The Democrats (Brandon & Kopmala) are toast in 22 and 24!

The question is how bad it will be?

I am neither a pollster or a a political scientist but the writing is on the wall.

14 users have voted.


Jill Biden the healer.

LAS VEGAS (AP) – Her husband campaigned to help unite the country, but Jill Biden says “healing” a nation wounded by a deadly pandemic, natural and other disasters and deep political polarization is among her chief roles as first lady, too.

Wrapping up a year in which she saw herself as a key member of President Joe Biden’s team, the first lady told The Associated Press that she found herself taking on a role that “I didn’t kind of expect, which was like a healing role, because we´ve faced so much as a nation.”

Brandon in a moment of brutal honesty on Thursday admitted that his push to enact changes to voting laws and the Senate’s filibuster rule may be doomed.

“The honest-to-God answer is I don’t know whether we can get this done,” Biden said after leaving a more-than-hour-long meeting with Senate Democrats to persuade them to change the Senate’s rules.

“I hope we can get this done but I’m not sure,” he said.

12 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

...for quite some time.The American election process from top to bottom has grown blatantly corrupt in recent decades. There is no shame in the US..

Caitlan Johnstone described the Iowa primary shitshow in 2020:

After a 2016 presidential primary race riddled with scandals, all of which worked against Bernie Sanders to the advantage of anointed establishment favorite Hillary Clinton, the 2020 Democratic presidential primary elections officially began with a massive scandal working against Bernie Sanders to the advantage of an establishment favorite.

The 2020 Iowa caucuses turned out to have been designed to depend on the use of a new, untested app with extensive ties to establishment insiders and to the Pete Buttigeig campaign...

The app failed spectacularly, and as of this writing we are still waiting on the full results of the election. The Iowa Democratic Party has bizarrely released a partial result showing Mr. Peter Buttigeig in the lead.. Buttigeig promptly declared victory before the results were in. His delegate count lead was announced hours later, the press has predominantly gone his way.

The Berners are already as outraged as they were at the height of the 2016 DNC scandal, which was still months out from this point in the race. They’re already getting screwed over, and it’s just getting started.

If such extremely shady shenanigans had occurred in Russia or Venezuela, within minutes Mike Pompeo would have been holding a press conference demanding a new election under UN supervision and an international coalition of sanctions. It’s hilarious how America is constantly staging coups, implementing sanctions and arming violent militias on the basis that their government has an illegitimate democratic process, yet its own most important electoral proceedings would make any third world tin pot dictator blush.

The difference between a true totalitarian dictatorship and America is that the totalitarian dictatorship enforces one political belief system which supports the status quo, whereas in America you get the freedom of choice between two political belief systems which support the status quo. The entire system is stacked to ensure the continued rule of the oligarchs, spooks and warmongers who really run things behind the two-handed sock puppet show of the official elected government.


I don't think people care as much as they once did, going into 2022 and 2024.

16 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@Pluto's Republic -- and spend it acquiring properties which will be destroyed by climate-change-fueled disasters.

Inflation will destroy the value of the insurance money they collect.

4 users have voted.

"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

what they were made of. They counted on hatred of Trump in 2020 to bring in a landslide of votes, and in the end it was touch and go. Most of the disappointment is democrats continuing to bring the same dog and pony show to the same towns with the same advertising and failing to do what they campaigned on. Anointing HRC and Biden is hailed as democracy, while it looks like the opposite to voters.

The reason they give for failure? Voters! They're too stupid, lazy, rural, whatever, to elect democrats. Remember, vote blue, no matter who?

16 users have voted.

@Snode @Snode @Snode @Snode @Snode

As long as they: Avoid doing what the American people need them to do--

Avoid Talking about what is on Americans minds--

They have brayed and bloviated about their "values" while not delivering. America has tuned them out.

15 users have voted.


Bisbonian's picture

@NYCVG , as they have for decades. It's a successful strategy to maintain the status quo.

