"We haven’t been able to communicate"


Shitlibs are cheering on Liz cuz she’s anti Trump.

Never thought it’d be democrats ushering in 1984 and yet here we are.

Nuff said.

Hey Bernie you got anything to say about this?

Are YFKM? Celebrating Nancy Effing Reagan during Pride month?

What else did you expect from Mr. Crime Bill?

From the assh*le who rescinded the Smith-Mundt act making it legal for the government to blow propaganda up our buttocks!

21 users have voted.


This Tuesday morning, at 4 AM, my wife and I got woken up by a helicopter circling overhead. We live in West Hollywood and helicopter noise is a common irritation -- and occasionally an indication of trouble when they hover or fly in tight circles. I have seen as many as eight of them arrayed around the intersection of Fairfax and Melrose Avenues.

This week it was just one whirlybird with a new twist -- it circled the intersection at a very low altitude with a spotlight trained on a single spot. Pain in the ass only, at first. The low altidue made sleeping impossible and it just would not stop. Finally, as the sun came up, the helicopter began to talk. No shit, it had a loud speaker that blasted out these words, "We have been looking for a suspect." Then it was repeated in Spanish, something like, "Buscamos un vato malo."


This bizarre, albeit still fairly benign, experience reminded me of my baby boomer youth, going on vacation. Parents would load their kids in cars and drive hundreds or even thousands of miles to go to see Gramma and Grampa or Wally World or something, and us pre-teen kids would sit in the back seat going insane as the hours of doing nothing would drag on and on. To address this misery, capitalists of the day devised toys and games to occupy our little minds on the highway.

One such game was a variation of Bingo. Each player gets a playing card with 25 images of things you might see while driving cross country. A windmill. An ess-curve road sign. A water tower. And so on. Each time you match a passing image to your message board, you mark it off. Once you get five in a file or row, you win.

I'm thinking we could make a new version of this game called 1984.

Helicopter loud speaker, check.

Get banned from a website, check.

Lose your job due to Federal mandate, check.

"President" Joe Biden, check.

Obama cheerleads for censorship, check and DOUBLETHINK BINGO!

13 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

snoopydawg's picture

@fire with fire

Obama cheerleads for censorship, check and DOUBLETHINK BINGO!

Wish he’d stay in the shadows and stfu. All he seems to do is cause more damage to we the people after all the damage he did whilst playing president for we lowly peons while actually only servicing the rich. How people can say that he was the best president of their lifetime just shows how well propaganda works. But history will never forget that he was directly responsible for Trump becoming president. And Hillary’s rejection was another black mark on his tenure.

We played the license plate game for hours to distract us from the long ride to Cut Bank, Montana up by the Canadian border every summer. Never heard of car bingo.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


Today’s inflation report confirms what Americans already know. Putin’s price hike is hitting America hard,” he declared. Insisting that the US job market is “the strongest it’s been since World War II,” Biden repeated “we’ve never seen anything like Putin’s tax on food and gas."

Despite Biden’s assertions, the US inflation rate has risen sharply since Biden took office last January, soaring from an average of 1.4% in December 2020 to 7% in December 2021, two months before Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began. Gas prices also rose from an average of $2.28 per gallon in December 2020 to $3.40 a year later.

No shit Sherlock

Biden said on Friday that his administration’s efforts to lower prescription drug prices and high-speed internet costs would save working families some money, although the president conceded that these savings would not make up for increased fuel costs

Baby food is still in short supply even though Biden flew in one plane load of it. And he admitted that he was warned about the problem long before he tried to do something about it. His new press secretary insists that the economy is at its best since evah! What a load of bollocks.


Biden killed the tax credit that democrats still say has lifted kids out of poverty. No one is working on bringing it back. Biden hid behind the parliamentarian who killed the inadequate $15 minimum wage.
Big pharma paid some democrats to kill the lowering costs of drugs and Biden also rescinded Trump putting a $35 limit on insulin. Sure democrats passed one for people who have insurance, but…

Biden’s big pitch for people to vote for him was that he could get republicans to work with him on his legislation. He can’t even get his party to work with him. He has lots of leverage over Manchin, but refuses to use it.

Jimmy Carter can die a happy man knowing that he won’t go down in history as America’s worst president. Hell he might even knock Trump off the pedestal!

11 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

ggersh's picture

11 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

We straight up let the world know that we do not have the balls to go to war with Russia directly, --

They got the fucking bomb, are you nuts?

No way we go there.

No, we want to "weaken" Russia while also punishing its citizens for supporting Putinism. Them Ukraine Kats, they're showing the nads to drain Russia's war machine. So, natch, we take advantage. One hand washes the udder, so to speak -- when it comes to puttin' Putin in his place. We do the gun running. You do the dying. Thanks for playing along, fellas.

