Fatuous Partisanship Damages Our November Chances
The 2016 primary follies reached a new low when a well-known blogger made an unsupported statement suggesting the Democratic Party establishment was contemplating suicide by Plan B. This statement can only damage whichever candidate wins the nomination, because it implicitly declares that the Democratic Party establishment, including nearly all of the superdelegates, are a bunch of undemocratic idiots. The idiocy would lie in thinking that the Democratic Party could ever get away with nominating anyone other than one of the two candidates who have run.
Even suggesting that our beloved Party leaders could be so obviously stupid, evil and undemocratic hurts us with potential Independent voters in November. NOT HELPFUL. It is also a claim that should never be offered without corroborative evidence, since it implies both misfeasance and malfeasance by Democrats. If (for some compelling reason of his own) a well-known blogger feels he needs to reveal such a thing because it is true, and to hell with how it damns our November chances, he certainly must reveal the source of such a negative thing, for his own credibility's sake.
It is especially disturbing that the blogger made this brand-damaging comment on a blog where the owner had explicitly banned such things post 3/15. While I accept that he didn't consciously set out to defy this edict, writing far down in a comment thread of his own latest other-campaign-supporters-are.. post as he did, the fact that 67 people recced the evidence-free accusatory comment should earn him a timeout and them the same thing.
An apology post, explaining he didn't really mean it and has no proof they would do (or even think of) such a thing, would be a nice gesture on the well-known blogger's part, pre-timeout. Such a gesture would be HELPFUL in retaining the Independent lurkers at that site, whom we will need in November. For the rest of us, if (for whatever reason) you actually believe our elected Democrats capable of such an infama, reach out to the ones you helped elect, and give them what for.
h/t to Anonymous Bosch and LeChienHarry for the superdelegate list

I'm all over my two everytime they post anything in FB.
I'm not the only one. Lots of people are on their tails. I even get on some of the MI folks who aren't mine. They don't know that. I have Stabenow and Peters. My Rep. is a GOP thanks to the GOP gerrymander.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
By the way, thanks for this.
I do think this is something we should all be doing. I think this link should be included in every fb post.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thank you. I agree about fb for the list. In fact I'll crosspost
at TOP, just to be helpful. When I do, I'll mention it, so friends can insulate it against partisan flags long enough for kossaks to get that list.
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Great post
Thanks for calling this out.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
WTF? Although, I think that
WTF? Although, I think that isn't an adequate exclamation, more like WTF'ingF?
I have nothing personally against the actual person referenced as "Plan B", but I sure as shit didn't vote for him down here almost-all-by-my-lonesome in vermilion SC, so I don't want him as a door prize. I voted for Bernie Sanders.
Apart from the pure wrongheadedness of the very idea, the aforementioned well-known blogger, whom I don't read any more so that I hadn't read the post, much less the comment, certainly seems to prefer a writing style like he's trying all by himself to undo the right wing slur of liberals / progressives as effeminate, which it would only seem to be possible to construe as an insult if you are male, but then also very, very insecure. The term that springs to mind is "macho", which begs to become the descriptive phrase "macho bullshit", such as "You'll take what we want you to have and like it because we know best."
I don't tolerate that kind of authoritarian paternalism from anybody, no matter what their gender or personal insecurities. What utter balderdash and, as you very rightly characterize it, fatuous balderdash at that. *eye roll* If, as you say, there's any actual sourcing for this assertion of "Plan B", then it becomes something far worse than ridiculous.
This is a great post
I think it is important to call out the under handedness and the blatantly undemocratic goings on that are so pervasive in the Democratic party. And it is time to call out those who claim to be progressives or liberals and yet support this kind of undemocratic bullshit. The blogger has said in the past that he can take it. I wonder if that is still true. Courageous post, David.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
for said blogger to even hint at such a thing...
... belies his confidence in Clinton. it's very telling.
time to start reaching out to superdelegates.
I will cross-post this at TOP at 8 pm eastern, to get the list
circulated and used.
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Said blogger might be right, for once
The Democratic party establishment has proven over and over that it would much rather lose to a Republican than let a leftist primary insurgent win. Losing to Republicans doesn't threaten their jobs or power -- unfortunately. They sail serenely on no matter how badly they fuck things up. But if a Sanders, say, won control most of them would be out on their asses. And then how would they peddle influence they no longer possess?
I have every confidence that if Sanders went to the convention with more pledged delegates, or if Hillary flamed out in an explosion of scandal, Democratic power brokers would nominate a Biden or some other puppet, and prepare to take their defeat. They've thrown gubernatorial and Senate elections more than a few times to scupper a leftist challenger. There's no reason they wouldn't throw a presidential election to maintain their own power. Fuck the country, their cushy positions are more important.
