Did Japanese Doomsday Cult Detonate a nuclear bomb in Australia?
Submitted by zed2 on Sun, 01/02/2022 - 5:37pm
Few outside of Japan remember the strange Aum cult. But we should because the implications of what they did are terrifying in the modern era.

Harmless But Bizarre Japanese Cult combined religions and pseudo
This is a bit like pandemic fearmongering. It also is a bit like cargo cultism in some respects.
Me thinnks you are detonating a nuclear bomb
on C99p.
Have you no decency, Sir or Madame?
General rule of thumb;
When a headline asks an unanswered leading question, the answer, vastly more often than not, is "no".
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Harry Mason/HAARP
The Vice article - which downplays the possibility that Aum set off a nuke in the Western Australia outback seems mainly aimed at discrediting Harry Mason, who espoused the theory of an explosion occurring and Aum somehow being responsible or at least involved.
That rang a bell. Somewhere I have hard copies from the 90'S of an Australian magazine called Nexus (wow! just checked and they are still around) with articles by Mason on HAARP (the Alaska radar installation) and directed energy weapons and how they could potentially tap into the vast energies of the magnetosphere which could then be channelled through the ionosphere, concentrated and discharged at remote locations - potentially causing earthquakes, climate disruption or disabling/disorienting electromagnetic emissions.
Have to wonder just what Vice is trying to deflect attention from, and for whose benefit?
Interestingly, the second article that popped up on the Nexus site just now (right after one about Bill Gates and the monopoly on food) from their current issue is:
Hmm... haven't dropped the $1.50 yet, but good to see they are alive and continuing their work. Anyone else familiar with this mag?
For a few more 'hmm's' this somewhat disjointed page (from NZ) references Mason's work - while also incorporating disturbing bits such as:
The sort of thing that tends to raise yet again the old question: 'Are you paranoid, or are you paranoid *enough*?
I guess I was trying to point out that the best protection
is world justice, the Golden Rule, and that neopop politicians or oligarchs can't guarantee anyone anything, as long as the wealthy, (or cults of any kind, such as the neoliberal cult, or Om, or North Korea, or South Korea, or Japan, India/Hinduvata and or/Pakistan can do all the things they can with money. as far as unknown nuclear powers that might have bombs, as they feel entitled now to them, there are a number of countries that likely have atomic weapons but who are not widely known as having them, Israel being one, another is Taiwan, and of course the DPRK has an unknown number. Maybe South Africa still has nukes, who knows. We created this entire mess by being the way we are. Its insanity.
They used to get away with it. They think they still do.. And of course we got Iran started on the path to them. Sheesh.. that was absolutely nuts, wasn't it? So was the Elf Aquitaine scandal, which looks awfully like whats happening now with energy. Except what we're dealing with now is potentially worse.
Everyone wants "their" cut, I suppose. Arrgh. Get in line, wait your turn.
We and the UK created such a huge mess, ALL trying to have our cake and eat it too..
Is there such a thing as karma? There must be.
Our oligarchs advertise themselves as being able to protect the assets of one another, For a price. and use their supposed connectedness as justifications for whatever, large donations to whomever, themselves..
But the best protection is being a good person. Or country. We should accept the demise of the era of colonialistic thinking and hegemony is long over and move on. Shop clawing to BAD policy with the death grip.
The world must move forward, not backward.
That means the rich, not the poor has to accept a smaller slice of the pie. By rich I dont mean all the people of the US, many of whom might be in the upper quintile of global wealth but still homeless, hungry and living in their cars. They go to bed hungry they are far from rich, I mean the very very wealthy. The ones whose incomes have been soaring due to a huge global trick, played by them. On us. Yes they are smart. Enron, etc, was impressive, the 2008 crash was too. But people mare sick of all this. And stop abusing their power. That does not impress anybody. They want the middle class who struggled to get where they are (or often were until their big scam in 2008) to pay the price for their gambling debts. While they collect the money. Again. In another theft. And already plan to throw their long-suffering supporters under the bus. In order so the rest dont revolt against their global grab. But thats so very unfair to so many.
Their arguments don't pass any smell test. Just because the oligarchs can currently get away with it. by expending enormous efforts in hiding truths, a reality distortion field as I and my friends used to say.
doesn't mean that they will get away with it. Something stinks. Are the hoping to bring the wrath of the entire world down on all of us? Maybe they are. Too slick.
Too slick.;
We're really pretty good at detecting those things. The only time we miss them is when we specifically try to do so, like the Vela incident- that remains "officially unsolved" simply and only because the official position of the US Government is that Israel doesn't have nukes, and therefore they can't possibly test what they don't have, right? I think that the only reason that the public at large ever found out about that one at all was a leak.
If we can't see them from orbit with our network of Bhangmeters (I always thought that that was a really inspired name!), we can detect the seismic signature, or pick up the radionuclide plume. The government may very well choose (and often *has* chosen) not to acknowledge or publicize these things, but the chance of them not knowing approaches zero.
