forum put on by Johnson who, if he weren't so RW and nutty on other issues ...
My takeaways from a partial viewing:
1) most impressive by far was the fired nurse (with biomed degree) in the final 10-15 minutes, highly articulate and forceful presentation of the depressing situation going on in the hospitals re Covid patient treatment. I think she was one of those who said it's much more risky to go into hospital than to get treatment at home.
2) A fact I wasn't aware of, from Dr Kory, namely that the CDC in Apr 2020 and again in Aug 2021 had sent out a memo to the nation's doctors and pharmacies cautioning against prescribing or filling off-label medications for treating Covid.
3) The interesting difference of opinion re whether (per Drs Urso and Cole) Omicron represents the beginning of the end as it's a milder variant compared to Delta and the original strain, and as viruses normally would be expected to continue evolving in the same mild direction, vs Dr Malone, working from the ideas of Geert Vanden Bossche, who suggested we might be in for much worse in the near future.
I don't see a reason for the multi strained coronavirus to mutate into more benign, less toxic forms at this point. I know quite a few scientists who are optimistic that it will become weaker. In any case, it will assuredly evolve into more invasive forms.
#1 forum put on by Johnson who, if he weren't so RW and nutty on other issues ...
My takeaways from a partial viewing:
1) most impressive by far was the fired nurse (with biomed degree) in the final 10-15 minutes, highly articulate and forceful presentation of the depressing situation going on in the hospitals re Covid patient treatment. I think she was one of those who said it's much more risky to go into hospital than to get treatment at home.
2) A fact I wasn't aware of, from Dr Kory, namely that the CDC in Apr 2020 and again in Aug 2021 had sent out a memo to the nation's doctors and pharmacies cautioning against prescribing or filling off-label medications for treating Covid.
3) The interesting difference of opinion re whether (per Drs Urso and Cole) Omicron represents the beginning of the end as it's a milder variant compared to Delta and the original strain, and as viruses normally would be expected to continue evolving in the same mild direction, vs Dr Malone, working from the ideas of Geert Vanden Bossche, who suggested we might be in for much worse in the near future.
@Pluto's Republic
how it will evolve. Dr Malone made clear in his testimony that he was expressing only his own views based on having learned more about Vanden Bossche's theory. There might have been one other doctor at the forum who told of an unnamed Number One Vaccinologist in the World (who might that be???) who, if I recall correctly, held similar views to Dr Malone.
My #1 go-to, deep insider indy source has yet to weigh in. Will check more from Vanden Bossche. Perhaps a comment in a tweet.
I don't see a reason for the multi strained coronavirus to mutate into more benign, less toxic forms at this point. I know quite a few scientists who are optimistic that it will become weaker. In any case, it will assuredly evolve into more invasive forms.
That wild card is mass vaccination during a pandemic.
The interesting difference of opinion re whether (per Drs Urso and Cole) Omicron represents the beginning of the end as it's a milder variant compared to Delta and the original strain, and as viruses normally would be expected to continue evolving in the same mild direction, vs Dr Malone, working from the ideas of Geert Vanden Bossche, who suggested we might be in for much worse in the near future.
Dr. Urso was describing the natural tendency of virus to mutate toward more infectivity and less severity. Malone’s comment referring to Vanden Bossche’s concern is the possibility of a more deadly variant learning to evade vaccine and immune defenses because of the monolithic presence of a mass vaccination program.
So Omicron being a relatively mild variant which is widespread is an opportunity to drive acquisition of natural immunity, a very hopeful benefit, while the continued widespread use of a universal vaccination program will continue to risk enhancement of a future, much more deadly, variant. The latter outcome could be a disaster of unimaginable proportions.
#1 forum put on by Johnson who, if he weren't so RW and nutty on other issues ...
My takeaways from a partial viewing:
1) most impressive by far was the fired nurse (with biomed degree) in the final 10-15 minutes, highly articulate and forceful presentation of the depressing situation going on in the hospitals re Covid patient treatment. I think she was one of those who said it's much more risky to go into hospital than to get treatment at home.
2) A fact I wasn't aware of, from Dr Kory, namely that the CDC in Apr 2020 and again in Aug 2021 had sent out a memo to the nation's doctors and pharmacies cautioning against prescribing or filling off-label medications for treating Covid.
3) The interesting difference of opinion re whether (per Drs Urso and Cole) Omicron represents the beginning of the end as it's a milder variant compared to Delta and the original strain, and as viruses normally would be expected to continue evolving in the same mild direction, vs Dr Malone, working from the ideas of Geert Vanden Bossche, who suggested we might be in for much worse in the near future.
