The Dose 1-23-22

A Time for Healing

We're coming to the end of our collective COVID conflict. (hat tip CB)
Everyone needs to be prepared to fend off the omicron variant. Omicron's theme song?
We've had endless conversation about preventative measures. Here's a 1.7 hour long, but informative, discussion for those that want more...
Low hanging fruit...
65-95% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D
60-84% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin E
37-46% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin C
35-45% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin A
11-15% of Americans are deficient in Zinc
As a result of deficiencies in these essential nutrients for optimal immune performance, the body is unable to make a sufficient amount of several antioxidants used to support the immune response…most notably Glutathione.
- Vitamin D – Coordinates Immune Response, Stimulates Antimicrobial Peptides, Cytokines and Immune Cell Proliferation.
- Vitamin E – Antioxidant. Protects Healthy Cells. Enhances B And T Cell Response.
- Vitamin C – Antioxidant. Protects Healthy Cells Including Activated Immune Cells. Antiviral. Increases Systemic Interferon Response And Serum Antibody Levels.
- Vitamin A – Coordinates Cellular Immune Response, Promotes Immune Cell Proliferation, Enhances Mucosal Integrity.
- Zinc – Essential For Binding Capacity And Optimizing Lethality Of Immune Cells. Promotes Antiviral Enzyme Blocking Viral Replication.
- Quercetin – Zinc Ionophore, Essential For Helping Zinc Get Into Cells. Enhances Nerve Conduction & Perception. Green Tea Also Has Zinc Ionophore Capability.
- Bifidobacterium – Probiotic, Essential For Healthy Microbiome & Management Of Pro-Inflammatory Response Post-Infection. Calms Anxiety.
- Additional Consideration – Multivitamin With Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) 100mg Or Higher Per Serving To Drive ATP Energy Production. ATP Energy Production Maximizes The Cellular Effectiveness Of The Aforementioned Nutrients And Overall Immunological Response.
- Energy Production Leads To Enzyme Production. Enzyme Production Leads To Optimized Immunological Response.

Symptoms of omicron...
The top 5 symptoms in both periods were:
1. runny nose
2. headache
3. fatigue (mild or severe)
4. sneezing
5. sore throat
This clip starts with some preventative herbal recipes, and moves on to the updated protocol for omicron including the addition of HCQ...
![Screenshot 2022-01-22 at 10-22-16 Prophylaxis Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 - v7 - 2020-12-27 - FLCCC-Al[...].png](/sites/default/files/user_images_3/Screenshot%202022-01-22%20at%2010-22-16%20Prophylaxis%20Early%20Outpatient%20Treatment%20Protocol%20for%20COVID-19%20-%20v7%20-%202020-12-27%20-%20FLCCC-Al%5B...%5D.png)
Dr. Pierre Kory shares updates about the omicron variant, and discusses the now-peer-reviewed study from Brazil, the world’s largest study of ivermectin for COVID-19. Then Louisa Clary joins him to talk about the upcoming ‘Defeat the Mandates’ march, taking place on January 23 in Washington, D.C.
Check website for possible live stream today [EDIT to add Starts at 11:30 EST]
![Screenshot 2022-01-21 at 07-11-00 FLCCC Social media toolkit - Defeat the mandates - FLCCC-Social-media-toolkit-Defeat-the-[...]_0.png](/sites/default/files/user_images_3/Screenshot%202022-01-21%20at%2007-11-00%20FLCCC%20Social%20media%20toolkit%20-%20Defeat%20the%20mandates%20-%20FLCCC-Social-media-toolkit-Defeat-the-%5B...%5D_0.png)
It'll be cold in DC today...
Join Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. this Sunday, January 23 in DC at the Defeat the Mandates rally
So prepare your immune system, and hope to be asymptomatic. That's our approach. Good luck to us all as we move past this current COVID crisis. Hopefully they won't introduce a new more virulent virus as recommended in the 2010 Rockefeller Project Lockstep.

