The Dose - 3-12-2022

A few articles of interest.
United Nation Security Council on biolabs in the Ukraine March 11, 2022 The Saker
The link includes a translation of the Russian statement
This is a very short report. The hatred was so palpable in that meeting room that I felt physically affected.
The summary is:
Russia, China, Brazil, India, and Kenya want investigations into the Biolabs.
The US says they did not hide anything and used their time as 10 minutes of hate. And we know they speak the truth because CNN showed us the videos of the horrible Russians and the horrible things that they do, like bombing hospitals. There is no US biolab connection. There is nothing to see here, they say.
UK representative ditto. Norway ditto. A few others, ditto.
Russia says the Ukraine faked deaths and faked propaganda.
Everyone to Russia:
You are conspiracy theorists and aggressors.
*No one shows any proof*
*Russia shows proof*I trust Russia has a mass of more proof and these speakers will have to swallow their words of today.
Nobody speaks about the biolabs but use their time for 10 minutes of hate. Of course they were caught in the act, and can only rail and hate.
Keyed at United States statement. Auto-translate was not available when I viewed the video, however many members presented there portion in english. (full video about 2 hours)
Presentations in English
1st UN representative (approx 8 min at this link of the video at UN site)
00.00 2nd UN representative
24.54 Albania
31.13 United States (starts here)
43.38 United Kingdom
48.03 India
53.15 Ghana
56.52 Ireland
101.34 Norway
110.41 Brazil
113.30 Kenya
129.08 United States response to Russia
129.46 Ukraine
Who’s to blame for Hong Kong’s Covid catastrophe?/ Asia Times March 10, 2022
Recriminations fly as Hong Kong’s ‘zero infection’ policy fails to stop the highest Covid fatality rate worldwide
Hong Kong has postponed a citywide coronavirus testing scheme scheduled for late March and will focus instead on containing serious cases after the city’s Covid-19 death rate topped the world for a second straight week.
This week the government announced plans to turn several public hospitals into facilities that receive only serious Covid patients and others in critical condition. It also abnormally sent an urgent alert to citizens’ mobile phones about the decision, fueling already high anxieties in the city seen in panic buying of food and goods.
University of Hong Kong research forecasts that the number of infections in the city will reach 4.3 million, or 57% of the population of 7.5 million people, by the end of April.Since the fifth epidemic wave broke out in Hong Kong in December, more than half a million people have been infected. In the month ended Tuesday, 498,809 cases had been reported, compared with 3,064 a month earlier. During this wave, 2,869 people who tested positive had died. Before the current wave, Hong Kong had recorded only 213 deaths.
In the week ended Tuesday, 1,697 Covid patients died in Hong Kong, compared with 1,304 a week earlier. That means the number of deaths per million in seven days grew to 226 from 174 the previous week.
China's daily local COVID cases top 1,000 as Omicron spreads Reuters March 11, 2022
Mainland China reported over 1,000 new COVID-19 infections in dozens of cities, the highest daily count in about two years, with the Omicron variant forcing a northeastern city to go under lockdown and the financial hub Shanghai to close schools.
FRUSTRATION OVER CURBSSome of the restrictions have started to bite.
Targeted lockdowns of buildings have caused anxiety among residents in Shanghai, while complaints that some university students in Jilin were not promptly moved to designated quarantine sites or had not received certain daily necessities triggered social media anger. read more
Mainland China's daily number of local asymptomatic infections have hovered above 300 this week, a sharp increase from a daily average of about 10 such cases in the first two months this year, Reuters calculations showed.
"Infections in vaccinated individuals are more likely to be asymptomatic than infections in unvaccinated individuals, and vaccine coverage is now very high in China," said Ben Cowling, an epidemiology professor at the University of Hong Kong.
Around 87% of China's 1.4 billion population had received complete doses for primary vaccination as of late February, and around 40% of the population had received a booster shot.
There have been no new deaths from COVID-19 reported in more than a year.Mainland China's registered death toll has been static at 4,636 since January 2021.

Zero was never a realistic target,
with a pathogen that is as infectious as measles and imperfect vaccines which did little to prevent transmission to others.
COVID Live data has Hong Kong’s Death/Million is under 500, which will continue to rise, as deaths lag behind the infection wave which is still rising. But for perspective many countries have suffered far higher rates of death; the hardest hit, Peru, lost well over 6,000/Million!
