Russia, Ukraine, & the NATO Empire

"I’d like to request #US and #UK disinformation: #Bloomberg, The #NewYorkTimes and #TheSun media outlets to publish the schedule for our upcoming invasions for the year. I’d like to plan my vacation” ..
The #Russian diplomat #Zakharova said on her Telegram channel Wednesday.

The Ultimate End of NATO’; Russia’s goal is not to destroy Ukraine—this could be accomplished at any time. Rather, the goal of Russia is to destroy NATO by exposing its impotence, writes Scott Ritter.

Some highlights and subtitles of his very long column:

NATO Goes on Offense

A US Adjunct

While the bloated organizational structure of NATO looked impressive on paper, there were two realities that no amount of puffing and posturing could obviate. First and foremost was the absolute dearth of real military power on the part of the non-U.S.

This over-reliance upon U.S. military capacity only underscored the inconvenient reality that NATO had become little more than an adjunct of U.S. foreign and national security policy. The U.S. had always played an oversized role in NATO. If this was singularly focused on preserving European security, the non-U.S. members of NATO could deceive themselves into believing that they were co-equal partners in a defensive-oriented Trans-Atlantic arrangement.

Nothing drove this point home more than the humiliation NATO suffered at the hands of the U.S. when it came to the abandonment of the Afghan reconstruction mission. The decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was made unilaterally by the United States, without consultation. NATO, faced with a fait accompli, had no choice but to do as ordered, and leave Afghanistan with its tail between its legs.

NATO Fissures

The important thing to note about the current crisis in Ukraine is that while the underlying issues are solely the byproduct of NATO overreach, the timing of the crisis is based upon a Russian timetable defined by purely Russian goals and objectives. The goal of Russia is not to destroy Ukraine—this could be accomplished at any time. Rather, the goal of Russia is to destroy NATO.

Exposing NATO

In short, any sanction package that targets Russian energy and/or access to banking institutions will hurt Europe far more than Russia. While the United States continues to push for Europe, and in particular Germany, to wean itself off Russian energy supplies, the fact is there is no viable alternative to Russian energy and, moreover, Europe is increasingly recognizing that the U.S. position has less to do with European security and more to do with a play by the U.S. to grab the European market for itself.

NATO’s Realization [member nations]

The final nail in the NATO coffin came on Feb. 4, when the Russian president met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening of the Winter Olympics in Beijing. The two leaders issued a 5,000-plus word joint statement in which China threw its weight behind Russia’s objection to NATO expansion into Ukraine.

The Sino-Russian joint statement was a de facto declaration that neither Russia nor China would allow the U.S.-led “rules based international order” being promulgated by the Biden administration to go forward unchallenged. Instead, the two nations announced that they will be pursuing a “law based international order” which draws on the United Nations Charter for its authority, in contrast to unilateral rules which only serve the interests of the U.S. and small blocs of allied nations.

A Different World

The world has fundamentally changed. NATO literally has no relevance. Its last gesture of defiance lays in the deployment of forces into eastern Europe to bolster the defensive capabilities of that region in accordance with Article 5. The forces deployed—a few thousand American paratroopers, and a smattering of other contingents from other NATO nations—not only cannot defeat a Russian adversary, but doesn’t even provide a modicum of deterrence value should Russia be inclined to shift its sights away from Ukraine toward Poland and the Baltics.

My apologies if I've stretched Fair Use Doctrine a bit too far, but needs must...for now.

21 users have voted.


for this?

14 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture


for war. “Wholesale death” is our only remaining export, after all.

Not a fan. I’d dearly love for there to be an anti war movement, but that has been declared to be unamerican. So I’m not exactly going to hold my breath…

11 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

what else matters to the MIC and DC?

Money to Pentagon and Pharma.

cannot think of anything else to put on this list.

9 users have voted.


wendy davis's picture


war budget. you may remember that nick turse had poured thru the budget six or so years ago,and had discovered that there was half again those billions that were hidden in other line items.

thank you.

blessedly we had five inches of gorgeous white snow here last night. very rare by now, and it may not matter much in the long run given the many years of drought we've had in the four corners.