Jimmy hits it out of the park as usual - suppressed treatments
and the corruption in medicine and captured agencies driving it.
Dana White SCHOOLS Journalist On COVID Treatments - Jimmy Dore
Sorry if this was already posted.
Jimmy's been covering the scam well...
especially considering the censor charged YT environment.
He also has a rumble channel
Thanks for posting the clip.
He also featured Dr John's more sobering death count clip.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's UFB that 2 years into this "pandemic"
that shit like this is still going on
But there is hope
Thanks for the links goes to
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
NZ is fighting a fultile battle...
omicron is just too contagious to contain. Dr John discussed China's containment effort as equally futile...I bet they are trying to wait till after the Olympics.
And in answer to Dr Joe's question...hell no they won't be held accountable.
Thanks for the link, the autoearth has good stuff.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The cartoon Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates senior watched as
children (conjecture). This is kind of surreal.
Thanks for the toon!
embedding for others...just 2 min
This is something that is now nearly 100 years old, and yet when we look at it, it was all thought out and orchestrated identically to what we have seen play out over the course of the last 2 years. How Ironic
It is Spanish flu 2.0
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Best Toon Ever
wicked fun in DC
not a huge turnout, but political rap is cool ..
Defeat the mandates ..
We don't care what they say
we will not comply with the institutional delusion
it's about freedom
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I'm listening and cooking
pot roast today.
Live stream here:
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
good stuff
Dr. Malone now
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Steve Kirsh and RFK
the risk of info chaos
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
They pulled the plug...but lots of good info
....and powerful presentations. I bet they will break it up into different presentation clips. RFK was great, IMO.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
that was a good presentation
of the need to resist mandates
perhaps will give a few folks reason to pause and
think of the consequences of jabbing their children.
a bit heavy with the religious focus, but the rabbi was
pretty cool with his blurb. Hope it is well shared in the
bigger world of doubters and others.
thanks for linking
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Watched All the Doctors
On the religious side, first, the orthodox Rabbi represents less than 2% of Jews in the US, if even that many, and they are, in my view right, wing nuts. So we will get no help with making the world sane, from this dude, that's for sure. This guy is here for All for the wrong reasons. An Unhealthy alliance.
Also I'll take a pass on the last fiery skilled orator yelling about God. God is unlikely to assist in beating Fascism.
The doctors were so impressive. QMS gave us Dr. Malone's list.
Here's the one provided by a trio of doctors offering Three Principles to Remember:
1) Every Power Stolen in a declared emergency, will be lost indefinitely, if not fought by us.
2) Every Stolen Power will be Abused to its Maximum.
3) Giving up any power weakens us. Obedience and compliance Weaken us. Only in Opposition to Evil do we gain strength.
More or less. I took sketchy notes.
RFK Jr. gave a master class in the shaky foundations that underlie our present reality and an indictment of all facets of the pandemic policies and the vaccines or whatever we should be calling them. Most of us are familiar with his work but he did a good job speaking about them.
The young Dr. from University of California (fired) formerly a professor in its medical school, laid out the legal case beautifully. I thought having a young guy helped the Optics a bit.
Just mytwocents.
Love to hear others views as we digest this event and its significance.
religion is in the eye of the beholder
And I'm not beholden. I will give credit they featured the three biggies...but no Hindus, Buddhist, nor first nations...but they had plenty of God stuff from my perspective. Thought it had a good vibe none the less and may gain traction? We'll see.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sadly don’t hold your breath
DK has a diary mocking it and I looked at a few of the tweets included in it and it’s just sad to see what people are saying about the protest. I don’t see how the two sides will ever join together after this. As we saw with Russia gate even when it got totally debunked there are still so many people still believing that Russia put Trump in office and republicans are on Putin’s payroll.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
What can you say...
The MSM controlled by big pharma, the CIA, etc. keeps telling lies in the ears of the people. I wonder how many people question the narrative. Perhaps more than we might think?
I must admit not looking forward to Amy's take on DN tomorrow. I'm betting on disappointing, if she covers it at all.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
March in Washington
Looks like a decent turnout
More tweets here.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Doctors talking about early treatments
Pharma puts profits over lives
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Glad to see the big turnout
Twit playing games with hashtags.
Here’s one with the doctors speaking and more tweets
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Appears to have changed location...
but seem to be on going...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
1)The Vaccine is the safest and most scrutinized vaccine ever
2)The people speaking were only spewing misinformation.
State Media still spitting out state propaganda....smfh
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Heard 20,000
The West smears China's Zero-Covid
....policy, condemning it as authoritarian and a dictatorship that makes people prisoners and takes away their human rights.
Meanwhile, the New York Times was filled with hate toward China for hosting the Olympics.... because ongoing human slave cotton-pickers, and genocide .... yada yada.
In other news, the Biden administration cancelled all flights between China and the US on Chinese owned airlines during the Winter Olympics until mid-March 2021. The reason for this is that China has been fining US airlines for bringing passengers to China who test positive for Covid-19.
If I had a Hammer?
Where is it these days?
Maxwell's Silver Hammer - Beatles cover
Reina del Cid - guitar and vocals
Toni Lindgren - guitar and vocals
Trevor Lindgren - mandolin and vocals
Alex Mielke - bass
Hey all!
Well, despite being vaxed and boosted, I caught a long and pesky bout of COVID-19 and was happy to be fully recovered and playing music with friends again this week. Toni, her brother Trevor and his friend Alex, and I sat down to play this extremely fun Beatles tune, “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer.” This is one I’ve been wanting to do for some time, so I’m glad it came together while Trevor and Alex were in town visiting. Toni is going to be doing a couple more songs with these two while they’re here, so look for that over on her YouTube channel (@Toni Lindgren).
I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy! Reina
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Love this cover.
I've already spent half the morning exploring this band on Youtube.
They are great...
...and that is from a long time musician. So glad you like them!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”