Perhaps a strategy that relies primarily on vaccines and downplays prophylaxis and early treatment is part of the problem, since ‘herd immunity’ and the advantage of natural immunity depends on infection and recovery of a significant portion of the population. If the ‘zero’ policy effectively keeps people from getting infected, it also effectively negates the positive effects of natural immunity and the improved and longer lasting protection of the ‘herd’.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
On the plus side for a zero policy
Theories accepting a comfortable level of death and illness in a population, generally excludes the originator making the projection being effected. Many will accept the concept and repeat it as a way to reconcile the losses in their own life and those around them.
Last weeks The Dose referenced an article reporting the loss of life from a rare side effect of mRNA vaccines. In the words of her husband.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Do we really need CNN to tell us what to think?
Or the US government? The lies have been proven as untruths. It does not take a genius to connect
the dots between DoD contracts with foreign biolabs and outbreaks of various influenzas. This
process of bioengineering 'gain of function' aka weaponizing bugs has been going on since the
50's. For the US to deny substantiated evidence is another slap in the face of realism.
Thanks for posting SOE!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
welcome n/t
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Jmmy covers Dr John
and his review of IVM which I posted in yesterday's dose.
Nurse practitioner instructor and YouTube star Dr. John Campbell recently reviewed two comprehensive studies that seem to put an end to any question whether the widely prescribed drug Ivermectin is effective as a treatment for COVID-19. That the media and medical establishment continue to paint Ivermectin as “horse paste” rather than a potentially powerful treatment in the fight against COVID is an incredible scandal, Campbell says.
Additionally word seems to be leaking to the MSM. (4 min)
A day late and a dollar short, but maybe the truth will prevail.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The truth has many enemies in high places
Biden's Surgeon General Calls on Informants to Report Use of Generic Drugs
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
profit is a powerful force...
and big pharma wields its power across all platforms. Fortunately I have a brain and can think for myself, and select treatments think are best. My suspicions are always riled by suppression of information.
Why? because sick and scared people are easy to manipulate, healthy thinking people less so.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The same guy wants social media to tell him
who is spreading fake news. This should even scare the shitlibs that their government is monitoring people’s speech, but it’s about Covid falsehoods so they are okay with it. Just imagine if it was Trump doing it, but to shitlibs who don’t think that early treatment works. Yeah they’d have a problem with that for sure.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Why people are objecting to John Campbell's analysis...
There is a lot of commentary online regarding the much touted discussion that John Campbell offered on Ivermectin. I watch Campbell basically for his educational talks on viruses etc. But he is capable of not being thorough and/or not presenting opposing evidence.
Once again, in case anyone here wants to read what other scientists are writing on Ivermectin.
John's claim...FULL CLAIM: “In other words, you're about 70 percent less likely to die if you take ivermectin compared to taking remdesivir”; “That data shows that unequivocally ivermectin was associated with decreased mortality in patients with COVID-19 when compared to remdesivir”; “Why isn’t this in the newspapers, 70% reduction in mortality in this study? I mean this is just huge and this is with the tiny dose of ivermectin every fortnight acting as a prophylactic”; “This is why I think ivermectin is going to be one of the huge scandals, it’s almost as if information has been deliberately suppressed throughout the pandemic”
Rebuttal..."Fails to grasp significance of observation: The research presented in John Campbell’s video, purportedly showing ivermectin to be an effective COVID-19 treatment, contained several limitations. For example, one set of research findings that he cited involved comparing COVID-19 mortality in patients that took remdesivir with those who took ivermectin. However, remdesivir is used in hospitalized patients, while ivermectin is mainly used in outpatients. Patients on remdesivir are therefore more likely to be seriously ill and die compared to patients on ivermectin."
However, the authors of the abstract objected to such an interpretation of their work, with one of them calling out Campbell’s video specifically. This can be seen from the tweets below by medical student Iakov Efimenko and infectious disease specialist Jose Gonzales Zamora, both of whom are affiliated with the University of Miami: Iakov Efimenko tweeted " I don't think it's funny... people like John campbell are calling this a "great thought out study" when in reality it's an abstract with preliminary data. We have randomized controlled trials why are we still interested in retrospective cohort data abstracts?" Jose Gonzalez Samora tweeted this in response to Pierre Kory's announcement that the study PROVES Ivermectin is the miracle drug he has always endorse..."I am ONE of the authors of the study. This "retrospective" study looks for ASSOCIATION, not causality. Now that we have randomized clinical trials, we can say with certainty that IVERMECTIN DOES NOT WORK AT ALL FOR COVID (his emphasis). I recommend to read the conclusions of the abstract."
