturfing
A nice idea for organizing -- leave the date for the demonstration open to tie it directly to the event you want to protest.
The tell for me as a guy who has organized dozens of demonstrations over the decades is the use of the word, "riot." That pretty well closes the question of whether this is a false flag. It also leaves it otherwise purposefully vague about where this riot is supposed to take place, "the streets" -- hinting that the riot will be universal.
It does not, however, answer the question of what is the real goal for the people who have gone to some trouble to put this image into wide circulation.
My speculation is that this is part of the general drive toward civil war. This image will stir up some radical lefties and it will stir up some radical wingnuts to fight with them.
Is this a great country or what?
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
It's very convenient...
posting a photoshopped image on the net rather than going through the time, trouble and costs of hanging a bunch of posters all over DC. It reaches many more eyeballs that way too.
There is no fixed date
for the demo because it's not known when the decision will be announced - the idea is to have widespread and immediate response the day that happens - as explained by JR's own statement here.
Whether that is a sound strategy on JR's part remains to be seen.
Don't at all dismiss the possibility that the Feds are infiltrating and manipulating the situation, but someone is attempting to make this a real (and violent) thing. It's not like there have been no attacks on pro-life counseling centers, raucous and intimidating demonstrations at Supreme Court justices' homes - and at least one assassination attempt *already*.
Could be the Feds are setting up antifa/BLM/JR types to go off violently and then crack down - maybe figuring if they appear to be going after leftists that conservatives will accept whatever further authoritarian measures the PTB want to impose next.
"What people want, mainly, is to be told by some plausible authority that what they are already doing is right. I don't know of a quicker way to become unpopular than to disagree."
Rogue Professor Xavier Conroy in
John Brunner's "The Jagged Orbit" (1969)
Oh boy...
a new age of digital protests, but looks to me like an effort to incite discord. We are easier to control when divided, and there have been many efforts to do so...Russiagate, TDS, COVID - masks, vaccines, etc, Ukrainian proxy war, et al.
divide and conquer is TPTB's strategy, I believe. However, on a positive note I think the US empire is a chicken with its head cut off...running around not realizing it is already dead. I continue to hope we don't start throwing nukes in a tantrum when we finally realize our situation.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm convinced...
that American governance now consists of virtue signalling, identity politics and divide & conquer tactics. On both sides of the isle.
You're right. I guess that's why I suck at puzzles. If there is a "riot" then there would be enhanced protections for the supremes and enhanced penalties for rioters from all those leftist organizations. Watch democrats go along with it. I mean, Pelosi almost got hit by a chair from a Bernie supporter, except for that wall of armed law enforcement in front of her and the chair not being thrown.
Good call...
on Pelosi and that chair, I hadn't thought of that, heh!
A trained carpenter's eye goes directly to plumb and square, I'm fairly well versed in photoshop so my eye goes directly to the things I mention in the OP.
Also, wasn't it Barbara Boxer?
not that it matters.
On to Biden since 1973
I had to look up your reference to Barbara Boxer ...
Nevada 2016
Sorry for the Debbie Wasserman Schmutz ref, 2016 was a very bad year.
the pros in dc used to use wheat paste to plaster their posters to stuff back in the 70's and 80's. probably still. once the wheat paste sets up it's damn near impossible to peel it off. unless the poster is fairly thick stock there will be a bit of lumpiness.
Every morning...
my wife pastes a little poster on my forehead that says,"If found, please return to XXXXXX at XXXXX". Since this poster is of thin stock it shows all the lumps on my forehead. So, right you are, Mr. shikspack.
Maybe somebody's just gearing up for a mass video-game LARP...?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
The LARPing Provocateurs...
sound like a good name for a punk rock band.
Some of the folks from back in the day when wheat paste was used
Have been sending me emails that say almost verbatim what that poster says. So maybe this image is just a photoshop job, but the call is being put out. Preparing people to be ready to take to the streets. The networks are being awakened and activated.
@wouldsman One of the tactics for
Upside of saran wrapping signs up- no permanent damage but time consuming to remove.
I just noticed something else...
the concrete basin is round. Now look at the top and bottom of the poster. Shouldn't it be curved also if it's pasted to the basin, at least just a little bit?
Good work Johnny Cakes
What acute observation skills you all have. Thanks for the lesson.
Oh it's probably just another Alito leak from the SCOTUS staff.
Portraying women as terrorists is right up his alley.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin