What the hell is a "Propaganda War?"

I read from many different sources of all different persuasions that we are all engaged in a Propaganda War with Putin and, by coincidence, Russia -- as he is the Boss of that country. What on earth does that mean? How do you win a Propaganda War? How do you lose? Or do you just keep bad mouthing each other forever?

Judging by the "coverage" of this Propaganda War waged by our country (and our short list of allies) talking heavy shit about Putin, we are winning big time. But I am confused as to what "we" win -- or how we can even know that we won. When everybody on earth agrees that Putin sucks?

At any rate, the lock step loyalty of our partners in this Propaganda War is already starting to falter. As of last week, Bojo, for example has left the Propaganda War Reservation:


“I think the sad thing is that that (Russian victory) is a realistic possibility. Yeah, of course. Putin has a huge army, he has a very difficult political position … the only option he has now is to continue to try to use his appalling, grinding approach, driven, led by artillery, trying to grind the Ukrainians down. He’s very close to securing a land bridge in Mariupol now. The situation is, I’m afraid, unpredictable. We just have to be realistic about that.”

During his recent visit to Ukraine, Johnson had reportedly advised President Vladimir Zelensky to make a retreat from and form a new defence line but Zelensky had no option but to follow American advice.

For President Biden, of course, there is good enough reason why the war should continue as a forever war. The war rallies Europe behind the US’ weakening transatlantic leadership. Besides, Biden now has an alibi to explain away the high inflation in the US economy. He is placating the military-industrial complex in an election year. Biden announced on Thursday a new $800 million package in military aid for heavy artillery, 144,000 rounds of ammunition and drones, which will be sent “directly to the front lines of freedom” in Donbass.

However, the big question remains: How long will the Western unity behind American leadership hold if Biden seeks a protracted conflict with Russia? The successive defeats in Mariupol and Donbass would not only break the back of the Ukrainian army and seriously dent the credibility of the US but discredit the entire Western triumphalist narrative.

What is baffling to me is how the US Government plans to explain away the utter irrelevance of all its Indignant Hyperbolic Hypocrisy whenever Russia ends its military adventure in Ukraine -- no matter how it ends in victory, defeat or compromise.

Since 2016, I have been wondering how the Democrats would walk back their utterly preposterous bullshit about Putin fixing the election by spreading the truth about the Democratic National Committee's internal communications. They never walked it back, it just went down the memory hole.

So, it continues to baffle me how these people continue to pump out idiotic and irrelevant bullshit for no plausible reason. I have posted here several times my opinion that they have no real interest in this Propaganda War other then to jam global communication with irrelevant noise to keep people from noticing things like $6 per gallon gasoline and the shit rain of economic disasters to come as the powers that be re-arrange civilization to their liking.

People have pretty much stopped believing these assholes -- but cannot unify around any other narrative due to the cacophony of Official Bullshit.

I still do not believe that even Joe Biden believes you can depose a nuclear power by playing The Dozens.

16 users have voted.


That's how I feels about their Cognitive Warfare project, and all their other innovations from hell.

As global conflicts take on increasingly asymmetric and "grey" forms, the ability to manipulate the human mind employing neurocognitive science techniques and tools is constantly and quickly increasing. This complements the more traditional techniques of manipulation through information technology and information warfare, making the human increasingly targeted in the cognitive warfare.


Feels part:

The role of emotions

In the digital realm, what allows the digital industries and their customers (and notably advertisers) to distinguish individuals in the crowd, to refine personalisation and behavioural analysis, are emotions.

Every social media platform, every website is designed to be addictive and to trigger some emotional bursts, trapping the brain in a cycle of posts. The speed, emotional intensity, and echo-chamber qualities of social media content cause those exposed to it to experience more extreme reactions. Social media is particularly well suited to worsening political and social polarisation because of their ability to disseminate violent images and scary rumours very quickly and intensely. “The more the anger spreads, the more Internet users are susceptible to becoming a troll.”

At the political and strategic level, it would be wrong to underestimate the impact of emotions. Dominique Moïsi showed in his book “The Geopolitics of Emotion”, how emotions, hope fear and humiliation - were shaping the world and international relations with the echo-chamber effect of the social media. For example, it seems important to integrate into theoretical studies on terrorist phenomena the role of emotions leading to a violent and/or a terrorist path.

By limiting cognitive abilities, emotions also play a role in decision-making, performance, and overall well-being, and it’s impossible to stop people from experiencing them. “In the face of violence, the very first obstacle you will have to face will not be your abuser, but your own reactions.”

I have tried to repost this comment so many times in so many different essays, and then canceled it, there must be something wrong. With my limited cognitive abilities I guess? Here I am getting dumber on social media again. Rats.

13 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Since 2016, I have been wondering how the Democrats would walk back their utterly preposterous bullshit about Putin fixing the election by spreading the truth about the Democratic National Committee's internal communications. They never walked it back, it just went down the memory hole.

It was the warmup act to the new Cold War and it ushered in the McCarthyism we are seeing now. A lot of people still believe that Putin put Trump in office even after Mueller said that he found no evidence that he did. It was also the warmup act for censorship which is now being turned on full blast with anyone who says anything different from what the government is saying. I posted this last night on it.


DHS is going to be cracking down on election disinformation and Biden put in charge of the program a woman who helped kill the Hunter Biden story before the election. It’s also why democrats brought Obama out of Martha’s Vineyard to bitch about disinformation. Yippee. Fun times ahead. Blehh!