1:22 PM · Mar 3, 2022
The analysis has a lot more detail, but ends with this....Campbell also claimed that these studies were evidence that “ivermectin is going to be one of the huge scandals” and that “it’s almost as if information has been deliberately suppressed throughout the pandemic”.
But his claim isn’t grounded in reality. The research he cited in the video is free to access on the Internet. Moreover, the abstract was tweeted more than 14,000 times, while the study in Itajaí was read hundreds of thousands of times and received more than 39,000 engagements on social media according to the social media analytics tool CrowdTangle.
As explained previously in this review, the reason ivermectin isn’t approved as a COVID-19 preventative or treatment is that there’s no reliable clinical evidence showing that ivermectin is effective for such uses. Claims to the opposite commonly involve misinterpretation of a study and/or a failure to understand its flaws and limitations, as demonstrated in Campbell’s video. Indeed, the BBC reported that studies purporting to show that ivermectin is effective typically contain critical errors invalidating the study’s results or signs that the data was fabricated."
Also, this study from Maylasia involving 500 people was just reported in JAMA.
I always thought Dr. John was pretty neutral on virus treatments etc. and appeared to be so in his reports. But you know that something is off when his commentary gets picked up by Jimmy Dore and when he is agreeing with "experts" like Pierre Kory.
Oh, and that Medical News Today link has another topic below the Ivermectin article that discusses what is going wrong with medical research and verification lately. It's good food for thought.
‘Science is flawed’: COVID-19, ivermectin, and beyond
Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz is an epidemiologist and writer based in Sydney, Australia. His work covers chronic disease, the pandemic response, and more recently, error detection in science. In this op-ed, he discusses issues with research that have become increasingly apparent during the pandemic.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Oh for crissakes fish
If you do not believe in early preventative measures and think the jab is the
only solution, then deny science to your own risk. The better approach would be
to allow people to make informed decisions. Dr. Campbell is singing this particular song.
I allow that you are playing devil's advocate here. But think. Are there other processes
at work here? This, I don't think you get.
thanks anyway
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Why is it when I present information that counters the push
for Ivermectin, there is something suspect about that, but not if you or others present information pushing people to self medicate with this substance?
I have never said that I am against early preventative measures.... like Vitamin D, etc., but putting words in my mouth seems to be a hobby on here.
"The better approach would be to allow people to make informed decision." One definition of "informed" is actively incorporating other information in your decision making. I know there are people on here, some who have left the site, who just got tired of the one sided presentations pushing out others that seems to characterize The Dose. Why I keep trying to provide balance is something I probably need to assess. But maybe you don't care about that.
Did you even read anything in this post? If you did, is there something in it that you find objectionable or inaccurate about it? Then tell me what that is rather than throwing shade on me having the nerve to post anything at all.
Just what do you mean about "other processes" at work here? What are you accusing me of? I can't believe how twisted things have become around here. I have not seen you approach anyone else's posts this way. Why is that? Please explain what you don't think I'm getting. All I see is that every goddamn time I post information that counters the group approved narrative on here, I get some sort of hyperventilating blow back. Do you not see how this looks, not only to me, but to others?
This is pretty concerning for a site that was created out of a rejection of the group think tactics of TOP.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Do you not see...
how it looks to others when a user disregards almost all other content on a site and focuses in, lazer-like, on a certain topic of discussion and seems to post only to disrupt the threads, over and over.
I see it.
Maybe he focuses laser-like on this topic
Thank you @Fishtroller 02. You’re the only reason I come to The Dose, hoping somehow you’ll open some eyes and minds to the fallacious thinking here. It is important.
she's trolling. The question then becomes, how much longer will I put up with it.
It would be a shame
I learned very early on...
when admining an open discussion board that certain individuals will take advantage of the rules and game both myself and the community. When caught they invoke the Sergeant Schultz defense and hang themselves on a cross as a victim.
I am no rookie at this game. I've had quite a few here do exactly that, one of them was one of my best online friends. I took it from him until I couldn't stand it any longer. I don't ban folks lightly here, I give them plenty of rope to prove exactly what and who they are.
If my warnings don't sink in, that's on them, not me.