8 users have voted.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
That wild card is mass vaccination during a pandemic.
The interesting difference of opinion re whether (per Drs Urso and Cole) Omicron represents the beginning of the end as it's a milder variant compared to Delta and the original strain, and as viruses normally would be expected to continue evolving in the same mild direction, vs Dr Malone, working from the ideas of Geert Vanden Bossche, who suggested we might be in for much worse in the near future.
Dr. Urso was describing the natural tendency of virus to mutate toward more infectivity and less severity. Malone’s comment referring to Vanden Bossche’s concern is the possibility of a more deadly variant learning to evade vaccine and immune defenses because of the monolithic presence of a mass vaccination program.
So Omicron being a relatively mild variant which is widespread is an opportunity to drive acquisition of natural immunity, a very hopeful benefit, while the continued widespread use of a universal vaccination program will continue to risk enhancement of a future, much more deadly, variant. The latter outcome could be a disaster of unimaginable proportions.
#1.1.1 how it will evolve. Dr Malone made clear in his testimony that he was expressing only his own views based on having learned more about Vanden Bossche's theory. There might have been one other doctor at the forum who told of an unnamed Number One Vaccinologist in the World (who might that be???) who, if I recall correctly, held similar views to Dr Malone.
My #1 go-to, deep insider indy source has yet to weigh in. Will check more from Vanden Bossche. Perhaps a comment in a tweet.
@Pluto's Republic
I was saying above that one of the forum participants had cited the unnamed Number One Vaccinologist as agreeing with the GVB/Malone pessimistic position. I'm not at all familiar with this very optimistic Chinese expert, and there isn't much but a few cheery statements in that piece to go on, and no mention of the GVB hypothesis.
Reminder to me to follow Geert more frequently. I suspect he will end up being right.
@Pluto's Republic
Both the marathon 5 hour COVID Roundtable and a recent John Campbell / Robert Clancy video addressed the “mucosal immune system”. It has been described as distinct from but yet interconnected with the immune protections distributed in our circulatory system. For respiratory viral infections the mucosal membranes are where the virus meets our body and seem to be the place where our immune defenses should begin. Clancy described a fascinating process of immune response that begins in the nose, alerts ‘patches’ in the digestive system which then sends ‘messages’ ‘addressed’ to particular glands or organs to initiate a defensive immune response where appropriate. This sounds a lot more rational than tossing a hand grenade of spike replicants into our body and hoping for the best.
Meanwhile, DARPA claims to have the vaccine that ends all corona viruses forever more. This, I am inclined to believe. I do trust DARPA.
Is the DARPA wonder vaccine perchance a nasal vaccine, rather than an injectable? I am rather gun shy about novel injectables at this point.
It is unacceptable to share this planet with Covid-19. But, that's just me.
I share these sentiments very much but feel the chance of the complete elimination of COVID ship, assuming it was ever possible, sailed with the global (leaky) universal vaccination rollout. Endemic status seems the best I can reasonably hope for at this point.
and mouthwash as an effective means of killing the infection at onset. I've always thought a nasal vaccine made the most sense. Evidently dosing is a real issue.
As to iodine spray, I have read of overuse and resulting thyroid problems. But not to educate the public of this simple, relatively safe means of prevention (as well as the hosts of others like D, Zn, etc) is criminal.
We have been failed by our public health agencies, but the dose community has done a pretty good job of staying on top of developments, data, and discoveries.
Both the marathon 5 hour COVID Roundtable and a recent John Campbell / Robert Clancy video addressed the “mucosal immune system”. It has been described as distinct from but yet interconnected with the immune protections distributed in our circulatory system. For respiratory viral infections the mucosal membranes are where the virus meets our body and seem to be the place where our immune defenses should begin. Clancy described a fascinating process of immune response that begins in the nose, alerts ‘patches’ in the digestive system which then sends ‘messages’ ‘addressed’ to particular glands or organs to initiate a defensive immune response where appropriate. This sounds a lot more rational than tossing a hand grenade of spike replicants into our body and hoping for the best.
Meanwhile, DARPA claims to have the vaccine that ends all corona viruses forever more. This, I am inclined to believe. I do trust DARPA.
Is the DARPA wonder vaccine perchance a nasal vaccine, rather than an injectable? I am rather gun shy about novel injectables at this point.
It is unacceptable to share this planet with Covid-19. But, that's just me.
I share these sentiments very much but feel the chance of the complete elimination of COVID ship, assuming it was ever possible, sailed with the global (leaky) universal vaccination rollout. Endemic status seems the best I can reasonably hope for at this point.