5 users have voted.
Bisbonian's picture

@wendy davis We got 40+ mph winds (greenhouse took a couple of hits), no measurable precip, and some frost, this morning.

2 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

wendy davis's picture


the wind must have blown it away in your area; hope the one forecast for wed. snows on you.

mr. wd had even had to plow the drive on our 1953 8N tractor. it's melting fast this a.m.

0 users have voted.

Russia is most interested in destroying NATO. NATO is after all, Us the USA. If you do not think this is true, read what Wendy has said about the decision to Exit Afghanistan.

Let me then direct you to our actions regarding France when we stole their submarine contracts with Australia to enact our own deal. Our deal, nuclear subs, will not be ready to deliver for 10 or was it 20 years, I forget. America laughs at and spurns our allies.

Russia is looking for A Humbling. We are no longer the Essential Nation, more like an annoying guest who's exhausted everybodys patience with our bloated ego.

Ridicule may very well be effective. No Bully likes to be made fun of.

China and Russia have sealed America's Slide into unimportance as we threaten them with sanctions that are increasingly irrelevant.

BRI is what's happening and all the tilting at windmills the effete failed corps of Pols Lobbyists and their stenographers are engaging in, will not be not able to counter reality forever.

16 users have voted.


wendy davis's picture

i'd read another of his columns at RT that were helpful explaining what the NATO empire believes compared to what sane people many of us do.

on edit: grievous sanctions are 'war by other means' aren't they?

3 users have voted.
Azazello's picture

Kalinka is a tree, malinka is a berry.
[video: width:600 height:360]
And who is this Jens Stoltenberg ?
How many divisions does he have ?

8 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Pluto's Republic's picture


...I think of this video. I just love her.

I hope she's the next Russian President.

7 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic
Can you imagine a relatively young, incredibly smart, well spoken, wise, charismatic woman as President of Russia?

7 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

@The Wizard

3 users have voted.
Creosote.'s picture

Nothing else so important

1 user has voted.
wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

(wide wide grin!)

6 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


and what extraordinary vocalists! ha ha:

And who is this Jens Stoltenberg ?
How many divisions does he have ?

let's see what he's up to by now... quelle surprise,,,

4 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

I must say, Putin's deadpan response to the fake US hysteria got a grin from me.

The two leaders issued a 5,000-plus word joint statement in which China threw its weight behind Russia’s objection to NATO expansion into Ukraine.


About this 5000 word statement that was released right before the Olympics by Russia and China — it is not about NATO or any of the other banal descriptions I've seen in the Western media.

It is a true masterpiece that must have taken a long time to compose. And amazingly, it speaks for both Russia and China, which are profoundly different countries, with different histories and cultures. Therefore, it a carefully crafted universal statement for mankind, and its timing relates very well to the spirit and vision of the Olympics. It describes, quite confidently, a utopian world view based on practicality and International consensus; a plan and vision for the future of the world, with the primary goal of creating the opportunity of sustainable and fulfilling lives for the People of all nations.

I found it fantastically inspiring and, practically speaking, an Enlightened roadmap that was well underway and well financed. I put it in an Essay here. But like most of my essays, I didn't publish it. I judged it to be too long and of little interest to US Readers, who are conditioned to despise utopian visions.

Of all the historical-political manifestos ever published, this document occupies the top three of my list of the most Enlightened, along with the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence, which happens to be the one US document that demonstrates both extraordinary insight and a genuine humanity.

12 users have voted.
janis b's picture

@Pluto's Republic

2 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


way through, but mr. wd was similarly thrilled by the sheer elegance and dedication to the best values imaginable when he'd finished. thank you, buster keaton!

they are actually forming a multi-polar world in which cooperation is soooo much more worthy (and practical) than competition, aren't they?

it sure made me think of this cooperation:

4 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

it look as though it's worth reading in its entirety when i can mange it.

this empire seems to be goin' down ever more rapidly, which is exactly when they are the 'max loose cannons' stage.

5 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

@wendy davis

Click the image to read the Manifesto


This is a future I know well.
It is the future of your descendants.
It is already well upon us.
The Enlightened amongst us will be its midwives.