Instead of getting our cities destroyed by hydrogen bombs, we are taking a FIRM stand on Russian misbehavior and we call Putin out for his genocide committed while he is losing this war -- because we give guns to those Ballsy Ukies.



World Ends. Putin Confesses.

8 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

QMS's picture

She was thrown a fairly hard ball question by the press
something about the price of gas skyrocketing
she shuffled her papers until she got to the right one
and slipped in this gem: Putins' gas tax is the reason for
a $1.50/gallon increase. Putins' gas tax? The comedians
writing her scripts may think we are stupid enough to swallow
that sh*t, but I don't buy that at all. Did congress agree to
apply a buck and a half tax for Putin? Give me a break.

8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

snoopydawg's picture


I’m seeing people making fun of Biden’s press secretary shuffling papers until she finds the pre printed answer to the questions. But she is well qualified cuz she is a minority and part of the LBGTQ+++ community.

Remember what Goebells said. "If you tell the same lie over and over people will start to believe it. Fortunately there are many charts showing that prices were going skyward long before Russia started their military operation.

Shitlibs are saying that with inflation gas prices were above $5 in 2008 to take the blame away from Biden’s horrible decision to sanction Russia out the ying yang. It’s not just gas prices that have gone up, but sure there is nothing that Biden can do. Funny how Nixon did some things way back when.

I believe that Biden could shoot someone on 5th avenue and the shitlibs would stay at brunch. Thom Hartman is bitching about republicans taking bribes from the rich and corporations whilst totally ignoring that democrats take just as many.. hey didn’t democrats stand more for the working class before Clinton created the 3rd way democrats that became beholden to banks, big business? Obama took bribes from the banks and Biden took them from big pharma. Clyburn receives the most big pharma money than anyone in congress. But sure it’s just republicans that are bad.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Creosote.'s picture


if my recollection that Biden basically led those who wrote
the legislation causing the 2008 crash is accurate.

5 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture

Could you share a good, clear, solid, readable source explaining the Smith-Mundt Act and what exactly Obama did to it?

It's been a while since I've tried, so maybe her stance has evolved somehow, but when I tried to bring it up with my mother, she refused to believe Barack Obama would do such a thing, and tried to dispel it with a whole bunch of 'Appeal to Ignorance'/'"Bullshit of Infinite Possibilities"/probing my source for loopholes.

I admit my understanding of it isn't as good as I'd like, either.

Incidentally, NONE of these Twatster links seem to be working for me; I won't claim to know why.

6 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

snoopydawg's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

propaganda in America like it did overseas. It was supposed to be illegal for them to use it on us. Voice of America is the government mouthpiece that tells people who we are bombing that we’re doing it for their benefit because their government is corrupt. But it’s not like it wasn’t doing it before Obama rescinded the act cuz we had Saddam had WMDs and other nonsense to get us behind whatever war they wanted to do.


Hopefully your mom can take her blinders off and see Obama for who he really is.

As for why the links don’t work you got me. If I click on the bird it opens in Twitter. Might be your settings?
There are more links for it if you search those terms.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat


It is also true, however, that in 2013 President Barack Obama signed into law the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (H.R. 5736), making it legal for government-produced media—such as was broadcast overseas by Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and other outlets throughout the Cold War—to be directed toward U.S. citizens themselves. Needless to say, such government-penned narratives spin the news so as to reflect favorably upon the United States. To understand the sheer power of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, it suffices to do a quick Google of the name of this piece of legislation to see how it has generated a logical quandary befitting of Orwell’s Nineteen Eigthy-Four. For if it is true that the American people are being propagandized by the U.S. government through its control of the major media outlets and tech giants, then any assertion to that effect will be countered—and ultimately defeated—by yet more government propaganda.

The fact that the complete negation of the original Smith-Mundt Act was deceptively labeled the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act marked the first stage in what might be termed the Orwellian turn. Unsurprisingly, a lengthy list of articles calling out the alleged piece of “disinformation” that “Barack Obama legalized government propaganda against citizens” appears at the top of the Google search results. Among the critics who warned about the new Act was now-deceased investigative journalist Michael Hastings, who also, it is worth mentioning, expressed concern about the dangerous influence of the Pentagon’s “public relations” wing, which already by 2009 employed 27,000 persons full-time as war marketeers. A number of other notable figures who sounded alarms about the dangers of government propaganda and overreach are now dead, imprisoned, or living in exile.

