The Dose - 3-19-2022
Last week only a few published articles. This week the subject is once again everywhere.
A few articles of interest.
New study shows Covid can cause brain shrinkage Asia Times march 10, 2022
Most of what we know about how Covid can affect the brain has come from studies of severe infection. In people with severe Covid, inflammatory cells from outside the brain can enter brain tissue and spread inflammation.
There may be changes to blood vessels. Brain cells can even have changes similar to those seen in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
For the first time, a new study has investigated the effects of mild Covid – that is, infection that doesn’t lead to a hospital admission – on the brain. The findings may further explain some of the brain changes contributing to long Covid.
Scientists collected data as part of the massive UK Biobank database. They looked at brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans and tests of brain function in 785 volunteers who were assessed before the pandemic.They then compared this to the same data collected three years later, when about half of those participants had mild Covid infection, and the other half had not caught Covid. This allowed the scientists to determine the specific effects of mild Covid infection on brain structure and function.
The group who had mild Covid an average of five months beforehand had a thinning of brain tissue in several brain regions, ranging from 0.2% to about 2% compared to their pre-Covid scan. Scientists collected data as part of the massive UK Biobank database. They looked at brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans and tests of brain function in 785 volunteers who were assessed before the pandemic.
They then compared this to the same data collected three years later, when about half of those participants had mild Covid infection, and the other half had not caught Covid. This allowed the scientists to determine the specific effects of mild Covid infection on brain structure and function.
The group who had mild Covid an average of five months beforehand had a thinning of brain tissue in several brain regions, ranging from 0.2% to about 2% compared to their pre-Covid scan. This is equivalent to between one and six years of normal brain aging.
There are several important things we still do not know. This includes whether these brain changes will get worse over time, or whether they will go back to normal or previous levels of function. More research over a long time would help us understand the trajectory of brain changes.This study also only included people aged 51–81, so we do not know whether these findings are relevant for younger people or children.
Because of the nature of the study, information about the strain of Covid people were infected with was not available. So we can’t assume the findings would be the same for people with the now more prevalent Omicron strain.We also can’t determine the effect vaccination may have in lessening brain changes. Given the timing of the study, it is likely most of the people in the post-Covid group were infected in 2020, so may not have been vaccinated.
This study provides the first important information about brain changes in people with mild Covid infection. Until we have all the information, we should be alert but not alarmed at emerging findings.
Who’s to blame for Hong Kong’s Covid catastrophe? Asia Times March 10, 2022
Hong Kong has postponed a citywide coronavirus testing scheme scheduled for late March and will focus instead on containing serious cases after the city’s Covid-19 death rate topped the world for a second straight week.
Since the fifth epidemic wave broke out in Hong Kong in December, more than half a million people have been infected. In the month ended Tuesday, 498,809 cases had been reported, compared with 3,064 a month earlier. During this wave, 2,869 people who tested positive had died. Before the current wave, Hong Kong had recorded only 213 deaths.In the week ended Tuesday, 1,697 Covid patients died in Hong Kong, compared with 1,304 a week earlier. That means the number of deaths per million in seven days grew to 226 from 174 the previous week.
Tian Feilong, an associate professsor at Beijing’s Beihang University Law School and director of the Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macau Studies, on February 9 criticized Hong Kong officials and elites for pretending to agree with Beijing’s “zero Covid” policy and believing instead in the West’s “living with the virus” strategy.
Foreign Policy magazine reported that some of Hong Kong’s most vulnerable residents have resorted to sleeping outside to avoid infecting loved ones in their compact apartments, unable to find room in the government’s packed quarantine facilities.
HK runs out of coffins as Covid deaths surge Asia Times March 17, 2022
Chief Executive Carrie Lam said Thursday that the government would unveil a road map on Sunday or Monday showing how Hong Kong could return to normal life. She said she knew Hong Kong people’s tolerance for anti-epidemic rules was fading while financial institutions were also losing patience.
Unlike the dozens of officials in Guangdong and Jilin provinces who were removed for failing to contain the virus, Lam may keep her position for some time as Beijing may further postpone the election for the Chief Executive position, which had previously been pushed back from March 27 to May 8.
Since the fifth epidemic wave hit Hong Kong, about 95% of 800 elderly care homes have reported virus outbreaks. In early March, only 30.48% of Hong Kong people aged over 80 had been vaccinated with two doses, according to official data.On Wednesday, the figure rose to 36.79%, far below the ideal level of 80-90%.
A total of 2,526 people who lived in elderly care homes have died during the fifth epidemic wave, accounting for 55% of the 4,636 deaths in Hong Kong as of the end of Tuesday.