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

is a hopeful thought image, isn't it, amiga? (i'm trying not to ask what damage NATO the US and EU will do to The Bear and China before that?)

john pilger and his 'the coming war on china'

4 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

@wendy davis

Both Russia and China have scant stationary military targets at home or in the world.

The soulless coup government of the US specializes in civilian targets, largely because they have no targets.

A serious war would be fought with mobile weapons and submarines. All bases and known command centers would be swiftly disabled, followed by energy grids and communications. It is not known if the US has the capability to do this with targeted precision. Notably, nations that have permitted the US to build military bases are increasingly vulnerable.

The obvious US strategy has been to decentralize command and place its military installations all over the planet. Those who defend themselves from the US are focused on neutralizing this advantage in strategic weapons development. The US is not defending against an enemy such as itself, so the technology capabilities of the nations involved are asymmetrical.

Russia and China have not been trying to match what the uS is spending all their money and energy on. They have channeled their significantly smaller defense spending into other types of advanced technologies in order to leapfrog the current and fantastically expensive US Rube Goldberg paradigm of military power. The weak and rickety underfunded infrastructure in the US has made it a very easy target, filled with vulnerabilities. Underfunded infrastructure in the US comes from a dirty congress and corrupt corporate owners who use public utilities in the US as a money pump for greedy investors.

Strategic uncertainty is the real reason behind the US hysteria. The US idea of advance technology is robotic dogs on the southern border, something a teenage gamer might appreciate. Meanwhile, US Navy ships are suffering from strange mishaps. Fleets loosing communications, submarines getting lost and running into rock formations, collisions in broad daylight, missies forgetting mid flight where they were going. Often they become sea-going ambulances filled with Covid infected sailors looking for a place to dock.

I am only describing the battlefield. I can't really answer your question. What the world knows is that the US can be defeated by asymmetrical warfare. The US hopes to provoke a war on a battlefield of their own making. Anyone who has studied Sun Tzu knows that you never fight on another army's battlefield.

The US trying to convince people — through propaganda — that Russia has an interest in invading Ukraine is strange and laughable. It's no mystery why Putin cannot keep a straight face when discussing it. Unlike the Chinese, he cannot resist wisecracks and sarcasm. Were it not for the NATO gambit, Russia would be altogether delighted to see the EU and the IMF stuck with dealing with the corrupt cesspool of Ukraine.

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

this morning both RT and sputnik are reporting that donetsk and lugansk free republics are evacuating the donbass region with the threat of invasion, (women, children, and elderly first) and that putin is creating living spaces for them.

an hour ago: Car Bomb Rocks Central Donetsk, Blast Wave Heard Throughout City - Video

Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov told reporters that he was not informed about what was going on in the Donbass, and said he did not know whether the evacuations were agreed with anyone. On Friday evening, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the government to provide 10,000 rubles (about $130 US) in emergency assistance to evacuees coming to Rostov. Regional authorities have created an operational headquarters to handle evacuees and provide them with accommodation, food and medical care.

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry issued a statement Friday night accusing Russia of "launching a massive disinformation campaign" and calling on the international community to "immediately condemn the provocations of the Russian Federation and its occupation administrations in the Donbass."

Earlier in the day, Putin urged Kiev to immediately sit down at the negotiating table with Donbass leaders and hammer out peace, and blasted Ukraine's officials for failing to observe the Minsk Agreements aimed at bringing the conflict to an end. Also Friday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow was "very alarmed" by the reports of "a sharp increase in shelling" and "the use of weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements" in the Donbass.


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Pluto's Republic's picture

@wendy davis Donbass via a sudden attack — in the midst of a long ceasefire agreement — is clearly the result of Ukrainian stooges carrying out US demands. The US thinks this might finally provoke Russia into a war — so the US doesn't look so stupid to the world. The ethnic Russian population being slaughter in Donbass are purely defensive. They certainly don't go to Kiev to attack Ukranians. The Nazis come to Donbass. 25,000 ethnic Russians have been killed in Ukraine since this started.

But this is definitely not what the current conflict is about. That's not why Russia is defending its border. No matter what happens on the historic Russian territory (that includes Donbass) which was recently attached to Ukraine for utility services — Russia has only one focus. NATO.

