NATO vs. Russian Federation
Submitted by QMS on Fri, 05/27/2022 - 7:36am
How far will NATO push their aggression in the neighboring states of Russia?
- Moldova
- Transdnestria
- Romania
- Hungary
- Serbia
- Montenegro
- North Macedonia
- Bosnia
- Herzegovina
- Slovenia
- Croatia
- Albania
- Latvia
- Estonia
Once upon a time NATO designated North Atlantic. What do these nations have to do with the
North Atlantic?
NATO, having just lost a war in the foothills of the Himalayas and is now threatening China
no longer just represents the North Atlantic states alone.
Mission creep.
If the NATO vassals have any common sense, they will dissolve NATO altogether, as should have happened in 1991, when the Warsaw Pact was dissolved.

If you ask me it's NATO in tandem with the WEF
that is causing this. There has been absolutely no change in oil
production since the Ukraine war has started yet gasoline prices
among many other commodities have soared. All the shortages are being
manufactured by corporations/govt's/WEF/ThinkTanks/Etc.Etc.
Work arounds have become the norm in buying of Russian gas/oil
EDIT: adding Yasha Levine's piece on all war is good for america
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
It's called liberal democracies joining together in protection
I real good way to tell good guys from bad guys is who invades who. Like if nato tanks are circling Moscow nato is the aggressor, but that didn't happen, instead soviet tanks encircled Kieve.
I always wonder what makes tankies go psycho. Is it self hate when their own country does a good thing or love of bloodthirsty dictators abroad.
It’s not that simple
You might be interested in reading why Russia started their special military operation. Putin didn’t just wake up one day and decide to do it.
Strange how people will just believe one side of a story. But you got this right:
How do you think America would react if Russia overthrew the presidents of Mexico and Canada and trained both countries military and loaded them with lethal weapons that could reach American cities in minutes? And for 8 years killed Americans living in those countries? Or is that more of American exceptionalism and Russia should have just had to accept NATO troops on their borders?
Russia didn’t start this, we did, but Russia is going to end it.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The US has pushed Russia to the wall
ever since Putin brought back Russia from the brink of destruction when he was elected in 2000. He has managed to prevent the US from continuing to pillage Russia and rebuilt their military and economy and made the country into an independent force that could no longer be abused.
Putin worked tirelessly to work with the west for a decade to no avail. The US/UK wanted Russia to be dismantled and subservient. They manipulated NATO to suit this agenda. They finally got their wish last February.
NATO had pushed Russia to the limit in the latter part of 2021:
Ya, Putin didn't just wake up one day and decide to be the
aggressor, it began way back in KGB school, but especially took off when working as an agent in Berlin he saw the wall come down. He decided he better start blowing up apartments full of Russians and blame it on Chechens so he could kill a whole bunch of them, and he did, slaughtered left and right, but you like that right? Lotta fun killing little kids, babies, women, men, heck Putin the baby killer doesn't discriminate, Russians, Chechens, then Georgians, and now Ukrainians. He'll probably take volunteers.
Of course there are Putin's own words. He doesn't soft pedal them or speak from notes, he speaks from the black heart at the bottom of his empty soul. He wants empire again, considers Ukraine and Poland and the Baltics part of Russia.
I'll never understand tankies.
There are conflicting stories about the
Putin's historical record with the KGB
I’ll never understand empire apologists
I’m guessing you didn’t bother reading any of the links CB and I posted. Not surprising for people who have already made up their minds and don’t want facts getting in the way of their beliefs. S
So does that mean that you would be fine if Russia and/or China did what I wrote earlier? Good to know.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I don't understand the tankie insult, exactly.
I also do not understand how denazification and liberation is empirical in intent.
The corridors for escape of civilians is something I wish were tried in Yemen.
One day, we should give Syria's oil fields back to them, but if that aggression and theft makes America Great Again, then let's go, Brandon!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
We’ve placed ungawdly sanctions on Syria
and have hired ISIS to burn their wheat fields on top of stealing their oil. And I’d love to know why shitlibs are speaking up about Biden stealing Afghanistan's money leaving 30 million in risk of starving. As for Putin’s 'genocidal' attack on Ukraine I wonder how she squares it with Russia stopping the fighting so that civilians can safely leave the cities? It’s one reason why Russia is taking 'so long' to accomplish their goals. Maybe they should have shocked and awed Ukraine like we did in Iraq and destroy their infrastructure instead of leaving it intact.
