1-888-221-1161: Let PayPal know you won't put up with their attacks on free speech
Jimmy Dore covers it, Caitlin Johnstone covers it, it's an all out attack on free speech happening live, right now.
Today at Consortium News:
PayPal Cancels CN Account; May Seize Balance
May 1, 2022PayPal has canceled Consortium News‘ account without any prior notice or due process and with virtually no explanation.
As Consortium News is today launching its Spring Fund Drive, it has lost one of its most important ways for its viewers and readers to show their support through donations.
This is an all out attack on Free Speech, as Caitlin Johnstone observes:
Just the other day MintPress published an excellent article by MacLeod titled “An Intellectual No-Fly Zone: Online Censorship of Ukraine Dissent Is Becoming the New Norm” documenting the many ways skepticism of the US government’s version of events in this war is being suppressed by Silicon Valley megacorporations, including financial censorship via the demonetization of YouTube videos that don’t regurgitate the imperial line on Ukraine.
Today, both MintPress and MacLeod have been banned from using the payment service that many online content creators have come to rely on to help crowdfund their work.
Folks, it's time to fight back and fight back hard. Call 1-888-221-1161 and let these Nazi fucks know they want war, they're gonna get war.
In the meantime, after you're done calling up Paypal and flooding their phonelines with complaints, check out these alternatives to using Paypal.
Ban Paypal. End them.

Card companies and processors
have been pulling these stunts for thirty years to little porn sites - never Playboy or the Russian Mob. Taxis used to get cheated all the time too. Two tier justice is everywhere.
On to Biden since 1973
I used PayPal once more than a decade ago
Thanks for posting this call to action.
As of now the Internet IS global culture. And although it cannot be controlled in the sense that there are always ways around the effort to shut people up, we have to face the reality that we cannot use the existing internet platforms for financing anti-narrative activity. The authorities will just steal the money raised.
The powers that be are learning on the fly. Little Justin Trudeau took a few furtive steps down the road of just freezing the bank accounts of anybody who offered either aid or comfort to the Truckers campaign. That was not going to work because it fucked up the people to whom the targets owed money -- credit card companies, receivers of mortgage payments, public utilities. That was never going to fly and I was disappointed when Putin Hate ran mandate mania off the stage, giving the Canadian government an escape hatch from that idiotic idea.
Personally, I never bought into much of the internet hype other than message boards. For the last 20 years, I have never bought anything from Amazon or EBay or any other of those web based scams. I do not like the idea of creating an account with my credit card "on file." There are of course some things that are so inconvenient to buy otherwise that I have broken down and set up an account -- all related to business travel.
The technology to use the internet against the consumer has been manifest from the earliest days of the web. If we want to organize a real fight against this coordinated attack on personal autonomy, we are going to have to communicate off line. Whether we like it or not.
That should not be all that hard. For literally thousands of years, people communicated with each other without digital technology. The tools for it still exist.
This censorship drive is the Last Straw. There is no Science dictating Economic Suicide. You can still argue that there was some Science in support of masks, lockdowns and vaccines.
But this is war against us. We did not ask for it, but we got it now.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
I understand that Pay Pal is back pedaling now
Thanks to Battle of Blair and like minded individuals raising hell with them, the Pay Pal suits have backed off of their original abuse of power, leaving it unclear how much if any of their power will be used against Consortium News and all their other clients who publish thought crime. Like I said several times, the "liberals" are newcomers to fascism and they are just trying to figure it out for now.
We must not let their inept First Steps fool us into believing that the Corporate Power Alliance has given up on the idea of silencing all opposition. Time will teach them to quit trying to be cute and just start whacking people to make the point -- free speech from now on means freedom to speak the truth as declared by the government and its corporate sponsors.
In the 1960s a counter culture sprouted from the ground up with underground news papers and radio stations. In the 1980s, the samizdat movement arose in the dying Soviet Union using the mimeograph machine as the main mode of underground communication. Now we have to come up with something analogous.
Not very many people have ever had to contemplate living in a novel by George Orwell. We all have to get used to it and decide what if anything we will do about it.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
I used PayPal a long time ago..
But didn't like the way it screwed over vendors. Then it seemed to be better, so I used it again. Now, not gonna use it any more if I can manage it. I can't get money overseas without it (to pay for academic journal subscriptions and such), so I have to use it for that. Dang it.
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so