This is from 2019 but they have a current essay on it up now.

That this will be enforced by homeland security should send chills up even the shitlibs spines. It’s blatant government censorship that could have bad repercussions. It shouldn’t be taken lightly IMO.

The purpose of the propaganda war should be obvious. One thing it’s doing is manufacturing consent for Biden to send the weapons to Ukraine and for the public to push him to get tougher on Russia up to sending troops into Ukraine or creating a no fly zone.

One shot of the propaganda war was banning lots of Russian media so people only get one side of the story. It’s how Biden can get away with the false flags from the Ukraine military and blamed on Russia regardless of how many civilians get killed.

Biden’s mouthpieces are saying that they think that yes indeed they can survive using tactical nukes and the world will survive. Just planting that idea in people’s heads so that they consent to using them.

11 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Lookout's picture


An organization called Newsguard Technology has taken to evaluating traditional and independent news organizations and rating the outlets for their trustworthiness and independence from outside influence. The only problem? Newsguard is itself controlled by national security apparatchiks, former administration officials and others with decided biases of their own.

As The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal explains, an outfit like Newsguard isn’t interested in promoting good journalism so much as preventing the public from accessing journalism that threatens the establishment’s grip on power.

and also on the pro-Nazi chants in NYC...
During a recent Manhattan rally for Ukraine, New Yorkers were recorded chanting “Azov! Azov! Azov!” – an outpouring of support for the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Battalion which is currently battling the invading Russian army. Whether the crowd was aware of the Azov fighters’ extremist, fascistic beliefs is unclear, but it is certainly striking that no one seems to bat an eye when a crowd of people in the middle of America’s largest city loudly proclaims support for neo-Nazis.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture

Bad mouthing enemies is not the most dangerous or powerful form of propaganda.

The most dangerous propaganda is the "good mouthing" of the State.

The State's good mouthing of itself is the bedrock evil of propaganda: self glorification and refusal to recognize or redress one's own evil actions across history. This is the root cause of most forms of censorship. You can watch it in action in the childish arguments being made by know-nothings against critical race theory. But it is most horrible to observe it when the neocon-run State doubles down on its lies — as it did repeatedly during the degrading 'Russia Russia Russia' propaganda that injured so many brains in the United States.

And that brain injury is playing right into the extreme delusions under which the US is currently operating. Our leaders are not aware that the world is much smarter than they and their dumbed-down population are.

That could be a recipe for disaster.

10 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
snoopydawg's picture

Biden wants $33 more billion for weapons and lots of people are okay with it. First comment was Biden could end this in 2 weeks.


I’m livid that so much money is being spent instead of any talk about how to end the conflict. This weekend people cheered the Nazis in NYC and yelled AZOV AZOV AZOV! Brainwashed idiots!

And they are ticked that Biden’s talking about canceling student loans. Where’s the money coming from? Oh vey!

9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

but we know where they are getting the money from - thin air. The Fed is simply creating it.
As for the 2016 bullshit flood, the Dems just took a look at Reagan's book - the one he stole from Goebbels. They're simply lying about everything and not stopping when they're debunked. People keep hearing the lies until they forget the truth.

8 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

Pluto's Republic's picture


...is irrefutable proof that China and Russia are both nations that are desperate for a peaceful relationship with the US and a sovereign nation's established right to self-determination. Their goal is to live good lives unmolested by the nazi-neocon-NATO animals that are controlling the US State Department. The only hope that any of us have is a multi-polar world that protects all nations from destabilizing interventions by radical nationalists, such as the US.

But make no mistake. Russia and China are not going to lay down and die so that the big swinging Dick of America can rule the world.

Gawd help us all.

The American People will just have to save themselves from their sick government, if they can. No one else is going to rescue them.

13 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Pluto's Republic's picture

This is why Julian Assange's life hangs in the balance:

Since 2016, I have been wondering how the Democrats would walk back their utterly preposterous bullshit about Putin fixing the election by spreading the truth about the Democratic National Committee's internal communications. They never walked it back, it just went down the memory hole.


This is what continues to contaminate the minds of the shitlibs.

7 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Pluto's Republic's picture

...is to turn him into a martyr before they kill him.

Their greatest fear is Assange becoming a martyr. That why news of the Durham investigation is being suppressed. Because it will blow up the charges against Assange.

The reverse propaganda slogan should be something like:

Julian Assange was murdered to hide the sins of the US leaders.


Julian Assange was murdered to facilitate a US war against Russia.

Put martyr-ship in motion now to protect yourself.

@Pluto's Republic

7 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
ggersh's picture

5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

janis b's picture

"... my opinion that they have no real interest in this Propaganda War other then to jam global communication with irrelevant noise to keep people from noticing things like $6 per gallon gasoline and the shit rain of economic disasters to come as the powers that be re-arrange civilization to their liking."

'Irrelevant' because too few bother to look for the relevance ... and being distracted by the latest 'drama' just desensitises us to what is relevant. We're either numb physically or psychically. It's tragic that most have little possibility to overcome either.

5 users have voted.

It was near the end of The Great Patriotic War. Two Soviet tank operators were enjoying a break in their day. They had the Nazis on the run and they have been clearing one hamlet after another. At this moment they had the hatches open and were enjoying some fresh air and a well deserved cigarette.
The one tank operator said to the other, "I heard Goebbels won the information war".
"Yes", the reply came back. "Clearly the Nazis are better at communicating than we are."

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