The Dose - 3-4-22
An open thread for gentle discussions of all things Covid.

Hey! Good Morning!
It's Official: They Lied
After Two Years of Covid, Report Finds Pandemic Made Far Deadlier by 'Greed'
If a single word can encapsulate why—two years into the global Covid-19 pandemic—the virus continues to spread widely and kill thousands of people each day despite the availability of lifesaving vaccines, the humanitarian group Oxfam International on Thursday suggested that word is "greed."
In a new report titled "Pandemic of Greed," Oxfam offers a grave assessment of the current state of the public health emergency in an effort to bury the notion that the coronavirus is on its way out and normality is on the horizon—a rosy and potentially dangerous sentiment voiced in recent days by the leaders of rich nations and the executives of powerful pharmaceutical companies.
"While effective vaccines provide hope, their rollout has tipped, from a natural desire to protect citizens, into nationalism, greed, and self-interest," reads Oxfam's report, compiled on behalf of the People's Vaccine Alliance. "Large numbers of people in low-income countries face the virus unprotected and millions of people would still be alive today if they had had access to a vaccine. Big pharmaceutical corporations have been given free rein to prioritize profits ahead of vaccine equality."
Published almost exactly two years after the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the novel coronavirus a global pandemic, Oxfam's analysis brings together a slew of data points that, taken together, paint a picture far more dire than the one U.S. President Joe Biden presented during his closely watched State of the Union address on Tuesday.
"Because of the progress we've made, because of your resilience and the tools we have, tonight I can say we are moving forward safely, back to more normal routines," Biden said in his speech.
Oxfam's report counters that "in the United States, where vaccination rates are lower than in Europe, the deaths from Covid-19 have remained high, on a par with previous waves of the pandemic."
More broadly, the group notes, "an estimated 99% of humanity are worse off because of Covid-19, 160 million people have been pushed into poverty, and 137 million people have lost their jobs."
While the pandemic has had far-reaching and destructive consequences, touching countless lives directly and indirectly across the planet, Oxfam makes clear in its new report that not everyone's livelihood has been harmed by the public health catastrophe.
"The richest 10 men doubled their fortunes during the pandemic and a new billionaire is being created every 26 hours," the report notes. "Of those new billionaires, 40 of them have made their billions profiting from vaccines, treatments, tests, and [personal protective equipment]."
Oxfam emphasizes that the pain inflicted by Covid-19 has been disproportionately concentrated in poor countries, which have been denied sufficient access to vaccines by rich nations and profit-seeking pharmaceutical giants that have hoarded doses and technology.
"Rich countries and corporations have tied up the global response to Covid-19 for their own benefit, leaving the Global South to bear the brunt of this pandemic," Maaza Seyoum, Global South convenor for the People's Vaccine Alliance, said in a statement Thursday. "As billions of people are still unable to access vaccines, some have the audacity to claim that the pandemic is over. That is an utter fallacy. Third and fourth doses in rich countries alone cannot erase the ever-rising death toll in lower-income countries."
To convey the extent of the pandemic's devastating impact on low-income countries, Oxfam's report observes:
- For every life lost in a rich country, another four people have died in a poorer nation. Fifty-four percent of all deaths caused by Covid-19 have been in low- and lower-middle-income countries, where 10.6 million people have died. 2.7 million people are estimated to have died in high-income countries, 14% of global deaths.
- People in poorer nations are 1.3 times more likely to die as a result of the pandemic compared to rich countries. Per capita deaths in low- and lower-middle-income countries are 31% higher than in high-income countries.
- Every minute, four children around the world lose a parent or caregiver as a result of the pandemic—almost half of these children are in India, where over two million children have been affected by orphanhood.
Worldwide, Oxfam estimates that 19.6 million people have died as a result of the pandemic. That figure, which includes deaths directly and indirectly caused by Covid-19, is far higher than the official estimate of roughly 6 million deaths from the virus alone. At least 3 million people have died since the highly contagious Omicron variant was detected by South African scientists in November.
The only way to prevent the emergence of new mutations and finally end the pandemic, Oxfam argues, is "an urgent change in strategy" that includes a suspension of coronavirus-related patent protections, the transfer of vaccine technology to developing countries, and a massive increase in funds for global vaccine manufacturing.
According to one recent study, producing and distributing three coronavirus vaccine doses to every person in low- and lower-middle-income countries would prevent over a million deaths for the cost of $61 billion—a fraction of the $778 billion U.S. military budget.
To date, just 13% of people in low-income countries have received at least one coronavirus vaccine dose.
