It's long past time to consider the positive aspects of WWIII

It's time we stopped talking about Armageddon like it's a bad thing.
For too long the treasonous peaceniks have controlled the narrative that destroying all life on this planet is something we should avoid. Look at evangelicals. They've figured it out. End of Days is not just a good thing, it's something you should help along.

The American people also know the benefits from dying in a huge ball of fire. That's why a overwhelming percentage of them support a no-fly zone over Ukraine, which would directly trigger a hot war with one of the largest nuclear powers on Earth.
It's not like the American people have been deceived by our news media, politicians, pundits and foreign policy experts. We are more than ready to die for Raytheon.

It's time that the socialists who selfishly don't want their children to die for corporate profits get put in their place.
Those free market-hating commies haven't considered just how much profit shareholders could get from starting WWIII, and profits are the ONLY thing that matters.


Thank you! Finally, someone asks the most important question of all, i.e. what does World War III mean to the portfolios of obscenely wealthy predatory war profiteers?
I'm glad you asked that. Fortunately, there is an answer.


There is overwhelming agreement among economists that the Second World War was responsible for decisively ending the Great Depression. When asked why the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are failing to make the same impact today, they often claim that the current conflicts are simply too small to be economically significant.

That's certainly logical. The bigger the war, the better, and what could be bigger than WWIII? Amirite?
If you want to be a true American patriot then you must stand strong with our boys in uniform while they all die in a fiery nuclear holocaust. Because that's what being a patriot is all about.
If you don't want all of our brave boys to march to war and get blown to pieces then you are showing weakness to the enemy, and that makes you responsible for every single death of every one of those brave men and women who will all die anyway.

Unlike many of you who selfishly want to continue to breath, I'm going to volunteer my life for the shareholders of Boeing and Lockeed Martin. It's the least they expect.
We can't start World War III fast enough!
Let's have more jingoism on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox. Those "journalists" and "expert" pundits have our interests in mind, while they express "moral outrage" when Russia does the exact same things that we've been doing for 20 years. It's not hypocritical at all.

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US warns India over Russian weapons
Lloyd Austin told lawmakers that Washington will require New Delhi to buy US armaments instead

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said on Tuesday that India’s continued purchase of Russian weapons systems is “not in their best interest,” and that there will be a “requirement” that leaders in New Delhi swap some of these systems for US and allied armaments. India is the world’s largest military importer, and counts on Russia for nearly half of its external supply of weaponry.

Austin was responding to a question from Representative Joe Wilson (R-South Carolina), who described India as a “treasured ally” of the US and “the world’s largest democracy.” What, Wilson asked Austin, could the US do to convince “Indian leaders to reject Putin and align with its natural allies of democracy?”

Austin responded that the US has “the finest weapons systems in the world,” and would offer them to New Delhi.

“We continue to work with [India] to ensure that they understand that it’s not in their … best interest to continue to invest in Russian equipment,” Austin told the members of the House Armed Services Committee. “And our requirement going forward is that they downscale the types of equipment that they’re investing in and look to invest more in the types of things that will make us continue to be compatible,” he added.

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They leave the TV on most of the day, and it's tuned to cable news all during the morning and afternoon. My parents are somewhat unusual in that they will watch not just Fox News, but CNN and MSNBC as well. Thus they are getting "both sides".
However, "both sides" are the same side when it comes to war.

After a couple days of this, I had an epiphany: I was watching 2 Minutes Hate.
So I told my mother that.
She had no idea what I was talking about, so I pulled up the Youtube video and showed her. Just 45 seconds in she wanted to know how long this video was. "Two Minutes," I said.

Or even better, Hate Week.

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What was her reaction?

It also brings to mind this.


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My father asked me why I I hated America.

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janis b's picture


how would you answer your father, and do you actually hate america? How do we explain with confidence our perspectives on life currently? It's all so complex, but hate is the last place I would want to come from.

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Bob In Portland's picture

@janis b This was during the Vietnam War. Ugh.

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janis b's picture


Removed from the wider context the clips are quite abstract and jarring.

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snoopydawg's picture

@gjohnsit @gjohnsit

Or that Bush lied about WMDs, Hillary lied about Gaddaffi passing out boxes of Viagra so his troops could rape the Syrian women and Obama lied about Assad gassing his own people and every other lie told to get them to consent to war. They are believing everything they are told about Russia Russia and I’m seeing people who should know better that China is also the bad guys. You are right that we are being subjected to multiple 2 hours of hate every day. I’m seeing long time peace activists crying for Russian blood. My mind was blown when an Amish peace activist said that he is making an exception for peace if it means that Putin dies. I don’t know what it’s going to take to get people to wake up and see the propaganda and I’m not even sure that if Biden actually told them that he made things up that they would believe him. Oh wait…they have said that.


Here’s a more accurate report on what Russia has actually done.

Good luck with your parents.

ETA this link to a Twitter thread showing Ukrainians burying people in the mass grave that was recently ‘discovered' and was blamed on Russia. The author says that it was the Ukrainians that killed the people not Russia. They buried them and then pretended that they found the grave after Russia left. You can decide if you want to look at it or not. I don’t like seeing gruesome photos without the chance of deciding whether I do want to.

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

@snoopydawg Never read 1984 in high school. We had to read Animal Farm instead about the evils of Communism. I did finally read it a few years ago. I started reading a lot of the classics. You can get them for free on the Kindle.

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Cassiodorus's picture

for World War III is supposed to be a way of improving ratings. Perhaps they are piggybacking on Ukrainians who (if I recall correctly) appealed to "the left" in the UK (for some bizarre reason) for a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Here one thinks of Margaret Atwood's novel Oryx and Crake, in which a mad scientist devises a pandemic to wipe out the human race, and nobody really pays any attention to what he is doing until it is too late, because all of what he is doing appears to anyone with any power as "business as usual." Yeah, no-fly zone, business as usual. Right?

As for World War III around Ukraine, I gather the actual participants in this war were served a bit of notice recently by some rather significant wildfires erupting around the remnants of the Chernobyl nuclear plant. The ongoing spectacle involves radioactive air pollution. Since the news coming out of that area is at best a week old, I have no idea what is happening there now.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

After the nuclear blasts...will have some left over Chinese take out and watch a NetFlix movie. After maybe browse the Internet and look for cool videos from Tik Tok. Tomorrow have lunch with some friends and then get a haircut. Don't know what all the fuss is about. I have my Ukraine lapel pin.

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