4 users have voted.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Both the marathon 5 hour COVID Roundtable and a recent John Campbell / Robert Clancy video addressed the “mucosal immune system”. It has been described as distinct from but yet interconnected with the immune protections distributed in our circulatory system. For respiratory viral infections the mucosal membranes are where the virus meets our body and seem to be the place where our immune defenses should begin. Clancy described a fascinating process of immune response that begins in the nose, alerts ‘patches’ in the digestive system which then sends ‘messages’ ‘addressed’ to particular glands or organs to initiate a defensive immune response where appropriate. This sounds a lot more rational than tossing a hand grenade of spike replicants into our body and hoping for the best.
Meanwhile, DARPA claims to have the vaccine that ends all corona viruses forever more. This, I am inclined to believe. I do trust DARPA.
Is the DARPA wonder vaccine perchance a nasal vaccine, rather than an injectable? I am rather gun shy about novel injectables at this point.
It is unacceptable to share this planet with Covid-19. But, that's just me.
I share these sentiments very much but feel the chance of the complete elimination of COVID ship, assuming it was ever possible, sailed with the global (leaky) universal vaccination rollout. Endemic status seems the best I can reasonably hope for at this point.
@Pluto's Republic
Sounds interesting, but the devil will be in the details. If multiple spike proteins are presented simultaneously, will that diffuse the effect of each, or perhaps overwhelm or even sidetrack other natural immune functions? Does this new vax replicate in the body, hijacking our cells and distributing free spike throughout the body like the current (US) vaccines, or is it simply dosed and cleared after a limited time without replicating? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see on the particulars
Non replicating, oral or nasal administration, active in the body for a known limited duration, and able to be effectively cleared by the body’s innate disposal team would all be important characteristics I would be looking for. I will pass on any replicating genetic offerings that come my way.
As I consider this, I am more inclined to go with GVB's views esp as there didn't seem to be a recognition during the forum by the Urso side of the mass vaccination during a pandemic as the controlling, detrimental factor.
So as I understand it, since GVB kept repeating IF we undertake mass vaccination during this promising period of mild variant where we have an opening to let this virus continue on a path to low-level endemic status, then since we ARE continuing mass vaccination in many countries, we are headed for trouble again.
That wild card is mass vaccination during a pandemic.
The interesting difference of opinion re whether (per Drs Urso and Cole) Omicron represents the beginning of the end as it's a milder variant compared to Delta and the original strain, and as viruses normally would be expected to continue evolving in the same mild direction, vs Dr Malone, working from the ideas of Geert Vanden Bossche, who suggested we might be in for much worse in the near future.
Dr. Urso was describing the natural tendency of virus to mutate toward more infectivity and less severity. Malone’s comment referring to Vanden Bossche’s concern is the possibility of a more deadly variant learning to evade vaccine and immune defenses because of the monolithic presence of a mass vaccination program.
So Omicron being a relatively mild variant which is widespread is an opportunity to drive acquisition of natural immunity, a very hopeful benefit, while the continued widespread use of a universal vaccination program will continue to risk enhancement of a future, much more deadly, variant. The latter outcome could be a disaster of unimaginable proportions.
as I understand Geert Vanden Bossche’s primary concern:
….. GVB kept repeating IF we undertake mass vaccination during this promising period of mild variant where we have an opening to let this virus continue on a path to low-level endemic status, then since we ARE continuing mass vaccination in many countries, we are headed for trouble again.
I’d feel more reassured if we instead prioritized aggressive early intervention strategies for the majority of the healthy population and used vaccination in a more limited way, vaccinating the elderly and others groups who are at higher risk.
#1.1.2 above I found a couple of recent GVB video interviews where he talks of the 2 key points you raise
As I consider this, I am more inclined to go with GVB's views esp as there didn't seem to be a recognition during the forum by the Urso side of the mass vaccination during a pandemic as the controlling, detrimental factor.
So as I understand it, since GVB kept repeating IF we undertake mass vaccination during this promising period of mild variant where we have an opening to let this virus continue on a path to low-level endemic status, then since we ARE continuing mass vaccination in many countries, we are headed for trouble again.
4 users have voted.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
For more tweets you can click on the senjohnson hashtag. Between Kennedy’s book and the hearings by Johnson it looks like the truth is coming out. The military doctor outright said that many members of the military have been killed. Maybe murdered because myocarditis has a 5 year death rate.
10 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
For more tweets you can click on the senjohnson hashtag. Between Kennedy’s book and the hearings by Johnson it looks like the truth is coming out. The military doctor outright said that many members of the military have been killed. Maybe murdered because myocarditis has a 5 year death rate.