In the first 16 days of March, 53,882 people left Hong Kong while only 8,229 arrived in the city, according to the immigration department. A net outflow of 45,653 people was recorded during the period, compared with 33,737 in the same period of February.A net outflow of 132,000 people, or 1.8% of the population, has been recorded in Hong Kong so far this year.
In mid-February, Hong Kong officials were ordered by Beijing to follow China’s “zero Covid” policy, instead of the West’s “living with the virus” strategy. The order disrupted the government’s plan to gradually reopen to the world.Last week, Beijing seemed to have accepted the reality that mainland measures were no longer useful for containing the virus in Hong Kong. The city is now waiting for the epidemic to die down naturally in the coming months.
We seemed to have reached a new phase of the Covid pandemic. It may be time to look at various opinions on what has been happening to the population of the world. Worth a full read.
A COVID-19 Theory I Cannot Prove Bluemoon of Shanghai March 14, 2022
For background, the sudden appearance of this virus – at first apparently epidemic, then apparently pandemic, aroused my suspicions from the first day. Responding to those suspicions, I followed and documented all the developments from Day One.
First, I recorded the dates on which each country announced its first domestic (indigenous) infection, those not transferred by travel to or from China, not arising from external contact. These were local infections which had no connection to Chinese nor to foreign travel; thus, by definition, they originated inside the country. I recorded as well the specific locations within a country of these ‘domestic’ infections, in every case where that information was available. In particular, I searched for all cases with outbreaks in multiple locations, especially where these outbreaks were simultaneous.
I also recorded whether any of those nations were able to identify a patient zero: they were not. To my best knowledge, no country was able to identify a patient zero, and I found scant evidence that any country except for China had even attempted that search. Italy was one determined exception, but there were few of these. The US in particular ignored the prospect and refused to discuss it.
One comparison I like to make is that of Shanghai with Canada. This city – my home – of ≈25 or 30 million is only two hours from Wuhan and had no time to prepare, but reacted so quickly and thoroughly (with a plan that must have existed and been well-rehearsed), that the city had only a few hundred infections and only six or seven deaths. In less than two months, Shanghai was back to normal (with the exception of us wearing masks on the Metro). No masks, no mandatory vaccinations, no vaccine passports; everything was open and life has been normal for nearly two years. People in Shanghai generally love their government, and trust it, with good reason.Canada, with a population a bit larger than that of Shanghai, 10,000 Kms. distance and with months to prepare, had nearly 3.5 million infections and nearly 40,000 deaths. After two years of bungling fascism by a child-Prime Minister and incompetent government, I’m told life is still a mess and that some useful percentage of the population are so fed up they would happily contemplate a popular revolution.
The Theory
However, to the point at hand. The theory being examined here is that COVID-19 may have been deliberately released not only in China but in all countries, that the source of the pathogen was the US bio-weapons labs scattered around the world, and that the transmission mechanism was US military bases. The evidence for this theory is largely circumstantial, is admittedly spotty and some of the threads are quite thin. Nevertheless, these shortcomings do not of themselves negate the possibility so let’s look at what we have. I would add here that Ron Unz has written a number of flawless articles on this topic; my only point of disagreement is that I don’t see COVID-19 as a “China-only” enterprise that somehow escalated out of control. My personal conviction is that the entire world was the target from the outset.The Causes for Suspicion
1 The Shut-Down of Fort Detrick
2. The Wuhan Military Games
3. The Location and Timing of the Initial Outbreak
4. The virus in China was Chinese-Specific
5. The Chinese Version was Deadly
This fact also received no media attention and few are aware of it even today. The initial death rate in China from COVID-19 was around 15%. It was only the exceptional actions by the Chinese medical authorities, and the widespread application of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that brought this down to about 5% – still one of the highest in the entire world. Most of North America, Europe, Asia and Africa are around 1%. China was definitely whacked with something serious, and I would suggest it was designed that way.6. Infections in Iran
The second country to be hit was Iran in the middle of February and, as Ron Unz has pointed out many times in his podcasts and articles, not simply Iran but the holy city of Qom. And not only Qom but specifically the Iranian legislature where a high percentage were infected and more than a few died. This was confirmed as a totally different strain from that in China, and possibly Iranian-specific. That means the virus did not travel from China to Iran, but was delivered from another source. You can speculate as to the source and delivery method. It seems Providence can be so accommodating sometimes. The two countries the US wanted most to destroy were the two infected first, and both with a rather deadly concoction.7. The Distribution Pattern
A curiosity that caught my eye was that after leaving China and hitting Iran, the virus apparently attacked the entire rest of the world in two swoops. I cannot understand why no one has addressed this, because it is begging for explanation. In the first case, 25 countries reported their first “domestic” infection within a few days centered on January 25, 2020. If we allow for time zones and the International Dateline, these were all reported on essentially the same day. Then, in early March (in one essay I stated late February; that was incorrect), another 85 countries reported their first domestic infection, many on the same day or within a few days. You can check this yourself here: (1)
8. Another Look at “Waves”
Next, the regular ‘waves’. I have attracted some disagreement on this, but I see no flaws in the reasoning so I will repeat: There is almost no evidence of any past epidemic or pandemic ever occurring in multiple successive waves.