9 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

If the Republicans nominate an attractive moderate in 2024 then it will be a landslide and the Republican party will have firm control of all branches of government, and if they don't screw up it will be for a very long time. It won't matter who the Democrats nominate. If the Republicans nominate Trump, the Democrats will nominate the worst possible choice, Hillary or Hillary the Younger and even Stupider, a.k.a. K. Harris. In that case we lose either way. In any event 2022 will be a wave election. The dissatisfaction with the economy is off the charts, inflation is raging and it will become even worse as it feeds on reinforcing feedback. Brandon's performance with the pandemic is now perceived as a failure amongst all but the totally brain dead Democrat faithful. The Brandon image of the nice competent experienced old dude has completely evaporated. Right now we are rudderless, imagine next year when he will be a lame duck for two more years? With run-away inflation and all the markets, including housing, tanked, amd international affairs in turmoil with two of the three dominant players hating on the US, what will it be like in the USA?

13 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

@The Wizard

2 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

usefewersyllables's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

nobody had ever heard of, who came roaring up to the front and somehow managed to win one of the big superspeedway races. NASCAR fans being who/what they are, a chant of "Fuck Joe Biden" started up in the stands, while the TV interviewer was doing the (live) winner's circle interview. So the TV talking head decided to sanitize it for the audience, and said "Oh, they're yelling "Let's Go Brandon!". Um. No. No, they weren't.

And so a meme was born.

Interestingly, said driver was just trying to put together a sponsorship package for next season that would have had him painting his car with the "Let's Go Brandon" slogan, But NASCAR being what it is, they put the kibosh on that. It's a funny ol' world, innit?

[video: width:400 height:200]

11 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.


1 user has voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

ggersh's picture

the D's are's a classic case of the donors owning the help
and the help doing everything master(donors) wants

a snippet

The Democratic Party will not push through the kind of radical New Deal reforms that in the 1930s staved off fascism and communism. Its empty political theater, which stretches back to the Clinton administration, was on full display in Atlanta when Biden called for revoking the filibuster to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, knowing that his chances of success are zero. Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, along with several of the state’s voting rights groups, boycotted the event in a very public rebuke. They were acutely aware of Biden’s cynical ploy. When the Democrats were in the minority, they clung to the filibuster like a life raft. Then Sen. Barack Obama, along with other Democrats, campaigned for it to remain in place. And a few days ago, the Democratic leadership employed the filibuster to block legislation proposed by Sen. Ted Cruz.

The Democrats have been full partners in the dismantling of our democracy, refusing to banish dark and corporate money from the electoral process and governing, as Obama did, through presidential executive actions, agency “guidance,” notices and other regulatory dark matter that bypass Congress. The Democrats, who helped launch and perpetuate our endless wars, were also co-architects of trade deals such as NAFTA, expanded surveillance of citizens, militarized police, the largest prison system in the world and a raft of anti-terrorism laws such as Special Administrative Measures (SAMs) that abolish nearly all rights, including due process and attorney-client privilege, to allow suspects to be convicted and imprisoned with secret evidence they and their lawyers are not permitted to see. The squandering of staggering resources to the military — $777.7 billion a year — passed in the Senate with an 89-10 vote and in the House of Representatives with a 363-70 vote, coupled with the $80 billion spent annually on the intelligence agencies has made the military and the intelligence services, many run by private contractors such as Booz Allen Hamilton, nearly omnipotent. The Democrats long ago walked out on workers and unions. The Democratic governor of Maine, Janet Mills, for example, killed a bill a few days ago that would have allowed farm workers in the state to unionize. On all the major structural issues there is no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats.

The longer the Democratic Party does not deliver real reforms to ameliorate the economic hardship, exacerbated by soaring inflation rates, the more it feeds the frustration of many of its supporters, widespread apathy (there are 80 million eligible voters, a third of the electorate, who do not cast ballots) and the hatred of the “liberal” elites stoked by Donald Trump’s cultish Republican Party. Its signature infrastructure package, Build Back Better, when you read the fine print, is yet another infusion of billions of government money into corporate bank accounts. This should not surprise anyone, given who funds and controls the Democratic Party.

17 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture



Democrats had been the minority for quite awhile so Clinton thought the best way to compete with republicans was to climb into bed with big money and screw the working class. And boy did he accomplish that. And after Obama’s empty suit presidency his supporters think he was the best president of their lifetime. He out Trumped Trump in many ways, but Orange Man badder. Democrats have caught up with republicans on the insane part. They know what they can do to not get blown out, but they really don’t care if they do. Their donor’s demands get done no matter which party is in control. But it takes the heat off them to do something if republicans are in charge. Plus they make tons of money off fundraising by promising to pass a liberal agenda if you just give them control again. Anyone who is disappointed with Biden hasn’t been paying attention to what democrats did during Obama and Clinton.

16 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Bisbonian's picture


Democrats have caught up with republicans on the insane part. They know what they can do to not get blown out, but they really don’t care if they do. Their donor’s demands get done no matter which party is in control. But it takes the heat off them to do something if republicans are in charge. Plus they make tons of money off fundraising by promising to pass a liberal agenda if you just give them control again.

10 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg but they have only one problem, once they get blown out of the water in 22 and 24 they won't be needed by their donors anymore, the crazies will be in full control.

imagine if 22 is a blowout, then the first item on the agenda will be to impeach, Joementia/Kopmala as a couple, should that not work a Constitutional convention could be lurking over the horizon.

Do the globalist/centrist win or does the real rightwing win?

5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley


donor’s demands get done no matter which party is in control.

on the rare occasion, a non-corporate vetted major party nominee somehow slips through and there is a chance someone will get in office that might stray off the corporate reservation.

PTB probably thought that the system was well-secured against any such thing happening but they were a bit too complacent and then panicked when confronted with the Trump phenomenon.

Not a little ironic that either Jim Webb (2016) or Tulsi G. (2020) could have beaten Trump without even cheating - but the Dem establishment couldn't wait to kick them to the door since neither would have been acceptable to the corporate/Deep State handlers...

1 user has voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Blue Republic

on the rare occasion, a non-corporate vetted major party nominee somehow slips through and there is a chance someone will get in office that might stray off the corporate reservation.

He ran on draining the swamp, but instead he filled his administration with something of the worst people who walk the earth. Bolton, Pompeo, Ross and others are some of the biggest Psakiopaths. Trump didn’t really do that much for his supporters that I saw. The tax cuts we got are only temporary and when they expire our taxes are going up. He didn’t start any new wars, but he let the military be more brutal and continued all the ones started under other presidents. I didn’t get hung up on all the hype about him being a bad president, but I just don’t see what good he did for us little people.

I’m open to being wrong though if you see it differently? I don’t believe that the election was on the up and up, but was it actually rigged? I do think he was a patsy for how he left his supporters hanging after the event on 1/6 so that Biden could do his domestic terrorism campaign. I haven’t heard him speaking out about the horrible way they are being treated in prison either. It’s like they don’t even cross his mind.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


Wrote a longish response to the question "Was Trump really an outsider?"
but somehow pushed a wrong key and lost it.

Oh, well. Suffice it to say that the PTB apparently didn't have sufficient control over Trump and had to be worried that he could actually be serious about his 'Drain the swamp' rhetoric.

The fact that Trump was *not* apparently that much of an outsider - compared to Ron Paul, Jim Webb, Tulsi or Bernie yet provoked an over-the-top response *anyway* just tends (I think) to re-inforce the point I was trying to make - anyone who is not reliably under the control of the corporate/Deep State elite is viewed by them as a profound threat.

Especially given the potential threat to their power and perks if their longstanding corruption and criminality were ever to be exposed (and prosecuted). And they had to be concerned at the popular response the idea was generating amongst the serfs.

So, it was war on Trump from the moment they realized he had a shot at the nomination and once he beat HRC the panic really set in. Trump had any number of shortcomings which his enemies were quick to take advantage of - ego and intellectual non-curiosity among others - not to mention underestimating the scale and level of evil he was up against.

But I think he was basically sincere in his concern for the situation of everyday people who were justly feeling marginalized and despised by the opposition.

The recent Biden admin characterizing of anyone questioning their authority/legitimacy/narrative/policies as effectively domestic terrorists serves to indicate that Trump was not really off-base in saying on a number of occasions, "It's not me they are after, it's you - I'm just in the way".

0 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Every time a Nelson Lieberman Mansion blocks democrats from getting their agenda passed it’s always the fault of the voters because they didn’t give them enough numbers to do it. Biden has the majority for passing things under reconciliation, but not enough of a majority. Obama had 60 democrats, but it still wasn’t enough to pass his agenda. It’s been too long to remember what happened during Clinton’s tenure, but the same story.

Never mind that Clinton absolutely screwed the working class and the poor it was the voters fault that democrats got wiped out in the midterms. Obama bailed out the banks and let homeowners take the blame for the housing crash and passed the turd called the ACA it was the voters fault for democrats getting wiped out in the midterms. Now Biden is overseeing the worst inflation in a generation, bailed on the $15 minimum wage, no discussion at all of a public option, no student debt relief, screwed everyone out of $600 at the beginning of his tenure, and failed in so many other ways and when they get wiped out in the midterms it will be the voters fault.


Obama built the cages and stuffed them full of immigrants and set the record of immigrants deported and not many democrats cared until Trump kept them filled and deported them now Biden is not only keeping them filled he has deported more immigrants than Trump did and you saw what he did to the Haitian immigrants, but it sure doesn’t look like democrat voters give a rat’s ass about it anymore. Democrat voters are definitely to blame for not holding Pelosi accountable for voting for every bill Trump put in front of her except for the last generous bill to help the working class. She waited for Biden to win so they could gut it to pieces. Biden restarted the evictions and will soon restart student loan payments.

Caitlin: The entire system is stacked to ensure the continued rule of the oligarchs, spooks and warmongers who really run things behind the two-handed sock puppet show of the official elected government.

And democrats are right there doing their part to make sure that it happens. But sure it’s my fault for not voting for democrats after they have betrayed me every single time.

14 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


8 users have voted.


The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@snoopydawg ...they are DETERMINED to make enemies out of everyone The Party of FDR/Kennedy/Johnson/Carter worked so hard for so long to bring together.

Their laughably-named Party is stolen property, yet they are convinced it is truly THEIRS by right of might...and it seems "property" is ALL it is to them. Before there was Blackrock, there were the Clintocrats.

9 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

zed2's picture

But it was actually the slogan the Clintoons used in Haiti in an "initiative" that ended up building back practically no actual housing after the earthquake considering how much money it spent.

Slogans like those are intended to obscure the truth. For example, "redevelopment" is generally a means of pushing the poor out of a city, and funneling money to the already rich while replacing entire communities with wealthy people who get great (subsidized) deals on the allegedly "affordable" but in reality high cost housing. The effect is that almost none of the original residents remain where they grew up. They usually have to move far away. And have perfect credit and co-signers to do so. Seems the COVID moratorium on rent was likely a trap for the wnwary in the respect that even if a landlord was not in compliance with the housing code if a tenant withheld rent they likely will never be able to rent again. Despite the govenment giving them grace during covid,l since no law says landlords have to treat tenants as if they had been paying rent on time all that time, even if they were not allowed to collect rent. (Say if the building had not been maintained) The effect seems to have been to encourage poor people to ruin their credit. Displacement of a great many people, or economic cleansing, is a huge problem in California and in many other parts of the country. However it is especially problematic in Calif. where its been recognized (Redevelopment) as a scam against the rights of the poor thats intended to enrich only the rich. The indigenous people in this Western movie however are usually the nonwhite and younger and lower skill (millenial) inhabitants of all races, few of whose parents can co sign leases or mortgages for them. So they lose their homes and often, all their stuff. Too many of whom find themselves homeless. Many end up camped out under freeways with their parents (often valuable) heirloom furniture, trying to keep their things dry. But the police regularly (every week or two) make sweeps where they use bulldozers to scoop all the belongings of these homeless in their encampments literally all their papers and belongings like furniture, beds, wardrobes, etc. are unceremoniously removed as trash - scooped up in the scoops of these bullzozer-like excavators, in a way thats guaranteed to break anything of value, they scoop their things up with excavators and dump it into dumpsters to be brought to the landfill. So much for families trying to camp out when they lack rents, which start at around $2200 a month for a studio. (one room apartment with a tiny kitchenette on the side of single room, and tiny bathroom with shower, usually.How much does the typical Uber driver earn? Enough for them to rent a studio? while still paying the monthlly bill for their car, avoiding its reposesion.