I'm glad to hear that Mr WD was moved by the manifesto, as well. I found it to be quite apolitical in tone, but it's hard to predict how people in the US will react. A lifetime of negative conditioning has exhausted their curiosity.

1 user has voted.
janis b's picture

While washing the floor today I listened to the following podcast. It made the effort more tolerable. I’m not sure how it fits into the context of your essay, but I found the perspectives (and how they differed) of the Ukrainian people the journalist interviewed, contributed to my understanding of the complicated issue of national identification. It seemed like a sincere effort by the journalist to question. I understand that the podcast is edited to present a singular perspective, but it was informative just the same.

4 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

@janis b

can't handle for now, but others will gladly do so. thank you!

from the kyiv post, a few titles:

Feb. 17, 6:55 pm
Russia moving towards ‘imminent invasion’ of Ukraine: US envoy to UN

Breaking News: Belarus says could host nuclear weapons if faces Western threat
Published Feb. 17 at 2:06 pm

War 11:29 am ICU Bond Market Insight: 16 Feb. 2022 – Not much demand for new bills 11:28 am UK says Russia could drag out Ukraine crisis ‘for months’ 11:00 am OP-ED
Putin Has Seriously Wounded Ukraine’s Economy Without Firing A Single Shot
Wednesday, February 16

9:43 pm Ukraine Defies Invasion Threat, As NATO Sees No Russian Pullback

"Ukraine’s leader vowed on Feb. 16 that his country would stand tall against any invasion, as NATO warned it could see no sign that Russia is withdrawing its forces, as it says it is.

President Volodymyr Zelensky watched troops training with some of their new Western-supplied anti-tank weapons on a range near Rivne, west of the capital.

Then he travelled to the frontline port city of Mariupol, and gave a speech to mark what he had declared Ukraine’s Day of Unity, wearing a military-style olive green coat and vowing resistance.

“We are not afraid of forecasts, we are not afraid of anyone, of any enemies,” Zelensky said.

We will defend ourselves

“We have a wonderful, strong armed forces,” he said.

“We have excellent diplomats, volunteer forces and national resistance forces throughout Ukraine.

“The strength to protect us. Protect your land. Enough force to not succumb to any provocations.”

The demonstration of Ukrainian firepower and rhetoric contrasted with images on Russian state media that were said to show Moscow’s forces bringing an end to a major exercise in occupied Crimea.

In Rivne, missiles pounded targets and armoured vehicles manoeuvred and fired on the yellowing moorland, while in Kyiv hundreds of civilians marched in a stadium with an enormous national banner.

The Day of Unity displays came as the Kremlin called for “serious negotiations” with Washington, and European leaders pushed hard for a diplomatic resolution to the crisis.

But NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, who hosted a meeting of the alliance’s defence ministers in Brussels, dismissed suggestions that the threat on the border had diminished.

He said the alliance would shore up its eastern defences with forward deployments in member states bordering Ukraine.

“Moscow has made it clear that it is prepared to contest the fundamental principles that have underpinned our security for decades and to do so by using force,” he said.

“I regret to say that this is the new normal in Europe.”

And on reported Russian troop movements, he said: “So far we do not see any sign of de-escalation on the ground; no withdrawals of troops or equipment.

“Russia maintains a massive invasion force ready to attack with high-end capabilities from Crimea to Belarus,” he added.

And US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told ABC News: “What we’re seeing is no meaningful pullback.”

Signals give us hope

Russia’s huge build-up of troops, missiles and warships around Ukraine is being billed as Europe’s worst security crisis since the Cold War.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has demanded Ukraine be forbidden from pursuing its ambition to join NATO and wants to redraw the security map of eastern Europe, rolling back Western influence. [????] etc.

6:32 pm Poll Reveals Gap Between Zelensky, Poroshenko Narrowing

5:41 pm Akhmetov in Mariupol: “Donetsk, Donbas, can be happy only in a united Ukraine”

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

i had a semi-serious mishap today that has left me with a scrambled brain, at the very least.

i look forward to reading and answering your comments tomorrow. bless you hearts.

is the soundtrack 'nobody told me there'd be days like this?'


or...mad world?


let there be a multi-polar world!