Other processes at work
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies indications in two categories. FDA-approved, also called labeled indications, and Non FDA-approved, also called off-label indications. Historically there has been no restrictions on Physicians to prescribe or a Pharmacist to dispense any FDA approved drug for an Off-Label use. Most patients are unaware if a drug they are taking is for a FDA-approved indication or not.
Only a drug manufacturers of the drug product in question can apply for an FDA-Approved indication. No other interested party may apply for a FDA-Approved indication, regardless of the quality of research available regarding efficacy. Once approved the drug product may be marketed and promoted by the manufacture for the indication to the public and health professionals.
Ivermectin prescriptions have been increasing, Physician prescribed treatment, not individuals self medicating.
Just for curiosity after reading this exchange I reviewed by e-mail history of 10 years of Board of Pharmacy bulletins regarding dispensing drugs for off-label uses. You might find it interesting only a subject the last 2 years. I suspect the coordinated messaging happened in multiple states.
Ivermectin has become one of those subjects where an objective discussion is almost impossible.
How anti-vaxxers weaponized Ivermectin, a horse de-wormer drug, as a COVID-19 treatment Salon Aug 8, 2021
The right-wing obsession with the veterinary drug is a tactic to undermine COVID-19 vaccines, experts say
Ivermectin for animal use is very difficult to obtain. I will need to figure out something else out for parasite control for my flock this year.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thanks for that SoE,
I've been working on local organic farms for the last few years and so I follow a bit of Oregon State's recommendations as a resource. I was initially surprised that worms develop resistance to ivermectin, but then, of course, selective evolution is a powerful force. It appears from this OSU report that there are areas in the South that ivermectin is no longer sufficient to protect some grazing animals from disease.
The report finishes with:
Long term, if possible, it would probably be best to selectively breed the livestock for resistance to the parasites. Short term? Uh, Yeah. The life of a farmer/rancher. Tea leaves and informed hope seems to me to be the method of choice. All the best to you and your flock in the coming year. It's an interesting life isn't it?
I gotta agree
with the statement about selectively breeding livestock and so on. When I started with goats (I have a small herd, about 25 dairy goats, in nw wa state) I used dewormers religiously. After all, it was what I was taught by one of my mentors. This was about 20 years ago. But another one of my mentors, who taught me basically how to keep baby goats alive and how to treat 'non-thriving' goats, didn't do that kind of deworming. And I paid attention. I stopped worming regularly every 6 months, which is against the 'recommendations'. I don't show my goats, so they don't go anywhere. I treat goats that get sick from worms with dewormer, but haven't had to do that in about 5 to 7 years, and slowly worm resistance has been bred into my herd, naturally. I used to test for worms every few months, my mentor taught me how to do that. We had no vets that would treat goats, so we had to learn to do it all ourselves. Anyway, I don't even test that much anymore, because there just aren't that many worms.
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
Regular moving
and using the Greg Judy method... graze a third, trample a third, and leave a third of your forage... prevents the need for worming. (which he doesn't touch on in the video below but in many others he does). Worms come from the soil so if your herbivore doesn't get down to soil they can't get worms. Plus the ideas of selection over time.
5.5 min
Greg is something else...what a manager.
All the best with your animals and projects!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ivermectin resistance in parasite demonstrates the
Flexibility, improving skills and understanding the why of treatments increases potential for success.
Generally very spring I check the price of a new vial on the shelf. Not there this year.
This is a really good thread full of information.
Some additional practices I have found useful. After accepting a few sheep from a friend who regularly treated and showed her animals had a serious problem with resistance and commercial options were not effective. Spring weeds, especially mustard, to knock down a problem. Later in the year any variety of the mint family. Grow small patches and provide periodic grazing opportunities. Salt has been useful. Instead of free feeding set out periodically and enough is eaten to disrupt an infestation. Letting the chickens free range in the winter sheep area during other times of the year was the final step of pasture management. Actually have the option of using ivermectin again for spot treatment of individual animals. It took about 3 years to dilute the percentage of hyperresistant parasites to recreate the opportunity for spot treatment.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Interesting information- thanks.
Good luck with the search for an alternative treatment for your animals. I have a good friend who has horses, and she is having the same issue.
"Ivermectin has become one of those subjects where an objective discussion is almost impossible." This is certainly and obviously true. Since you have worked with this drug, I have a question which you can certainly decline to answer.... would you take Ivermectin if you knew or thought you had Covid?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Do not believe any real interest in
Reviewing the questions and links provided in the other comments decided to take the time to provide the "balance" which has been mentioned multiple times as important. Link to the response.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
meanwhile in Oregon....
today is the end of the mask mandate. In addition, I'm reading about places no longer requiring vax cards. So it must be over!