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 (signed into law as a part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013) arguably set the United States on the path toward the erection of a full-fledged Ministry of Truth and the consequent shrinking of citizens’ liberty. Only time will tell whether this piece of legislation alone will suffice, as deployed by the new Disinformation Governance Board, to strip citizens of their First Amendment right to free speech when they attempt to reject the first premises of the DGB itself. If so, then Barack Obama will bear primary responsibility for the totalitarian system to ensue, whatever his intentions may have been.

For with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act already in place, there are only two short steps to the complete squelching of dissent. First, the government controls the media through injecting many pro-government texts into the marketplace of ideas. This is obviously already being done, and has been unabashedly pursued since the ratification of the Act. (To dispel any doubts that this is happening, it suffices to turn on the mainstream network news.) Second, among the government-promoted ideas will now be the claim that the newly established Disinformation Governance Board does not violate the Constitution of the United States. Once lawmakers have been persuaded to believe this, then the DGB will have the power to eliminate what they themselves have identified as disinformation, including the very claim that the DGB is illegitimate. After that will follow the censorship of the texts of anyone who disagrees with the government and, ultimately, the criminalization of those who “persist” in promulgating ideas deemed “threatening” by the powers that be. The danger of all of this to free people is very real, as the plight of whistleblowers in recent years has already revealed

Worth a full read.

I wonder how long democrats planned to put a Russia Gate narrative in place or did they just retailer it for Trump knowing that they had to make Putin and Russia the bad guy so they could do what they are doing in Ukraine? Did Obama ever explain why he overthrew Ukraine’s president? I had tuned him out by then.

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

or the "go to" position of Democrats is their ongoing struggle to refine their message, never admitting they lost because they didn't do as promised, or the excuse their poll numbers are in the sewer.
Decades of the messaging crap, and they rig the primaries to get in Brandon, who can't formulate a coherent sentence. Kimmel had to rescue him.
I long for the Democrats of my parent's youth. My last memory of a true Democrat actually acting like one was in 1963.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

According to the Hudson essay I posted in Linda’s essay he says that hiking interest rates and the cost of gas, food and other products is one way to strengthen the dollar. Raising interest rates for houses is also driving up costs. But don’t worry the banks and rich people are buying them as well as farmlands and gawd only knows how damaging that will be for us.

Don’t worry though, just be happy.

Yeah but Trump bad!

Glad to hear her call out congress breaking their oath to the constitution. But that ship sailed long ago didn’t it? I wonder how Tulsi voted on the patriot act when democrats re-upped it and the power for spying on us during Trump who they said was the most dangerous president evah!


5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

small part of your income, inflation affects you correspondingly less. If you are taking home several million per year then it matters little that the cost of food and basic necessities to keep body and soul together doubles or even quadruples.

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Just what do you expect congress to do that will lower inflation after the fed has been shoveling trillions to the banks that has been some of the cause of the inflation?

The captain of the titanic has seen the iceberg in front of the boat before Russia started their military operation but instead of changing course he ordered full speed ahead and put ungawdly sanctions on them anyway.

Caitlin on Biden’s steering the titanic

President Biden used the phrase "Putin's price hike" again in a reaction to Friday's Consumer Price Index report revealing continued high inflation, showing once again that the US government believes Americans are idiots.

“Make no mistake about it: I understand inflation is a real challenge to American families. Today’s inflation report confirms what Americans already know: Putin’s Price Hike is hitting America hard,” Biden said in a statement. “My administration is going to continue to do everything it can to lower prices for the American people.”

Which is of course absurd. Prices were already soaring and inflation was already at a 40-year high before Russia invaded Ukraine on the 24th of February, and there was never anything inscribed upon the fabric of reality which said the US needed to respond to that invasion with an economic war that has made everything worse. The US initiated these unprecedented acts of economic warfare in response to an invasion it could easily have prevented with a little diplomacy, and has managed to do so without even hurting the strength of the ruble at all.

There are many people Americans could blame for their shrinking bank accounts, but Putin isn't one of them.

Right now it looks ridiculous to hear even Biden use that term. It sticks out like dog's balls because of how obviously contrived and out of place it is, like if he'd spontaneously yelled "Cowabunga, dudes!" or something.

But just you wait. If they keep repeating it often enough and frequently enough, sooner or later you'll start to notice rank-and-file members of the public repeating it themselves.

This is because the empire managers understand something which John Q Public does not, and it's this: if you repeat something often enough in a confident-sounding tone of voice, a glitch in human cognition known as the illusory truth effect causes them to mistake what you're saying for the truth.

What planet is this guy on?

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

"Putin's price hike":

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Cassiodorus's picture

it has signed up for an annual appropriation of $40-$50 billion in perpetuity with "no idea what Ukraine is doing."

Once again, read Yuliya Yurchenko's book. Thieves fighting thieves.

1 user has voted.

"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad