Open Thread WE 5 JAN 22 ~


“I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” – John O’Donohue


Welcome. Playing with water themes today. There are many analogies to water and life. If time is like a river, is yours a meandering stream or more like roiling rapids at times?


Here are a few quotes I found ..

“As many raindrops join to form a great river of water, many souls join their highest intent to form the river of evolved consciousness.” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

“A drop of water, if it could write out its own history, would explain the universe to us.” – Lucy Larcom

“Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” – Lao Tzu

“We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.” – Thomas Fuller

“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.” – Isak Dinesen

“Like roots finding water, we always wind up moving towards what sustains us.” – Mark Nepo

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eiseley

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro


There are so many songs and sayings about water.
Have you any favorites? These come to mind in no particular order...

Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey
Paul McCartney and Wings

The River
Bruce Springsteen

The Beatles

Water Over Flowers
Tom Waits

Still Water
The Four Tops

Bridge Over Troubled Water
Simon & Garfunkel

Water Under the Bridge

Smoke On The Water
Deep Purple

Black Water
The Doobie Brothers

The Water Song (Not My Idea)
K.d. Lang

Down By The River
Neil Young

Down To The River To Pray
Alison Krauss

The River Of Dreams
Billy Joel


An open thread so share whatever you have. Please use the Dose for Covid
related comments. Hope you are keeping your head above the water!


Credits ~

Murals by Sean Yoro, aka Hula

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QMS's picture

on this date in history ...

1933 Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge begins.

1939 Amelia Earhart presumed killed while flying over the Pacific. She was 41.

1914 George Reeves aka Superman born Woolstock, IA.

Today is National Bird Day. So be kind to your fine feathered friends.

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question everything

@QMS I have it. It's more like a stress disorder though, DFSD. She's still older than the Golden Gate Bridge! Go girl. heh

born Dianne Emiel Goldman; June 22, 1933) is an American politician who serves as the senior United States senator from California, a seat she has held since 1992. A member of the Democratic Party, she was mayor of San Francisco from 1978 to 1988.[1]

Appointed after Dan White murdered Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk, that's when she took office. She's been exploiting that violent act for decades, maybe she still refers to it in her "gun control" blather. How's that working out? Every year lately California breaks the record in gun sales. She is the sorriest vote I ever cast. In 1992! So sorry.

A week after the election, a popular Washington Post photograph illustrated the situation. Standing with exultant Democratic Majority Leader George Mitchell were not only Murray, Feinstein and Boxer, but also Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois, the first black woman elected to the Senate. Never before had four women been elected to the Senate in a single election year. (Five, if Mikulski's successful re-election bid that year is counted.) Within months, another woman senator would join them: Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, who won a special election in June 1993.[1]

When the newcomers joined incumbents Kassebaum and Mikulski in January 1993, headline-writers described the occurrence as "The Year of the Woman." In response, Senator Mikulski said, "Calling 1992 the Year of the Woman makes it sound like the Year of the Caribou or the Year of the Asparagus. We're not a fad, a fancy, or a year."

I vote to call 2022 The Year of the Vegetable. Organic community.

Green Day - Too Dumb to Die
[video: width:420]

Peace and Love

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Eddie Money- Gimme some Water
[video: width:420]
That took me down a Diego Rivera rabbit hole, he painted lots of murals.
Mexico City’s Water Garden Museum and Diego Rivera Murals

Ya have to follow the link to see the treasure. Wow. Thanks QMS.

The floor is incredibly detailed, showing the progression from single-celled lifeforms towards the ascension of human beings. The black circle represents both the cellular origins of life and the function of cells themselves. Radiating away from the center are branches of family tree of life. You can see simple organisms like bacteria and amoeba, and more complex animals such as annelid worms and starfish on the right of the floor.

Peace and Love

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QMS's picture

@eyo keeping with Rivera’s trademark usage of socialist elements.

it is sad they diverted the water away from this work of art


the Art Deco sound control to duplicate the bygone tones of rushing water

careful of the sound explosion at the end

edited to add sound

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question everything

QMS's picture

water theme being crystallized for the season

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usefewersyllables's picture

mention one of my favorite sculptors, Jason DeCaires Taylor.

I've had the privilege of diving on several of his installations, most notably the sculpture garden off Point Molinaire, Grenada, in the Beausejour Marine Protected Area. The best part is to dive them multiple times over the course of years, and watch the sea slowly reclaim them...