9 users have voted.
janis b's picture

@wendy davis


7 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

@janis b

forward to listening! admittedly, i'm growing weary of livin' like this. phooey, i even tripped myownself on my crutch (we call them 'ponies') a couple days ago. can you imagine the cavalier rudeness that took? ; )

i'm waitin' for one of those giant meteors RT click-baits so hit HERE!!! as long as mr wd is home, too. BEFORE we put a new roof on, please! ; )

5 users have voted.

The only issue for Russia was that Kiev not try to solve the break away republics of Donbass problem through military means. If Russia were better at propaganda they would have called it a "peace keeping force". Russia certainly could have justified that because the Ukronazis would have killed 10s of thousands of "subhuman" ethnic Russians. The stated policy of the current regime in Kiev is that only ethnic Ukrainians belong in The Ukraine and that everyone else needs to leave or be killed. The concept implies that the physical land belongs to these imaginary ethnically pure Ukrainians (a total fantasy, both about bring ethnically pure and that they own the country).

The US wants to make this imaginary threat of an invasion a huge, major crisis for Europe and then place the blame 100% on Russia. The US talks about respecting democracy and borders, meanwhile destroying Ukrainian democracy in 2004. It's all US propaganda and nonsense.

Meanwhile there are two real crisis that persist.

1) Kiev refuses to implement the Minsk Package of Measures. This is a continuing disaster. The two theories are that Zelensky intended to implement them when he ran for President, and then when in office the Ukronazis forced him to change his mind, perhaps including threatening his office and his life. The second theory is that the US ordered that the Minsk Accords would never be implemented. They like it that way because it set up a continuous state of antagonism which they could blame on Russia. There is some evidence that there was a NATO memo authored by the US to the point that no NATO state was to push for the implementation. I lean towards the second theory, although it could be both. It needs to be pointed out loudly and clearly that once Minsk is implemented that
the entire Ukrainian issue goes away. The US would then have to stop ragging on Russia over Ukraine.

2) NATO expansion. This could take 100 pages. NATO should have been dissolved when the Soviet Union broke up. It could only serve a dangerous role in Europe. Expansion to the East was an ultimate provocation. Sooner or later the sh*t was going to hit the fan. Well, later is now. Make no mistake about it, President Putin, his entire government and the people of Russia are hopping mad. The West's rationale for Eastern NATO hold zero water. The written proposals from President Putin to the US and NATO were strictly due diligence. He had to show that he had tried diplomacy and it was hopeless. The Foreign Ministry is still more of the mind that Russia needs to pursue this course a tad bit longer. President Putin and the Ministry of Defense are at the end of this course.

So if I am right, what next? "Technical and Military means" What does that mean? Simply stated, if Russia's security concerns are being ignored then Europe's security needs will be ignored. Can President Putin pull this off without seeming to be the bad guy? Does he care? And I don't think he cares a fig about possible sanctions and they will not impact Russia any more than China can make up for with increased trade. Europe is at risk. Before the INF treaty the strategic situation in Europe was dicey to say the least. Russia had a huge inventory of SS20 IRBMs with triple warheads each. All of Europe was under threat of near immediate annihilation. The INF treaty was a huge step towards European Security. The Soviet Union gave up much more to make this happen, because Gorbachev was interested in Russia being integrated into Europe. He failed to understand that the US main imperative was to keep the US dominant in Europe, Germany down and not allied with Russia, and Russia out or broken up or destroyed. Until Europe understands that Russia completes Europe, not the US, this will never happen. The security thing needs to be slapped in the face of the leaders of the major European nations, but in a way that they understand that Russia is not irrational, the US is.

I think that this past "crisis" of the Russian "invasion" of Ukraine is nothing compared to what is about to happen. Fasten your seatbelts. Expect loud screaming from Washington. If nothing is resolved then the situation will become chronic and mighty uncomfortable.