Back in the day, I had a lot of fun graphing the arrival and movement of the Fukushima plume(s) from the network of publicly visible DOE radiation monitoring stations. Took me right back to my old college days at Gosh Whatta U, that did. Wish Da Gummint had had the ability (and/or willingness) to make that data available to us all back when the Hanford Works turned us all into downwinders every few days for 50 years... Funny, that.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
What do you think about the may 2012 incident?
I found an interesting article by two Chinese scentists in seismology research letters that made me wonder what had actually happened.
Although now there is a sensitve set of sensors at a border located volcano not far from there at all.
A friend of mine now living in the SF Bay Area who owns an expensive survey meter was able to track the Fukushima plume in rain water.. She (says) she brings the meter with her when they go produce shopping (!) She like many others say that the amalgam of black dust by roads (it must be some fairly high percentage of rubber from tires) tends to soak up radioactive material. She seems to have done a lot of empirical testing after the accident in Japan (here) trying to figure what made it here and where it collects.
I guess if you have one, might as well use it as intended. She paid something like $600 for it.
Way out of my price range.
I'm not familiar with
a May 2012 incident of any particular interest, and don't recall it from when I was active in the various radiation monitoring groups at the time. Do you have a link to that?
I've since stopped dedicating time to that pursuit due to a move, although I still have all my equipment in storage and can fire it back up whenever I might like. I found some very easily detectable 137Cesium in Japanese nori there for a while, which took some of the joy out of sushi for me. But what the hell- you can't make omelettes without breaking some eggs.
Rainwater is fun to analyze, and snow is even better. Here in Denver, you can easily see exactly when it rains or snows simply by watching the background radiation counts (as the rain and snow washes out all the 226Radon that the clouds pick up as they drift over the Rockies). I set up a counter to do exactly that, just to document that point. The other fun thing to watch was how the background levels follow a very distinct diurnal cycle, and how easy it was to identify the X-ray/gamma bursts from solar flares in the DOE data as well as that from my own gear.
I lived through several major rainout and snowout events as a child, back before the end of aboveground testing in 1963 (and even after, such as the good ol' Project Emery Baneberry shot clusterfart in 1970). There are a series of monographs created from DOE data that go through the fallout patterns from the majority of the aboveground testing shots 1951-1970 on a state-by-state, county-by-county basis- that's just an example.
There's a lot of information out there now for the interested student. I just wish they'd done the same level of documentation for many of the other sources of sunshine-units that they unleashed on an unsuspecting public over the years...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
North Korean low yield device in 2010, not 2012 (sorry)
They claimed to have detonated on Kim Il Sung's birthday in 2010 at their Punggye-Ri killing ground/execution site / nuclear test site at Punggye-Ri.
5 yrs ago SAR radar also was used to verify a substantial settling of the land above it.
Oh, that one.
They’ve definitely blown up some stuff over there a few times (2006, 2009, maybe 2010, 2016) according to clear seismographic evidence. But there’s controversy over whether there has actually ever been any nuclear component at all for some of them- they haven’t produced *enough* radionuclides to make it conclusive. Certainly nothing ever showed up on any of the gear that produces data that I could get at the time, and even the nation-states closely monitoring the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty are divided on it.
I personally think that they were playing around with large chemical explosions for propaganda purposes. They might have bumped off a few dissidents who just accidentally happened to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. But they’d have to be unbelievably lucky *not* to vent lots of radionuclides from these things if they really were nuclear devices (especially given the site collapse you mention), even if they were fizzles. More info with good bibliography here: https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/RL33548.html#_Toc461031570
De Geer is always a good source, and very methodical: I respect the science presented there. But building sub-kiloton devices is the advanced course, and I believe that it is kind of unlikely that they’ve been able to pull it off. Why make a little bang if you can make a really big earthshaking one? I just don’t see it, given the egos (and pathologies!) involved. If they’ve actually set one off, they probably got it from someone else. Looking at you, Pakistan...
Of course, I could be totally wrong, and your mileage may vary.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
North Korean low-yield nuclear testing
is what I was curious about. North Korea's nuclear testing site justoutside of a known, major concentration camp, is also consistent with reports that it (is a secret execution site or abattoir, so to speak.
Mt. Mantap is right outside of the KwaLiSo #16 at Hwasong, the popular retirement spot for many of the DPRK's former political elites.
A putative gate between the two facilities is located at approximately 41.347 N 129.069 E
Mt. Mantap is infamous as being honeycombed with tunnels, constrcted by slave labo under conditions of extreme secrecy, going back decades. Its reputed to be the final destination of many political prisoners. They go in but they never come out. (while alive, anyway)
They claimed success at producing nucler energy.
I wouldnt underestimate them, but at the same time, I do see what you mean about them quite possibly exaggerating their accomplishments.
One has to understand how much insane militarism they have gone through. Also the Kims keep killing each other off, as well as millions of their countrypeople.
I have a slim little blue book named "Paved with Good Intentions" written by two NGO WFP professionals that described how and why their "Arduous March" in the late 90s was democide.
War is a horrible thing that destroys countries. From the inside.