"After two years, we all want this pandemic to be over, but politicians in rich countries are exploiting that fatigue to ignore the devastating impact of Covid-19 that continues to this day," Anna Marriott, Oxfam's Health Policy Manager, said in a statement Thursday. "While incredibly effective vaccines provided hope, rich countries derailed the global vaccine rollout with nationalism, greed, and self-interest."
"Suggestions that we are entering a 'post-Covid era,'" Marriott added, "ignore the continuing deaths in primarily lower-income countries that could be prevented by vaccines."
Pfizer vaccine significantly less effective in children ages five to 11, study shows
The Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is less effective in children aged five to 11 than in adolescents and adults, according to new data from New York state health officials.
The new research was announced shortly after federal authorities relaxed masking guidance and a day after Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, said he would probably follow Governor Kathy Hochul in ending a mask mandate in city schools.
The study was carried out during the Omicron variant surge but was made public at a time of rapidly dropping cases and hospitalizations in New York and elsewhere.
In the study released on Monday, not yet peer-reviewed, six New York state public health scientists analyzed cases and hospitalization rates from 13 December 2021 to 30 January 2022 among 852,384 fully vaccinated children aged 12 to 17 and 365,502 fully vaccinated children aged five to 11.
Results revealed that vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization during the Omicron variant surge declined from 85% to 73% for children aged 12 to 17. Among children aged five to 11, effectiveness fell even more significantly, from 100% to 48%. Vaccine effectiveness against testing positive declined from 66% to 51% among children aged 12 to 17. In the younger group, effectiveness dropped from 68% to 12%.
Democrats DITCH Covid Mandates Ahead Of Midterms
Coronavirus came from Wuhan market and not Chinese lab, twin studies say
International scientists on Saturday released two major studies which one participant said made it “extraordinarily clear” a market in Wuhan, China was the source of the coronavirus which fueled the Covid-19 pandemic – and not a Chinese government laboratory, a theory championed in the US by rightwing campaigners, columnists and politicians.
The question of where Covid-19 came from and how it spread has proved divisive. According to Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, after two years the global death toll stands at more than 5.9m, the caseload at 433.7m. The same sources say more than 947,000 people have died of Covid in the US, from a caseload of nearly 79m.
The New York Times first reported the new studies, which it said had not been published in any journal. Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona and a co-author on both studies, told the paper: “When you look at all of the evidence together, it’s an extraordinarily clear picture that the pandemic started at the Huanan market.”
The one-sentence summary of one study said: “Geographical clustering of the earliest known Covid-19 cases and the proximity of positive environmental samples to live-animal vendors suggest that the Huanan seafood wholesale market in Wuhan was the site of origin of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
Bill Gates Is “Sad” About Natural Immunity
‘Don Quixote-like quest’: Ukraine attack and easing Covid mandates leave US trucker protest on the fringe
Ryan Wright stood around a campfire in Lupton, Arizona, a town on the Navajo reservation where members of an American trucker convoy protest were resting for the night. As the fire flickered he discussed a conspiracy myth about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, he proffered, was a distraction. “I’m not the only one that feels this way,” Wright said. “But I feel like it’s a big fat smokescreen to keep everyone distracted on what is really going on in the world.”
Certainly the break out of a new land war in Europe had dealt Wright and his fellow trucker protestors a serious blow. Their attempt to replicate the Canadian trucker protests – which had closed borders and brought chaos to Canada’s capital city – had won wide support from Republican politicians, Fox News and rightwing social media. Surely, the same could happen in the US, whose political divides are so much starker than Canada’s.
But Putin’s invasion had wiped the convoy’s progress off the media map. Having left Barstow in California amid honking horns and cheering supporters, the line of truckers was crossing the entire breadth of the US in a convoy and headed to Washington DC to protest Covid-19 vaccine mandates and a roster of other mostly conservative causes. But now – with Ukraine dominating airwaves across the globe – no one was paying much attention to the American truckers. Especially, perhaps, as the convoy was promoting “freedom” against restrictions in the US that have largely been lifted already as the pandemic has ebbed recently and weary politicians have focused on the economy.
Also of interest:
Possible case of deer-to human Covid infection identified in Canada

Good morning...
Thanks for the COVID updates.
Dr John is back with even more evidence Vitamin D is an effective preventative. The data has become overwhelming at this point and still no push from TPTB.
Sadly, I think they want us sick and scared.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"they want us sick and scared"
I vote the next sentence to be the most absurd use of word "myriad", double-checked free dictionary 'cause I thought it meant a lot, like more than four. sheesh Skipping the summary, I just laser-focused on the four obvious data points, what I call "metrics" which means "units of measurement" in my head. I count at least four, have no idea about "trust" metrics, that is psychological soft science. Not measurable except for feelings, is how I feel. nah
COVID-19 has turned deadlier for Black Californians, who have the state’s lowest vaccination rate
My lack of trust comes from injury and huge medical bills, there is nothing like being injured and overcharged by a medical professional, accidentally or on purpose. More than once. I don't want to think about US military experiments, then or now. So I didn't follow their links.