Biden canceling proven life-saving treatment for the sick and elderly so Fauci-Pfizer can get a few extra points in the stock market is literally demonic
About where we are...but the narrative is crumbling. Give it a month and lets see what the people have figured out.
More stupidity from Pfizer, Walensky, Fauci and Joementia
Looks like Brandon wants to increase the death rate in Florida to match the worst in the country and kill off the children with comorbidity now. Fauci must have put him up to this. He owns a stake in Gilead Sciences.
The revision in emergency authorization comes days after the FDA on Jan. 21 expanded approval of the antiviral drug remdesivir to treat more COVID-19 patients. Remdesivir was the first government-approved drug for COVID-19 and was previously limited to treat hospitalized patients. It is now authorized for use in adults and children aged 12 and above early in a COVID-19 infection if the patient faces a high risk of ending up in hospital.
The agency said its move was supported by a study run by the drug’s developer, Gilead Sciences, results of which showed that the drug reduced the risk of hospitalization by 87 percent among COVID-19-positive people. The FDA didn’t cite any independent studies.
Biden canceling proven life-saving treatment for the sick and elderly so Fauci-Pfizer can get a few extra points in the stock market is literally demonic
About where we are...but the narrative is crumbling. Give it a month and lets see what the people have figured out.
Fuk Fauci. That he’s still only pushing remdisiver as the only treatment is just so messed up. I’m listening to Dr. Maril talk about how during the Ebola study they found out how deadly remdisiver was. But Fauci said it was good news. They changed the study in the middle to remove how deadly it was. That’s fraud and malfeasance. The study was sponsored by the company that makes it. Remdisiver increases the risk of death and renal failure. But hospitals get a 20% bonus on top of the whole medical bill. No words!
Looks like Brandon wants to increase the death rate in Florida to match the worst in the country and kill off the children with comorbidity now. Fauci must have put him up to this. He owns a stake in Gilead Sciences.
The revision in emergency authorization comes days after the FDA on Jan. 21 expanded approval of the antiviral drug remdesivir to treat more COVID-19 patients. Remdesivir was the first government-approved drug for COVID-19 and was previously limited to treat hospitalized patients. It is now authorized for use in adults and children aged 12 and above early in a COVID-19 infection if the patient faces a high risk of ending up in hospital.
The agency said its move was supported by a study run by the drug’s developer, Gilead Sciences, results of which showed that the drug reduced the risk of hospitalization by 87 percent among COVID-19-positive people. The FDA didn’t cite any independent studies.
10 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Biden canceling proven life-saving treatment for the sick and elderly so Fauci-Pfizer can get a few extra points in the stock market is literally demonic
About where we are...but the narrative is crumbling. Give it a month and lets see what the people have figured out.
7 users have voted.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
(LifeSiteNews) – Thousands of Canadian truckers began a “slow roll” to Ottawa this weekend to protest draconian COVID jab mandates and other virus rules imposed by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and provincial premiers.
The “Freedom Convoy 2022” group raised $3.5 $4.7 million in only 11 12 days, seeing grassroots support for Canadian truckers against both a COVID jab mandate for all haulers crossing the border and all other virus rules increase at an astonishingly rapid pace.
“We are taking our fight to the doorsteps of our Federal Government and demanding that they cease all mandates against its people. Small businesses are being destroyed, homes are being destroyed, and people are being mistreated and denied fundamental necessities to survive,” reads the “Freedom Convoy 2022” Go Fund Me page.
The funds raised will go toward the cost of “fuel, food and lodgings to help ease the pressures of this arduous task.”
“As you know, we are now starting to be attacked and smeared, and they’re starting to say some pretty nasty things, which, you know what? We all knew that was going to come. We all knew that was that was going to come. And you know what? That’s OK,” said Lich in another Facebook message yesterday.
“Citizens do not protest simultaneously all over the world when nothing nefarious is going on. The world is awake! I’m proud of all the protesters I’ve seen today – also very proud of the Canadian truckers! #FreedomConvoy2022 #TrudeauMustGo #endmedicalsegregation #DoNotComply Flag of Canada,” wrote Twitter user Chelsea MacDonald yesterday.
Wrote one Twitter user named Simon yesterday, “Some people think this trucker convoy is stupid, but look how amped up people are over it. Huge crowds to cheer them on. Donations flowing in to support them. Trudeau has a big problem on his hands now. People are uniting. His divisive rhetoric isn’t working anymore.”
PPC leader Maxime Bernier, who has come out strong against COVID mandates of all kinds, said today that he was happy to see at least some CPC MPs speak out against mandates.
“Congratulations to @PierrePoilievre and the handful of Conservative MPs who are jumping on the bandwagon and finally denouncing Trudeau’s authoritarian measures after two years of complete silence. Hope to see you next weekend in Ottawa.#TruckerforFreedom,” wrote Bernier.
