A Primer on Ukraine, Russia, and the Western Empire

From Popular Resistance’s Phil Wiloytoo, Feb. 8, 2022 (Creative Commons):

‘Russia, Ukraine And The US: The Background They’re Not Telling You’

Above photo: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland passes out food to EuroMaidan protesters on Independence Square, as U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt looks on nearby

In the winter of 2022, the news is dominated by growing tensions  between Russia and Ukraine. Reports that Russia has amassed some  100,000 troops on its border with neighboring Ukraine have brought  charges from the United States and NATO that Russia is planning to  invade its neighbor, with whom it has had increasingly tense relations.

Will Russia invade Ukraine? And if it does, how will the United  States and NATO react? Already, the U.S. and its allies are threatening new sanctions against Russia, sending massive amounts of military equipment to Ukraine and beefing up their military presence in bordering countries.

How close are we to war in the region? And how would the U.S. be  involved?

Background to the current crisis

It’s impossible to understand anything about present Russian-Ukrainian relations without going back at least to late 2013, when mass demonstrations broke out against then-Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych.

Ukraine was trying to decide if it wanted closer economic relations with Russia, its traditional major trading partner, or with the wealthier  European Union. The country’s parliament, or Rada, was pro-EU, while  Yanukovych favored Russia.

href="https://wendyedavis.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/rada-brawl.jpg"> Brawl in the Rada 2014[/caption]

At the time – as now – many of the country’s politicians were corrupt, including Yanukovych, so there already  was popular resentment against him. When he decided to oppose the Rada over trade agreements, mass protests took place in Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in the capital city of Kiev. But what began as peaceful, even celebratory gatherings were quickly taken over by right-wing paramilitary organizations modeled after WWII-era Ukrainian militias allied with the Nazi occupiers. Violence  followed and Yanukovych fled the country. He was replaced by acting  president Oleksandr Turchynov, and then the pro-U.S., pro-EU, pro-NATO Petro Poroshenko.

The movement that came to be known as Maidan was an illegal,  unconstitutional, violent coup – and it was backed to the hilt by the U.S.  government and many countries in the European Union.

Then-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, who personally cheered on the Maidan protesters in  Independence Square, later bragged about the role the U.S. had played  in laying the groundwork for 2014. This is how she described that effort  in a December 2013 speech to the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, a non-governmental organization:

“Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991, the United States has supported Ukrainians as they build democratic skills and institutions, as  they promote civic participation and good governance, all of which are  preconditions for Ukraine to achieve its European aspirations. We’ve invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will  ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine.”

Translation: The U.S. spent $5 billion intervening in the internal affairs of Ukraine to help steer it away from Russia and toward an alliance with the West, an alliance that would financially benefit the West, while further isolating Russia.

Neo-liberal George Soros’ Open Society Foundation also played a  major role, as it explains on its website:

“The International Renaissance Foundation, part of the Open Society  family of foundations, has supported  civil  society in Ukraine since 1990.

For 25 years, the International Renaissance Foundation has worked with civil society organizations … helping to facilitate Ukraine’s European  integration. The International Renaissance Foundation played an important role supporting civil society during the Euromaidan protests.”

Aftermath of the coup

The coup split the country along the lines of ethnicity and politics  and had devastating consequences for Ukraine, a fragile nation that  has only been an independent country since 1991. Before that it was  part of the Soviet Union, and before that it was long a contested region  dominated by a series of other forces: Vikings, Mongols, Lithuanians,  Russians, Poles, Austrians and more. The name Ukraine itself means  “borderland.”

Today 17.3 percent of Ukraine’s population is made up of ethnic Russians, who live mainly in the eastern part of the country, which borders Russia. Many more speak Russian as their primary language. And they tend to identify with the Soviet victory over the Nazi occupation of  Ukraine.

During Soviet times, both Russian and Ukrainian were official state languages. One of the first acts of the new coup government was to declare that the only official language would be Ukrainian. It also quickly went about banning symbols of the Soviet era, replacing them with memorials to Nazi collaborators. Meanwhile, the neo-Nazi organizations active in the Maidan coup grew in membership and aggressiveness.

Shortly after the coup, fears of domination by an anti-Russian, pro fascist central government led the people of Crimea to hold a referendum in which the majority voted to reunite with Russia. (Crimea had been part of Soviet Russia until 1954, when it was administratively transferred to Soviet Ukraine.) Russia agreed, and annexed the region.  This was the “invasion” denounced by Kiev and the West. Curiously, no one died in that “invasion.”