Coroners don't list net worth on an autopsy or death certificate. Race, yes. Wealth, no.
And what about(ism) Vitamin D levels? I just took my dose, thanks for reminding. Lack of D3 also causes symptoms of depression, started taking it as soon as I got blood tested. Showed up zero on the scale. ZERO lol. I was all like "why didn't you test for it six years ago?" Sheesh omg. Anyway I think I took 15000iu for a couple prescriptions, then over the counter 5000iu daily. I was fully dosed before pandemic, took no jabs, caught no virus. Correlate that. heh
Peace and Love
and sunny days
Russel Brand makes some good points
About the Canadian govt. abuse of power to stifle the right to protest.
Also, helping to define what is a true democracy.
I assume the US will do something similar, since the WEF led nations
all seem to be reading from the same script.
Thanks for posting this.
question everything
Reminds me of the Queen in with his head!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Covid Threats Live on in NYC
All these Updates are so welcome this morning.
I was way off. Vaccine passports and masks ending on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!
Strike my earlier remarks.
MWAB--The new Mayor Without a Brain intends to keep the Vaccine Mandate and rules going, as long as he can.T
his affects not only the non-vaxxed, but non-boosted population. My NY State Health pass has expired and I will not get a booster.
All I can do now is hope that eventually this will end. I still have my original vaccine card and a photo of it on my cell phone, but I have no intention of testing either of these things unless it is necessary.YAY
Good News Bad News
My operational hypothesis is that the Canadian Truckers broke the back of The Narrative. The only way to stop them would have been to kill a few hundred or so of them -- which would not necessarily end the protest, just opening a given bridge or street. Rather than risk the whole farm on such an un-Canadian spectacle as a massacre, Nerdy Little Justin came up with Passive Aggressive Fascism -- non-violently freezing bank accounts. Like so much from the Shitlib Alliance, it is pseudo-clever and it sounds like a real tough stance.
It would be a really tough stance, alright. But as the world is seeing now in a much broader scale is that "sanctions" are stupid. They may or may not punish the individual decision makers that you are after, but what makes them work is they ALSO punish whoever loses the business of the Sanctioned Entity.
With no place to go other than civil war, it became time to change the subject from Covid to Putin.
Since joining this board in May of 2020, I have studiously avoided espousing any overarching explanation (Conspiracy Theory) of why there are so many lies, contradictions and fascistic suppressions taking place now -- other than saying it ain't pretty what's coming.
I still have no realistic idea of the who, what, when, where and how of this global upheaval imposed from the top down. But I do wonder. What is the common denominator between Covid Restrictions and Putin Sanctions? Economic insanity of the same kind.
I am not even sure that the Russian Army's adventures in Ukraine are really something our ruling class gives a fuck about. And I have a whacky suspicion that both Russia and China are in on the global scam to destroy the old Nation State system and replace it with global technocracy -- with a much lower global population.
Paranoid logic is always risible. But I cannot make any sense out of the naked insanities that are systematically destroying our future.
I hate being Chicken Little.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Not as shocked to see this statement
As I would have been 4 hours ago.
Your idea has surfaced on wotb also. Kind of. Their conspiracy theory involves Putin working with the WEF.
This is way above my ability to sort out.
My view is simply,
Good-bye Covid.
Hello WWIII threats.
Something to further confuse and alarm the population who will be battered by rising prices and looming shortages. And leading to the New World Order we have been hearing about.
I also am having
"wacky suspicions" about Putin's complicity with the WEF's 'Global Reset'. Did you know that Putin was also an alumni of Klaus Schwab's "Young Global Leaders"?
The plot 'sickens'....
The following embed takes a few seconds to load:
It has been pointed out that Putin is no longer listed on the WEF's list.
Tulsi, otoh is still on the list.
Did you watch the video?
I'm not so sure
If I were the not so secret masters I would continue to rule through poverty. It's been so effective. Starving people don't really rebel. People draining the soil, poisoning the water, the air, are too busy fighting each other to rebel. Malthus says the dying will come, but that's inevitable, and we will eat faster than we will die.
But instead they have decided to switch to control through fear and hatred. Why? Fear turns to hate, and you can't always control who to hate; they might just hate you, and hate begats killing, and once killing starts it doesn't stop. It's just too dangerous.
So why? Maybe the slavery cult has morphed into a death cult?
On to Biden since 1973
Dr. Andrew Hill's complicity
in rejecting ivermectin as a proven prophylactic against SARS-CoV-2.