I mentioned on FB yesterday that I counted (during my walk) who had a mask and who didn't. Yesterday, with the mask mandate still in place, 40% had masks, 60% not. It'll be interesting to see what today brings.
And, for the record, since I don't trust anybody's info, I not only have no problem with Fishtroller's post, I think it's essential to us to question everybody. Let me make a statement...not an accusation. I find that many here are willing to post articles that agree with their already established opinions, no matter who the "info" came from, without looking into the background or the agenda of those people. But posting it here simply because it "confirms" what you already believe. Goes both ways.
I think it's important for us to question *everything*. To be skeptical of everyone. A bat in a wet market and not that lab over there that says "Get your virus here!"? I think not. Something from Project Veritas? Ask yourself why they do what they do. Look into it. Just because it appears to agree with you, look for another source.
Fishtroller imo is a mixer
Too much monkey business. It's like arguing about the cures that the same freaking people who cooked up this plaque are now cooking up. I do take vitamins and eat healthy, which is hard considering the so called supply chain and phony 'inflation' mess. Good luck trying to find any truth or sanity in what passes for journalism/truth in this free for all wild no holds barred 'fact' checked by assholes online world. 'Propaganda, all is phony'. Stats only reflect what the counters decide to count. Focusing on political shit and 'experts' only muddies the water.
Well yes, I have to confess that I am a "mixer".
Just ask my friends about the great bourbon cocktails that I mix for them!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Wise words.
As a point of reference on posting information that does not conform with the general discussion...I was banned from Daily Kos for posting that I didn't fully believe that the Russians caused Hillary Clinton to lose the 2016 election. I also linked a good solid article to back up my opinion, which I think one should do if possible. My source was labeled right wing (it was a progressive blogger) and posting "right wing" material violated site rules. And off I went.
I still believe it is important to question everything. Skepticism is a valuable tool, which I learned in my journey from religious belief to atheism. I posted the Ivermectin information because I am very skeptical of its use for Covid and find promotion of it for that use questionable. Many may not agree with me, but my motivation for posting information is not nefarious. It comes out of real concern. Others may be posting pro-Ivermectin information for the same reason. My point is that both sides should feel comfortable with sharing information. It should not be that skepticism is only applied to one side of the coin.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
What is your concern for using ivermectin
as a prophylaxis for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2. The product has an excellent safety record that dates back three decades. It's safety profile has been well documented.
The current recommendations by the FDA for one who has contracted COVID-19 is to stay at home, isolate and go to the hospital if and when breathing becomes difficult. We have heard of many instances where people have been denied treatment and told to return home if their oxygen levels was greater than 85% do to lack of beds and staffing shortages.
If you were admitted and your condition degraded to the point that you needed a ventilator your chances of recovery were considerably reduced - Study: Most N.Y. COVID Patients on Ventilators Died.
The FDA does not even discuss the efficacious benefit of vitamin D3 and other well known treatments. It is almost as if FDA wanted to increase the death toll of COVID-19 to scare people into relying solely on the little-tested mRNA 'vaccines'. BTW, the pretext for this therapy for getting the EUA was that there can be no other drug that could be used to ameliorate the disease.
Why are you so adverse to the use of ivermectin despite it's excellent safety record?
I should know better than this, but here goes...
For one, look at what I posted above in this comment thread regarding the responses to John Campbell's claims and the latest study of 500 people in Malaysia. Did you just happen to skip over it? Hard to do, it's pretty long.
Two, information like this gives me pause...
Do you think a doctor who prescribed prostate medication for women should be able to long distance give a prescription for Ivermectin to a Covid patient?
What do you think when you read about studies that don't reinforce your opinion? Like this one...
this one...
How can you conclude that Ivermectin is a good product for people to take for Covid if it is still being studied? The ACTIV-6 study won't conclude until March 23rd. I assume it will take awhile to compile the results. This is a study I would look at seriously. If it shows that Ivermectin is great against Covid, then I might reconsider (still wouldn't take it myself because eye problems are common even at low dosages). If it shows that Ivermectin doesn't work or if it is too harmful to use for Covid (they are doubling the usual dosages) would YOU post a retraction of all your claims?
And last, I don't trust Pierre Kory past the next crack in the sidewalk, so I just tune out any references to what he promotes.