Meanwhile, fighting broke out in Donbass, a heavily industrialized and largely ethnic Russian region of southeastern Ukraine that borders Russia, with local leftists declaring independence from Ukraine. This sparked a fierce Ukrainian opposition and fighting that to date has cost some 14,000 lives.  [I’ve read up to 30,000]

And in the historically Russian-oriented city of Odessa, a movement emerged that demanded a federal system in which local governors would be locally elected, not appointed by the central government as they are  now. On May 2, 2014, at least 42 activists promoting this view were massacred at the House of Trade Unions when a fascist-led mob set it on fire. (See www.odessasolidaritycampaign.org)

All this would make the national situation difficult enough, but these crises took place within the international context of rising tensions between the U.S.-led West and Russia.

What does Russia want?

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S.-led North Atlantic  Treaty Organization, or NATO, has been recruiting the former Soviet  republics into its anti-Russian alliance.

Ukraine is not yet a NATO member, but it operates as such in all but name. The U.S. and other Western countries train and supply its soldiers, help build its bases and conduct regular massive land, sea and air military exercises with Ukraine, which has a 1,200-mile land border with Russia and with which it shares the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. From Russia’s point of view, it’s NATO that is the aggressor. President Vladimir Putin has demanded a guarantee that NATO will not recruit Ukraine into its military alliance; an end to deploying NATO weapons near Russian borders; and an end to U.S.-NATO military exercises in Eastern Europe; all of which Russia views as serious threats to its  security.

Let’s look at the history: When NATO was founded on April 4, 1949, it had 12 members: the U.S., Canada and 10 Western European countries.  By then the wartime cooperation with the Soviet Union was long over  and NATO was essentially an anti-Soviet military/political alliance.

Six years later, as a counterbalance, the Soviet Union formed the  nine-member Warsaw Pact, formally the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. That alliance was dismantled in 1991,  10 months before the formal dissolution of the Soviet Union. By then  the U.S. had assured the Soviets that NATO would not be expanding  eastward.

U.S. officials now deny that, but this is from the Los Angeles Times of May 30, 2016:

“In early February 1990, U.S. leaders made the Soviets an offer. According to transcripts of meetings in Moscow on Feb. 9. then-Secretary  of State James Baker suggested that in exchange for cooperation  on  Germany, [the] U.S. could make ‘iron-clad guarantees’ that NATO would  not expand ‘one inch eastward.’ Less than a week later, Soviet President  Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to begin reunification talks. No formal deal was struck, but from all the evidence, the quid pro quo was clear: Gorbachev acceded to Germany’s western alignment and the U.S. would  limit NATO’s expansion.”

But far from limiting NATO’s expansion, the U.S. vigorously promoted it.

In 1999, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland were admitted  into NATO. In 2004, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,  Romania,  Slovakia and Slovenia all became NATO members, followed in 2009 by  Albania, Croatia and Montenegro, and then North Macedonia in March  2020.

So today NATO has expanded to 30 member countries, with 14 – nearly half – either former members of the Soviet bloc or part of the  former socialist state of Yugoslavia.

All new members admitted into NATO since the collapse of the Soviet Union are in Central or Eastern Europe. From a North American  and Western European alliance, it has become a North American and  European force that has moved steadily eastward right up to Russia’s  borders.

In NATO, the United States, United Kingdom and France together possess a total of 7,315 nuclear weapons. Russia is believed to have  about 7,000. But in terms of overall military power, Russia’s military  budget in 2016 was just over 8 percent of the combined total of all NATO  countries, and just over 11 percent of the U.S. alone.

This is important, because one of NATO’s founding principles is that an attack on any one member country is to be considered an attack on  all NATO members.

Today Russia is faced with a massive military and political alliance  that includes Estonia and Latvia, two of the six countries on its western  and southern borders.

In the present crisis, the U.S. and NATO are accusing Russia of  planning to invade Ukraine, pointing to Russia’s mobilization of what it says  are 100,000 troops on its border with Ukraine. Meanwhile, the U.S. and its allies are sending massive amounts of military aid to Ukraine and are  preparing to send their own troops to neighboring countries, to “support”  Ukraine.

