Profits At Their Highest Levels in 70 years! Wages SHOULD be Rising!
Submitted by zed2 on Mon, 02/07/2022 - 11:02am
Wow, whatever the ultra rich are doing its rapidly sucking up the money, more money than they have since the Gilded Age . So wages should be rising,
The "Worker Shortage" meme is another BIG LIE!
The complaints by the rich that wages are rising are unjustified. The very system they seem to worship is saying that wages should be rising now. Didnt they take Economics 101?
If not now, when?
Minimum wage
The fight for fifteen is meaningless because even at $15 per hour, a worker working forty hours a week cannot afford a modest two bedroom apartment in any state in the United States. The economic divide in the United States is symptomatic of that of a third world country and no one in Washington DC cares.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The globalist reject the "living wage" concept because its not
based on supply and demand. Jagdish Bhagwati (columbia University) is a well known advocate for vast expansions in cross border services trade.
The creation of the WTO and its services regime has changed the world so that all of its people are in direct competition for one another for services trade. Huge numbers of people are dependent on migrant labor as subcontractors. Even in war. The US is pouring billions of dollars in money todrive a huge migrant labor constituency. The US is one of the only countries that is not dominated by this new wave of migrant labor. Since the potential workforces have grown so much, the rich feel that wages should fall, a lot, or the workers should be replaced with others..
If the government had been truthful with the nation about this trade, their fear of it being revealed would yield to the huge amounts of money that would be made by outsourcing and offshoring practically all jobs.
Its all about the investors.
The world's money is flooding in to the US because wealthy investors think its safer here from expropriation than it is in any other country. This issue is all about the rapidly growing wealth of the wealthy. Its exponential growth really.
In other words, the owners of all that money don't want its taken by anybody and they invest it in the US because this is the new British Empire in a very real sense.
In the past the British Empire was set up to protect its very rich and that still is of course quite true.However with time, the US has successfully made a niche for itself as the UK declined and the British Empire fell apart, the US seems to have made efforts to take over that niche as the country least likely to take their money and give it to the people they stole it from, or poor people or whomever. Combine that with states like Delaware and Wyoming and their banking secrecy laws and you have a winning combination. Until quite recently, the UK had this niche all to itself, but the US is catching up and some would say even beating them at their own game. The video is an interview with Nicholas Shaxson discussing his book "Treasure Islands" He has documented this huge shift in the financial world.
Basically the rich are putting their wealth where we the people cant see it or touch it, why? They aren't talking. Perhaps it is due to the widening inequality. The very wealthy are also buying up land in New Zealand. Sort of a bunker mentality.