10 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

wendy davis's picture

@The Wizard

a diary of it own. yes, this is Repurposed NATO, or version 2.0. remember when DT campaigned on 'out of NATO'? well, not so much, he instead dropped pout of the JCPOA, biden makes noises w/ his mouth. FM javad zarif kept warning: 'rejoin now before the hard-liners come in!'

my guess is that this is correct:

There is some evidence that there was a NATO memo authored by the US to the point that no NATO state was to push for the implementation.

had you read that putin will defend the donbass self-declared free republics?

you next to last paragraph will take several readings, but this worried me also:

I think that this past "crisis" of the Russian "invasion" of Ukraine is nothing compared to what is about to happen. Fasten your seatbelts. Expect loud screaming from Washington. If nothing is resolved then the situation will become chronic and mighty uncomfortable.

fiddlesticks; couldn't stop bingling, and i need to go...

RT, today?

"Reports of heavy shelling and explosions in war-torn regions of eastern Ukraine are merely Russian attempts to create a pretext for ordering an offensive against its neighbor, Britain’s top diplomat has claimed, as Kiev and separatists blame each other for the attack.

On Thursday, leaders from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) reported that government troops had fired at several towns and villages using mortars, hand grenades, and rifles.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces subsequently disclosed that an area near the Lugansk People’s Republic, the other breakaway territory in the Donbass, had been attacked, with images circulating online purporting to show a kindergarten that had been struck by a missile on the side controlled by Kiev.

Taking to Twitter later on the same day, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss offered her take on the bombardment in the war-torn region. “Reports of alleged abnormal military activity by Ukraine in Donbass are a blatant attempt by the Russian government to fabricate pretexts for invasion,” she wrote."

i'd seen similar stories on

6 users have voted.

@wendy davis I have heard that there have been some DOS attacks in the Donbas or that ISPs are shutting down services . Some websites in the area are hard to find. Yes, Russia will protect the people of the Donbas. I hope they don't have to as that means bad things are happening and you can bet that the MSM and the State Department will blame it on Russia. The indication of escalation is that heavy artillery will be brought to the contact line. Right now it's just small arms, mortars, and RPGs. If it stays that way then nothing will happen.

3 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

wendy davis's picture

@The Wizard

but (h/t) mr. wd: the false flag crucible is forecast to begin on feb. 20 now and is planning a chemical attack.

In a statement on Tuesday, Zakharova wrote that “15 February 2022 will go down in history as the day Western war propaganda failed,” insisting that the West has been “shamed and destroyed without firing a single shot.”

According to her, Kiev, which has previously expressed doubt over claims an incursion is looming, has asked the West to lay off the doomsday warnings as such claims have dealt a blow to the country’s economy and created panic at home.

“Maybe [US officials] think it is normal to use a situation like this for some kind of revenge – something went wrong, and they need to push countries… to condemn people to torment, to suffer again, just to stroke their own ego, and among other things, are willing to go so far as to provide their own president with such distorted, falsified intelligence,” she said.

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

@The Wizard

make of it what you will.

1 user has voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

CNN is caught talking up neo-Nazis in the Ukraine:

Okay, first off, why would anyone in the Ukraine voluntarily be a neo-Nazi, especially someone of that age? Do they not remember what Hitler's plans for the Ukraine in fact were?

Secondly, everyone should now know that when they are getting mainstream media "news," that there's a direct line from the Deep State to the media monopolists to the reporters to you.


7 users have voted.

"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

wendy davis's picture


but right sector sport wolfs angel lightning SS patches.

The News as brought to you by Langley.

i've honestly forgotten why they've found their nazis useful since maidan 2014.

Odessa Massacre: 'Right Sector wouldn't let people out of burning building'

[video:Odessa Massacre: 'Right Sector wouldn't let people out of burning building'] (the trade union building was fire-bombed)

2 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

who is hopelessly naïve about U.S. politics…

Wife of a retired pastor whose priority has long been helping sans-papiers (migrants to the E.U. from Africa who have lost or destroyed any identity papers they once had), she was insistent that we could all be sure Biden was better than Trump because she had read some piece in the New York Times (genuflects) about how much Biden wants peace and is afraid of war.

The E.U. is hopeless. Too many otherwise good people in the Netherlands and Germany persist in being willfully ignorant of how things in the U.S. and NATO really work.

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