And ominously, Russia has accused Ukraine of deploying 125,000 troops to Donbass, raising fears that the government may be planning to  try and retake the break-away region, in effect daring Russia to militarily  intervene.

But as for a Russian invasion? Some key figures are expressing doubt. This is from a Jan. 26 report by the Associated Press:

“[Ukrainian] National Security and Defense Council Secretary  Oleksiy Danilov sounded a similar note, arguing that the wave of Rus-sian troops amassed at Ukraine’s border ‘is not news.’ ‘As of today, we  don’t see any grounds for statements about a full-scale offensive on our  country,’ Danilov added on Monday, according to the AP.”

And this is from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), on Jan.  23:

“The head of the German navy has resigned over controversial com- ments he made over Ukraine. Kay-Achim Schönbach said the idea that  Russia wanted to invade Ukraine was nonsense. He added that all Presi- dent Vladimir Putin wanted was respect. Mr Schönbach said on Saturday  that he had resigned from his role ‘with immediate effect’ in order to  ‘avert further damage’.

What Washington wants

Is war with Russia a real possibility? Yes. It could come to that, most likely as a result of miscalculations by one side or the other operating in a high-tension, high-risk military situation.

But Washington’s real goal is not to destroy Russia, but to dominate  it – to turn it into another neo-colony whose role would be to supply the  Empire with raw materials, cheap labor and a captive consumer market,  just as it has done to Eastern European countries  like  Poland  and Hungary and for much longer in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Increasingly,  Ukraine is becoming a central battleground in this global campaign for  U.S. hegemony.

And what’s the strategy? In the late 1990s, the U.S. basically spent the Soviet Union under the table by forcing it to spend its limited re- sources on matching the U.S. in what was called the Arms Race. The  result was growing demoralization among the Soviet people, who ultimately did not mount any mass resistance to the collapse of their country  and economic system. The present increasing Western military threat  and economic sanctions against Russia seems to be coming from the  same playbook.

Further threatening the goal of U.S. world hegemony is the growing alliance between Russia, with its 7,000 nuclear weapons, and China, another nuclear power and the world’s largest economy, after the United States. Breaking up that alliance by bringing Russia to heel is likely  another central goal of the propaganda campaign against Russia.

There’s also the matter of the $11 billion Nord Stream 2 gas pipe line, which, if implemented, would double the amount of gas flowing directly from Russia to Germany, bypassing the traditional route through Ukraine, depriving it of billions in transit fees. The pipeline is most likely one reason Germany has so far refused to send military equipment to Ukraine.

However the present crisis is resolved, we must remember that working and oppressed people in the West have nothing to gain from  this dangerous situation, and everything to lose if war against Russia  were actually to break out.

The antiwar movement and its allies must speak out forcefully against U.S. and NATO aggression. We must demand that the massive amounts of tax dollars being spent on war and war preparations instead  be used for the good of the people here at home and reparations for the  crimes Washington and NATO have committed abroad.

(Phil Wilayto is editor of The Virginia Defender newspaper (virginiadefender.org) and coordinator of the Odessa Solidarity Campaign (odessasoli daritycampaign.org). In 2016 he organized a delegation of U.S. peace activists that traveled to Odessa, Ukraine, to stand in solidarity with the people of that city on the second anniversary of the Odessa Massacre. He can be reached at: virginiadefendernews@gmail.com).

14 users have voted.


The Maidan Coup would have been stopped if Yanukovych had called out the military. Obama, realizing this, called President Putin and asked him personally to intervene with Yanukovych and ask him to not call out the military. Yet one more back stabbing from the US.

The vote in Crimea to secede from Ukraine was around 95%. Other international organizations have some polling and have confirmed that this was absolutely legitimate. The right to Self Determination is in the UN Charter and is therefore the same as US law. Certainly the conditions justify it considering the bloodthirsty nazis that would have slaughtered Crimeans. They had already followed two bus loads of Crimeans back from Maidan, stopped the busses and clubbed the people with iron pipes. If Ukraine wants to consider only Ukrainians as indigenous then they have to let all of the ethnic Russians have independence. The Ukronazis hate all Russians and consider them a subhuman race. These are our allies, which we fund, arm and train. By the way, I dislike the term "annexed". Crimea returned to Mother Russia. There were thousands of people crying with joy in the streets of Sevastopol when news broke of this. When the supervision of Crimea was transferred by edict by Khrushchev, there was no vote. This time there was a democratic process.