Trade associations from Canada and the U.S. began warning that the vaccine mandate could harshly impact an already stressed food and goods supply chain, which has seen massive disruptions due to the COVID crisis.
The 'Freedom Convoy 2022' GoFundMe page stated clearly that the money will go toward the cost of 'fuel, food and lodgings to help ease the pressures of this arduous task.'
(LifeSiteNews) — Fundraising website GoFundMe has frozen access to over $4 million raised for the trucker convoy headed to Ottawa in protest of Canada’s vaccine mandates. The fundraising platform is still accepting donations to the campaign, but it is unclear at this stage when the group will have access to the money.
“We require that fundraisers be transparent about the flow of funds and have a clear plan for how those funds will be spent. In this case, we are in touch with the organizer to verify that information,” Rachel Hollis, a spokeswoman for the crowdfunding platform, said in an email. “Funds will be safely held until the organizer is able to provide the documentation to our team about how funds will be properly distributed.”
“When they’re scared, the first thing they’re going to try to do is come after your money. And when that doesn’t work, they’re going to try and shut us down,” wrote Lich on social media.
This is not the first time GoFundMe has suppressed a campaign that had a political bent contrary to the mainstream narrative.
(LifeSiteNews) – Thousands of Canadian truckers began a “slow roll” to Ottawa this weekend to protest draconian COVID jab mandates and other virus rules imposed by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and provincial premiers.
The “Freedom Convoy 2022” group raised $3.5 $4.7 million in only 11 12 days, seeing grassroots support for Canadian truckers against both a COVID jab mandate for all haulers crossing the border and all other virus rules increase at an astonishingly rapid pace.
“We are taking our fight to the doorsteps of our Federal Government and demanding that they cease all mandates against its people. Small businesses are being destroyed, homes are being destroyed, and people are being mistreated and denied fundamental necessities to survive,” reads the “Freedom Convoy 2022” Go Fund Me page.
The funds raised will go toward the cost of “fuel, food and lodgings to help ease the pressures of this arduous task.”
“As you know, we are now starting to be attacked and smeared, and they’re starting to say some pretty nasty things, which, you know what? We all knew that was going to come. We all knew that was that was going to come. And you know what? That’s OK,” said Lich in another Facebook message yesterday.
“Citizens do not protest simultaneously all over the world when nothing nefarious is going on. The world is awake! I’m proud of all the protesters I’ve seen today – also very proud of the Canadian truckers! #FreedomConvoy2022 #TrudeauMustGo #endmedicalsegregation #DoNotComply Flag of Canada,” wrote Twitter user Chelsea MacDonald yesterday.
Wrote one Twitter user named Simon yesterday, “Some people think this trucker convoy is stupid, but look how amped up people are over it. Huge crowds to cheer them on. Donations flowing in to support them. Trudeau has a big problem on his hands now. People are uniting. His divisive rhetoric isn’t working anymore.”
PPC leader Maxime Bernier, who has come out strong against COVID mandates of all kinds, said today that he was happy to see at least some CPC MPs speak out against mandates.
“Congratulations to @PierrePoilievre and the handful of Conservative MPs who are jumping on the bandwagon and finally denouncing Trudeau’s authoritarian measures after two years of complete silence. Hope to see you next weekend in Ottawa.#TruckerforFreedom,” wrote Bernier.
Trade associations from Canada and the U.S. began warning that the vaccine mandate could harshly impact an already stressed food and goods supply chain, which has seen massive disruptions due to the COVID crisis.
I’m so fed up with the PTB ways of keeping people down. So gfm has joined with big pharma to make people submit to their will. Got lots of words but I’ll refrain from using them.
vaccine mandates. A lot of Canadians are going to be pissed off at GoFundMe. It now stands at $5,097,660.
The 'Freedom Convoy 2022' GoFundMe page stated clearly that the money will go toward the cost of 'fuel, food and lodgings to help ease the pressures of this arduous task.'
(LifeSiteNews) — Fundraising website GoFundMe has frozen access to over $4 million raised for the trucker convoy headed to Ottawa in protest of Canada’s vaccine mandates. The fundraising platform is still accepting donations to the campaign, but it is unclear at this stage when the group will have access to the money.
“We require that fundraisers be transparent about the flow of funds and have a clear plan for how those funds will be spent. In this case, we are in touch with the organizer to verify that information,” Rachel Hollis, a spokeswoman for the crowdfunding platform, said in an email. “Funds will be safely held until the organizer is able to provide the documentation to our team about how funds will be properly distributed.”