9. Waves and Strains
I had long suspected but couldn’t find proof, that subsequent “waves” were not of the same virus strain, that each new wave in each country was a different version of the virus. I now have some proof from two countries who claim that at least two successive waves were not of the same kind, sufficient to theorise that in the various countries each successive “wave” may have consisted not of the same strain or a ‘variant’ with a minor or trivial mutation, but a new release of a different strain altogether.
10. Normal Infection Patterns
11. The Trouble With China
a) China’s 6 Bio-attacks
It hasn’t been reported in the West, but China suffered a total of 6 biological attacks within two years, the swine flu and COVID-19 being only two.
12. One Good Result of Russia/Ukraine
13. A look at Italy
14. And Now, The End
New virus infections appear to be falling in many countries – but by no means in all of them. Yet, in what appears to be a sudden and violent change of direction, nearly every country seems to be abandoning concern for this “deadly virus” and cancelling all preventive protocols.Austria, where only a week ago police were randomly inspecting citizens for vaccination passports and arresting or fining them, now suddenly abandons them. The UK is similarly abandoning all restrictions. Canada is doing the same on a national level and each Canadian province is doing likewise; provinces planning to fine unvaccinated citizens have suddenly changed their minds. In countries around the world, but most especially the Western nations, vaccinations are no longer compulsory, vaccine passports are passé, masks are now optional, schools, restaurants and holocaust museums will be open again, and life is quickly returning to normal.
Suddenly, we are stopping everything, as if on command, and with no apparent respect for future waves seven, eight, and nine. This is distressing since I am unaware of any evidence that COVID-19 is programmed to self-destruct after only six waves.
I have not proven the thesis proposed at the beginning of this article. We have only circumstantial evidence, conjecture and hypothesis. The facts presented are still facts, and they definitely justify suspicion, but they are not of themselves proof of the US functioning once again as the Bankers’ Private Army in what would be a massive conspiracy orchestrated by the European Khazarian mafia. Nevertheless, my comments may provide food for thought and perhaps provoke other minds to contribute to the process. The object of course is to uncover and document the whole truth, whatever that might be.
The corresponding request of the Pentagon to involve Ukrainian laboratories for the implementation of the project is presented on the slide. From our point of view, the interest of US military biologists is due to the fact that these pathogens have natural foci both on the territory of Ukraine and in Russia, and their use can be disguised as natural outbreaks of diseases.
That is why this project has received additional funding, and the terms of its implementation have been extended.
️A study of the documents in the part of the P-781 project on the study of ways of transmitting diseases to humans through bats showed that the work was carried out on the basis of a laboratory in Kharkov together with the infamous R. Lugar Center in Tbilisi. ...
During the implementation of these projects, six families of viruses (including coronaviruses) and three types of pathogenic bacteria (pathogens of plague, brucellosis and leptospirosis) were identified. This is due to the main characteristics of these pathogens that make them favourable for the purposes of infection: resistance to drugs, rapid speed of spread from animals to humans, etc.️It is necessary to note a number of documents confirming the transfer of bioassays selected in Ukraine to the territory of third countries, including Germany, Great Britain, Georgia.
An analysis of the information received indicates that Ukrainian specialists are not aware of the potential risks of transferring biomaterials, are being used essentially blindly, and have no real idea of the true purpose of the research being conducted.
️I would like to draw attention to outbreaks of economically significant diseases on the territory of the Russian Federation. In 2021 alone, the damage from highly pathogenic avian influenza exceeded 1.7 billion rubles, and 6 million heads of poultry were destroyed. At the same time, in European countries, the losses of the agricultural industry from it amounted to about 2.0 billion. euro.