The US almost destroyed Russia. It was really close. Economically it was devastated and many republics were functioning independently. Vladimir Putin saved Russia, and in the process made it extremely independent of the US. He rebuilt the economy and the military. Russia has the strongest military in Europe, by far. The US has at most 70,000 NATO soldiers in Europe. Mostly paper pushers. During the Cold War the US had 350,000 plus another 250,000 ready to deploy in the US. Only the UK and France have armies of any significance. France would be very hesitant to fight Russia, the UK would do it in a heartbeat, and lose badly. The hostility between these two powers, the UK and Russia, is historical and enormous. London cleaned up on the national wealth created by the hard work of people of the Soviet Union and transferred to London by Russian Oligarchs, newly enriched with schemes to privatize pushed by the US.

So what is really happening here?
1) Russia will not invade Ukraine. Ukraine is a lost cause and Russia wants no responsibility. Many Ukrainians are brothers and cousins to Russians. That violence is completely unacceptable. In 2015 I was in Moscow and I saw a march of protest. Russians and Ukrainians marched side by side with their flags.

2) Russia is re-asserting itself on the world stage, and it's about time. It's relationship with China is much better than any formal treaty, and it gives confidence to both Russia and China. This is the nightmare that US strategists warned against. We made it happen, now we have to accept it. Certainly we worked hard at this, but the fake bullshit Russia Gate fanaticism drove this to completion. Congratulations, Donkey Party!

3) Russia needs pan European security. At every yearly 4 hour press conference that President Putin holds someone asks him how he is protecting Russian security if NATO is on their border? Oops! Russia will not stop addressing this problem until NATO/EU/US provides security in writing. And even that is not enough as Russians correctly perceive the US as agreement incapable. Gee, why would that be? They will want to see verifiable absence of NATO in nearby countries. This crisis will not end until this happens.]

4) Economic Sanctions - OK, Russia has been working diligently since 2000 to be immune from US/EU sanctions. With their partnership with China, they are bulletproof. China has already said that they will make up any economic loss with trade. If Russia is cut off from SWIFT, European gas and oil and wheat and titanium and aluminum etc. buyers will have to use Russia's messaging system, or China's messaging system or direct bank to bank transfers. This will hasten the end of the financial stranglehold that the US has on Global trade and will hit the US like a ton of bricks.

I could write a lot more, but this is already too long for a comment. Thanks, your faithful Wizard.

13 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

wendy davis's picture

@The Wizard

some history you've reported is new to me, made al the pithier given you've been to moscow. "Ukronazis" is almost too appropriate, and one bit that slowed me down putting this together was that one photo of marching nazis in my photo files disappeared when i was putting it into the café's media library.

yes: crimea 'rejoined' mother russia, but it vexes the west that it is home to russia's warm water port. that reminds me that the US's fifth fleet is in bahrain, largely shia muslims ruled by...sunnis, our partners in peace. uprisings are dealt with swiftly, speaking of SWIFT banking.

many thanks, Wizard, mi amigo.

9 users have voted.

@wendy davis Great essay.

Russia China BRI Nord Stream, what's a teetering empire (usa) to do when their longtime target no longer needs to coddle them and their bullying?

So glad you noted the geography. Warm water port in Crimea was a BFD when it happened.
Now, Russia also has 2 huge installations on the Syrian Mediterranean coast---named Tartus and Latakia. And Russia's trading ties are vast. Not just China but Iran, Syria,etc.

But,Lavrov seems to be worried so I am too.

6 users have voted.


wendy davis's picture


but yes: a great primer, amigo/amiga. now that you've mentioned it, i do remember the syrian ports tartus and latakia russia is able to use.

yes. the multipolar world is afoot, and that's what the western hegemonic empire cannot abide. it will be their downfall, won't it?

an erstwhile commenter Shoot that arrow at the Café was wont to write:

'who will stop the US? those who can...and must.

larov and javad zarif (iran) are/were true diplomats. nato and the US are simply bullies,
and from the MSM news i see when i go to retrieve my email...the scent of false flags is in the air.

p.s. sorry to have been so long. i peeked in last night, read a few more comments, but my head was frazzled by then, and i shut down.

2 users have voted.

@wendy davis I had in mind when I commented on Lavrov and his demeanor. Adults. While we have Toddler Bullies doing talking ponts.