“When they’re scared, the first thing they’re going to try to do is come after your money. And when that doesn’t work, they’re going to try and shut us down,” wrote Lich on social media.
This is not the first time GoFundMe has suppressed a campaign that had a political bent contrary to the mainstream narrative.
4 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
People are lining the roads showing their support for them.
What’s happening in Canada is amazing. Truckers are driving across the country in a massive caravan and freedom loving people are meeting them along the way to cheer them on. This is the type of protest that can be VERY effective. pic.twitter.com/0VqDVdjh9S
The 'Freedom Convoy 2022' GoFundMe page stated clearly that the money will go toward the cost of 'fuel, food and lodgings to help ease the pressures of this arduous task.'
(LifeSiteNews) — Fundraising website GoFundMe has frozen access to over $4 million raised for the trucker convoy headed to Ottawa in protest of Canada’s vaccine mandates. The fundraising platform is still accepting donations to the campaign, but it is unclear at this stage when the group will have access to the money.
“We require that fundraisers be transparent about the flow of funds and have a clear plan for how those funds will be spent. In this case, we are in touch with the organizer to verify that information,” Rachel Hollis, a spokeswoman for the crowdfunding platform, said in an email. “Funds will be safely held until the organizer is able to provide the documentation to our team about how funds will be properly distributed.”
“When they’re scared, the first thing they’re going to try to do is come after your money. And when that doesn’t work, they’re going to try and shut us down,” wrote Lich on social media.
This is not the first time GoFundMe has suppressed a campaign that had a political bent contrary to the mainstream narrative.
6 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
This evil hospital ended my hospital career. Many doctors had been successfully treating their patients and were told to stop giving life saving meds and then had to watch them die. Will anyone ever be held accountable for it? People high up in government know what is happening but are covering it up. I don’t understand how anyone can live with that on their conscience.
Who would've ever guessed that it could work?
Dr Ryan Cole with a moving and telling personal testimony about early treatment HE prescribed when medical establishment would not. It saved a life. Whose life was it? pic.twitter.com/OkMTVpWr2o
This evil hospital ended my hospital career. Many doctors had been successfully treating their patients and were told to stop giving life saving meds and then had to watch them die. Will anyone ever be held accountable for it? People high up in government know what is happening but are covering it up. I don’t understand how anyone can live with that on their conscience.
Here’s an excellent article on every we’ve been discussing in the dose about the 'vaccines' since it started. Great roundup of important information. Very detailed. Lots of links.
Drug companies are given kudos incentives for making profits instead of making drugs that help people. They spend more on marketing than research which is usually government funded. For 2 decades they don’t actually make drugs that help people. Thanks Fauci you ghoul. They have been fined about $13 billion and Glaxo smith Klein was fined $3 billion in 2012 for criminal acts, but they made $25 billion that year and so its just the cost of doing business. The banks have that mindset too. Plus they get to write off their fines from their taxes. Gee who authorized that? No wonder they give congress so much money. Do they get to write off their lobbying fees too?
ETA link to the British medical journal whistleblower report again in case you missed it last time. Of course it wasn’t covered by any mainstream media because they don’t want us to know about it.
4 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Once the emergency use authorization (EUA) was given for the vaccines, the trial participants were given the option to learn which group they were in, and placebo participants were given the option to be vaccinated.
After unblinding, 3 more people from the original vaccine group died, and 2 placebo group participants decided to get vaccinated, and then died. Arguably their deaths should get counted in the “vaccinated” group.
Later, the FDA released a (redacted) version of the documents it had used to approve the Pfizer vaccine, which contained more deaths than in the trial report. You can read more about why that might be here, in the section “Reconciling the clinical trial report with the FDA approval basis.”
In the end, we end up with 36 deaths, 21 in the vaccine and 15 in the placebo group.
Here’s an excellent article on every we’ve been discussing in the dose about the 'vaccines' since it started. Great roundup of important information. Very detailed. Lots of links.
Drug companies are given kudos incentives for making profits instead of making drugs that help people. They spend more on marketing than research which is usually government funded. For 2 decades they don’t actually make drugs that help people. Thanks Fauci you ghoul. They have been fined about $13 billion and Glaxo smith Klein was fined $3 billion in 2012 for criminal acts, but they made $25 billion that year and so its just the cost of doing business. The banks have that mindset too. Plus they get to write off their fines from their taxes. Gee who authorized that? No wonder they give congress so much money. Do they get to write off their lobbying fees too?
ETA link to the British medical journal whistleblower report again in case you missed it last time. Of course it wasn’t covered by any mainstream media because they don’t want us to know about it.
6 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
If you missed yesterday's hearing....