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He might be, but I want him to own it either way. Drop in and
insulate my tip jar; it's cross-published now.
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T & R and comment.
You should put his name in the title though, imo.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Agree completely
re Dems preferring an establishment (or even non-establishment) GOPer to Sanders.
I thought there was a fair chance that Biden would be parachuted in but that was before seeing just how Bernie has caught the imagination of the electorate. Now I doubt if the party would survive if Sanders were to be pushed out. The electorate seem to be much more sophisticated this time around.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Let me go ahead and make it explicit
Yes, I believe the establishment would contemplate anything and everything in order to stop a Bernie presidency and hopefully slow down the grassroots uprising. I believe that they are all corrupt. That is, afterall, what the phrase systemic corruption means. Aside from Gilens & Page
[video:https://youtu.be/5tu32CCA_Ig width:400]
The Gilen's & Page study is amply supported by the fact that no matter how popular many issues are (in both parties) they see no action.
There is also the more than ample evidence laid out for us all to see in this primary. While I would prefer they just do the obvious thing and nominate the candidate going in with more pledged delegates I have no faith that they will do so. Yes, I think they'd rather lose than see the populist movement continue.
---- edited to add
By the way, your party already was obviously corrupt. I figured that out a few months into Obama's first term. That's exactly WHY I'm an independent now. I'm not sure calling my thinking fatuous helps your cause in that regard. Happily, I've learned to ignore Democratic voters and pay attention to candidates and issues.
And no. There is zero chance that Hillary will get my vote.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Ditto. Barely made myself vote for Obama 2nd time
and now consider myself an independent. The political system is a giant interlocking directorate of who's connected to whom through many hows (or ways and means). One problem is money in politics, as Sanders' candidacy and Citizens United have made abundantly clear. Another is career politicians. If they're not around long enough to gain influence with seniority and other perks, they can't peddle it. Part-time legislators were envisioned as the norm when the country was small and more manageable in size, population, and complexity.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Oddly enough, I don't think it's money in politics
I think money in politics is a symptom not a root cause -- as I do the other things you listed. Personally I think our culture is systemically corrupt and our elected leaders dutifully reflect that. Consider how Hillary can say so many obvious, thoroughly well documented lies and people simply don't care.
The problem is us and my tiny little attempt to change that personally is by vowing to actually care about things like integrity and character.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
You misunderstood my title, which refers to the owner of TOP.
My party has been corrupt since 1972. That is why I unswervingly support Sanders. If he doesn't win the nomination the party won't be worth trying to reform. Click on the Plan B link in the essay and you will see the bs I'm calling out. The 'beloved Party leaders' and other stuff is sarcasm, but I also don't believe our corrupt party establishment is stupid enough to do what Markos claimed for them. I'm calling both Markos and the super delegates out. Hope this helps; as far as I'm concerned, Independent progressives are just about the only honest-with-themselves ones, and I deeply respect their (your) principled stances.
Thank you for that excellent vid in your comment also; it and you are a valuable addition to the discourse and a perfect example of the point I want Markos (or others there) to grasp.
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Oh man.... I sure did <facepalm>
I recognized the diary you were linking to but I didn't actually follow the link (which went to a very specific comment) so got off on an entirely wrong foot. My apologies.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
It's all good; your mistake may have prompted your inclusion of
the vid, to back up your righteous rant. Good all around.
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My comment in your diary at TOP
might ruffle some feathers. I'm glad you provided a link to his comment so I could read it and digest the hubris to put it in writing. Good diary - we've got to call this crap out. Does he think we are 10?
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
(No subject)
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Hari Kari
The DNC/Third Way establishment would prefer a republican president than a bernie sanders one. At least they could go back into opposition mode and keep their talons on the lifeblood of America's children.
If you do not understand that being part of the "establishment" is a slur in the minds of 99% of the U.S. population then you are completely out of touch and probably are one.
activate plan Z
Anyone who doesn't remember or know about the Dem convention in “68 should read up on it. It will seem like a church picnic if the establishment tries it again this time. I don't want to sound like The Trumpeter but Bernie's energy is not going to dissipate into thin air. Not a lot of head-busting and flinging teargas back at “The Pigs” this time, I suppose, but the The Democratic Party will wither and fade overnight, like a peach orchid hit by an unseasonable frost (I'm open to better similes)
The Revolution is not and will not be televised. The Progressive Revolt and Exodus will be *fait accompli* before they can turn around with open arms and one of Hillary' annoying, open-mouthed smiles to welcome us back to the fold.