I remember that we saw the Iran negotiations in a similar light.

Still limping along last I heard. MSM issues a headline now and again when it needs a space filler.

1 user has voted.


wendy davis's picture


bomb bomb bomb iran for israel and the hella shi'a hatred.

you know, a week or so ago i'd tried to find on youtube some coverage of the fire-bombing of the trade union in 2014. given that the author of this prier is part of the odessa solidarity campaign, i clicked in to check it out. many videos of yearly commemorations, but this one link is interesting.

Ukrainian Neo-Nazis parade through Odessa on seventh anniversary of post-Maidan massacre in which dozens were burned alive , RT may 2021

As Odessa mourned the victims of the 2014 massacre in the Black Sea city, on Saturday, groups of Ukrainian ultra-nationalists marched through its streets, carrying the banners of right-wing groups and chanting extremist slogans.

On May 2, 2014, 48 people were killed and more than 250 injured during clashes between members of the notorious 'Right Sector,' which has its roots in Western Ukraine, and opponents of the Kiev Maidan, which had taken place a few months earlier.

The majority of the victims were burned alive or suffocated from smoke inhalation at the local House of Trade Unions, where they'd tried to hide from the nationalists. The Right Sector is suspected of having set the building on fire deliberately. However, seven years since the tragedy, Ukrainian investigators still haven’t identified the culprits.
Also on rt.com Still no justice: Ukraine marks anniversary of deadly post-Euromaidan clashes in Odessa.

Their procession was headed by a black truck, which played nationalist tunes from loudspeakers. The vehicle was decorated with a flag that had a ‘Wolfsangel’ on it – a historic heraldic symbol, which had also been used by the Nazis as an insignia for several SS divisions. During the conflict in eastern Ukraine, it appeared on the banners of the Azov volunteer battalion, which fought on the side of Kiev authorities.

on the left side-bar, a detailed reminder of the horrors...

The first floor was soon engulfed in flames, forcing people to seek refuge on the rooftop. Those less fortunate hid from the fire on narrow drip cups, while some jumped to the ground. People in the crowd outside reacted in different ways. Some tried to save people from the raging inferno, but others in the pro-unity camp attacked those who had just barely made it out alive.

2 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

@The Wizard Russia has no reason to attack Ukraine, that if anything goes down it will be the US/Ukraine initiating it.

Like you I see Russia as being pretty much immune form any further sanctions that amerikkka
might place on them. They hold very few Dollars/Bonds if any at all, so the banksters have no hold on the Russian economy.

As for the diplomacy part of what's going down MOA has a pretty good piece on how stupid the Brits are in this regard. I can't imagine Blinken and company being any more competent.


The British Foreign Secretary told the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry about the need to withdraw Russian armed forces from the Ukrainian border. Sergei Lavrov replied that the military is on the territory of his country. Liz Truss repeated that they should be withdrawn. To this, the Russian minister again objected that the military did not violate anything, since they had the right to conduct any maneuvers on the territory of the Russian Federation.

After that, he himself addressed a question to his British colleague: “Do you recognize the sovereignty of Russia over the Rostov and Voronezh regions?”

“Great Britain will never recognize Russian sovereignty over these regions,” the Foreign Minister replied after a short pause.

British Ambassador to the Russian Federation Deborah Bonnert had to intervene in the situation, who delicately explained to Mrs. Truss that we were really talking about Russian regions.

8 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

CB's picture

The Mediocracy Of 'Global Britain'

The knowledge and quality of 'western' leading officials is of serious concern. They are often politicians with no experience in the fields they are supposed to represent.

Liz Truss, currently the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, is a sad example.

It is said that the job of the foreign secretary has something to do with geography. To know where this or that country is and what its surroundings are is supposedly helpful when one wants wage war or peace with or against them.

Liz Truss had failed in this category when, a week ago, she said: "We are offering extra supplies and support into our Baltic allies across the Black Sea." The Black Sea is some 700 miles away from the Baltic states.

Today Liz Truss endorsed another occasion to fail when she visited Russia to talk about the Russian non-attack on the Ukraine only to get mocked by its very experienced Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
The meeting did not go well.

Truss also showed a lack of manner when she started to talk (vid) even while the translation of the previous speaker was still ongoing.