...it was great.
Starts at the 40 min mark
Excellent exchanges between the doctors , professors, nurses, and the vaccine injured.
It is 5 hours, but you can fast forward and break it up into more bite sized pieces.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yes, an excellent
My takeaways from a partial viewing:
1) most impressive by far was the fired nurse (with biomed degree) in the final 10-15 minutes, highly articulate and forceful presentation of the depressing situation going on in the hospitals re Covid patient treatment. I think she was one of those who said it's much more risky to go into hospital than to get treatment at home.
2) A fact I wasn't aware of, from Dr Kory, namely that the CDC in Apr 2020 and again in Aug 2021 had sent out a memo to the nation's doctors and pharmacies cautioning against prescribing or filling off-label medications for treating Covid.
3) The interesting difference of opinion re whether (per Drs Urso and Cole) Omicron represents the beginning of the end as it's a milder variant compared to Delta and the original strain, and as viruses normally would be expected to continue evolving in the same mild direction, vs Dr Malone, working from the ideas of Geert Vanden Bossche, who suggested we might be in for much worse in the near future.
Good summary
I don't see a reason for the multi strained coronavirus to mutate into more benign, less toxic forms at this point. I know quite a few scientists who are optimistic that it will become weaker. In any case, it will assuredly evolve into more invasive forms.
I'm not sure
My #1 go-to, deep insider indy source has yet to weigh in. Will check more from Vanden Bossche. Perhaps a comment in a tweet.
There is a wild card that may clarify the discrepancy
That wild card is mass vaccination during a pandemic.
Dr. Urso was describing the natural tendency of virus to mutate toward more infectivity and less severity. Malone’s comment referring to Vanden Bossche’s concern is the possibility of a more deadly variant learning to evade vaccine and immune defenses because of the monolithic presence of a mass vaccination program.
So Omicron being a relatively mild variant which is widespread is an opportunity to drive acquisition of natural immunity, a very hopeful benefit, while the continued widespread use of a universal vaccination program will continue to risk enhancement of a future, much more deadly, variant. The latter outcome could be a disaster of unimaginable proportions.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
The top Vaccinologist in China
....holds a similar optimistic view, I was remarking that I don't see the science behind it. I look forward to your insights on the matter.
Meanwhile, DARPA claims to have the vaccine that ends all corona viruses forever more. This, I am inclined to believe. I do trust DARPA.
It is unacceptable to share this planet with Covid-19. But, that's just me.
Yes, just to be clear,
Reminder to me to follow Geert more frequently. I suspect he will end up being right.
Mucosal vaccines are on my “Vax of interest” list
Both the marathon 5 hour COVID Roundtable and a recent John Campbell / Robert Clancy video addressed the “mucosal immune system”. It has been described as distinct from but yet interconnected with the immune protections distributed in our circulatory system. For respiratory viral infections the mucosal membranes are where the virus meets our body and seem to be the place where our immune defenses should begin. Clancy described a fascinating process of immune response that begins in the nose, alerts ‘patches’ in the digestive system which then sends ‘messages’ ‘addressed’ to particular glands or organs to initiate a defensive immune response where appropriate. This sounds a lot more rational than tossing a hand grenade of spike replicants into our body and hoping for the best.
Is the DARPA wonder vaccine perchance a nasal vaccine, rather than an injectable? I am rather gun shy about novel injectables at this point.
I share these sentiments very much but feel the chance of the complete elimination of COVID ship, assuming it was ever possible, sailed with the global (leaky) universal vaccination rollout. Endemic status seems the best I can reasonably hope for at this point.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Dr Marik mentioned iodine nasal spray...
and mouthwash as an effective means of killing the infection at onset. I've always thought a nasal vaccine made the most sense. Evidently dosing is a real issue.
As to iodine spray, I have read of overuse and resulting thyroid problems. But not to educate the public of this simple, relatively safe means of prevention (as well as the hosts of others like D, Zn, etc) is criminal.
We have been failed by our public health agencies, but the dose community has done a pretty good job of staying on top of developments, data, and discoveries.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks, Ovals
We are certainly of like mind in many respects, including nasal delivery of vaccines.
I appreciate the signaling hypothesis.
Although DARPA is involved in many aspects of the research, here's what I have on the DARPA vaccine:
US Army Creates Single Vaccine Against All COVID & SARS Variants, Researchers Say
Either Covid-19 goes, or I go.