I had told you that I would not discuss these issues with you again after you insulted my children's intelligence over their reasons for choosing vaccination for their own kids. (Dose 12/31/21) Your comment in response to my post that I had sent an Atlantic article to my children and they eventually decided to have the two 8 year olds vaccinated (and that all went fine)..... You posted, "A webzine is not the proper place to get information for informed consent. You should have gone to the manufacturer instead. I gave you the links but it is obvious that you failed to heed my advice. You should send them the pamphlet Sick Kids in case problems should develop in the coming months....If you would have taken the time and effort you'd realize the first was from direct data and information taken from Pfizer's own safety report that a FOIA request was done. That's the company that wants 75 years to release all their data. The following is about SickKids who are trying to give you information about children's vaccinations: etc. etc."
So basically you said that I had shared bad information with my grown children who then made a terrible mistake making the decision to vaccinate their kids. If I had only listened to YOU-right?
You still owe me an apology for that. So if you are going to answer my questions in this post, please start with that apology.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I stand with what I previously said
I suggest you wait at least until the data comes in about the safety and efficacy of the mRNA 'vaccines' during the following 6 months.
It is obvious that you hadn't
even read the 'report' that you are citing!
You are now really scraping the bottom of the barrel in your attempt to denigrate ivermectin. All the adverse events were complications due to the parasites ivermectin was used to treat.
I suggest you view the ivermectin data sheet where Dr. 'Sheep Drench' Jo got his information from:
Seems to me that the anti ivermectin movement discounts how it’s one of the safest drugs ever made and it won a Nobel prize for the guys who brought it to market. Sheep drench? That’s a new one.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thank you for always doing the hard yards CB,
and for your well informed and respecful presentations and responses.
Medsafe, a segment of the Ministry of Health, in this case appears more transparent than 'Dr. Jo’. I remember that vtcc recommended heeding this doctor who comments on Quora. He is an academic anesthesiologist, and computer programmer, maybe valuable in his field, I wouldn’t know; but he’d be the last person I’d listen to simply because the member on c99 who recommended him wrote the most offensive essay I’ve ever read here.
I know that sounds prejudiced, but I find them both so arrogant I can’t respectfully listen to them.
Let's have a look at one of your studies
Decided to take the time replying to the questions
Do you think a doctor who prescribed prostate medication for women should be able to long distance give a prescription for Ivermectin to a Covid patient?
Most likely prescribing for an off-label treatment for female pattern balding due to genetics or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Easy to research so I am not providing link.
What do you think when you read about studies that don't reinforce your opinion? Like this one.
First neither of the two links went to the study. Each was a review of the same study. It is important to understand the difference.
The study link
Would like to look at data further to evaluate why a limited 5 days of treatment resulted in fewer patients receiving mechanical respiration and dying within 28 days. Curious about degree of change in patient's symptomology and severity after the 5 day ivermentin treatment ended.
information like this gives me pause...
Dr Jo seems to be writing fear porn. "Have studies shown that it can cause early death without warning?" Really he can not differentiate between an adverse reaction and a known complication caused by too fast of parasite die off. Or he simply has no respect for his readers.
How can you conclude that Ivermectin is a good product for people to take for Covid if it is still being studied?
If the criteria for taking a drug therapy is no longer being studied for efficacy and safety - it rules out many commercially available drugs.
For example acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Sept 2021 - association with pre natal exposure alterations in fetal development the easy read and the study
Feb 2022 - association with high blood pressure the easy read and a short version of the study.
And last, I don't trust Pierre Kory past the next crack in the sidewalk, so I just tune out any references to what he promotes.
I review references made by any source, then make my own opinion. If my understanding of the comment is correct - If Pierre Kory recommended your writings they should automatically be tuned out.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Data leaked from the Defense Health Agencies
Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) shows skyrocketing levels of disease among military personnel since the mandatory vaccines were rolled out. All data reflects reporting from January through November, 2021 only.
I didn't listen
I didn't think they would mandate it to them, but I was wrong. I guess TPTB think we can dominate by drones and nukes, and we don't need no federales.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Robots too
Don’t forget the robot force that is being made to replace us humans in every workforce. They’ve got those very cute, but deadly robot dawgs that cops took out for a look see in poor neighborhoods in NYC much to the dismay of the tenets. And who knows how far stretched the brain implants story is so that we need injected soldiers who won’t mind slaughtering their citizens in all countries. You just never know what is true anymore with these sociopaths running the show.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.