I guess it’s better to make up accusations against Russia then hold your own government responsible for their criminal actions in the Middle East that has killed millions or the genocide in Yemen that Obama helped start and even though Biden promised to stop helping the Saudis he’s still continuing it. Too many Americans have big mouths about other country’s self defense when overlooking their own's murderous ways. Oh wait…all of our atrocities have been erased because Russia attacked Ukraine. Never mind!
But thank gawd I’m a tankie! We’re all tankies apparently.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Putin is magical!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Been reading some kind of fairy tale book?
If America invaded Mexico and tried to surround Mexico City while wiping every city we came across off the map I could understand actually. Strawman made out of things that never happened don't work for me. Support a butcher, see if I care. Maybe Kim in N Korea too eh? Don't you think those Urghers need more concentration camps? Any depravity you won't support?
So we have some significant disagreement about objective reality. Enjoy life in your universe where it is up to you and your political allies to "allow" Russia to do only what you and your faction deem appropriate.
To be clear on one point, I do not "support" Putin or his war against Ukraine. I do not regard it as any of my business or Uncle Sam's business. As soon as the USA withdraws from Iraq, I will consider anybody defending the US Government's idiotic effort to "disallow" the invasion of another country worthy of a response.
Until then, the Infinite Hypocrisy is a marvel of Doublethink.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
No need for strawmen
Why don't we wait
for Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, report when she gets back from China in a week or so?
the Infinite Hypocrisy is a marvel of Doublethink
Once again, we are being led down the yellow brick road
to make the proles think that Ukie not zees are the good guys
and Putin is the new satan. Ripped a page right out of thought
control central. Personally, I don't buy it. The US / NATO are the
aggressors here. There would be no conflict if uncle sam was not
Why otherwise intelligent people do not see the role of empire in this
new cluster*ck, I'll never know. Seems pretty obvious. Wall Street elites
need to turn a buck to advance their hegemony. They can not agree to
share power, money, resources with anyone without the creds of WEF.
Perhaps greed will be the death of us all. Stupid way to destroy earth.
And the rest of us humble servants.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Years and years of brainwashing is my guess
But that circle of intelligent people gets smaller every time the corpse class runs a psyop against us.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
NATO challenging Russia
is just a prelude for China - America's primary "enemy" . China's rapid growth is an extensional threat to American world hegemony.
Can’t wait to see the ‘Putin is Hitler' folks
start saying that Xi is Hitler and cheering Biden on loading Taiwan up with lethal weapons and then blaming China for taking action. Yes I know that he already is, but it can get worse.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
"A propaganda bullshitter"
They've started to believe their own propaganda!
I find it weird how those who disagree with us
throw insults instead of debating the facts. I guess it’s easier to call us tankies, whatever that means, then ask why they were wrong about the facts. It’s not hard to see that defeating Russia is so that when we attack China they will be on their own.
I’m just amazed at how many people will chuck their critical thinking skills and believe the propaganda that they are told.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
For that matter
remember when “going Godwin” was considered by-definition evidence of a spurious argument? I briefly embarrassed an Empire Apologist acquaintance of mine by pointing that out, until he re-phrased his nonsense by substituting “bullying strongman” instead.
It took me awhile today to understand that
But yeah that doesn’t seem verboten anymore does it?
If anyone wants to understand Putin a bit more here is an essay that was taken off Oliver Stone’s interview of him. Putin has been warning NATO since 2007 about expanding towards Russia and his warnings have been ignored. Russia gave their strongest warnings last December and told them that they were very close to going over their red line. But Biden kept pushing and here we are in a conflict that was easily avoided.
Putin said that the breakup of the USSR was a catastrophe, but what he meant was that it was a catastrophe for 20 million Russians living in countries that no longer belonged to Russia and making them 2nd class citizens where many countries forbid them to speak Russian. Anywho it’s a good read.
As for Godwin, there has only been 1 Hitler, but he sure had lots of help doing what he did. Also I’m seeing how easy it was for the good Germans to become them. Just throw enough propaganda at people and tell the same lies over and over and people will believe them. Look at how many people believe that Russia wants to conquer Europe.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I've seen this one before...
...I think maybe the Russians have, too.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Well, of course you are going to present these kinds of views
if you keep going to pro-Putin websites...
A Network of the Kremlin’s Obedient Followers
"The Saker of the Vineyard is a blog by a retired Swiss Red Cross officer, residing in Florida and defending Russia against an enigmatic Empire. The Saker has become a franchise for an international network of pro-Kremlin outlets, with branches in German, Italy, Latin America, and Russia. A Saker is a sort of falcon, falco cherrug, endemic to the steppes of Eurasia. The name of the blog is an anagram of the blogger’s name.