Her knowledge was of similar quality. As Kommersant reports in Russian (machine translation):

The British Foreign Secretary told the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry about the need to withdraw Russian armed forces from the Ukrainian border. Sergei Lavrov replied that the military is on the territory of his country. Liz Truss repeated that they should be withdrawn. To this, the Russian minister again objected that the military did not violate anything, since they had the right to conduct any maneuvers on the territory of the Russian Federation.

After that, he himself addressed a question to his British colleague: “Do you recognize the sovereignty of Russia over the Rostov and Voronezh regions?”

“Great Britain will never recognize Russian sovereignty over these regions,” the Foreign Minister replied after a short pause.

British Ambassador to the Russian Federation Deborah Bonnert had to intervene in the situation, who delicately explained to Mrs. Truss that we were really talking about Russian regions.


8 users have voted.
QMS's picture


business? Probably for the same reasons the US would rather destroy other nations than promote
peace. $$$$ to be made.

8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

wendy davis's picture


good on b's chuckles; RT had a few, too. lavrov was more serious, wasn't he? come t think of it, not long ago b had a column up noting that Zelenskiy was about to be kicked to the curb, but i've forgotten his reasoning.

now what does it say when the UK has such dimwits and loons at the helm? no wonders jens stoltenberg is stepping down. ; )

h/t mr. wd, a few quotes from FM spokesperson maria zakharova:

The Western society may have accustomed itself to this kind of media shenanigans. They probably realize what’s happening and think nothing can be done about this global-scale deceit, but we disagree. We don’t want to live in a kingdom of сrooked mirrors. We won’t put up with these endless lies. We know it only takes one time to lose it,” Zakharova said.

Western inciters of Ukraine] deceived her, raped her, and then crucified her,” Zakharova said. “They don’t care at all about what happens to the Ukrainian people.”

4 users have voted.

@wendy davis
Maria Zakharova's quote is right to the point of how we live in an Alice in Wonderland World.

I have always wondered how a government can make good decisions when all of its facts are distortions. For instance, some economists point to the fact that inflation was measured differently in the 70s and if we used the same metric now it would be the same as then, trending to 16 percent. But all of our numbers are fudged, including GDP. What the heck are we measuring and how are we measuring it? We know that manufacturing has been devastated in the US, but we still have the largest GDP, measured in dollars, in the world. What are we measuring?

Just to restore some sanity for myself I made a spreadsheet of 11 of the most important commodities that we manufacture/grow/extract, from cement to tomatoes. I then calculated the output in natural units, i.e. tons of steel, units of cars, and compared the US, China and Russia. It uses data from 2019/2020. I did it in per capita numbers and absolute numbers. I did not include useless commodities, like the war sector, investment markets, etc

Ratio of Total Output - China v US 9.0
Ratio of Total Output - Russia v US 1.4
Ratio of Output per Capita - China v US 2.1
Ratio of Output per Capita - Russia v US 3.2

So what does the US excel in, on a per capita basis? ... Chickens. That's right, we beat China and Russia in our production of chickens. We also beat China in oil and NG. However they have such a vast amount of export surplus that they can afford to buy what they need.

Sorry, this is a bit off topic but I couldn't resist as an example of how fudged data can screw up your decision making process. In the case of war and peace, this can become a disaster.

3 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

wendy davis's picture

@The Wizard

but you seem to have left out the manufacture and sale of the weapons of war, or 'Defense'.

yes, War IS a Racket; Exporting violence brings Peace...

Working for peace, security and freedom for nearly one billion people.

i loved this:

Maria Zakharova's quote is right to the point of how we live in an Alice in Wonderland World.

2 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

@CB crazy how bad UK/US diplomacy is at this stage of the empire.
stupidity runs rampant

6 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

11 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


what a wag he is! thanks for bringing him.

...her Black Sea from her Baltic her arse from her elbow.

6 users have voted.
CB's picture

Memo from Russian Foreign Ministry:

"Choose your dance style in international relationship"

2 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


brilliant! she's got some moves, alright, but i sure wouldn't call them dancing. pluckin' chickens? pickin' cotton?

ta CB; i needed that. ; )

2 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

going to go all the way back to the various khanates and kaganates and the rise of the Kievan Rus or not. Wink

be well and have a good one

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

wendy davis's picture

@enhydra lutris

which is to me what made it so valuable a resource. glad you stopped by and scoped it out, EL.

2 users have voted.