There is little doubt, at least in my mind
These pandemics are part of a clandestine effort funded by the US DoD to destroy the
economies and health of competing nations. It is too coincidental that these and other
viruses magically begin and end, as if on cue. Doubt we will ever learn the truth as it
is covered under the blanket of 'national security'.
Thanks for hosting!
question everything
China's response zero tolerance policy is not the
No matter how we got to this point still need to focus on prevention and treatment.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Re: brain changes
Covid is a disease to take very seriously. My husband and I have a college friend who came down with Covid before the vaccinations came out. He spent 10 months in the hospital. He is home re-learning how to walk and is on home dialysis 10 hours every day.
We never get flu shots. Haven't gotten pneumonia shots or shingles shots or any of the other shots that are recommended for people at out age (70). We don't take any prescription drugs either, usually because of the side effects and the fact that once you get on them, you need more drugs to mitigate the side effects of the original drug. So far, we're good. We'll see what the future brings.
But when we saw what Covid was doing to people throughout the world, our country and locally, we re-analyzed our anti vax/anti medication positions and got the vaccinations and the boosters. We have traveled and visited our family, wore masks where appropriate (still do), took vitamins and supplements (the ones we have taken for years), and carried on. Only side effects from shots was sore arms. No brain fog, etc. We have been lucky. We got the shots not only to protect our own health, but to contribute to the health of our family and community.
This is anecdotal and not intended to be used as proof for anything related to Covid or the vaccinations. But from our view of the world and from our family's experiences with Covid and what we have seen in our immediate community, we feel that getting vaccinated and boosted was a good decision.
I personally think we are going to see so much more in terms of Covid's long term effects, It is important for the medical/scientific community to focus on this.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Celebrate the health of those close to
Fortunately the majority of persons in any study remain healthy. They do not become infected with Covid. Or it have taken the vaccine they do not experience side effects. Not a published study but my personal opinion, the adverse reactions to the vaccines fall into two camps and mass data should be studied to identify potential likelihood either scenario for avoidance of damage to health. First, individuals who experienced normal Covid like complications due to the spike proteins reproducing for a longer than expected time frame and/or in a location in the body other than the injection site. The second group who often have unusual reactions to medications may be reacting to the inert ingredients used to deliver the mRNA and/or to a unique protein in their bodies.
The information on effectiveness of a fourth mRNA booster remains mixed. We will continue to be going through uncharted territory and trying to stay safe.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Episode 4 - COVID Vaxx Healing: How to Heal Your Body from the Jab
Bonus Episode 4 - Healing Journeys
Thank you for keeping us posted on availability of video n/t
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
The 3rd article is indeed a must read
He sure makes the case for a man made pandemic. I have read lots of other essays about that since it started, but he lays it out in b & w.
The first known cases of Covid here might have been in February 19 close to Fort Detrick. I posted an article on it a few months ago but doubt I can find it. Both people who had it test positive for antibodies still. But before that there was that weird lung disorder that gave people Covid lungs. It’s what I have even though I’ve never been sick.
The military games in Wuhan has been the source of the outbreak in China since the beginning.
The virus in China was Chinese-Specific
Next up was Iran. Yep heard that too.
Then there were the 2 different strains of it that affected Washington state and New York almost at the same time.
From severe restrictions to never mind about them is just as suspicious.
Countries started posting large numbers of infections which should have been a clue that something was up. A virus usually infects a few people at a time not hundreds of thousands all at once. As to the continuing waves of the outbreaks he doesn’t take into account what kind of pressure ‘vaccines' put on it to change, but maybe the jury is still out on that? But we are seeing another wave coming in Europe and Asia just as all restrictions are being negated.
I believe that the virus was allowed to spread for 2 months before Trump closed the country and let’s not forget how unprepared we were to get people masks and other PPE. Trump had done a test to see how prepared the country was for an epidemic in September 2019 and found that it wasn’t and yet he did nothing. Plus Gates and his friends did another in October. Finally let’s not forget how congress gave companies trillions without making them prove that they needed it or ask them to sell all their stock that they had spent years buying back while the fed was giving them billions daily. But they took a year to get we Americans some help.
Nah this wasn’t planned at all.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
What, an economic plandemic?
Where is Fauci with his patented medicine?
The govt. requires environmental impact statements
why not economic impact studies for stake holders?
"in my position responsible for drug trials and having so-called inside knowledge of what drug works and what drug doesn’t work, that maybe I was making investments sort of like ahead of the game here,” Fauci explained.
question everything
The Red Line With Dr. Robert Malone Part 1
REPLAY | Candace Owens With Dr. Robert Malone Pt. 2 | Interview Begins @ 26 Minute Mark