The Saker connects Russian nationalist groups and outlets with North American anti-Semite groups; Russian communists with French and Italian right-wing activist. Devote Christians with aggressive thugs. It’s a successful franchise in disinformation."
Where DO you all find these sites??
I noticed that now ban nock has incurred the wrath of those here who love to gish gallop people to death rather than admit that all they are doing is the work of right wing sites. Copy/paste, copy/paste and then tell anyone who casts a raised eyebrow at the offering that they are just plain completely and utterly wrong when they disagree.
Let's just come out and say it. Most people here think that Putin is a poor put-upon victim of the West who never has played dirty and is totally justified in his little genocidal invasion of a sovereign country. In my book he is making all the US sins look just a little smaller, which annoys me, but sure takes the pressure off of our CIA at a time when we could be addressing its sins.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
From your link to "source watch"
I have noticed your complete failure to view links provided when responding shows that you are not interested in reasoned debate so I will cut and paste my response here:
An example of the type of quality documentation that can be found at the Saker:
So now you’re calling us trolls?
This is called supporting one’s comment that if they didn’t do you’d ride their ass for it. I know you aren’t new to blogging so this is just a way for you to say that you won’t read what people write because you aren’t here for discussion, but to scold people who you disagree with.
It’s exactly what you do. Right?
No that’s just you putting words in people’s mouth.
Good lord did you actually say this? Nothing can diminish what Americans have done to other countries. BTW what happened with this?
Maybe they weren’t the ones in denial of what’s happening in Ukraine? The atrocities were not staged, but who was blamed for them was incorrect.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I know you would love for me to leave, but
I kind of like the view from "the back of the bus". At least I like the company better.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Pro-Putin Websites
What makes a website pro-Putin? Saying things favorable to Putin! What a handy way to look at the universe:
Conversely of course, anti-American Bellicosity sites are going to say things against American Bellicosity.
So at least we have this cleared up.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
We don't have anything cleared up.
The meme on here quite often is not that both sides use propaganda. It's that only the sites offered by certain commenters on here are legit. All others are just WRONG!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Don't feel bad, I don't read Quanon links either
Nore UFO abduction leaks, Malone links, basically anything that could be categorized as totally 100% nutter I give it a pass.
I suppose time will tell ban nock
what is fact and what is fiction. Until then none of us can know the true reality of the conflicting information we receive. All sides use propaganda to feed their agenda. Remember Edward Bernays? It comes down to what one’s intentions are.
Oh I don't feel bad at all.
Every darn time I look into the sources of "truth" used by some here, I find those sites you avoid. The big sin is pointing it out. If you would just "listen" to the local experts you would get things right!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
For those in the back of the bus that refuse to understand
why Russia acted when they did.
Link gasp goes to the Saker so one person will not consider the information and reject the source therefore keeping her from understanding that Russia had the right to self defense after the US broke its promise not to extend NATO after the Berlin Wall came down. And that Ukraine’s military and neo Nazis were set to attack people in the Donbas like they had been doing for 8 years and had killed 14,000 Ukrainians that were against the US's coup and puppet president. Funny how Russia-phobes are never concerned about their deaths which Russia has deemed genocide.
Probably the biggest reason why Russia went in when they did:
If that doesn’t qualify for self defense what would? Russia had a treaty with Ukraine that said neither country could put their security needs above the other’s. Ukraine was going to break this treaty.
The mainstream media is lying to people about how Ukraine is kicking Russia’s buttocks and imagine their surprise when Ukraine sues for peace. 2 more major battles went to Russia today and they have destroyed most of the weapons sent into Ukraine. That’s $40 billion down the drain except lots of it will go into defense company’s pockets.
The sanctions put on Russia have blown back against the countries that used them more than on Russia, but it seems that people are okay with it as long as Russians suffer. Government thinks that if enough people suffer from sanctions then they will overthrow their government for someone better. That has never worked. How is it that Americans don’t realize that transferring money to the military is actually sanctioning them by robbing them of the money that should go into their communities? $41 billion could have fixed every broken bridge in America and could have twice solved the homeless problem. But congress has decided that it’s too expensive to use our money here at home.
As Janis mentioned the government has used propaganda against us which Obama made it legal for them to do. And if anyone doesn’t believe that the government uses the media against us just watch the video I posted in my essay about how Hillary got them to lie about Trump being connected to Alpha bank. Matt did a great job putting it together.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
You don't even try to hide it anymore..
"For those in the back of the bus that refuse to understand
why Russia acted when they did."
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin