Looks like someone got to FBI Director Comey
Read the story and weep:
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday he does not see a need for urgency in completing the ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server. But he did say that he is staying "close to this one to make sure we have the resources to do it competently," the Niagara-Gazette reported Tuesday.
Comey, in a visit to the FBI's Buffalo, New York, field office, said it's the agency's priority to complete the investigation "well and promptly" but that "well" comes first. Sources have previously told CNN that the investigation has entered its final stages.
So, it went from being an investigation in its final stages to one for which there is "no need for urgency" to complete, per the Director of the F-B-I (using my best (Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lector voice). Unfortunately, an investigation that is, by all accounts, ready to submit to DOJ prosecutors for an indictment just got put on a slow boat to China.
Well, there are priorities and then there are priorities, aren't there? And someone informed Director Comey to not make the Clinton investigation a priority, someone with a great deal of clout I imagine. And I'm not necessarily speaking about the President of the United States. Oh no. For the same big money donors that helped him achieve eight years in the Oval Office, and who just may have a great deal of influence over what happens to him after he becomes former President Barack Obama, may have very different ideas about what the FBI should consider urgent and what it should not.
For the Deep State protects it's own don't they? As Bill Moyers states, it's not a conspiracy, it is just a reality.
My analysis of this phenomenon is not an exposé of a secret, conspiratorial cabal; the state within a state is hiding mostly in plain sight, and its operators mainly act in the light of day. Nor can this other government be accurately termed an “establishment.” All complex societies have an establishment, a social network committed to its own enrichment and perpetuation. In terms of its scope, financial resources and sheer global reach, the American hybrid state, the Deep State, is in a class by itself. That said, it is neither omniscient nor invincible. The institution is not so much sinister (although it has highly sinister aspects) as it is relentlessly well entrenched. Far from being invincible, its failures, such as those in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, are routine enough that it is only the Deep State’s protectiveness towards its higher-ranking personnel that allows them to escape the consequences of their frequent ineptitude.
In Hillary Clinton's case it is both her ineptitude and her hubris that requires protection. But she is the choice of our betters, boys and girls, so too bad for the FBI agents working on those two investigations. I suspect, as I have always suspected, the depth of Secretary Clinton's use of her office, the most important cabinet position without question, for the personal gain of her husband, herself and her foundation will never be fully revealed, though if she wins the general election, impeachment will certainly be back on the menu for House Republicans.
I can't wait for the sequel to that political reality show. Neither can the cable news outlets, either. Bread and circuses, my friends, bread and circuses, but all in good time. Infotainment needs programming for next season, after the elections, after all.

You didn't expect an equal application of the law, did you?
Because those days are gone.
It won't wrap up until after the convention
I read in another article someplace that we won’t learn anything about this until after the Democratic National Convention. We were supposed to get a report next month.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
and i time for her after inaugaration impeachment
I hope Bernie milks the uncertainty of this. Do they really want to elect someone for the GOP to impeach?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Impeachment hearings just delay and derail
any substantive policy that she might work on, so yes, I believe they are now all good with that too. Obstruction does serve their interests after all.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Yes, this is why Obama didn't
Yes, this is why Obama didn't want to have a democratic majority in Congress and, why, going forward, Hillary needs a Republican Congress to keep her excuse of obstructionism and the "compromises" necessary to get things done.
Agents are agents
I've heard that some of the agents involved are going to leak info if she isn't indicted.
We also have the US portion of the panama papers coming out soon.
I suspect you are correct about the indictment. The puppet masters want their puppet!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We also have the US portion of the panama papers coming out soon.
Now isn't THAT timing interesting. So a week ago they thought this could be wrapped up by May. Now, just a few days after the Panama Papers are released they want some additional time to be thorough?
I have a hunch the Panama papers just introduced some information that they didn't have that added a new wrinkle to some aspect, and we know they were also looking at pay-to-play as it relates to donors and the Clinton foundation.
Now, this is just a hunch, but I think there's a connection between the release of the Panama Papers and the sudden extension of the FBI investigation.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Makes perfect sense,
although I still don't expect them to actually indict her, unfortunately. That would be like XmasX100!
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
The FBI doesn't issue the indictment
They only make a recommendation.
Lunch might not indict, but the damage would be done either way at that point.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
FBI and Comey
Could you please reveal your source about the agents willing to leak info if the investigation is shut down?
but the repub's won't be so kind if she wins the primary.
Well, it's really their turn
not hers.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I'm still optimistic (though perhaps delusional)
Comey made an allusion to the San Bernadino case in terms of Emailgate's national import - additionally, this article underscores just how in the tank for Hillary the State Department's been, which may very well be the reason why the FBI told them to back off with their review (and what the FBI is dealing with in terms of pushback).
Don't get me wrong; TPTB will still make every attempt to shove an establishment candidate down our throats (Biden's increased media presence is no accident), but I truly don't think this is going away.
It's a big club...and you ain't in it!
She's still covered with stank
and that's not going to wash off, no matter what does or doesn't happen.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I imagine...
The Clintons have Hoovered up a lot of info about people in DC over the years.
Some of it unComeyfortable.
from a reasonably stable genius.
a la J. Edgar Hoover?
Say it isn't so!!!!
I'm so disgusted beyond all belief. And I expected this to be a crap election should she run.
Well, we can only hope it all comes out in the dirty wash, with or without Comey's help.
Let's be real.
We had a VP, a position with no real (official) power, who outed an active CIA agent as payback for someone saying something, then went on to shoot a dude in the face. He wasn't indicted (obviously not for the torture and war crimes, either). There never was any real possibility of Hillary being indicted for mishandling classified information. SOP is to get a staffer to fall on their sword if the evidence is publicly known.
There is still a remote possibility of an indictment if the Rs win in November, I suppose, but that would be more of a continuation of their Rovian criminalization of politics than actual justice.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell. -- St. Augustine of Hippo
Well knock me down with a feather...
did not see that coming at all
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
And another one bites the dust...
I'm not particularly worried. We ain't gonna run out of charges and misconduct before the Clintons run out of favors and blackmail.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
All part of their script,
All part of their script, they want Hillary to make the nomination, and then fight trump or Cruz, they will hit her on the FBI investigation, and she will either lose due to it, or barely win, and have a troubled presidency, if indicted, while in office, cries for impeachment will allow the sitting VP to take over, and be controlled, whoever that is. BUT Wall Street wants their paid for Shillary to be President.
Bernie wins both Primary and GE the whole script explodes and it is all out the window for them. Us the voters have a chance to toss our sabots into the corrupt machinery and grind their gears to a halt.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Right, Comey is a Republican
What makes more sense, indict now and help Sanders, or indict later and help the GOP candidate, especially now that Trump is looking increasingly to be in trouble?
So true. We are so fucked.
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
We shall see. There are multiple ways to interpret that.
I have read in some places that an indictment is expected to come in May, but no one outside of the investigation really knows for sure.
There are multiple ways to interpret this comment by Comey, one way could be that he is telling the public that he is not being corrupted or compromised by any sort of a political agenda (i.e., that his team is being impeccable in their process) so that when he does recommend for an indictment, (and yes, I absolutely am assuming that he will), there will be no doubt that he is merely following the letter of the law.
And yes, I still do believe we are in the final stages and that an indictment will be coming in May. Why? Let's look at the previous news:
My analysis...
Why would they lie about this?
Makes no sense, because it would be too easy for the aides to refute this fact, which those aides, being long time allies of Hillary's, would readily do. Hillary was recently asked if the FBI had contacted her yet to set up an interview. She said that they had not.
This too makes sense.
The FBI will want to complete ALL of those interviews of ALL of Hillary's aides, prior to interviewing Hillary, so that they have ALL of their facts and questions in place, so that they have done all of the preparation possible so that they can catch Hillary, herself, in any lies or inconsistencies with what her aides or their established facts state. Hillary is renowned for lying, as we all know, and as Comey, himself, well knows, given his past experience with Hillary Clinton. Comey and his team are being as thorough as a steamroller making sure they cover EVERYTHING because they are only gonna get ONE pass at Hillary, so they better damn well make it a good one.
Because the FBI investigators will want to have ALL of their research completed and ALL of their questions fully fleshed out, PRIOR to conducting the interviews with the aides, so that they know (a) What to ask whom, and (b) What answers they are expecting, so they can readily identify lies, and hopefully, trip up those aides who might be trying to hide the truth.
My conclusion...
Comey has not been compromised. Comey will indict, and he will do so in a timely manner. That is all that I read from this announcement. I am trusting the suggestions that I have read, which is that indictments will be forthcoming in May. I have been following this case closely for a while, and I do firmly trust this prediction. In fact, I would bet money on it.
Mark my words... #DeadWomanWalking.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
My thinking on this has been similar.
I think Comey is keeping a very close watch and at the same time protecting those who are doing the actual investigation(s). I am thinking of this being something like the two pronged strategy that finally caught up with Al Capone. There is an Elliot Ness and a Frank Wilson on this case.
In HRC's case, there may be at least three prongs they are working on: emails, server, and Foundation. This could be just a matter of figuring out which case has the better chance of sticking.
If you see me comin', better step aside
A lotta men didn't, a lotta men died
One fist of iron, the other of steel
If the right one don't a-get you then the left one will
I was born one mornin', it was drizzlin' rain
Fightin' and trouble are my middle name
I was raised in the canebrake by an ol' mama lion
Cain't no-a high-toned woman make me walk the line
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I hope
you are right, however what scares me is that Clinton Derangement Syndrome is such a strong disease that all an indictment will mean to too many of the tribal dems is that "the GoP is attempting to smear her with more baseless attacks" & they will still vote for her. We all know the establishment dems probably won't bite the hands that they believe feeds them so she will still get their "support"
You are not prepared-Illidan
A new one
#3) The timing of the release of the Panama Papers and this announcement saying he's going to take what extra time is needed to make a complete investigation, are what, three days apart? He knows there's links in there and his investigation was just handed a new and rich layer of evidence to sift through, and he's too smart and too professional to publicly tip that hand.
I think this news is a positive development, considering the timing.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Bad news guys,
Bad news guys,
Comey is a GOPer, right? If Obama, did the right thing (which I think he does sometimes) he would have told Comey and Lynch:
"I don't want any question when this thing is over, that we did everything above board. Comey, this is your baby. Just do what you would do in any other case."
Meanwhile, Comey has all the authority, because Obama is trusting him to play it straight. Comey, being a GOPer, knows that any indictment or even report without an indictment is going to be a huge drag for HRC and could sink her campaign.
That is why, as a GOPer who can't help himself but to take advantage of Obama's trust, Comey will now WAIT ON PURPOSE to drop this bombshell right after the convention. You know, the convention where all of the lying, dirty tricks, money drops, and corruption will provide HRC a narrow victory over the energized, informed wing wing of the party.
And then what will the Dems say? "It's not fair." "It's a GOP witch hunt led by Obama, whose legacy we want to build on"
The GOP will unite behind whatever piece of human garbage they nominate. IT'S WHAT THEY DO.
Thanks, Establishment. You are really a bunch of losers, and you are about to prove it.
Cross-posted from a comment at BoomanTribune.com
by GradySeasons on Wed Apr 6th, 2016 at 08:52:11 PM EST
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
Have to agree with sensetolisten here,
The full interview includes part where Comey said he isn't going to be pressured into rushing it just because it is a hot topic with the media and public. They are doing a thorough job. As someone commented, you only get one shot at the queen.
Here's the quote:
The FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of State also came up during an exchange with reporters.
Comey wouldn’t comment on any specific aspects of the probe, nor would he say when it will be wrapped up.
But, this is a presidential election year, and Clinton is running for the Democratic Party nomination.
News 4 asked whether Comey or his agents feel any pressure to finish the email probe before the party’s convention this summer.
“No, and the only reason I hesitate is in any investigation of intense public interest, whether it involves a public figure. Involves some horrific crime. San Bernardino is a great example. We feel a great sense of urgency to do it well and to do it promptly,” Comey explained. “I wouldn’t say the concerns are any different in any of the high profile cases. And the reason is good people want to know. There’s intense interest in investigations like that. Like a San Bernardino.”
Comey says the FBI will always do investigations well, and do them promptly.
If the media could substitute Sanders' name for
Clinton's, the headlines today would be:
Clinton emails tied to San Bernardino Massacre!
My reading of the story earlier today was that Comey indicated no one was pressuring him to finish up. It was the media who decided that meant "no urgency."
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I also agree there's more than one way
to read this. The FBI has screwed up more than one investigation. If, as is rumored, Comey is no friend of Hillary, then they want to nail her BAD. They will in fact only have one good shot at this, and they cannot...cannot....blow it. In fact, it occurred to me last night that this could be why Her Highness is so much pissier than usual. Maybe it's not just about Bernie....
I agree sensetolisten
Comey is GOP
TYT made this point in a recent video. Comey is a Republican, one of many that Obama has nominated to positions of power. He of course would rather release this info during the GE to make sure the Republican will win. We can only hope information is leaked, the stench is so bad it hurts Hillary, and/ or Bernie just out right wins the nomination.
Looking at it from another perspective..
Hillary is under huge pressure to win NY. If there were not to be an indictment, the FBI would be pressured to clear her before the April 19 primary. IF she is not pronounced clean prior to the primary, I would assume an indictment is in the works.
He's probably still upset
That they can't hack into an iPhone newer than the iPhone 5C.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Does Trump matter?
I'm not so sure an FBI Director would delay just for political reasons, but maybe I'm naive. If he DID want to time it to help out the Republicans, would Trump be a factor?
Are people relatively sure that the GOP won't allow Trump to be nominated? There seem to be a substantial number of Republicans that would prefer Hillary over Trump - but would they prefer Sanders over Trump?
All these conjectures others have posted above seem possible, but the one that sounds the most plausible to me is sensetolisten's, that there will be an indictment. If so, and the Director actually has any option of his own in choosing the timing of it, then the Director's choice might be one of these two: what's best for the Republican Party, or, what may be the only way to save the world from climate change. I hope Comey believes climate change is for real.