It reminds me of the incredibly racist British various means of pushing the black Kenyans out of Kenya in the early 20th century while encouraging (white) Britons, Italians and Germans to move there, promising them free land in the White Highlands, (yes, that really was its name that they gace the area.)

where the Kikuyu and other tribes were not even allowed to be, let alone live on the land that their parents had farmed.

5 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture

especially if they run Herself.

I'll be popping popcorn and watching heads explode- with great pleasure.

10 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

zed2's picture

I am sure the aging polutician will be welcomed as a liberator by the indigenous people of America.

Or will her many state statues be pulled down by crowds of the homeless within minutes of the announcement?

Doesn't Hillary fashion herself as a sort of Evita Peron or Elena Ceausescu figure? Bringing an Argentina like "miracle" to our nation via the "hard choices" of her extreme neoliberalism?

Or is her agenda even more sinister.

I cant seem to shake myself of a hunch that we, our country is being poiosoned by an imposter who seeks to gain ownership of the nation by means of a sort of plot, like those in Game of Thrones of the Kim family's fratricidal and patricidal North Korea.

Imagine the Hillary Clinton as Mentally ill and intent on removing the people of this nation from the picture, while coming off as a grandiose heroine for her "good deeds" during the theatrical events.

What I see her bringing is a sort of Munchausen syndrome by proxy nightmare to the long suffering people of the United States. She is close friends with Henry Kissenger, I understand. Sure, I understand. Creepy. She is insanely out of touch. That much is clear, and so are her and her creepy husband's clueless "followers". Its high time the nation is freed of the Clinton dynasty and their crooked foundation and its everything for-profit hijinks loses it its "tax exempt" status.

She reminds me of Munchausen moms.

Her and her cronies economic "medicine" we can certainly do without!

Maybe this entire "Covid crisis" was manufactured in China and was intended to fuel a shameless power grab by the billionaires and the Mont Perelin Society and Davos crowd. Stranger things have happened where somebody in a position of control manipulated facts to make a situation worse. .

4 users have voted.
zed2's picture

Posters used by HRC in Los Angeles during the 2016 Clinton campaign made me think so. Perhaps Clinton sees herself as a sort of Evita Peron figure. Which is scary because Juan Peron and his wife Evita were unapologetic fascists.

I also worry about her mental health. She is prone to sudden outbursts of anger in a scary way. I think she often behaves inappropriately for the circumstances. She has had a position of responsibility at times. Could our country be a victim of abuse by an abuser.

I wonder if perhaps she has a form of Munchausen syndrome by proxy in which the fictitious disease is conjured up by her and her associates. What is this strange sounding mental illness?

1 user has voted.

energized when Democratic voters are too demoralized to bother voting. Hence, the GOP wins lots of seats with low voter turnout and promptly acts as if they have a mandate for their agenda that is always worse than the crappy Democratic agenda. Then Democratic voters get energized and show up to vote for the Republican candidates that call themselves Democrats. Rinse. Repeat.

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