After a lively conversation today
The conversation was between myself and two others.
One was born and raised in NZ, lived for more than 30 years on South Pacific Islands (mostly Tuvalu), from his early-twenties to his mid-fifties, and has been living back in NZ for 20 years. The other was born in Holland of Dutch ancestry, lived around the world with his family (diplomatic father), and moved to NZ 38 years ago. All three of us had differing opinions of the state of NZ politics and social themes in this time of covid. You might be imagining our three individual personalities from my scanty description, but suffice it to say that you may imagine things differently than they are. Our conversation made me think about how in our small, fairly removed country geographically and socially, we are still governed by the same media talk and group-think as the rest of the Western World. I find it sad that a formally independent and self-reliant country can be so influenced by the main-stream media. I still also hold some hope for renewing what is valuable, here and now, because we are so small and connected. Fingers crossed.
Time will tell.

Technology is a mixed blessing,
If it can be considered a blessing at all. It certainly extends the reach of propagated narratives and the inevitable misuse of what otherwise might be used to build o global, cooperative community.
Technology is simply a tool. How it’s used will depend on the user, and their intended purposes.
Actual humans are at an extreme disadvantage in advocating for their own best interests. Control (of us) and profit (for business, banking and empires) is what it’s all about on today’s internet. Independent voices that begin to gain a significant following tend to get snuffed.
If it were possible to invest in censorship futures, you’d be sure to make a killing!
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
All sad, but true
Thanks ovals.
It is world wide power grab...
supported by a compliant press and the police state...but mostly the WEF.
This piece is a bit extreme, but explains the global nature of our predicament with a focus on NZ and Ardern's role in the WEF.
My thought is it is corporatocracy rather than communism.
This is playing out in Canada first. Let's hope the truckers prevail.
Good you can discuss the situation with friends that have different perspectives. I had a conversation yesterday where a friend repeated MSM talking points about the "fringe truckers". I suggested she go watch the many livestreams and judge for herself. I've no idea if she did, but in this age of media manipulation you need to think for yourself and trust your own lying eyes.
All the best. This is a time for kindness and love for those with different views. We're all subject to our respective propaganda sources and resulting misunderstandings...and that goes for us all.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Both of your chats
My NYC friends, usually politically awake, are unbothered by what's happening in Ottawa.
"Crazy RW nutjobs" is what they have told me.
Hopeless. Just as I feel today seeing how even most of the US internet has moved on to other things. As long as their bank accounts work and there are still groceries available, it is somebody else's tragedy.
Icarus, the boy falling into the sea, ignored, from a poem written long ago. And printed in full here a few weeks ago
Both of your chats
My NYC friends, usually politically awake, are unbothered by what's happening in Ottawa.
"Crazy RW nutjobs" is what they have told me.
Hopeless. Just as I feel today seeing how even most of the US internet has moved on to other things. As long as their bank accounts work and there are still groceries available, it is somebody else's tragedy.
Icarus, the boy falling into the sea, ignored, from a poem written long ago. And printed in full here a few weeks ago
Whatever is ceded to authority will not be relinquished
People do not seem to grasp that they themselves may someday very much need what is lost today by others.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
What an arresting statement ovals
I wish for all of us to think more about the future for mankind and the planets sake.
I sent a few links that I felt supported my argument
to one of the friends, knowing from our experience of discussing varied themes he would take it into consideration when our conversation continues next Friday. If I can do the conversation justice I will report back.
That is interesting
You wouldn’t think that so many countries would be following the same script and I wonder how long that has been going on? Was it something just very gradual or did it happen suddenly when the Rona plans went into effect? It’s been long planned obviously because we can see who is involved in implementing the plan and I’m guessing it goes back to 1971 when Kissinger got Nixon to go to China and Kissinger hooked up with Klaus Schwab. I remember Bush 1 talking about a new world order during one of his speeches. The state of the union maybe? Speaking of this, Biden’s going to do his on March 1. I may even watch it just to see how well he does…or doesn’t. I might essay it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I can't even imagine
how much they are going to have to juice him up for that- and how they are going to make it last long enough for him to get it in. Either he'll have an IV pole with the Speedy Drip From Hell, or it'll be the shortest state of the union address in history...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
The state of the onion
transcribed by a demented flake
(if he can read his teleprompter)
maybe congress will boycott the event?
heard Pelousy is restricting invitations to
her fellow grifters
theater of the absurd
will be very surprised if uncle Joe even shows up
question everything
A Rebuttal
I know better than to hope for anything other than complete agreement with his good friend, the ex-senator from MBNA. But I won't be disappointed if I don't watch....
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I already know what Bernie will say
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah and blah and more blah. Bernie is on the Twit daily crying about how the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. It’s not like he voted for the CARES bill that gave rich people and corporations $4.5 trillion or anything. I don’t get why congress critters love to come on Twitter and tell us what needs to be fixed. It’s not like we have any way to fix it.
Let’s not forget this.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
It does seem scripted, snoopy n/t
When do you think it started?
Did you see any indications of things turning in this direction before Covid? America is so screwed up it’s hard to see any worsening of things here.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I can't be sure when it started,
but I have very clearly witnessed the growing direction by the government and some of the population toward 'american ways' over the past 25 years. It always made me cringe. But on the hand, what I have appreciated experiencing is the growth of cultural diversity here.
You helped push me to write the essay on the great reset that I’ve been sitting on.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.