Thanks for the DARPA vax link
Sounds interesting, but the devil will be in the details. If multiple spike proteins are presented simultaneously, will that diffuse the effect of each, or perhaps overwhelm or even sidetrack other natural immune functions? Does this new vax replicate in the body, hijacking our cells and distributing free spike throughout the body like the current (US) vaccines, or is it simply dosed and cleared after a limited time without replicating? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see on the particulars
Non replicating, oral or nasal administration, active in the body for a known limited duration, and able to be effectively cleared by the body’s innate disposal team would all be important characteristics I would be looking for. I will pass on any replicating genetic offerings that come my way.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Yes, after posting
As I consider this, I am more inclined to go with GVB's views esp as there didn't seem to be a recognition during the forum by the Urso side of the mass vaccination during a pandemic as the controlling, detrimental factor.
So as I understand it, since GVB kept repeating IF we undertake mass vaccination during this promising period of mild variant where we have an opening to let this virus continue on a path to low-level endemic status, then since we ARE continuing mass vaccination in many countries, we are headed for trouble again.
Agreed, this is the key take away going forward
as I understand Geert Vanden Bossche’s primary concern:
I’d feel more reassured if we instead prioritized aggressive early intervention strategies for the majority of the healthy population and used vaccination in a more limited way, vaccinating the elderly and others groups who are at higher risk.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Mind blowing indeed
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
In a sane, non-partisan world
this could be the door leading to true “informed consent”.
Fingers crossed.
(Not holding my breath)
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Is this the nurse people were talking about?
For more tweets you can click on the senjohnson hashtag. Between Kennedy’s book and the hearings by Johnson it looks like the truth is coming out. The military doctor outright said that many members of the military have been killed. Maybe murdered because myocarditis has a 5 year death rate.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Yes, she's the one
It's a club and we ain't in it
More stupidity from Pfizer, Walensky, Fauci and Joementia
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
No treatments allowed...die suckers.
I liked this line in the z-hedge article.
About where we are...but the narrative is crumbling. Give it a month and lets see what the people have figured out.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
To compound injury
Looks like Brandon wants to increase the death rate in Florida to match the worst in the country and kill off the children with comorbidity now. Fauci must have put him up to this. He owns a stake in Gilead Sciences.
This is indefensible
Fuk Fauci. That he’s still only pushing remdisiver as the only treatment is just so messed up. I’m listening to Dr. Maril talk about how during the Ebola study they found out how deadly remdisiver was. But Fauci said it was good news. They changed the study in the middle to remove how deadly it was. That’s fraud and malfeasance. The study was sponsored by the company that makes it. Remdisiver increases the risk of death and renal failure. But hospitals get a 20% bonus on top of the whole medical bill. No words!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
These guys are saying 3 months
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Freedom Convoy 2022
GoFundMe freezes money raised for Canadian truckers protesting
vaccine mandates. A lot of Canadians are going to be pissed off at GoFundMe. It now stands at $5,097,660.
I’m so fed up with the PTB ways of keeping people down. So gfm has joined with big pharma to make people submit to their will. Got lots of words but I’ll refrain from using them.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I’ve seen lots of tweets supporting the truckers
People are lining the roads showing their support for them.
Just one of many I’ve seen today. Fck gfm!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Dr. Marik
This evil hospital ended my hospital career. Many doctors had been successfully treating their patients and were told to stop giving life saving meds and then had to watch them die. Will anyone ever be held accountable for it? People high up in government know what is happening but are covering it up. I don’t understand how anyone can live with that on their conscience.
This link works better for me.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Here's a Doctor that played Doctor and it worked
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Biden Withdraws Vaccine Mandate
on businesses with over 100 employees.
Walkback, takeback, anyway you want it....As long as its over its alright with me.
You would think Brandon would check with his crack legal team before making executive
pronouncements, but it's the American Breed
question everything
Discussion on the BMJ whistleblower
Here’s an excellent article on every we’ve been discussing in the dose about the 'vaccines' since it started. Great roundup of important information. Very detailed. Lots of links.
Drug companies are given
kudosincentives for making profits instead of making drugs that help people. They spend more on marketing than research which is usually government funded. For 2 decades they don’t actually make drugs that help people. Thanks Fauci you ghoul. They have been fined about $13 billion and Glaxo smith Klein was fined $3 billion in 2012 for criminal acts, but they made $25 billion that year and so its just the cost of doing business. The banks have that mindset too. Plus they get to write off their fines from their taxes. Gee who authorized that? No wonder they give congress so much money. Do they get to write off their lobbying fees too?ETA link to the British medical journal whistleblower report again in case you missed it last time. Of course it wasn’t covered by any mainstream media because they don’t want us to know about it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
From the article
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Episode 11 available for 24 hrs
Delta, B.C. Freedom Convoy 2022 Rollout
Thousands line the route to cheer therm on.