It is an awe-inspiring experience. And should I ever make it back down island, I'll go visit them again...

(all pictures courtesy of/copyright by Jason DeCaires Taylor, linked here for editorial purposes)

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture


reminds me of the Chinese emperor that buried his armies (under dirt).
I can't scuba, only snorkel cause of the ears, but what a trip that would be!

Thanks ufs!

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usefewersyllables's picture


are easily snorkelable, in only 15-30 feet of water- you don't have to dive them on scuba. But having the luxury of time to hover in the water column, drift among the pieces, and take it all in, is priceless. The experience brings with it a preturnatural stillness.

The name of the piece in the first picture is "The Lost Correspondent". The desktop in front of the man consists of many items laminated in resin, as a sort of time capsule. It used to be a tradition among divers to very carefully clean the growth off of the desktop so that the stories could still be read and the pictures seen. Last time I dived it, the typewriter and the man were nearly unrecognizable, but the desktop could still tell its story...

On edit: apparently, that tradition has passed, and the desktop is now being reclaimed by the coral as well. That is certainly fitting.

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture

Trump cancels Jan. 6 press conference ...

“In light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media, I am canceling the January 6th Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, and instead will discuss many of those important topics at my rally on Saturday, January 15th, in Arizona – It will be a big crowd!” he said.

Speaking of failed elephants Donnie boy ..

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question everything

@QMS @QMS stop it man, you're kidding me! Edit: double quote oops

It will be a big crowd!” he said.

Oh. So Florida was a tiny crowd? Right on.

Three Kings Day falls on January 6th this year, and it is celebrated by many Catholic Americans. Perhaps they'd rather do something else then praise Trump on that day.

Sonoma County bakeries ready ovens for Three Kings Day

In Sonoma County, many Hispanic bakeries are gearing up for the Feast of the Three Kings. The traditional Rosca de Reyes, or King’s Cake, takes center stage in this Christmastime tradition that is celebrated especially in the Mexican community on Jan. 6.

Some bakeries, like Tía María Bakery, have been getting ready for this day since early December, baking Roscas so that customers can taste them and place their orders by Three Kings Day.

“We offer the Roscas on Jan. 4-6, but we have a Rosca on display and we give bread samples every Wednesday in December,” said Cynthia Linares, Tía María’s administrator. “We started taking orders four weeks before, because on those days the amount of Roscas we have available is very limited, so we recommend that they order at least six days ahead of time.”

All mass formations political rallies should be banned! LOL

Peace and Love

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enhydra lutris's picture

Ditto the great pics.

to float and flow with and in the stream like bubbles - that is the essence of Wu Wei; - el

“That which offers no resistance, overcomes the hardest substances. That which offers no resistance can enter where there is no space.
Few in the world can comprehend the teachings without words, or understand the value of non-action”
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 43.

The supreme good is like water, which benefits all of creation without trying to compete with it.
It gathers in unpopular places.
Thus, it is like Tao.
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 8

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

loved the underwater statues upthread too. (16 min)

There's only one river in North America that flows entirely on top of a mountain -- the Little River on Lookout Mountain in Northeast Alabama. For over 100 years, the Little River Canyon has attracted visitors with its geology, biodiversity, and breathtaking beauty. This film celebrates the Little River and explores how Wild & Scenic designation would benefit the communities along the river. Community members, citizens, artists, business owners, local storytellers, musicians and water protectors in the film all agree this beautiful area deserves protection and the special recognition that comes with it.

I like the closing song.

Thanks for the OT and have a good one everyone!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


Your little river is a beautiful place.
The river flowing is indeed music.
And your song Wild River
captures the spirit perfectly. Wowzer!

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question everything

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I live by the Trinity River, polluted by Dallas area industries, flowing into the port in Houston. You can catch tons of fish, but you are advised to eat no more than a couple a week. I guess to let the pollutants slowly build in you and give you some disease or condition that will last and last.
My favorite river song, and my favorite singer to sing it:

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

TheOtherMaven's picture

@on the cusp @on the cusp

What he did with it over the years is very interesting....

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

@TheOtherMaven on that. He was remarkable in many ways. A very interesting life.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

to the River...

Talking Heads, Stop Making Sense (1980)

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